HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-07-11 Hearings Board MINASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JULY 11, 1995 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Jenifer Carr at 1:30 p.m. Other Commissioners present were Peter Finkle and Hal Cloer. Staff present were Molnar, Knox and Yates. TYPE II PUBUC HEARINGS PLANNING ACTION 95-061 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION AT 348 IOWA APPUCANT: EVA COOLEY Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts All Commissioners had a site visit. STAFF REPORT This planning action was called up for a public hearing by several neighbors. The applicant proposes vehicular access to the lot from the alley. Staff would like to see only minimal alterations to the alley. Several letters were submitted regarding improvements to the alley, house size and the flag drive. Staff has recommended approval with the attached 9 Conditions. FinMe was trying to visualize how many other lots could ultimately access off the alley and he came up with two. Knox said every lot could eventually have access if they wished; he would say up to six. Cloer noticed a liquid gas tank on the south side. Knox said the alley is 20 feet wide. Molnar said there would be some difficulty partitioning all the remaining lots because of lot size. PUBLIC HEARING EVA COOLEY, 348 Iowa Street, requested approval by the Planning Commission to have access off the alley. In response to neighbor's concems, Cooley responded by agreeing to obtain an engineer's report on the alley and she will put in drainage in the low spot in the alley. Damage to private neighboring property has not happened at this point. An initial review of the surface drainage on Meade is being done by Marquess & Associates. A final house plan has not yet beer~ determined. Cooley prefers the alley access off a flag drive. She submitted a letter from Bryan Frazier in support of the application. FRANK PAPEN, 267 Meade Street, expressed his concerns about the narrowness of the alley and that it would possibly be better to access the rear parcel off a flag drive from Iowa Street. The alley will be difficult for trucks to access during construction. The alley is as narrow as nine feet in some places according to Knox. DON PAUL, explained that the distance from the juncture of Meade and the alley is closer than from Iowa to the new lot. It would not be practical for a fire truck to use the flag drive. As an alternative to a structure being located close to a hydrant, the Fire Department would require an interior fire sprinkler system. DOYLE BRIGHTENBURG, 350 Phelps Street, designer for Cooley, would like the new house to fit into the neighborhood. The house is in the preliminary design process and open to change. LYNN LEDBE'I'rER, 280 1/2 Meade Street, submitted pictures showing how her property will be impacted. She has the propane tank In the alleyway. Presently, when the propane tank is filled, the truck backs partially into the alley and brings a hose to the tank. The alley is narrow and will be difficult to enter even during construction. She is also concerned about fire truck access. She will be highly impacted by a house on this back lot. When asked by FinMe about Increasing the width of the alley from 12 to 15 feet, Ledbetter said she would be opposed. It would require retaining walls on the upper side that would be immense. She would like to see the alley used as a walking path. KAY ABBETT, Ashland Property Management, 581 E. Main Street, represents Phyllis Sturges. She submitted a letter objecting to access from the alley. Sturges has property at the corner of Gresham and the alley and the access is narrow. Car headlights will be aimed at Sturges' bedroom. Abbett is concerned with two cars passing in the alley. There is not room. CRAIG CriESNUT, 346 Iowa Street, is opposed to the alley access. He would like the Commission to consider vacation of the alley because it is essentially unused. Chesnut reported that the alley is now used by pedestrians. ANN CHESNUT, 346 Iowa Street, does not want to see alley changed. She likes walking and riding her bike in the alley. It is a safe place to play and she is concerned it would no longer be safe if it is improved. MARIE CriESNUT, 346 Iowa, is concerned with the dust problem. Increased traffic will make it worse. Would the applicant be required to address dust abatement. Would she be required to put in a culvert in the alley?. She is concemed about the cost of paving Meade. Carr mentioned there are many different types of paving materials from which to choose. EVA COOLEY, rebuttal, stated that she would be widening the alley by one foot. The are a maximum of five pedestrians and bicyclists who use the alley per day. The culverting will be addressed in the engineer's report. Molnar said there is a 20 foot wide alley right-of-way. Cooley said she would be commencing constructino in September and that heavy truck deliveries could be made through her property. Knox said a Condition could be added that would include a concrete staging area on Parcel 1 for trucks. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Finkle's main concern is Meade Street, not the alley. He would like to have the property owner sign in favor of an UD on Meade Street. Molnar thought it would be appropriate to add a Condition. RE-OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING Cooley is not completely opposed to the above Condition. Knox suggested adding a Condition that during construction, dust abatement would occur. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD JULY 11, 1995 MINUTES COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Finkle said that in looking at the current policies of the Council and Commission with regard to infill, he would not be opposed to this application. He hesitates to put an additional burden on the applicant, however, he would like to see the concrete staging area, dust abatement during construction and the applicant sign in favor of a local Improvement district on Meade. Molnar suggested wording that the applicant perform necessary dust abatement procedures along Meade Street and the alley as required by the Engineering Department during the use of the alley for construction vehicles. Cloer moved to approve with the three added Conditions to PA95-061. Finkle seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. PLANNING ACTION 95-078 REQUEST TO MODIFY A CONDITION OF APPROVAL FOR A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED MINOR LAND PARTITION TO DMDE A PARCEL INTO THREE LOTS. APPUCANT: CLEO M. SMITH All Commissioners had a site visit. STAFF REPORT A Minor Land Partition was approved a couple of months ago with a number of conditions. One condition is that parcel I use a flag drive. The applicant was not aware of the ramifications of a flag drive/curb cut condition. He has been having trouble finding a suitable house design. Staff still feels that the overall policies of the Comprehensive Plan to reduce additional driveway aprons supersedes the applicant's request. PUBUC HEARING BILL SMITH is the applicant's son. At time they received approval, they did not have a house design. They want to take advantage of the view to the south and southeast which would be on the corner of the lot. Cloer appreciates Smith's desire for wanting a view, but had he thought of a detached garage close to the rear property line? Smith has looked at detached garage, however, he thought a breezeway would be important. He is considering a two-story house. Cloer thought about a garage underneath and living area and deck above it. Finkle said for the Commission to make a decision for Smith to build a house with a view, he is struggling with justifying approval. Cloer sympathizes with Smith's dilemma. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Cloer is hesitant to go against Staff's recommendation. Finkle understands the property owner's ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD JULY 11, 1995 MINUTES 3 concern, but thinks them may be a way to put the garage in the rear through some simple creative means that would not disrupt the feeling of a nice yard. He would prefer not to see houses with garages right on the street. Cloer moved to deny 95-078. FinMe seconded. The motion was denied unanimously. TYPE I PLANNING ACTIONS PLANNING ACTION 95-062 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF TWO OFFICE/SHOP COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS 468 OAK STREET APPUCANT: JOHN BAKER/KAREN GIESE This action was approved. Cloer was disappointed that theta was no mixed use with this application. It is his feeling that the worse the location for housing, the more affordable. He would like Staff to encourage all applicants to provide mixed use. Finkle would like to see mixed use as a future topic for a Study Session. PLANNING ACTION 95-067 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, SITE REVIEW AND REAR YARD VARIANCE FROM 10 FEET TO 5 FEET FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF TWO BUILDIHGS TO ACCOMMODATE ADDITIONAL STORAGE UNITS 2315 SISKIYOU BOULEVARD APPUCANT: ASHLAND STOR-A-WHILE This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 95-068 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE REVIEW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL UNIT 364 UBERTY STREET APPUCANT: THE LITHIA GROUP This action was called up for public hearing. PLANNING ACTION 95-070 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW TO CONSTRUCT A 12,000 SQUARE FOOT OFFICE/WAREHOUSE 1090 BENSON WAY. APPLICANT: ERV TONEY This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 95-071 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION AND LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT TO DIVIDE A PARCEL INTO TWO LOTS LOCATED 235 E. NEVADA STREET. APPLICANT: DAN BUNN ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD JULY 11, 1995 MINUTES 4 This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 95-072 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE REVIEW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL UNIT AT 855 NORTH MAIN STREET. APPUCANT: DON MURRAY This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 95-073 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A TWO-STORY 2,607 SQUARE FOOT BUILDING FOR RETAIL/WAREHOUSE/RESIDENTIAL USE TO BE LOCATED ALONG "A" STREET, LOT 7 OF RAILROAD VILLAGE SUBDIVISION. APPLICANT: ALLAN SANDLER This action was approved. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS Cloer moved to Minutes and Findings of the June 13, 1995. Finkle seconded and it carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjoumed at 4:05 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD JULY 11, 1995 MINUTES