DECEMBER 15, 1992
CALL TO ORDER: Council Chair Pat Acklin called the meeting to order
and led the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:30 P.M. on the above date in the
Council Chambers. Laws, Reid, Williams, Winthrop, and Arnold were
present. Mayor Golden was absent.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the Regular Meeting of December
1, 1992 were accepted as presented.
SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS & AWARDS: Ski Ashland. A proclamation was read
declaring December 23, 1992 as "SKI ASHLAND DAY". Greg Willjams. A
Certificate of Appreciation was presented to Councilor Williams for
service to the citizens of Ashland as City Councilor from August 4,
1987 - December 31, 1992.
CONSENT AGENDA: Winthrop moved to approve same as follows: 1)
Minutes of Boards, Commissions & Committees; 2) Monthly Departmental
Reports - November 1992; and 3) Audit Report for Fiscal Year 1992-93.
Reid seconded, all AYES on voice vote.
OPEN SPACE ISSUE: (Moved up on agenda) City Attorney Nolte explained
that the Chamber of Commerce's proposal to fund park land acquisition
through a bond issue, if accepted by the Council, should be reviewed
by bond counsel. Williams would like to make a decision on the
preferred alternative tonight, and Winthrop wants to wait until the
Mayor and all Councilors are present. Arnold moved to postpone until
January 5 and seek an opinion from bond counsel in the interim.
Winthrop seconded and the vote was tied as follows: Reid, Williams,
and Acklin, NO; Laws, Winthrop, and Arnold, YES. Reid moved to
reconsider the motion and Winthrop seconded. Same passed on roll call
vote with Williams dissenting. The vote on the original motion, was
as follows: Laws, Reid, Acklin, Winthrop, and Arnold, YES; Williams,
PUBLIC HEARINGS: P.A. 92-104 - Forest Street Dedication. Acklin read
the format for land-use public hearings. Williams and Reid visited
the site. Acting Planning Dir. McLaughlin read the criteria for
approval and referred to maps showing three alternatives for the
continuation of Forest Street. Laws moved to limit the public hearing
to the proposed deletion of a portion of the Forest Street dedication
as recommended by the Planning Commission. Reid seconded the motion
which carried on voice vote. Rodney Badger, 610 Ashland Street, spoke
in favor of the deletion. There was no further comment from the
audience and the public hearing was closed. Williams moved to delete
the street dedication as proposed by the Planning Commission and
direct staff to prepare Findings in support of this decision. Reid
seconded and the motion carried on voice vote.
Regular Meeting - Ashland City Council - Dec. 15, 1992 - P. 1
P.A. 92-048 - Proposed Health Care Zone. Acklin declared that she is
an ex-officio member of the Ashland Community Hospital Board. Laws
declared ex-parte' contact with the Hospital Administrator regarding
total development of the area. Winthrop also spoke with Hosp. Dir.
Watson. McLaughlin gave the history of the application and said a
zone change from R-2 to HC (Health Care) would allow medical offices
as a permitted use. The planning action involves adopting a new
chapter to the land-use ordinance and adopting the Ashland Hospital
Master Facilities Plan as a sub-area development plan of the
Comprehensive Plan. The public hearing was opened and James Watson,
Hospital Administrator, spoke in favor saying the Health Care Zone
will allow this area to be used as it is now, or will be, used in the
future. John Maurer, 1085 Elkader St., also spoke in favor. Ben
Benjamin, 323 Maple St., spoke in opposition and submitted a letter
for the record. He is concerned about traffic impacts and that
neighborhood residents will lose the right to give input to future
development. Cutty Kitchell, 139 Wimer, is opposed and concerned with
additional traffic on North Main St. Stephen Lunt, 375 Grant St., and
member of the Hospital Board, spoke in favor. Frank Billovits, 600
Weller Ln., and Hospital Board member said these changes are necessary
to insure that the Hospital remain a viable institution. There was no
further testimony from the audience and the public hearing was closed.
On a question from Reid, Public Works Dir. Hall said the State is
designing a left-turn lane on N. Main at Maple but will not allow a
traffic signal to be built unless warrants are met. Laws said traffic
concerns will have to be addressed prior to construction of new
buildings, and he feels that pharmacies, and items D. F. and G. under
Permitted Uses should be Conditional Uses. Laws made a motion to
move item G. under Permitted Uses to Conditional Uses. Winthrop
seconded and the motion failed with a tie vote. Winthrop moved to add
"pharmacies" as a Conditional Use, Williams seconded and the motion
carried on voice vote. McLaughlin said the Planning Commission did
not adopt Findings. Acklin said the hospital site was originally
chosen through a community process and funded by a bond issue, and
moved to direct staff to prepare an ordinance adopting amendments to
the Comp. Plan and Zoning Map to change the zoning to Health Care, an
ordinance adopting a new chapter (18.54) to the Land-use Ordinance
with the above amendment, and prepare Findings in support for Council
adoption. Winthrop seconded, all AYES on voice vote.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: D.E.Q. Extension. Public Wks. Dir. Hall said
the D.E.Q. has granted an extension for the wastewater facilities plan
submittal to July 1, 1993. Four proposals have been received on the
wetlands study.
Open Space. Discussed earlier.
F.B.O. Contract. Hall reviewed his memo concerning a revised budget
for Airport operations. Laws moved to authorize the City
Administrator to sign a contract with Robert A. Skinner and Williams
seconded the motion. Arnold asked for an evaluation from Hall to
determine if it would be more financially advantageous for the City to
Regular Meeting - Ashland City Council - Dec. 15, 1992 - P. 2
operate the Airport. Hall noted several issues which would be more
costly and time-consuming, and recommended against City management.
Winthrop said the range of services will be greater with an FBO rather
than City management. The motion passed on roll call vote with Arnold
Adopt Water Rate Schedule. Arnold said a 10% increase should be
considered. After a short discussion the resolution title was read
and Laws moved to adopt same with Exhibit "A" providing for a 20%
increase. Williams seconded, and the motion passed on roll call vote
with Arnold dissenting. (Reso. 92-58)
NEW & MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS: Dishwashing Detergents. Carl Oates,
776 Glendale, representing the Wetlands Coalition, requested that
Staff be directed to research a proposed ban on dishwashing detergents
containing phosphates. Winthrop so moved, Arnold seconded and the
motion carried on voice vote.
PEG Access Fee. Allen Sandler, Chair, Ashland Cable Access
Commission, read a letter requesting an amendment to the franchise
with TCI Cablevision to provide for an additional 2% franchise fee to
be dedicated to PEG access. Laws said this should be a part of the
budget process. Reid moved approval, Winthrop seconded, all AYES on
voice vote.
Reid moved to extend the meeting for ten minutes, Winthrop seconded,
the motion carried on voice vote.
City Administrator's Monthly Activity Report. No action.
Title Transfer - Open Space Properties. A letter was received from
the Jackson County Greenway Coordinator concerning accepting the title
to three properties which were acquired by Jackson County for Greenway
purposes, and are within the Ashland city limits. Reid moved to
accept same on approval by the Parks Commission, Arnold seconded, all
AYES on voice vote.
Sewer System Connections Outside U.G.B. Postponed.
Council Liaison Request. Hall asked that a Council representative be
appointed to the Transportation Planning Advisory Committee and the
wastewater Treatment Plant TMDL Study Committee. Laws is willing to
continue on TPAC if his schedule permits. Postponed for appointment
by Mayor.
PUBLIC FORUM: No comment.
ORDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS & CONTRACTS: Bicycle Parking. First reading
of an ordinance amending Chapter 18.96 of the Land-use Ordinance to
require that 50% of all required bicycle parking be covered and
protected from the weather. Williams moved to second reading,
Winthrop seconded, all YES on roll call vote.
Regular Meeting - Ashland City Council - Dec. 15, 1992 - P. 3
OTHER BUSINESS FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS: Winthrop noted receipt of a
letter from the U.S. Marshal commending Police Chief Brown as incident
commander during a recent situation involving a federal fugitive.
Reid would like the City Admin. and Attorney evaluations to be held
separately from a regular Council meeting. Arnold said a procedure
for cancelling meetings is necessary i.e. 2-3 in favor to cancel. A
special meeting will be held on January 4 for the evaluations.
N~n E. ~ranklin
City Recorder
The meeting adjourned at 11:10 P.M.
Pat Acklln
Acting Mayor
(d: \m in\ 12-15 -92)
Regular Meeting - Ashland City Council - Dec. 15, 1992 - P. 4