May 19, 1987
Improvement of "A"
Street - 7th to
8th Streets
Mayor L. Gordon Medaris led the Pledge of Allegiance
and called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. on the
above date in the Council Chambers. Reid, Bennett,
Acklin, Laws and Arnold were present. Elerath was
Arnold moved to approve the minutes of the regular
meeting of May 5, 1987, and the adjourned meeting
of May 12, 1987. Reid seconded the motion which
passed unanimously on voice vote.
City Administrator Almquist reviewed the memo from the
Asst. City Engineer which explained that the Section
of "A" Street between 6th and 7th Streets had been
approved for paving by the City Council in August of
1986. Petitions were mailed to abutting property
owners on "A" Street between 7th and 8th Streets in
February of 1987. The results showed 38.25% being in
favor of the paving project. Southern Pacific
Railroad owns 54.1% of the front footage and are
opposed to the paving. No response was received from
one owner whose front footage, together with
S.P.R.R.'s, would not be enough to file a remon-,
strance which takes a 2/3 percentage. Mayor Medaris
opened the public hearing.
Robert Munroe, owner of The Cabinet Works at 864 "A"
Street, told the Council he had been required to pave
the access to his parking area off "A" Street, which
cost $3400, as a condition of approval of his
conditional use permit. He further explained he was
contacted by the Planning Director some time later and
was asked to sign an agreement to participate in the
paving of this section of "A" Street, which had been
another condition of his conditional use permit.
Munroe said it would be a financial burden for his
small business and he didn't feel this section of the
street was used enough to necessitate paving.
There being no further testimony from the audience,
Mayor Medaris closed the public hearing. Acklin asked
if the storm drain would be adequate to handle runoff
at the intersection of "A" and 8th Streets and noted
Alan Adleman, who had been cleaning out the present
drain, was in the audience.
5/19/87 P. 1
R~e~' ~ ar Meeting
Ashland City Council
5/19/87 P.~
"A" Street Impr. Mr. Adleman, 886 "A" Street, asked when the paving wa
scheduled to be done and Public Works Director Alsing
said in July or August when the section between 6th
and 7th Streets is done. He assured Mr. Adleman that
the storm drain would be large enough to handle the
runoff water.
Acklin noted that Mr. Munroe had been aware of the
condition to sign paving agreement and asked that the
Ordinance be moved up on the agenda. The Ordinance
was read, Acklin moved passage to second reading and
Bennett seconded the motion. Arnold felt this would
be a burden on a business the size of Mr. Munroe's ar
because Munroe had already spent $3400 paving the
acess to his shop, he would vote against the project.
Reid said she is committed to paving streets in
Ashland because granitic soil is dangerous to health
and would vote in favor. On roll call vote, Reid,
Bennett, Acklin and Laws, AYES; Arnold, NAY.
Winter Organization
Request to Place
Tables/Chairs on
City property
High Street Alley
A letter from the Winter Organization Oregon was rea~
which requested support of their efforts to bring the
1998 Winter Olympic Games to Oregon. The Council
requested Staff to bring a resolution back to the ne>
meeting in response to the request for support.
Gerry Mandell requested this item be postponed until
the June 2nd meeting. Almquist suggested it be
referred to the Downtown Planning Committee for thei~
input. Bennett so moved, Acklin seconded the motion
which passed unanimously on voice vote.
The request for waiver of filing fees for vacation
alley on High St. at Susan Lane was placed later on
the agenda to allow Mr. Sposato time to arrive.
Sediment Pond On request from Dir. of Public Works Alsing, the Mayo
Uses appointed Bennett and Reid to serve on a committee oi
Council and Parks Commissioners to discuss joint use
of the settling pond on Greenway property. Mayor
Medaris will contact Parks Department concerning
others who would be willing to serve.
First Amendment
Linda Ryan of the Ashland Bicentennial Committee
invited the Council to attend the First Amendment
seminar being held at S.O.S.C. on Thursday, May 21,
1987. The public forum was closed.
5/19/87 P.
Reo~'~ar Meeting Ashland City Council 5/19/87 P. 3
Physical & Environ. Second reading by title only of an Ordinance revising
Constraints the Physical and Environmental Constraints chapter of
the Land-use Ordinance was held. Arnold moved to
adopt the Ordinance; Reid seconded the motion which
passed unanimously on roll call vote. (Ref. Ord. No.
Stop Signs - Morton
& Forest Streets
A resolution was read concerning the placement of
stop signs on Morton Street at the intersection of
Forest Street. Bennett moved for adoption, Reid
seconded, all AYES on roll call vote. (Ref. Reso. No.
Sheridan Street
A resolution prohibiting parking on the North side of
Sheridan Street between North Main and Grover Streets
was read. Laws moved to adopt, Bennett seconded, all
AYES on roll call vote. (Ref. Reso. No. 87-20)
Transfer of
A resolution requesting transfers of appropriations
within funds was reviewed by City Administrator
Almquist. Acklin made motion to adopt, Bennett
seconded, on roll call vote, all AYES. (Ref. Reso.
No. 87-21)
Interest - Utility Council received a letter from a utility customer
Deposits concerning payment of interest on utility deposits.
Almquist will bring a report back to the next meeting.
Greenway Comm.
Reid gave brief report on the Greenway Committee
meeting on May 19, and asked that Ken Mickelsen be
invited to the next Council meeting to preview his
ideas for the settling pond.
Monthly Financial
On request from City Administrator to place monthly
financial commentary on the agenda, Laws moved to do
so and Bennett seconded the motion. Laws made motion
to accept and place on file; Arnold seconded, all AYES
on voice vote.
High Street Hedge
Laws expressed concern about the hazardous situation
caused by the hedge at 334 High Street. City Attorney
Salter said there is some liability to the City if an
accident occurred, because the City is aware of the
dangerous condition. Laws moved to direct Salter to
send letter to Mr. Sposato advising of possible
liability if the hedge is not trimmed immediately.
Bennett seconded the motion which passed unanimously
on voice vote.
City Recorder
The meeting adjourned at 8:07 P.M.
5/19/87 P. 3