November 1, 1988
Diane Street -
Request to Delete
from Street Dedi-
cation Map
Mayor L. Gordon Medaris led the Pledge of
Allegiance and called the meeting to order at 7:30
P.M. on the above date in the Council Chambers.
Elerath, Reid, Williams, Acklin, Laws and Arnold
were present.
Arnold moved to approve the minutes of the regular
meeting of October 18, 1988; Reid seconded the
motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
Community Development Director Fregonese noted the
items of record in the agenda packet and said
C.P.A.C. and the Planning Commission recommended
denial of the application. He explained the need
for providing connections between neighborhoods,
and said through traffic will be minimal if Diane
Street is extended. Paul Hopker, representing the
applicant, Pacific West Coast Construction, told
of his experience in public planning and objected
to the need for the street to go through. He
feels the aesthetics of the neighborhood will be
affected, maintenance costs will increase and
the area will be less safe for children.
The public hearing was opened. Elva Knighten,
2804 Lisonbee Lane, is in favor of deleting Diane
St. from the future street dedication map. Teri
Coppedge, 2927 Barbara Street, is in favor of
requiring an eight-foot wide bikepath/walkway.
Marlo Blount, 2970 Barbara St., is concerned with
additional traffic and feels a greenway area will
provide an alternate route for children walking to
school. Hopker said the developer is willing to
provide a pedestrian path. There being no further
comment from the audience, the public hearing was
closed. On a question from Reid, Fregonese said
sidewalks will be required on one side, if the
street remains dedicated. Reid said the
continuation of Diane St. would relieve traffic at
Siskiyou and Tolman Cr. Rd. Laws agreed, but is
sympathetic to area residents. Acklin mentioned
Fire Chief King's recommendation that the street
be continued and feels it should be upheld.
Arnold moved to deny the request to delete Diane
Street from the future street dedication map, but
retain it as a bikeway/pedestrian access street.
Laws seconded the motion. Williams feels it is
logical to carry the street through. The motion
failed on roll call vote as follows: Elerath,
Reid, Williams and Acklin, NO; Laws and Arnold,
YES. Reid moved to uphold the Planning Commission
recommendation and deny the request. Elerath
seconded the motion which passed on roll call vote
as follows: Reid, Williams, Acklin, and Elerath,
YES; Laws and Arnold, NO.
11/1/88 P. 1
Regular Meeting Ashland City Council 11/1/88 P. 2
Modification to
Floodplain Mora-
torium Boundary
Fregonese showed a map of the present and proposed
floodplain moratorium boundaries, and said the new
boundary will release buildable lots. Mayor
Medaris opened the public hearing. Diane Williams
Engelhardt, 656 Helman, spoke in favor of the
boundary line modification which will enable the
buyer of her lot to build thereon. There being no
further comment from the audience the public
hearing was closed. Acklin moved to make an
exception to the ordinance and modify the
floodplain moratorium boundary; Reid seconded the
motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
Williams abstained.
Extend Floodplain
Second reading by title only of an ordinance
extending the floodplain moratorium. Arnold moved
to adopt the ordinance; Acklin seconded the motion
which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
Williams abstained. (Ord. #2483)
Pavement Cut A request was received from C.P. National to cut
Pinecrest Terr. pavement under moratorium for gas service to 920
Pinecrest Terrace. Elerath said the house has
temporary gas service. On a question from Laws,
Hall said Council can allow the pavement cut to
be done only if the temporary service cannot be
made permanent. Laws so moved, Acklin seconded
the motion which passed as follows on roll call
vote: Reid, Williams, Acklin and Laws, YES;
Arnold and Elerath, NO.
Pacific Crest Trail
Scenic Corridor
Myra Erwin, 300 Grandview Drive, representing the
Rogue Group Sierra Club, requested endorsement of
the Pacific Crest Trail Scenic Corridor nomination
to the B.L.M.'s Area of Critical Environmental
Concern. Williams would like to delay the request
for two weeks to receive input from the B.L.M.
Arnold wishes to proceed now as the issue is
presently before the Jackson Co. Commissioners.
Williams moved to delay decision for two weeks;
Elerath seconded the motion, which failed as
follows on voice vote: Elerath, Reid, Acklin and
Arnold, NO; Williams and Laws, YES. Arnold moved
to endorse the nomination of the area to the
A.C.E.C. category and Acklin seconded the motion.
Laws will vote in favor but feels both sides
should be heard. The motion passed on voice vote
as follows: Elerath, Reid, Acklin, Laws and
Arnold, YES; Williams, NO.
Set Public Hg.
P.A. 88-131 Appeal
A letter of appeal of Planning Action No. 88-131
was received from Michael Jewett, representing
Terrace Street residents. He requested the
hearing be set for December 6, 1988. All agreed
and, no further action necessary.
11/1/88 P. 2
Regular Meeting Ashland City Council 11/1/88 P. 3
Oregon Constitution
Amendment Request
A request was received from the City of Sandy,
Oregon for support of a proposed amendment to the
Oregon Constitution relating to the punishment of
crimes. A resolution to be submitted to the
League of Oregon Cities was read. Acklin moved to
support the proposal; Laws seconded the motion
which passed on voice vote as follows: Elerath,
Williams, Acklin and Laws, YES; Reid and Arnold,
Development Restr.
Near Airport
Items of record include a report from the Planning
and Public Works Directors, a letter from Jim
Olson, applicant, and a letter from Greg Phillips,
FAA in Seattle. Fregonese said the ordinances
allow Council discretion on decisions concern-
ing the approach zones and said clear policies
and practices should be worked out between the
City, Jackson County, the Airport Commission
and the F.B.O. Arnold suggested Staff proceed
with conclusions three and four of the staff
report, and not proceed with de-annexation.
Bill Knowles, 357 Reiten Drive, feels affected
agencies should be involved in discussions,
i.e. the F.A.A. and Oregon State Aeronautics
Division. Allen Hassell, said the F.A.A.'s
approval will be obtained before construction
of homes, and he would like the neighbors to be
involved in discussions on policies. Bob
Evans, a commercial airline pilot, said the
only exposure to danger would be on final
approach to the airport and there are plenty of
places to land should an emergency arise.
Council agreed that Staff proceed with Arnold's
suggestion. No further action was taken.
Freight Depot
Mayor Medaris reported that the District Office of
S.P. Transportation Co. wants the freight depot
moved, and recommended that Jim Lewis be allowed
to move it. Acklin made a motion to remove the
building from the Historic Landmarks List and
instruct the City Attorney to write S.P. Transp.
Co. releasing the rights to the building.
Williams seconded the motion which passed
unanimously on voice vote.
Adopt Findings
P.A. No. 88-095
(Park Street)
On a question from Reid, Hall said the sanitary
sewer line was more than adequate for the project,
and a previous concern was size of the storm
sewer. It was decided to add another condition to
read "15. That adequate public facilities be
verified by the Public Works Director prior to
issuance of a building permit."; and to change
condition #10 to read: "That there be one parking
space designated per unit." Laws moved to adopt
the Findings, Conclusions and Orders as amended;
Williams seconded the motion which passed on voice
vote as follows: Williams, Acklin, Laws and
Arnold, YES; Elerath and Reid, NO.
11/1/88 P. 3
Regular Meeting Ashland CitV Council 11/1/88 P. 4
Update 1980 Water Public Works Dir. Hall reviewed his memo
Comp. Plan requesting authorization to engage R.W. Beck and
Associates to update the 1980 Comprehensive Water
Plan. Arnold suggested researching the potential
to connect to the Medford water system; and Hall
said minimum flows in Ashland Creek will be
considered. Reid asked that the words "and
visitors" be added to item number i under Task I -
Water Demands on page 1 of Attachment A. Elerath
moved to authorize the Mayor and City Recorder to
sign a professional services agreement with R.W.
Beck, including additional suggestions. Willjams
seconded the motion which passed unanimously on
voice vote.
Walker Ave./Sisk.
Blvd. Traffic
Gary Jones, 935 Garden Way, expressed concern
about the intersection of Walker and Siskiyou
Blvd., in light of the tragic accident there
recently. Acklin gave a short history of actions
taken by the City and approved by the State
Highway Division, and suggested a letter be
written to the State to bring that accident to
their attention.
Halloween Report
Police Chief Lively reported on Halloween night.
Many arrests were made after 1:30 A.M., most of
which were individuals from out of town. He will
be meeting with the State Police and Sheriff's
Department to come up with a better plan for next
Halloween. A special thanks will be sent to the
Street Department for cleaning up at 3:00 A.M. and
the Police Department for handling problems in a
professional manner.
"C" St. Now Lithia
Hall said the corner of "C" and First Streets no
longer exists. He wishes to give the street sign
from the corner of "C" and Pioneer Sts. to the
owner of the Key of Cson what is now Lithia Way.
There being no further comment from the audience,
the public forum section of the meeting was
Amigos Annexation Second reading by title only of an ordinance
annexing a contiguous area to the City. Laws
moved to adopt the ordinance; Arnold seconded the
motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
(Ord. 2477)
Amigos Annexation
Second reading by title only of an ordinance
withdrawing annexed area from Jackson Co. Fire
Dist. No. 5. Acklin moved to adopt same; Laws
seconded the motion which passed unanimously on
roll call vote. (Ord. 2478)
11/1/88 P. 4
Regular Meeting Ashland City Council 11/1/88 P. 5
Amigos Annexation Second reading by title only of an ordinance
rezoning annexed area from County RR-5 to City of
Ashland E-1. Arnold moved to adopt same; Acklin
seconded the motion which passed unanimously on
roll call vote. (Ord. 2479)
Sanitary Sewers
E. Main St. Betw.
Wightman & Fordyce
Second reading by title only of an ordinance
authorizing and ordering the installation of
sanitary sewers on E. Main Street between Wightman
and Fordyce Streets. Laws moved to adopt same;
Acklin seconded the motion which carried unani-
mously on roll call vote. (Ord. 2480)
Mistletoe Rd. Impr.
Second reading by title only of an ordinance
authorizing and ordering the improvement of
Mistletoe Road from Tolman Creek Road to the end
of existing pavement. Willlame moved to adopt
same; Laws seconded the motion which carried
unanimously on roll call vote. (Ord. 2481)
Historic District
Bldg. Demolition
Second reading by title only of an ordinance
concerning the demolition and moving of buildings
in the Historic District. Acklin moved to adopt
same; Arnold seconded the motion which passed
unanimously on roll call vote. (Ord. 2482)
Amend. Planning
Second reading by title only of an ordinance
amending the Municipal Code with respect to
Planning fees, and various amendments to the
development standards provisions. Arnold moved to
adopt same; Acklin seconded the motion which
carried unanimously on roll call vote. (Ord. 2484)
Smith Annexation
(Ashland Mine Rd.)
Second reading by title only of an ordinance
annexing a contiguous area to the City. Arnold
moved to adopt same; Williams seconded the motion
which passed unanimously on roll call vote. (Ord.
Smith Annexation
Second reading by title only of an ordinance with-
drawing annexed area from Jackson Co. Fire Dist.
No. 5. Laws moved to adopt same; Arnold seconded
the motion which passed unanimously on roll call
vote. (Ord. 2486)
Smith Annexation
Second reading by title only of an ordinance
rezoning annexed property from Jackson County RR-5
to City of Ashland R-1-7.5. Williams moved to
adopt same; Acklin seconded the motion which
passed unanimously on roll call vote. (Ord. 2487)
1/l/88 P. 5
Regular Meeting Ashland City Council 11/1/88 P. 6
Downtown District
Local Impr. Dist.
A resolution was read setting a public hearing on
the formation of a local improvement district to
lease, acquire or purchase land in the Downtown
District for the construction of parking lots,
pedestrian amenities and other improvements.
Fregonese and Finance Director Turner explained
the proposed funding for the project. Acklin
moved to adopt the resolution; Arnold seconded the
motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
(Reso. 88-49)
R/W Agreement with
SPRR - Hersey St.
A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and
City Recorder to sign an agreement with Southern
Pacific Trans. Co. for additional right-of-way for
Hersey Street improvements. Reid moved to adopt
same; Acklin seconded the motion which passed
unanimously on roll call vote. (Reso. 88-50)
Reid asked that an agenda item for the next
meeting be a discussion on sidewalks and
pedestrian ways. Hall told of a planned field
trip to Winburn Camp, Nov. 2, 1988 at 10:00 A.M.
At 10:15 P.M. Arnold moved to adjourn the meeting
to November 16, 1988 at 7:30 P.M. Williams
seconded the motion which passed unanimously on
voice vote.
Nan E. ~ranklin
city Recorder
11/1/88 P. 6