OCTOBER 22t 1992
Date: October 22, 1992
7:30PM Place: Council
Pledge of Allegiance: Golden
Roll Call - All Present
Stephen Jamieson - Ashland Wetlands Coalition- Brief Discussion of Alternative #3A
Asked that 4 Statements be adopted by Council
1. Proposed Statement of Goals:
The City of Ashland will require that the City's final
sewage facilities plan achieve the following goals:
1. Satisfy DEQ effluent Standards concerning
discharges from the City's sewage treatment
facility (STF).
2. Maintain existing water flows in Bear Creek
3. Support the natural ecology of Bear Creek; and
4. Minimize capital and/or operating costs of the
City's STF.
Proposed Statement of General Intention:
The City of Ashland agrees to give full consideration
to the possible use of Multiple Objective Open Surface
Wetlands technology to assist in achieving the City's
STF goals.
Proposed Minimum Objective:
The City of Ashland wishes to Determine whether the use
of expanded wetlands technology in connection with
Facilities Plan Alternative 3A might produce effluent
which during summer months could be delivered to Talent
Irrigation District in exchange for natural Bear Creek
water, thereby (1) maintaining existing summer water
flow levels in Bear Creek, and (2) eliminating the need
to establish and maintain the $1,330,000 effluent
irrigation system proposed in Alternative 3A.
Proposed Specific Action Items:
The City of Ashland agrees to take the following
specific actions to facilitate the achievement of the
City's STF goals:
a. Undertake a program of public education which will
encourage voluntary activities to reduce the level
of phosphates introduced into the City's sewage
treatment system; and
b. Promptly obtain and fund a study to determine the
feasibility of using wetlands technology to
achieve the City's STF goals.
Council Minutes 10-22-92
Page Two
Plato Doundalakis, Ashland Wetlands Coalition - Introduced
Dr. Robert Gearhart, PhD., P.E., Hydro Resources International,
Arcata, CA.
Dr. Gearhart - Lengthy discussion on Wetland applications and
what and how they accomplish objectives of removal of
phosphates, ammonias etc. and discussed different types of
wetland applications and studies. Suggested that the city
prepare a study regarding soil porosity etc to determine if
wetland application is practical for Ashland. With what he
has seen in various reports already prepared he felt it
could be done at very little cost ($15,000 - $20,000) and in
about three months.
Open meeting to discussion and questions.
Laws - Motion to adopt proposals submitted by Stephen Jamieson
Reid - Second Motion
Acklin - Add wording "Multiple Objective Open Service" in
front of all "wetland technology" within proposals.
Approved by all
Arnold - Directed Staff (Steve Hall) to work with Dr. Gearhart
this coming Saturday, October 24th, and come up with an
RFP regarding wetlands.
Hall - Agreed.
Golden - Adjourned meeting at 9:45PM
Catherine M. Golden
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