HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-09-12 Planning MINASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 12, 1995 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Chairperson Barbara Jarvis. Other Commissioners present were Carr, Finkle, Howe, Giordano, Armitage, Bass, and Bingham. Cloer was absent. Staff present were McLaughlin, Molnar, Knox, and Yates. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS Carr moved to approve the Minutes and Findings of the August 8, 1995 Hearings Board and Regular Meeting. Howe seconded the motion and all approved. PUBLIC FORUM No one came forth to speak. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARINGS PLANNING ACTION 95-085 REQUEST FOR OUTLINE PLAN APPROVAL OF A 55-LOT SUBDIVISION LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF NORTH MOUNTAIN AVENUE AT HERSEY STREET. A PHYSICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS REVIEW PERMIT IS ALSO REQUESTED TO ALLOW FOR MODIFICATIONS TO A SEASONAL DRAINAGE ON THE PROPERTY. APPLICANT: DONOVAN GILLILAND Site Visits and Ex Parte Conflicts Armitage and Giordano abstained. Bingham, Howe, and Finkle had no new site visits. Carr and Jarvis had a site visit. STAFF REPORT This application is continued from last month. One issue was the treatment of the drainageway area, specifically the proposed alleyway and two crossings across the drainageway. The Commissioners should have received an 11x17 cross section of the drainageway. The elimination of one of the crossings opens up the open space area making it a fairly significant sized central area. The parking spaces were redesigned locating them further to the south, keeping them away from the drainage. There is a minimal conceptual design for the drainage included in the packet too. Overall, Staff is satisfied with the applicant's revisions. The submittals for outline plan give the framework for final plan. One other item is that the applicant maintain right-of-way designation for future street connection. Ron Bass arrived at the meeting. Condition 14 has been added and the wording could be reworked at final plan to base the contribution on the number of vehicles trips this development will generate. Condition 15 has been added regarding the street extension. PUBLIC HEARING TOM GIORDANO, agent for the project, 157 Morning Light Drive DONOrAN GILLILAND, 777 N. E. 7th, Suite 219, Grants Pass, OR 97526 Giordano stated that by changing the design, there is now a view corridor down each street. The wetland is an important element in the project. All storm water will be dumping into the wetlands system. There may be some money coming from the State to do a pilot project using the wetland to have filtered water going into Bear Creek. The applicant has no problem with participating in improvement of the North Mountain/East Main intersection signal particularly if it is based on vehicle trips. The connection with the Mahar property is also acceptable. Bass suggested the following wording for Condition 14 regarding the traffic signal: That the property owner agree to contribute a pro rate share of the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of East Main Street and North Mountain Avenue in an amount that is roughly proportional to the applicant's contribution to the cumulative traffic problem at the intersection. This is generally based on trip generation. Carr wanted to remind Staff of the possibility of a four-way stop at East Main and North Mountain. JILL MURPHEY, 492 Lynn Street, wondered if mosquito control had been addressed. Molnar said it could be addressed at the time of final plan. Staff Response There is adequate engineering information provided in the application to sustain findings that there is adequate drainage. Howe wondered if the southern most through street connected with the street above. McLaughlin said a Condition can be added to incorporate the turnaround at the ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 12, 1995 2 driveway of Lot 28. Carr viewed the property again after the last meeting and noticed how wet it is. She is very concerned with the enormous impact on that area with the addition of 55 foundations and driveway. She would be interested in a hydrology report. There are houses downhill from this property. McLaughlin thought the applicant could address the drainage further. Giordano read from their findings regarding drainage. He added that the Division of State Lands has looked at the property. The drainage should improve with this development. Gilliland went to the map and explained the movement of the storm drain water. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Bass expressed his frustration that the Commission receives a certain level of data on some projects but not on others that are of similar or greater concerns (as with the drainage). Howe particularly liked the revision of the open space, making a nice entrance with an environmental attitude that could be an example to many developments in the area. Finkle is happy to have retained the street connections to the adjoining properties that will have eventually multiple entrances to the property. Howe moved to approve Planning Action 95-085 with the attached Conditions including Condition 14 with Bass' suggested wording and an added Condition that Lot 28 be modified to include turnaround access for the short roadway. Carr seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Armitage and Giordano rejoined the meeting. PLANNING ACTION 95-075 REQUEST FOR OUTLINE PLAN AND SITE REVIEW APPROVAL OF A 17-LOT, 17- UNIT (15 TOWNHOUSES & 2 RESIDENCES) MULTI-FAMILY DEVELOPMENT 963 "B" STREET. APPLICANT: WILLIAM D. BARCHET Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts All Commissioners visited the site. ASm. MD PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES SF.J-i r. dlBER 12, 1995 STAFF REPORT Molnar reported the property is just outside the Historic District. The applicant wants to refurbish the existing two-bedroom house and construct 15 additional units. There have been issues raised by individuals in the neighborhood with regard to the materials being used and their compatibility with the area. The applicant has made changes to the exterior materials on the unit on B Street by going to a horizontal wood siding and composition roof to better match the existing neighborhood. Private rear yards have been adjusted to have at least 10 feet. The applicant has provided adequate off-street parking. The building height for unit 17 will comply. There was some question as to whether or not there are 26 or 27 parking spaces, Howe asked where the mail boxes are located because this could be a point of heavy traffic and Molnar said that location is usually worked out with the Post Office. Molnar said the property to the west of Barchet's property was just approved for a 17 unit town home type design on individual lots (Fred Cox). City yards are on the east side. Armitage thought access in and out of the compact spaces looked tight. Molnar was hoping the applicant could come up with a better configuration at final plan. PUBLIC HEARING BILL BARCHET, 734 Elkader Street, said it was a difficult lot to design. He tried to follow the site design guidelines. He will be using durable and environmentally conscious materials for construction and saving as many trees on the site as possible. Carr counted only 27 parking spaces. Barchet explained there was one on-street parking space, however, Molnar said the curb space does not count toward the overall plan. Barchet thought he could resolve the parking requirement by reducing the project by one unit. Barchet thought he would locate the mail boxes to the top of the parking lot. Howe is concerned that all the housing has been pushed to the west side of the property. There will be a canyon with small back yards from Cox's development and Barchet's--two story buildings looking down on everyone. Why was the larger area to the east not considered? Barchet responded that Cox's development and his will have a mix of one and two-story units. The reason he did not consider developing on ASi!Udi) PL4NNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 12, lgg5 the east side was because of the gravel piles, sound and dust coming from the City yards. Giordano thought the garage design as one large building was very monotonous and needs to be broken up. Also, maybe there should be a cut-through from the walkway to the parking area. He would like to see more information provided showing the distance between the garage and parking on the other side. Bass wondered if the applicant could stagger the height of the garages from the units pick up the flat-roof design. PHILIP LANG, 758 "B" Street, voiced his opposition to the proposal. (See letter dated August 8, 1995.) Jarvis read a letter from ANN BASS, DAN HELLER, and JANE STEWART into the record. A phone message from MRS. ORTEGA was read into the record. MARGARET SCHWEITZER, 156 Sixth Street, agrees with Lang regarding the criteria. She objects to the increased traffic flow. This project opens door to ruining their existing neighborhood. MRS. ORTEGA, 954 B, said her biggest concern is increased traffic. Staff Response Molnar explained the Commissioners have a lot of latitude in deciding whether or not they have enough information to decide if the development is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. There is not as much review control because the property is outside the Historic District. McLaughlin said "B" Street is identified as a collector and functions as such. Traffic levels are established in the Comp Plan. The street also functions as a residential street with pedestrians, sidewalks thus creating a conflict. Rebuttal Barchet feels this design will create and nourish the community within itself and within the larger community. He has tried to minimize the impact of vehicles. He has also attempted to satisfy the need for affordable housing near the downtown. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES SF~'I'/r. MBER 12, 1995 Jarvis said she would be interested in seeing 29 to 30 parking spaces. Giordano asked Barchet to consider a more formal layout using some historic design with some respect for neighborhood compatibility. There is too much crammed into one space. McLaughlin suggested that all the issues raised need to be addressed in complete detail by the applicant in the next month or two as the plan presented does not appear to be ready to approve at this meeting. Barchet agreed to continue and waive his 120 time limit. Bingham thought "A" Street should go through to Mountain Avenue. The City should have encouraged the applicant to work with Cox so traffic will not be going through both developments. The application is not designed in conjunction with anything around it. Barchet said he did try to contact Cox but he was not amenable to working out a joint effort. Carr moved to continue Planning Action 95-075 until November. Giordano seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. The Commissioners offered the following suggestions that had not been previously mentioned: Look for the visual safety of a long corridor of parking. As it is now, it looks like a traffic channel. Plot back-up area for each parking place. Show west elevation along the west property line with a variety of building heights. Garage line - Show an east elevation looking at the east property line showing garages with more external connection to the area around. Address Criteria D - paved access to and through the development. Work with Cox for a flow of traffic from one development to the other. PLANNING ACTION 95-027 REQUEST FOR MINOR LAND PARTITION TO DIVIDE A PARCEL INTO THREE LOTS LOCATED 54'1 FORDYCE. A VARIANCE IS REQUESTED TO CREATE A1 LOT WITH A WIDTH GREATER THAN ITS DEPTH. APPLICANT: CAROLYN J. ElDMAN Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts ASHLAND PLjIJiNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 12, 1996 Bass and Giordano left the meeting. Bingham, Carr and Armitage had a previous site visit. Finkle and Howe had site visits. STAFF REPORT McLaughlin explained that the rear two lots do not access a public street. From the street plugs at Romeo and Mill Pond there is a one foot strip dividing the street from the property. The application does not meet the criteria, therefore, cannot be approved. The fact that the lot would be wider than deep is a secondary issue because there is still not access to a public street. The transportation map shows the street going through. Carr asked about creating two flag lots. McLaughlin said the applicant proposed two flags during the process but chose not to pursue that request. PUBLIC HEARING KURT KNUDSEN, attorney representing Carolyn Eidman, explained that with regard to the lot width, Eidman's lot is approximately two acres in size (rectangular). The lot line could be moved between Lots 1 and 2 about 35 feet to the east and that would eliminate the need for a variance, however, Eidman has structures that would have to be removed. Knudsen said he tried to find other cities with street plugs with one foot strips owned by a city. He has yet to find another city with this situation. To be denied access to a city street that abuts Eidman's property is absurd. The partition could be done with flag lots but the product would be expensive with absurd results. Another concern would be crossing the creek. Howe wondered what Eidman's position was if Romeo Drive was extended to the other public street. Knudsen said Eidman has no intention of developing her property. Eidman is asking for a Minor Land Partition but she has no plans for developing the property. The City cannot look to the future development of the property. CARR MOVED TO CONTINUE THE MEETING UNTIL 10:30 P.M. HOWE SECONDED AND ALL APPROVED. Howe said if the lot is divided into lots, it should be scrutinized as though dividing the lot for "development". Whether it is now or in the future, consideration has to be given to what is appropriate for the City. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 12, 1995 7 Finkle wondered if Eidman would be willing to give a pedestrian or bike path through the property. Knudsen thought it would be better at the time of development because Eidman does not know what she wants to do with the property. Jarvis asked what were the unique and unusual circumstances for the Variance? Knudsen said they do not think the particular location of the lot line has any particular impact on circulation or access or anything else. He did not see a valid reason for the width not exceeding the depth in this case. Carr questioned how the applicant met Criteria 2 (preservation of property rights) since there are other remedies. Knudsen agreed, however, said those remedies caused more problems for Eidman and everyone (for example, roadways next to each other, wasteful and intrusive). CARR MOVED TO CONTINUE THE MEETING UNTIL 11:00 P.M. BINGHAM SECONDED THE MOTION AND ALL APPROVED. Knudsen responded that since the Commission has no authority to grant access to Romeo or Mill Pond, he would recommend that the issue be taken to the City Council and the Council can choose to allow access over any reserve strip. Knudsen said if the Commission wishes to deny the application he would like to amend his application and move the lot line (between Lot 1 and 2) 36 feet to the east. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Carr moved to deny the Variance as part of Planning Action 95-027 because the lot width is greater than its depth and it does not meet Criteria 1 and 2. Howe seconded the motion and it carried with Finkle voting "no". Carr moved to continue PA95-027 for a Minor Land Partition to the November meeting (October 17th - Council meeting). Knudsen waived the 120 day limit for approval. Bingham seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. PLANNING ACTION 95-102 REQUEST FOR OUTLINE PLAN AND SITE REVIEW APPROVAL UNDER THE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OPTION FOR PHASE II OF MOUNTAIN MEADOWS WHICH WILL INCLUDE THE CONSTRUCTION OF SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES, AN ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY AND A SPECIAL NEEDS FACILITY. APPLICANT: MOUNTAIN MEADOWS L.L.C. Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES SEB-gr. MBER 12, 1906 Armitage, Carr and Howe had previous site visits. Finkle, Jarvis and Bingham had a new site visit. Bingham noticed North Mountain get more "washboardy". STAFF REPORT McLaughlin said the applicant's proposals are matching up with Staff's expectations for the project. The major points have been addressed and the project is moving along consistent with what Staff and the Commission wanted. PUBLIC HEARING LARRY MEDINGER, 695 Mistletoe Road, explained that in Condition 3 (improvement of North Mountain) road construction will begin in a week. He would like the wording changed to "Certificate of Occupancy" instead of "building permit". Condition 5, (street trees) please add at the end of the sentence "associated with that occupancy". COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Bingham moved to approve PA95-102 with the attached Conditions with changes made by Medinger to Conditions 3 and 5. Armitage seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. OTHER Finkle would like to require a sign at the end of Fourth Street where it ends at the railroad track. The sign could say: "We are anticipating this to be a future street connection". ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m. ASH 'LAND PLANNING COMM~ REGULAR MEETING MIG SEPTEMBER 12, 1995