August 18, 1987
Mayor L. Gordon Medaris led the Pledge of Allegiance
and called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. on the
above date in the Council Chambers. Elerath, Reid,
Williams, Acklin, Laws and Arnold were present.
Elerath asked that Sentence 14 under "OTHER BUSINESS"
be revised to show that Council had received the
letter from the volunteer fire department in
Guanajuato requesting fire equipment; and Council
agreed that a letter should go out from the Mayor to
local service clubs asking for assistance in the
matter. Acklin moved to approve the minutes of the
Regular Meeting of August 4, 1987 as amended; Reid
seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice
Amendments to
Land-use Ord.
Planning Director John Fregonese gave the background
and explanation of the proposed amendments to Chapter
18 of the Ashland Municipal Code, Land-use Ordinance.
Councilor Laws suggested the wording of Planning
Action 87-065, changes to Section 18.100.020 of the
Land-use Code concerning negative impacts on adjacent
uses, be amended to say that the proposed benefits
will be greater than any negative impact. The public
hearing was opened and closed, with no response from
the audience. Elerath said the changes were good and
moved to accept them with the wording changes proposed
by Councilor Laws; Williams seconded the motion which
passed unanimously on voice vote. An ordinance will
be prepared for the next meeting.
Croman Corp. A letter from Croman Corporation was read expressing
Purchase of Propty. their interest in purchasing property on Mistletoe
Mistletoe Road Road which they currently lease from the City. B.L.
Kaufman, Croman Corp., told of plans to modernize the
mill and said financing would be more easily obtained
if land was owned instead of leased. On question
from Arnold as to estimated cost of project, Kaufman
said approximately three million dollars, and
explained that no new jobs would be created, outside
of the construction work. Kaufman also requested an
extension of the lease should the sale not go through.
City Attorney Ron Salter explained a public hearing
is required by law in order to dispose of public
property, at which time an appraisal of the property
would be required. Laws moved to instruct staff to
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R~ ~lar Meeting Ashland City Council 8/18/87 P ~
Property Purch.
Mistletoe Road
obtain evidence of the value of said property; Reid
seconded the motion and asked if jobs would be lost as
a result of the modernization, to which Kaufman
replied that jobs would not be lost, but they will be
able to make more lumber. The motion passed unani-
mously on voice vote.
Liquor License
A memo was read which reported four years of
delinquent property taxes owing on premises at 1474
Siskiyou, the site of The Bushes. Scott R. Bushnell,
Lessee of the property, applied for liquor license
which was recommended for approval by the Police Dept.
Staff recommended the approval be tabled until
property taxes were current. Acklin moved to approve
liquor license application on the condition that the
taxes were paid. Laws seconded the motion which
passed unanimously on voice vote.
Paving Cut Request
Lit Way/Parker St.
A letter from Carolyn and David Salisbury, 1716 Parker
Street, was read requesting permission to cut pavement
on either Parker St. or Lit Way for utility hookup,
both of which are under paving moratorium until 1991
and August of 1988 respectively. Public Works
Director Alsing explained that at the time of the
Parker Street paving, the Salisbury's were not
interested in developing the second lot. Arnold asked
what harm would be done by waiting until August of
1988 to cut pavement on Lit Way, to which Mrs.
Salisbury replied that the buyer would probably back
out of the sale. Laws moved to grant the request;
Reid seconded the motion which passed on voice vote as
follows: Reid, Williams, Acklin and Laws, YES;
Elerath and Arnold, NO.
Non-laywers in
Municipal Court
City Attorney Salter reported that State Law gives
the Municipal Judge right to decide if non-lawyers
should be allowed to represent defendants in Municipal
Court. No action necessary by Council.
Monthly Financial City Administrator Almquist reported that this is the
Commentary final commentary for the 1986-87 fiscal year. Arnold
moved to accept and place on file; Acklin seconded the
motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
Finance Director Bob Nelson was commended for doing a
fine job on the commentary.
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B.P.A. Rate Incr. Almquist briefly reviewed a letter from Bonneville
Power Administration concerning their rate raise of
7.7%. The City has over-realized $92,000 over the
past three months because BPA did not raise their
rates as high as was projected. Almquist recommended
a 2% across the board electric rate decrease for all
classifications in the current Electric Rate Schedule,
to be effective October 1, 1987. A proposed rate
schedule will be prepared for the next meeting.
Water Bond Re-
payment Options
A memo was read concerning repayment options on the
proposed water bond. City Administrator Almquist
reviewed the three options and his recommendation of
using $81,000 of the June 30 fund balance surplus in
the Water Quality Fund, and adjusting water rates by
6%. The latter would result in an increase in average
residential water bills of about $.89-$1.07/per month.
Almquist pointed out that the 2% decrease in electric
rates would reduce utility bills by approximately the
same amount. A brief discussion was held concerning
areas to be benefitted by the new reservoir which will
serve the northwest area of town, currently under
water moratorium. Reid moved to accept Almquist's
recommendation; Acklin seconded the motion which
passed unanimously on voice vote.
Naming of Alley
Off Nursery St.
A memo from the Ashland Historic Commission was read
suggesting names for an alley off Nursery Street. The
three names, Conway Alley, North School Way and Woolen
Way each hold historic significance for that
particular area. Reid expressed interest in asking
the Historic Commission for assistance in the future
on such issues, and moved to adopt the name "Woolen
Way". Laws seconded the motion and it passed
unanimously on voice vote.
Ashland Taxi Co.
Re: RVTD Cable Car
Dennis Perkins, Ashland Taxi Co., expressed concern
about the cable car the Rogue Valley Transit District
is using for service on Siskiyou Boulevard. He
started a hotel/motel shuttle service about two years
ago which runs all year long, and is concerned the
cable car will have an adverse affect on this service.
Mr. Perkins also expressed concern about the safety of
passengers on the cable car. After a discussion about
the City's right to control the configuration of
R.V.T.D.'s buses, Laws asked that City Attorney Salter
research the legal authority of the City, find what
the intent of R.V.T.D. is concerning the bus, and
submit a report for the next meeting. There being no
further comment from the audience, the public forum
section of the meeting was closed.
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Alley Vacation An ordinance vacating a portion of the alley between
off High Street High Street and North Main Street was read. Arnold
moved to pass to second reading and Laws seconded the
motion. After considerable discussion concerning the
walkway plans and if they would be carried through,
it was decided that Williams and Laws will talk with
the property owners and bring back a report. Arnold
withdrew the motion and Laws seconded. The first
reading of the ordinance was delayed until the matter
could be settled.
Hangar Purchase
at Municipal Airp.
A memo was read concerning a plan for purchasing open,
closed and maintenance hangars at the Ashland
Municipal Airport for a purchase price of $126,075.00.
The FBO lease agreement provides for the FBO to
collect and administer hangar rental fees, retaining
20% of same and returning 80% to the City. Rental
fees will return approximately $18,000 annually to the
City. Arnold moved to purchase the hangars for the
price stated and authorize the Mayor and City Recorder
to sign a contract with Southern Oregon Skyways. Laws
seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice
Gold Spike Mayor Medaris gave a brief reminder of the upcoming
Ceremony and Golden Spike Ceremony at 5th & "A" Streets on August
Forensics Lab. 26, 5:30 P.M. and the groundbreaking ceremony for the
Groundbreaking Forensics Lab on August 27, at 10:45 a.m.
Energy Advisory
Comm. Meeting
Councilor Reid asked the Council to contact her with
any ideas they might wish her to take to the Energy
Advisory Commission meeting she will be attending on
August 28th.
The meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M.
Nan E. Franklin
City Recorder
L. Gordon Medaris
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