HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-09-12 Hearings Board MINASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES SEPTEMBER 12, 1995 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair Steve Armitage at 1:35 p.m.. Other Commissioners present were Giordano and Bingham. Staff present were McLaughlin, Knox and Yates. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARINGS PLANNING ACTION 95-107 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW TO MODIFY THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR PLANNING ACTION 95-063, A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED 16-UNIT EXPANSION OF THE EXISTING WINGSPREAD MOBILE HOME PARK. APPLICANT: DARYN DAVIS Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts All Commissioners had a site visit. STAFF REPORT Knox reported that the action was originally approved as a Type I on May 24, 1995. The applicant is proposing to remove Condition 2 which would eliminate five easements shown on Staff's easement exhibit. Staff is proposing two options: 1) that the sidewalk extend from the entry of Wingspread up to Ashland Street; or 2) that the applicant provide a tenant only ingress/egress point that would be left open for the tenants. No new information has been received from the applicant showing he has met Criteria D or in other words, how the transportation requirement is to be met. A bike path will not be needed on the Wingspread side of the railroad tracks as a path is going to be installed on the other side of the tracks. PUBLIC HEARING RICHARD BERMAN, Attorney with Blackhurst Hornecker Hassen & Ervin B. Hogan, 129 North Oakdale, Medford, OR 97501. BE-ITY' HAMPTON, 2798 Merriman Road, Medford, OR 97501, owner of Wingspread Mobile Home Park. Berman distributed exhibits to the Commissioners which he reviewed with the Commission. Berman showed a video of the area and explained that he felt the area has a rural charm without the sidewalks. It is not necessary to have a sidewalk to have pedestrian access. Giordano asked Staff what percentage the remainder of Clay Street would develop. McLaughlin said the majority is outside the City limits but in the Urban Growth Boundary. The burden of proof is in the City for the imposition of the Condition. The burden of proof is on the applicant to show why the application meets the Criteria. Bingham wondered how many feet of sidewalk would be required along the entrance to the property line. Berman thought approximately 300 feet. Berman added there would be approximately 600-700 feet from the south entrance down to the north property line. Berman said if the development was new, the amount of sidewalk the City is requiring would be reasonable, but because of the proposed improvement, the amount of sidewalk required is not proportionate to the size of the proposed project. Armitage noted that if there are elderly people living in the mobile home park, it would be difficult for them to walk up the street because the path would be difficult to negotiate and then to cross the highway. Hampton said it is no more difficult than for the residents of the complex down the street. Why weren't sidewalks required for that? Berman said the ditch is a bit tough to negotiate for older folks, but the rest of it is more level. CATE HARTZELL, 881 East Main Street, said she favored some sort of concrete-type surface for sidewalks to allow for easier maneuvering for bikes and strollers, etc. RICH HANSEN, 25 North Main Street, believes it is wrong to ask someone to put in so much sidewalk. Staff Response The shoulder existing along the frontage of the park was done by the developer to the north (approximately 1300 feet). Prior to that development, it was a drainage ditch. McLaughlin said he saw footprints and tire tracks in the ditch. Cars are utilizing that space but there is a better chance they would not be if sidewalks were installed. ASHLAND PLANNING COIlMISSION HEARINGS IK)A~D MINUTES SEPTEMBER 12, 1995 2 McLaughlin stated that of the offers the applicant made, #3 would be the only one the Commission would want to consider. If accepted, the Commission would need to find if there is adequate transportation for this development and it meets the requirements to get to Ashland Street. Giordano suggested a compromise, with the Commission approving the sidewalk using the east side along the property, and at the other areas to the north and south and the applicant would agree to signing in favor of a local improvement district. RebuEal Berman said the cost of the improvement was calculated in with regard to the proportionality issue. He said if they were being required to install a sidewalk, he would prefer it not be done piecemeal. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Bingham thought a sidewalk is needed and appropriate. He has some strong concerns about requiring a sidewalk to Ashland Street. He thought it would be more appropriate to require a sidewalk from the south entrance to the edge of the property. Giordano agreed that a sidewalk is appropriate and needed from the south entrance to the south end of the property. He would like the applicant to sign in favor of a local improvement district. Armitage agreed. Bingham moved to modify Condition 5 to require a sidewalk from the entrance south to the southeast corner of the property along the full frontage. Also add 'q'enant Only" access for previously proposed easement #3. The action was seconded and approved unanimously. PLANNING ACTION 95-103 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW TO REMODEL AND CONSTRUCT AN ADDITION TO THE INFORMATION BOOTH LOCATED ON THE PLAZA AT N. MAIN STREET AND WINBURN WAY. APPLICANT: CITY OF ASHLAND Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts Giordano and Armitage had a site visit. Bingham had a site visit and owns a business within the vicinity of the Plaza. years, he has had numerous conversations about the design of the Plaza. Over the ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES SEFTEMBE~ 12~ 199~ STAFF REPORT The application was made by City of Ashland and the Chamber of Commerce. The proposal is to add onto the existing information booth approximately 100 square feet with some remodeling to the existing booth, allowing a more comfortable environment for workers in the booth and a longer time during the year the booth can be kept open. The addition would be to house a police officer full-time on the plaza. The design of the addition and the remodel has been done by Bill Emerson. Details of the design are found in the Staff Report. Few objections have been raised over the design, however, the project has been controversial regarding the 4'-6" "bump out". The "bump out" could cause a conflict with vehicles backing out, parking space waiting periods and parking of delivery trucks. Kno measured the back-up spaces and did some back-up experiments and found there was not a problem. The back-up space is 22 feet, more than enough distance for backing out. Only three to four parking spaces' would be 'effected by the "bump out" while delivery trucks don't get to the area of the proposed addition because they stay away from the foliage of the trees. Staff believes this application meets the criteria, however, the Historic Commission did deny the proposal based on an odd shape to the building and the way the symmetry of North Main would be changed. Giordano wondered what would happen to the horse and buggy. Knox thought it would probably be located at the first pedestrian crossing. Bingham wondered about the mail and utility boxes. Knox indicated they would have to be moved. Bingham thought it appeared that a number of persons have concerns with this proposal. He understood there was an alternative proposal from Emerson but does not see it. McLaughlin said the applicant is requesting approval of the request before them, not a choice between A and B. BILL EMERSON, 90 Fifth Street, the design professional representing the City said the existing building is a concrete block building and cannot be moved. Further investigation has found that it is built on a sidewalk with no footing. It is small enough not be an earthquake standard problem. The only direction to add on was toward Alex's because of the trees. Emerson worked with the Chamber on the design. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES SEPTEMBER 12, 19~5 PUBLIC HEARING Armitage read the comments from the following in opposition to the proposal: BILL GILLMAN, 31 North Main, Mountain Supply ROGER FLOYD, 351 Granite Street NICK SCHLEI-rER, 33 North Main KIRK DAVID, 55 North Main MICHAEL GIBBS, 536 Ashland Street, President of the Chamber of Commerce, explained that the Chamber had an opportunity to obtain Regional Strategies money. They received $11,885. The Chamber had no set plans but only want to expand the kiosk to better serve the downtown Plaza area and have a booth that would not be too hot or too cold for the volunteers. The Chamber does not want to lose $11,885 and they do not want the City to back out of their commitment to improve thb kiosk. They have until next summer to use the money. It seemed that if the building could be heated and cooled, the work time there could be extended and space could also be shared with the Police Department. BILL EMERSON, 90 Fifth Street, explained his alternate proposal. He talked with Regional Strategies and they said if a new building was built, they would want the City to line out how money would be provided for any additional cost, assuming there would be additional cost. In Emerson's work on the Plaza during the remodel in 1990, he worked up a design showing a widened out area in the middle of the Plaza for a new building. The old building was to be removed. Emerson is concerned with the roots of the large tree next to the kiosk. In order to provide an adequate walkway to the door to the new addition, the footings need to go down a foot below grade. The Japanese maple could be taken out in the fall, stored and brought back in the spring, according to Parks. The reason for the relocation was to put the building between the two large shade trees. Emerson is not sure air-conditioning would be required if the building were in the shady spot. The phones could be located on the outside of the new building. The size of the alternate proposal would be 28 square feet larger in size that the proposed addition. Bingham asked Emerson his feelings about the "bump out". Emerson replied that it would not cause a problem if each person did one thing at a time, but the activities vary considerably--parking, unloading, the horse and buggy ride, etc. FRANK DUNLOP, 160 4th Street, #9, submitted a testimony form stating he is against the proposal. ASHWD PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES SEPTEMBER 12, lg95 5 RICHARD HANSEN, 25 N. Main Street, owner of Gold and Gems, favors a better facility for the information booth and creation of a police substation but 100 percent against the proposed location expanded into the street. Hansen showed a photo of a typical day of traffic on the Plaza. Where the curb would be bumped would create a tremendous safety hazard. Cars on the Plaza are all over the place. There is a very good alternative plan to create what we need. Hansen wondered why the hearing was not held in the evening for this proposal. He would like to see some time taken to put together a fund raiser with the Chamber and do the project right. Armitage read a letter from SUSAN VAUGHN, American Trails at 27 North Main Street and from DAVID C. BOBB, American Indian Art Gallery, 27 North Main Street. RON ROTH, 6950 Old 99 South, also an owner of Plaza Cafe, 47 North Main Street, read a letter into the record. He does not agree that vehicle speeds would be decreased with a built out information booth. Cars are already moving slowly through the Plaza. The Historic Commission is opposed to the proposal on architectural grounds and because it would impact the historic use of the Plaza area (commerce). Paved access is barely adequate (criteria D). Roth would rather see a little more money spent instead of adding onto the existing information booth. FREDRICKA WEISHAHN, 338 "B" Street, represented the Historic Commission. Armitage asked if the new design would pass Historic Commission review as an adequate design. Weishahn said an alternative was not discussed. Weishahn, speaking for herself said what works well on the Plaza are individual things that are well spaced, attractive and somewhat circular. The proposal combines two shapes together that would be very obtrusive visually and the part that juts out into traffic could look like a drive-up window. Emerson's new design would incorporate an appropriate design and proper spacing. Armitage read CATE HARTZELL's comments (882 East Main Street) into the record. RICH HANSEN asked for an explanation of the Hearings Board's function and why did this action come before this meeting when business owners could not make it? Armitage said if the Hearings Board is uncomfortable in making a decision it could be referred to the full Commission. EMERSON explained if the alternative building was built, this would open up the historic Plaza area for the through walking traffic between the fountains and gathering around the fountains. It would give more purpose for the widened walk area than a place for loitering. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES SEPTEMBER 12, 1996 A woman from IRON BUFFALO explained her business would be jeopardized by bumping out the Plaza. If the information booth is extended into the street, emergency vehicles could not get through, putting their businesses at risk. Is there assurance the police would be there all the time? The retailers need to be represented in this hearing. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Giordano feels uncomfortable with the proposal the City has presented. Building out into the street will probably not impact cars backing out but it would impact commercial loading. The design looks like an after-thought. Giordano agrees with much of the testimony given about design. He also feels there is a need for public restrooms. This proposal should be noticed City-wide and the proposal presented to the full Commission. Giordano cannot support the present proposal. Bingham noticed people stopping to wait for parking spaces to empty. He agreed that bumping out would be a danger. Armitage said it seemed time for the City and businesses to work out a solution benefitting everyone. He did not hear opposition to reworking a design. Giordano moved to deny Planning Action 95-103. Bingham seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. TYPE I PLANNING ACTIONS PLANNING ACTION 95-042 REQUEST FOR OUTLINE PLAN, FINAL PLAN AND SITE REVIEW FOR A THREE- UNIT DEVELOPMENT UNDER THE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OPTION CORNER OF TOLMAN CREEK ROAD AND SlSKIYOU BOULEVARD. A SINGLE STORY BUILDING IS PROPOSED ALONG TOLMAN CREEK ROAD. APPLICANT: BRAD ROUPP Giordano abstained. This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 95-098 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION TO DIVIDE A PARCEL INTO THREE LOTS AT 1025 BENSON WAY. APPLICANT: ERV TONEY This action was approved. ASHLAND PLANNING' COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUT'ES SEF, Ii=MBER 12, 1995 7 PLANNING ACTION 95-100 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW TO CONSTRUCT A 7504 SQUARE FOOT OFFICE/WAREHOUSE LOCATED AT 25 MISTLETOE ROAD. APPLICANT: CRAIG BLACK This action was called up for a public hearing. PLANNING ACTION 95-104 REQUEST FOR FINAL PLAN APPROVAL OF A 25-LOT SUBDIVISION UNDER THE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OPTION FOR PHASE I OF MOUNTAIN MEADOWS LOCATED AT 900 NORTH MOUNTAIN AVENUE. APPLICANT: MOUNTAIN MEADOWS L.L.C. This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 95-099 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A PROFESSIONAL OFFICE AT 493 NORTH MAIN STREET. A VARIANCE IS BEING REQUESTED TO REDUCE A REAR AND SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM TEN FEET TO SIX FEET. APPLICANT: CATALINA PHYSICAL THERAPY BUILDING This action was called up for a public hearing. PLANNING ACTION 95-108 REQUEST FOR A TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP OF THE SIX-UNIT TRAVELLER'S ACCOMMODATION LOCATED AT 2190 SlSKIYOU BOULEVARD. APPLICANT: TAMMIE & EDWARD HANANIA This action was approved. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 4:10 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES SEP~r. MBER 12, 1905