February 3, 1987
Mayor Medaris led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting
to order at 7:30 p.m. on the above date in the Council Chambers.
Elerath, Reid, Bennett, Acklin, Laws and Arnold were present.
Arnold asked that the first sentence on page four of the minutes
of the regular meeting of January 20, 1987 be corrected to read
"affected" rather than "effected". Bennett moved to approve
minutes of the executive session and regular meeting as corrected;
Acklin seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
Golf Course Expansion Planning Director Fregonese reviewed the memo from the Golf Course
Committee dated January 20, 1987 as included in the agenda. Freg-
onese said that the 1% increase in hotel/motel tax would pay off
an intra-fund loan to purchase the property for the proposed expans-
ion of the golf course at a cost of $320,000. Fregonese reviewed
the payoff schedule at 1% increase of the H/M tax noting that the
repayment would take place by 1998 if the 1% Drevails, and in 1995
should the increase be 3% per year. Fregonese went
on to explain the bond costs for a period of 30 years and showing
how in 1990 the first full year of course operation when the fees
will cover all expenses and bond payment costs. Ken Mickelson,
Parks & Recreation Director and member of the Golf Course Committee
reported that statistics from the National Golf Foundation included
the fact that an eighteen hole golf course needs 25,000 people to
support it and that the Rogue Valley has a population of about
150,000 and it doesn't have an eighteen-hole municipal course.
Mickelson said in talking to someone in South Dakota who was involv-
ed in expansion of a golf course and experienced an increase of
30% play. Mickelson said that 40,000 rounds of play are expected
and that more play is anticipated on the 18 hole course because
golfers for the most part would prefer to play an 18-hole course
than to play two nines. Mickelson said the course is now playing
at capacity. Mickelson said
that 99 season's tickets will be available for people who play on
a frequent basis and would be reserved for residents of the City
and then apened to the public. The public hearing was opened.
Fred Wilken, 515 Maple Way, said he has played on golf courses
from Shastina to Grants Pass and asked Councilors if they've heard
of the financial troubles of municipal courses today as recently
reported in the San Francisco Chronicle and said the only ones
making money are the property owners, Wilken noted that Arnold
Palmer's research showed the play would not be here and decided
not to develop a course. Wilken said Cedar Links is a better
course and that private individuals should take golf courses over°
2/3/87 P. 1
Re5ul~ Meeting Ashland City Council 2/3/87 Po 2
Howard Wagner, Manager of the Flagship Inn, asked what would happen
if the proposed hotel/motel tax is defeated and the land could not
be acquired and Acklin said the committee would have to go back to
the drawing board. On question as to how many golfers are in Ash-
Golf Course Expansion land, Wagner was told there are about 12%.
Denise Miller, speaking for the League of Women Voters asked
about irrigation and how the heavy use of water will affect the
users downstream° The City Administrator said there are irrigation
rights and that sprinkling will be done rather than flood irriga-
tion used in the past. Acklin said the stream quality will improve
with sprinkling as flood irrigation leaches all chemicals etco
into the stream. Miller asked if Bancroft Bonding could be used
outside the City and Almquist noted that the law provides for such
a course of action with approval from Jackson County. On a questior
as to whether those arrangements have been made, Almquist said that
first the election results should be in and then proceed from there.
Sharon Thormahlen, 80 Hargadine, said she had collected signatures
for the Hotel/Motel tax referendum and that she would hope the
ballot title will not have an ambiguous option for voting. Thorma-
hlen also noted that the 12,000 rounds of golf during a distressed
economy could be repeated in the near future.
Sherman Gardner had questions as to how the proposal would affect
the citizens of Ashland relative to property taxes and was told
that the 6% limitation he had referred to is not related to Bancroft
A1 Willstatter asked if the projections given are valid and wondered
if the South Dakota golf course mentioned is close to other courses
and asked for more information on how the course is managed.
Gary Jones, 345 Kent Street, said he was involved in the Jackson
Road Golf Course planned for Billings ranch property and that a
feasibility study had been done showing that the community could
support three 18-hole golf courses and people would come to Oak
Knoll from all over the valley and Northern California. Jones
said the problem with putting the Billings course together was
the timing (1980-82) and the fact that they were asking $3,500
for memberships along with an additional $60 per month and at
that time that was too much money to ask. Elerath asked Jones
if he had heard of other courses being planned and he said he had
heard talk but nothing concrete. Miller asked what would happen
if the conservative estimates/worst scenario took place and was
told by the City Administrator that the fees would be raised.
Laws noted that if nothing else worked, the taxpayers could be
asked for funds. Fregonese said that if no growth occurred at
all there would be enough money for bonding payback but also that
maintenance budget could be cut.
Peter Zukis said that the course is overbooked now and to expand
it would be a money-maker for the City. Craft agreed saying that
he plays several times a week and the City would bring in revenue.
2/3/87 P. 2
{~uiar Meeting Ashland City CouDci! 2/3/87 P. 3
Golf Course Expansion
At this point the Mayor closed the public hearing and said that
this Council is responsible for furnishing recreation for its
citizens and that a swimming pool, tennis courts, ball parks and
bike paths have been made available at no cost to the people in
tax monies.
Acklin said the golf course committee has worked for four years
on various proposals and feels this plan to fulfill the commission
by Council as to what it asked it to do.
Arnold said he is in favor and campaigned in~-~ of the land
acquisition and that he wants a feasibility ~ecause of the City's
posture in the proposal.
Laws said he is pleased there will be a vote by the people on the
proposal and that since the state of the economy at any given time
cannot be determined, he said the advantages and disadvantages
must be considered and then a decision reached. Laws said he is
in favor of the proposal.
Bennett said she is basicly in favor and the City's past experi-
ence points to successful results and she feels this will be the
Reid said she is waiting for conclusion of negotiations with Lessee
Buddy Sullivan.
Elerath said he is in favor of making the facility available°
The Mayor said that the final decision will be made at the next
regular meeting on February 17.
Susan Lane Impr. cont. The City Administrator noted he had just received a long letter
from Ron Kramer et al relative to the street design of the proposed
improvements of Susan Lane. It was decided that the matter should
be placed on the next agenda to give Council suffinient time to
study the five page letter.
Financial Commentary Reid had questions on the monthly financial commentary as submitted
by Director of Finance Nelson and it was suggested that she con-
tact Nelson for explanation.
Budget Committee
Medaris appointed Steve Lunt to the Hospital Board and David Bern-
ard to the Planning Commission. Bennett moved to approve appoint-
ments; Acklin seconded the motion which passed unanimously on
voice vote.
Vicki Van Bravo, 855 B Street asked that Council reconsider recent
appointments to the Budget Comm{ttee saying that the composition of
the Budget Committee is out of balance because of only one business
person represented at this time and ask that one appointment be
rescinded to replace with business person. Laws said it would be
embarrassin to reverse such a decision and said the next opening
on the Coxv~n~ttee would lend such opportunity for that balance.
The Public Forum closed at this point. ~
Regular ~'Leeting Ashland City Council 2/3/87 P. 4
CONTRACTS Second reading by title only was given an Ordinance electing to
receive State Revenue Sharing and Arnold moved to adopt; Laws
State Revo Sharing seconded the motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
(Ref. Ord. 2413)
Susan Lane Improve°
McCaw Cablevision
transfer of ownership
Postponed to study new information.
First reading was given an ordinance transfering ownership and
assignment of rights to Cooke CableVision. Arnold moved to delete
the second paragraph; Bennett seconded the motion and Council
agreed. Arnold moved to second reading; Bennett seconded the
motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
Resolution calling
for Special Election
Postponed for conclusion of negotiations regarding equipment etc.
with Lessee.
Senior Program Grant
A resolution increasing revenue estimates and authorizing expendi-
ture of grant proceeds for the Senior Program was read and Bennett
moved to adopt; Acklin seconded which passed unanimously on roll
call vote. (Ref. Res. 87-01).
Reeder Hydro
A resolution accepting Construction of Reeder Gulch Hydro-Electric
Project Contract No. 1 was read and Bennett moved to approve;
Aeklin seconded the motion which passed unanimously on roll call
vote. (Ref. Res. 87-02).
Reid noted that Traffic.S~{%~ Commission Minutes and others have
ubm~tte to Co cxl
been s ' d un ' an in the case of Traffic Safety the
actions of the Commission would be helpful for Council in making
decisions. Director of Public Works Alsing said that because of
the meeting time there is a lag and they don't get in until the
following meeting.
Bennett said she tries to report to Council on RVCOG meetings to
give an overview of business taking place at those meetings.
ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
Nan Eo Franklin L. Gordon Medaris
City Recorder Mayor
2/3/87 P. 4