MAY 19, 1992
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Catherine Golden called the meeting to order and
led the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:30 P.M. on the above date in the
Council Chambers. Laws, Williams, Acklin, Winthrop, and Williams were
present. Reid was absent.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Winthrop noted a correction in the third to the
last sentence of the first paragraph on page two of the May 5 minutes
follows: "..., and this would csscntially ~i be a contribution to a
religious organization." The minutes of the'Regular Meeting of May 5
and Special Meeting of May 11, 1992 were accepted with the above
CONSENT AGENDA: Item #3 was pulled for discussion. Acklin moved to
approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda as follows: l) Minutes of
Boards, Commissions & Committees; 2) Monthly Departmental Reports -
April 1992; 4) Set public hearing on Forest Management Plan for June
2, 1992; and 5) Set public hearing on Storm Drainage Master Plan for
June 2, 1992. Winthrop seconded, all AYES on voice vote. Public
Works Dir. Hall reviewed the information in the packet on item 3)
Water Supply Report - April 1992. Reeder Reservoir should be nearly
full by the target date of June 1 and conservation measures will be
promoted via the utility bills, newspaper ads, and advertising on RVTD
buses. An updated report will be presented at the next meeting. Laws
moved to approve item #3, Winthrop seconded, all AYES on voice vote.
SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: A proclamation was read declaring the week of
May 17 - 23, 1992 as "National Public Works Week". P.W. Admin. Asst.
Barlow told of a display of public works equipment to be held on
Thursday, May 21 from 12:00 Noon - 3:00 P.M. on the Plaza.
NEW & MISCELLANEOUS: Oregon Dept. of Forestry (ODF) Presentation -
Fire Protection in Wildland Areas. Fire Chief Woodley introduced
Cliff Liedtke, District Forester, and Dan Thorpe, Unit Forester, who
explained their fire protection procedures and costs. Liedtke said
assessments are .0563 per acre per year, with a minimum of $18.90/yr.
for parcels under 33 acres with no improvements. Assessments for
parcels with improvements are higher due to the increased chance of
fire and costs involved in fighting those fires. Thorpe explained the
city's alternatives as follows: 1) stay with the existing mutual aid
agreement which provides reimbursement to ODF for their assistance in
fighting wildland fires in the City limits; 2) contract with ODF for
the 1188 acres of mostly privately-owned wildlands within the City
limits; or 3) add these areas to the ODF tax rolls and assess property
owners for the fire patrol tax. Thorpe said the subject areas will be
protected by ODF when Council requests they do so, but the owners will
not be assessed until the next tax bill is prepared. On a question
from Golden, City Attorney Nolte said the ODF would ultimately impose
the tax, with endorsement by the City Council. Woodley explained that
Regular Meeting - Ashland City Council - May 19, 1992 - P. 1
Oregon Dept. of Forestry (Continued)
the Ashland Fire Dept. is neither equipped nor trained to fight
wildland fires and will never have the resources that ODF maintains,
but will still protect structures in these areas. Laws expressed
concern about costs to low-income individuals. Acklin moved to
request Staff to send letters of notification to affected property
owners including information provided by Liedtke and Thorpe, and
prepare a resolution for the next Council meeting. Winthrop seconded,
all AYES on voice vote. Golden commended Woodley on the presentation
and his fire prevention/education efforts.
Waive Banner Fee. A request was received from the Alzheimer's
Association to waive the installation fee for their Memory Walk banner
to be displayed the week of September 28 - October 4. Arnold moved to
approve same, Acklin seconded, all AYES on voice vote.
R.V.T.D. Service Boundaries. City Attorney Nolte explained that
property should be annexed into the District at the time it is annexed
into the City. He is researching the procedure to annex properties
into the District, which were excluded from same when annexed into the
City, and will report back with his findings.
Special R.V.T.D. Bus Service on July 4th. Councilor Laws explained
that the Transportation Advisory Committee discussed this idea and the
R.V.T.D. Board is willing to provide bus service from Medford to
Ashland for $1.00 round trip on the Fourth of July. Council agreed
that Police Chief Brown, Laws, and Almquist will work with RVTD and
the Chamber of Commerce to work out the details, which will be
included in the utility bill newsletter.
Request to Waive Airport Standards. P.W. Admin. Asst. Barlow
explained that Randal Sedwick is requesting waiver of standards which
require office space, classroom space, customer parking etc. for his
flight instruction business. The Airport Commission recommends
approval of the waiver due to a lack of space for these facilities.
Law moved approval of the request and Williams seconded the motion.
Arnold expressed concern about the impacts on the remainder of the
City with expanded use of the airport. Winthrop noted a similar
request for an air taxi service which was approved a few months ago,
and Williams said flight instruction is necessary for the airport to
remain viable. The motion passed on voice vote with Arnold
PUBLIC FORUM: No response.
Increase. Second reading by title only of an ordinance increasing the
Transient Occupancy Tax to 7%. Acklin moved adoption and Winthrop
seconded the motion. Williams would like to see a timeline for
reviewing revenue sources in light of this and the open space issue.
Acklin said it will be discussed at the May 26 Budget Meeting. The
motion passed unanimously on roll call vote. (Ord. 2674)
Regular Meeting - Ashland City Council - May 19, 1992 - P. 2
Final Assessments - LID 64. Second reading by title only of an
ordinance levying special benefit assessments in LID No. 64 (Lori Lane
street improvement/Peachey/Paradise sanitary sewer) and declaring an
emergency. Williams moved adoption, Arnold seconded, all YES on roll
call vote. (Ord. 2675)
Vacate Grover Street. First reading of an ordinance vacating the
unopened portion of Grover St. between Sheridan and N. Main and
reserving a 15-foot wide pedestrian easement. Arnold moved to second
reading, Winthrop seconded, all YES on roll call vote.
C.P.A.C. Re-organization. A Resolution was read calling for land-use
hearings on a revision to CPAC's organization. Williams moved to
adopt same, Laws seconded, all YES on roll call vote. (Reso. 92-25)
Airport Rental Rates. A Resolution was read establishing rental rates
for T-hangars and tie-down spaces at Ashland Municipal Airport.
Winthrop moved approval, Williams seconded, all YES on roll call vote.
(Reso. 92-26)
BPA Amendatory Agreement. A Resolution was read approving Amendatory
Agreement No. 3 to the Energy Smart Design Option 3 Utility Agreement
with BPA. Laws moved to adopt same, Williams seconded, all YES on
roll call vote. (Reso. 92-27)
OTHER BUSINESS FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS: Winthrop expressed concern about
the wording of the Urban Runoff Water Quality Program Plan which does
not acknowledge Ashland's existing plan for reducing effluent in Bear
Creek. This Plan will be the subject of a public hearing on June 2,
1992. Laws asked that Staff research installation of a better public
address system, and replacement of Acklin's microphone post haste.
Acklin is troubled about the ordinance which prohibits sewer
connections to existing houses with failing septic systems, which are
outside the UGB but within a reasonable distance to a City sewer main.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 9:12 P.M.
Nan E~ Frankl in
City Recorder
Catherine M. Golden
Regular Meeting - Ashland City Council - May 19, 1992 - P. 3