HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-10-24 Planning MINASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 24, 1995 C/q I TO ORDI=R APPROVAL OF FINDINGS The Findings for Planning Action 95-101 were approved. PUBUC FORUM Armitage expressed a concern that he would like to see the public more Involved In the planning process and that the Commission should perhaps be more pro-active in educating the public. He would like to see this topic as an agenda item In the future. PUBUC HEARING PLANNING ACTION 95-100 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW TO CONSTRUCT A 10,619 SQUARE FOOT OFFICE/WAREHOUSE LOCATED AT 25 MISTLETOE ROAD APPUCANT: CRAIG BLACK Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts STAFF REPORT Madding described the proposal as outlined in the Staff Report. Staff believes the application complies and recommends approval with the attached seven conditions. The action was called up for a public hearing by a neighbor because of solar access and found to be In compliance. Howe wondered if under Condition 6 the gate was locked or unlocked. Mofnar indicated it was to he unlocked. PUBUC HEARING CRAIG BLACK, 125 Nob JOHN TERMAN, 4300 Highway 99 South, Designer Black explained they were constructing a building to house an audio book business. Their company duplicates tap~ and malls them out. There are just a few people that visit their showroom. Their 11 employees conduct most of their business over the ply)he. Terman said the front face of the buildIng was designed with a lit'de more detail than normal in order to give a nice appearance from the street. Howe noticed that on the west elevation the block is broken up with brick and is nicely articulated, however, on the east side, there i$ no vertical articulation. Bl~ck said a block wall w#l be erected eventually and nothing will show on the east side. Howe said the east side could be seen driving down Sisklyou Boulevard. She wondered if the design could be done on the east side as well as the west side. Terman noted there Is a structure next door that also blocks the east side of the building. GLORY BLACK, 35 MlstJetoe Road, read her letter into the record. Glordano que~tioned Btack about the trees and Black responded that they are black waJnut trees on Craig Blacids property that have not been maintained lately by the owner. She conceded that the trees do shale her house somewhat but the trees are messy with bugs and sap. G. Black's sunroom I~ approximat~y 12 feet east of the trees. Light filters through the trees but won't filter through a building. RON THURNER, 1170 Bellview, objected only to the pedestrian condition (Condition 6) because this is a the light industrial zone. Staff Re.~,j~onse Motnar explained that city ordinances require that all bulklings have pedestrian access whether residential or commercial from a public sidewalk to an entrance o~ a building. The idea o~ tying into the neighboring property was optional. There was a typographical error on page 3 o~ the Staff Report. The required solar setback from the rear of the building is ten feet, not 39 feet. (Calculated at a Class B.) Finkle strongly favors mixing residential and commercial in the City. It is difficult for Finkle to visualize how thl~ building will look when complete and what Impacts It will have onthe neighboring property. neighboring property that much. A few years ago there was a concern that there be an Inventory of E-1 land that was light industrial with a potential for residential use when appropriate. In E-l, design Giordano was not as concerned with solar a~ with taking the opportunity to mitigate the impact to the neighbor through design features such as additional window~ and a vertical wall instead o~ a blank wall. Rebuttal Craig Black said there are trees across the street from Mistletoe that cast a shadow on the neighboring property (not black walnuts). He did not feel they would be stealing much o~ G. Btack's light. Terman said there is a hedge along the entire brick section. Black said they limited the windows on the blank wall because they did not want the neighbors to feel they were peaking into their yard but i~ it would appease the neighbors they would be glad to add design features and they also plan to maintain the black walnut trees and the property. They juat took ~. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION The ~ did not have any concerns about solar and the majority thought the neighbor would ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 24, 19e4 2 benefit by using design features such as vertical columns and windows on the east side. Cloer moved to approve Planning Action 95-100 adding a condition that a window or windows be added to the second story of the office portion of the east side of the building. Add a condition that a design feature be added to the office portion of the east side of the building to n~tgate ILs rnasslng effects. Add to Condition 6 that the gate remain unlocked at all times. Howe eaconded the motion and it carried unanimously. STUDY SESSION The study session continued with revisions to the Procedures Chapter being distributed and changes to the bike parking ordinance. APPROVAL OF FINDINGS (PA 95-101) The Finclings were approved as corrected. The ~ asked that the finding regarding parking be dropped. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjoumed at 11:00 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 24, 1995