HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-08-08 Hearings Board MINASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES AUGUST 8, 1995 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 1:35 p.m. by Jenifer Carr. Other Commissioners present were Finkle and Cloer. Staff present were Molnar, Madding and Yates. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS Finkle amended Page I of the Minutes under Eva Cooley's testimony (next to last sentence) to read:" Cooley prefers the alley access 'instead of' access off a flag drive". Also, Condition 12 of the Findings should read: "That during construction of the new home, the cement, and truss work if feasible, shall be completed...". Cloer moved to approve the Minutes and Findings as amended, Finkle seconded and all approved. TYPE II PLANNING ACTION PLANNING ACTION 95-068 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE REVIEW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL UNiT 364 UBERTY STREET APPUCANT: THE UTHIA GROUP STAFF REPORT Refer to the Staff Report for detailed information of the application. The proposed unit will be accessed off the alley with a total of four parking spaces required. Since there was no curb cut on Uberty for the unit, it seemed appropriate for the unit to be accessed off the alley to minimize the impact. Staff recommends approval for the unit with the attached Conditions. Finkle inquired about fire truck access. Molnar said a Condition could be added that before occupancy, trimming of vegetation could be required to make room for ingress and egress for fire apparatus. PUBLIC HEARING BOB BURTON, 544 Prim Street, was asked by Finkle if he would be willing to trim the overgrown vegetation along the alley and to work with the Fire Department and neighbors to get better clearance on the alley. Burton said he would do what is necessary to help in trimming trees and grade the alley. JEAN THOMPSON, 357 Uberty Street, requested denial of the Conditional Use Permit because the property and house flood during a heavy min. She does not want additional cars parked on the street because the street sweeper cannot clear debris and during snow, cars parked risk being hit by cars coming off Pennsylvania. Thompson is concerned about fire protection and the narrowness of the alley. CHARLO'I-I'E HANNAN, 821 Indiana Street, owns the preperty at 354 Liberty Street and she is concerned about adding another residence on the proparty, and narrow alley access. She would like better street lighting on Uberty because of the large existing trees. Harman also referred to storm water sheeting from Pennsylvania to Uberty with no place for the water to go. PHIL THOMPSON, 357 Uberty Street, expressed concerns about the different widths of the alley and noted there is a brick wall, buildings, fences that will need to be removed. There will be additional dust from the alley. He was concerned about the distance of the fire hydrant to the property. Rebuttal BOB BURTON explained the garage is off-set 20 feet from the alley so there would be no problem turning into and backing out of the garage. The alley is currently in use; there is an apartment behind the existing house and cars come and go frequently. Burton will address drainage according to the City's requirements. His tenants in the existing house have not complained about flooding. Cloer said that if this structure is to be non-owner occupied, could the 'neighbors could be assured the property will be rnaintained? Burton said he provides yard maintenance for the rentals. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Finlde was most concerned with fire truck access and the obvious narrowness of the alley. Molnar assured Finkle that the Fire Department has planned a staging area on Uberty Street in the event of a fire, but if the Fire Department's requirements were not met, a provision could be added to require a residential fire sprinkler system. That would be done at the building permE stage. Discussion ensued regarding storm drain run-off and it was decided that a Condition be added that the applicant submit a drainage plan for the site to be reviewed and approved by the Building Department at the time the building permit is to be issued. Cloer suggested adding a Condition to address possible Fire Department concerns. Madding suggested: "All requirements, Including trimming of vegetation to be approved by the Fire Department prior to Issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.' RE-OPEN THE PUBUC HEARING Carr asked Burton if he was planning to bring heavy equipment down the alley during construction. Burton affirmed. CLOSED PUBUC HEARING (CONTINUE COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION) The Commissioners agreed to add a Condition the applicant be responsible for the alley from Henry to the site (including the rear property line of the site) and that the alley be graded and surfaced with crushed rock, where appropriate, in accordance with the Engineering Department, prior to a Certificate of Occupancy. Cloer moved to approve with the above Conditions relating to Fire Department requirements, drainage and alley improvements. Finkle seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Finkle suggested to Staff that someone put together a one page form to have available at the meetings so when neighbors have concerns about things that are not within the Planning Commission's purview, they can fill out the form and Staff would see that it was routed to the appropriate department for follow- up. The form would include the name and phone number of the person who expressed the concern. 2 TYPE I PLANNING ACTIONS PLANNING ACTION 95-066 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF NEW COMMERCIAL BUILDING LOCATED ON FOURTH STREET, NEAR 'A' STREET. APPUCANT: FRANK PAPEN This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 95-079 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A TEMPORARY USE TO OPERATE A SAUSAGE CART ON VACANT LOT WEST OF 325 'A" STREET. APPLICANT: CAROLE KLEIN/CAMILLA CASSITY This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 95-080 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP OF THE FIVE UNIT TRAVELLER'S ACCOMMODATION 261 W. HERSEY STREET. APPUCANT: WILUAM M. FAIIA/CORBET AND GERALDINE UNMACK This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 95-081 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ADOPT A SIGN POUCY FOR THE SO ZONE (SOSC) THAT WOULD ALLOW THE COLLEGE TO ERECT OR REPLACE SIGNS AROUND THE CAMPUS BY OBTAINING ROUTINE SIGN PERMITS BUT WITHOUT THE NEED FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR EACH SIGN. APPUCANT: SOUTHERN OREGON STATE COLLEGE This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 95-083 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO OPERATE AN OUTDOOR MARKETPLACE CONSISTING OF ORGANIC PRODUCE AND FLOWERS LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE ELKS PARKING LOT AT SECOND STREET AND LITHIA WAY. APPUCANT: VINCENT SANCHEZ Cloer wanted assurance that any food or crafts would be locally produced. Add wording to Condition 2 'locally produced foods and crafts". PLANNING ACTION 95-087 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW TO CONSTRUCT A TWO-STORY 3729 SQUARE FOOT COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL BUILDING ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SECOND AND EAST MAIN STREETS. APPUCANT: JOHN FIELDS A,61'N,,A~i) ~ COP~ "lS61Ofl ~I#G6 ~ AI, JGUST 6, 1966 This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 95-088 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW FOR A 2500 SQUARE FOOT ADDITION TO AN EXISTING HAIR SALON LOCATED AT 2425 SISKIYOU BOULEVARD (ADDITION TO INCLUDE MASSAGE/FACIAL ROOMS, HYDROTHERAPY TUB, RETAIL SPACE, YOGA, WORKSHOP). APPUCANT: SUZANNE AND WADE MCQUEEN This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 95-077 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION TO DIVIDE A PARCEL INTO TWO LOTS WITH A FLAG DRIVE ACCESSING THE REAR PARCEL. 842 CLAY STREET. A REQUEST WAS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BUT APPROVAL HAS EXPIRED. APPUCANT: RALPH GEORGE This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 95-091 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION AND BOUNDARY UNE ADJUSTMENT TO DIVIDE A PARCEL INTO FOUR LOTS. LOCATED AT 51 WATER STREET. APPUCANT: LLOYD M. HAINES AND M. MICHAEL DOYLE This action was approved. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m. 4