MARCH 21, 1989
1) Tax lot 600 of 391E 5CD is located west of Wrights Creek Drive and
approximately 300 feet south of the intersection of Wrights Creek and
Grandview Drives and is zoned R-l-10; Single Family Residential.
2) The applicant is requesting Outline Plan Approval for a six lot
subdivision under the Performance Standards Option. Site improvements
are outlined on the site plan on file at the Department of Community
3) The criteria for approval of an Outline Plan for a subdivision
under the Performance Standards Option are found in 18.88 and are as
a) That the development is consistent with City plans and with
the stated purpose of this Chapter of the Land Use Ordinance.
b) That the existing and natural features of the land have been
considered in the plan of the development and important features
utilized for open space and common areas.
c) That the development design minimizes any adverse effect on
the areas beyond the project site and that the character of the
neighborhood be considered in the design of the development.
d) That adequate public facilities can be provided including,
but not limited to, water, sewer, paved access to and through the
development, electricity, and urban storm drainage.
e) That the development of the land and provision of services
will not cause shortages of a necessary public facility in the
surrounding area, nor will the potential development of adjacent lands
be impeded.
f) That there are adequate provisions for the maintenance of
open space and common areas, that if developments are done in phases
that the early phases have the same or higher ratio of amenities as
proposed in the entire.
g) That the total energy needs of the development have been
considered and are as efficient as is economically feasible, and the
maximum use is made of renewable energy sources, including solar, where
h) That all other applicable City Ordinances will be met by the
4) The Ashland City Council, following proper public notice, held
a Public Hearing on February 8, 1989, at which time testimony
was received and exhibits were presented. The City Council
approved the application subject to conditions pertaining to the
appropriate development of the site.
Now, therefore,
The City Council of the City of Ashland, finds, concludes
and recommends as follows:
1.1 The City Council hereby incorporates by reference
the Staff Report noted as "Exhibit A", the findings submitted
by the applicant noted as "Exhibit B", the Site Plan submitted
by the applicant noted as "Exhibit C", the letter from Ashland
Public Works Director, Steve Hall, dated December 12, 1988, noted
as "Exhibit D", the memorandum from Steve Hall dated January 23,
1989, noted as "Exhibit E" and the minutes from the public hearing
on this proposal held on February 8, 1989, noted as "Exhibit F".
2.1 The City Council finds that it has received all
information necessary to make a decision based on the Staff
Report, public hearing testimony and the exhibits received.
2.2 The City Council believes that the proposal for Outline Plan
approval for a six lot subdivision meets all relevant criteria of
the Performance Options Chapter 18.88. Therefore, based on evidence
contained in the whole record and the criteria contained in section
18.88,030 (4) the City Council makes the following findings:
a) That the development is consistent with City plans and
with the stated purpose of this Chapter of the Land Use Ordinance.
The proposed six lot subdivision is in conformance with Ashland's
Comprehensive Plan Map designation and Zoning Map designation of
Single Family Residential. Although there is no minimum lot size
requirement for subdivisions developed under the Performance
Standards Option, the average size must be equal to or greater than
that of the parent zone. The average lot size of this subdivision
is 10,581 square feet, which is greater than the minimum of 10,000
square feet for the R-i-iO zoning district.
b) That the existing and natural features of the land have
been considered in the plan of the development and important
features utilized for open space and common areas.
The majority of the development has been located on the gently
sloping meadow area. The building envelopes are not located in the
Wrights Creek Riparian area nor the Wrights Creek Road slope
easement. Both of these areas will be maintained except for the
removal of trees due to the construction of the new road across the
creek channel. Condition #1 added to this approval will reduce
building envelope sizes for lots 1-5 in order to retain additional
species of Oak and Pine. Further, the applicant has indicated in
their findings that trees located outside building envelopes, which
are greater than six inches in diameter measured at breast height,
shall be retained.
c) That the development design minimizes any adverse effect
on the areas beyond the project site and that the character of the
neighborhood be considered in the design of the development.
Potential adverse impacts on areas beyond the project site would
most likely be associated with the construction of the road
across Wrights Creek. In order to mitigate these potential impacts
the following measures will be taken:
1) The culvert beneath the new road will be engineered for a
100-year flood. Also, at the time of Final Plan approval, the
applicant's engineer will provide measures designed to mitigate
blockage of the culvert caused by debris and accommodate possible
2) The new street shall be designed to dip as much as
possible to prevent large ponding behind the culvert and to reduce
the amount of fill required.
3) The 4' wide pedestrian path and on-street parking
along the segment of the street crossing the creek will be
eliminated. This will reduce the width of the street, resulting in a
reduction of the width of fill within the creek channel.
4) An erosion control plan for the fill is required, which
includes the placement of rocks, and plantings with netting to
stabilize the slope.
5) A tree management plan for creek crossing is required,
which includes retaining the maximum number of trees possible as
well as cribbing trees closest to the fill.
d) That adequate public facilities can be provided
including, but not limited to, water, sewer, paved access to and
through the development, electricity, and urban storm drainage.
Wrights Creek Drive is a fully improved street with curb and
gutter. All utilities such as water, sewer and electric are
available to the site (see memo from Ashland Public Works Director
Steve Hall - "Exhibit E").
e) That the development of the land and provision of
services will not cause shortages of a necessary public facility in
the surrounding area, nor will the potential development of
adjacent lands be impeded.
There is an existing 12" water main located under Wrights Creek
Drive, which has adequate volume and pressure to serve the six
lots, including fire flow. Neighbors concerns regarding problems
with adequate water flow when irrigating their properties in the
summer months have been addressed in the memorandum from Steve Hall
("Exhibit E").
f) That there are adequate provisions for the maintenance of
open space and common areas, that if developments are done in
phases that the early phases have the same or higher ratio of
amenities as proposed in the entire.
No open space is proposed.
g) That the total energy needs of the development have been
considered and are as efficient as is economically feasible, and
the maximum use is made of renewable energy sources, including
solar, where practical.
All new homes will be built to the City's Energy Efficient
h) That all other applicable City Ordinances will be met by
the proposal.
All other applicable City Ordinances will be met by this proposal.
2.3 The City Council hereby adopts the applicant's findings
as submitted.
3.1 Based on the record of the Public Hearing on this
matter, the City Council concludes that the proposal
for Outline Plan approval for a six lot subdivision is supported by
evidence contained in the whole record.
Therefore, based on our overall conclusions, and upon the
proposal being subject to each of the following conditions,
we approve Planning Action #89-012. Further, if any one or
more of the conditions below are found to be invalid, for
any reason whatsoever, then Planning Action #89-012 is denied.
The following are the conditions and they are attached to
the approval:
1) That all new homes be built to the City's Energy Efficient
2) That a Physical Constraints Review Permit be processed at
the time of Final Plan approval addressing any development on
Riparian Preservation Lands and Wildfire Lands.
3) That a Final Plan be submitted and approved as a Type 1
planning action within 18 months of outline plan approval.
4) That all necessary easements for sewer, water, electric,
streets, and drainage be provided as required by the respective
City Departments.
5) That one fire hydrant be installed as per the requirements
of the Ashland Fire Department.
6) That street trees be provided along proposed new street
frontages, 1 tree per 30' of street frontage, to be installed prior
to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the new
7) All extension of sewer and water mains, and storm drainage
lines to be done to the standards of the City Public Works
8) That the sidewalk be installed prior to the issuance of a
certificate of occupancy for the new structures.
9) That a drainage plan for the site be submitted for review
and approval by the City Engineering Department.
10) That the building envelopes for lots #1 and #4 be modified
in order to retain those trees currently located within these
envelopes. For lot #1, the side yard off Wrights Creek Drive shall
be increased to 65' and the rear yard shall be increased from 10'
to 20'. For lot #4, the rear yard shall be increased from 20' to
30'. Lot #2 shall have the rear yard increased from 10' to 20'. Lot
#3 shall have the north side yard increased from 6' to 10'. Lot #5
shall have the west yard increased from 10' to 20'
11) That three on-street parking spaces be located in the cul-
de-sac along with drought resistant plantings. That the other three
on-street parking spaces be eliminated from the portion of the new
street which crosses the creek and accommodated on the other side.
A total of six on-street parking spaces shall be provided.
12) That the 4' wide pedestrian path designated along the
portion of the road crossing the creek be eliminated in order to
reduce the width of the street.
13) That a Tree Management Plan for the riparian area along
the creek be submitted at Final Plan. Also, that a specific Tree
Management Plan for areas of fill be submitted, indicating trees to
be cribbed closest to the fill as well as attempting to retain the
maximum number of trees.
14) That an engineering plan be submitted at Final Plan which
proposes measures to accommodate blockage of the culvert caused by
debris, and measures to divert potential overflow from surrounding
15) That the street design plan submitted at Final Plan show
the street dipping as much as possible.
16) That erosion control measures be used on areas of fill,
which include the usage of rock and/or plants with netting.
17) That the culvert be designed to 100-year flood standards.
18) That pedestrian access be provided from the area of fill
up to Wrights Creek Drive.
19) That the solar access ordinance be met for all lots and no
solar waivers be granted for any lots in the subdivision.
20) That covenants be placed upon lots 1 and 2 to insure
maintenance of the natural vegetation within and along side the
riparian area.