September 15, 1987
Appeal of
P.A. #87-090
Council Chairman Don Laws led the Pledge of Allegiance
and called the meeting to order at 7:32 P.M. on the
above date in the Council Chambers. Reid, Acklin,
Laws and Arnold were present. Elerath and Williams
were absent. Mayor Medaris arrived at approximately
9:15 P.M.
Acklin moved to approve the minutes of the regular
meeting of September 1, 1987; Reid seconded the
motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
A letter was read from Robert & Ella Fredinburg, 2275
Siskiyou Blvd., requesting an appeal of Planning
Action 87-090, a conditional use permit for a 62-unit
low income, elderly housing complex at Siskiyou Blvd.
and Bellview Ave. A report from the Planning
Commission dated September 10, 1987 was also read.
John Fregonese, Planning Director, reported on the
Planning Commission's criteria for granting a
conditional use permit for the project. He noted the
need for housing in Ashland, and said the subject area
which is zoned E-1 is not good for employment uses
because of slow development and low traffic volume on
Siskiyou Blvd. He also addressed the issues raised in
Fredinburgs' letter.
Robert Fredinburg voiced concerns about the Planning
Department's notification process, and said he felt he
had been deliberately overlooked by the Planning
Commission. When asked if he still opposed the
project since it had been flipped over to the other
side of the property, he said he was not opposed.
Ella Fredinburg, 2275 Siskiyou Blvd., also expressed
concern about the notification process and asked if
the project had been approved in the mirror image of
the original proposal. She said she was not opposed
to the project after it was flipped over.
Don Ballew, 2315 Siskiyou Blvd., opposed the variance
for parking and was concerned about getting out of his
driveway. Steve Fabricant, 128 Laurel St., questioned
the need for three stories for elderly housing and
said the location is not good for elderly tenants. He
was also concerned that the project would be converted
to market-rate housing in the future. John Fregonese
asked that the representative from The CBM Group field
these questions.
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Judith Bernstein, 610 Helman St., a gerontologist who
specializes in housing for the elderly felt that the
project should be located closer to needed services,
closer to downtown activities, and should have room
for expansion for dining areas, clinics, etc.
Bill Spann, CBM Group, spoke in opposition to the
appeal saying they went to considerable expense to
accommodate the Fredinburgs in the re-design of the
project; and the project did meet the Farmers Home
Administration's criteria for distance to necessary
facilities. He explained the proposed housing is an
apartment complex not a congregate care facility and
the tenants would be 62 years or older, with ten
percent of the units built for handicapped persons.
The complex will have wide halls, stairways, elevators
and an on-site manager and assistant manager. CBM has
a 20-year commitment with FHA and does not intend to
shorten this time period. Mr. Spann told of a market
survey done at CBM's expense which shows a great need
for housing units in Ashland. Reid asked if tenants
would be from Ashland or a waiting list from other CBM
facilities. Mr. Spann said they will advertise in
Ashland and units will be rented on a first-come
first-served basis.
Don Pinnock, whose office is at 515 E. Main St., is
one of the eight owners of the subject property and
said the criteria for the conditional use permit had
been met; and there was no basis for further debate
since the Fredinburgs were no longer in opposition to
the project. There being no further comment from the
audience the public hearing was closed.
Arnold moved to deny the appeal and adopt the findings
and conditions; Acklin seconded the motion. Reid said
some good ideas had been brought out about senior
housing, and Acklin noted that the Planning Commission
had been requested to attach certain conditions to
low-income housing projects. The motion passed unani-
mously on roll call vote.
Mayor Medaris arrived at 9:15 and chaired the
remainder of the meeting.
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Annexation - A report and recommendation from the Planning
245 Tolman Cr. Rd. Commission was read concerning the proposed annexa-
tion of 2.75 acres at 245 Tolman Creek Road for a 54-
unit low to moderate income apartment complex. Arnold
moved to set a public hearing for October 20, 1987,
7:30 P.M.; Acklin seconded the motion which passed
unanimously on voice vote.
S.P. Depot for
Teen Center
A letter from Mel Ginsberg, 916 Iowa Street ~1, was
read urging acquisition of the S.P. Freight Depot for
Teen Center purposes. Other letters were received and
placed on file. City Administrator Almquist said
leasing the building over a long term would be more
economical than moving it. Robin Hulten, 490 Liberty,
President of the Board of Directors for the Teen
Center, also asked that the Council consider allowing
the building to be used for the teen center. The City
Administrator will keep the Council updated on nego-
tiations with Southern Pacific Trans. Co.
Liquor License
China Station
The Police Department recommended approval for a
liquor license for the China Station, 2425 Siskiyou
Blvd. Arnold moved to approve the application, Acklin
seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice
Liquor License
Ideal, N. America
A recommendation from the Police Department for
approval of a liquor license for Ideal, North
America, Inc., 1145 Siskiyou Blvd. was received. It
was noted property taxes were owing on the property.
Laws moved to approve the application with the
condition the taxes be paid current; Acklin seconded
the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
Ashlander Apts.
City Administrator Almquist reported that the owners
of the Ashlander Apartment Complex currently pay
$37,000 yearly in taxes, and had been paying $5,200
yearly. For information only, no action necessary.
Financial Comm. Laws moved to accept and place on file; Acklin
seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice
Cost Control
A report was read from the Committee appointed to
review the Comprehensive Cost Control System. Mayor
Medaris thanked the Committee members for their
efforts. Cathy Golden, a member of the Committee and
Budget Committee, presented a plan for a management
audit to be held in conjunction with the services
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Cost Control
audit. She requested that the Committee re-convene to
discuss feasibility and cost of this audit, and a
decision be postponed until the Committee could meet
with the accountants for the management auditing firm.
Reid requested that the item be postponed until the
next meeting in order to get more information. Laws
asked that it be referred back to the Committee. Bob
Nelson, Finance Director, said all departments would
be reviewed with the exception of the Hospital and
possibly the Parks Department.
Planning Comm.
A memo from Mayor Medaris was read requesting Council
approval of his appointment of Thomas Lavagnino to
fill a vacancy left by the resignation of Michael
Shoberg for a term expiring December 31, 1989. Acklin
moved to approve the appointment, Arnold seconded the
motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
Nominations to
National Register
A request was received from George Kramer, Chairman of
the Historic Commission, concerning nomination of
houses at 59 and 77 Sixth Street to the National
Register of Historic Places. Acklin moved to proceed
with the nomination; Laws seconded the motion which
passed unanimously on voice vote.
Ashland Depot
Brick Building
The Ashland Historic Commission submitted a request
for the Council to direct Staff to include the brick
structure at the S.P. Depot, for which S.P. has
requested a demolition permit, in negotiations for the
freight depot. They also requested that documentation
of the building be sought from the Southern Oregon
Historical Society, should the acquisition not be
agreeable to either party. No action by the Council
was necessary. Staff will communicate with Southern
Pacific Transportation Co. on this matter.
MIA/POW Awareness
Katie Reynolds, 133 Orange Ave., told of the
Governor's designation of September 18, 1987 as
National POW/MIA Awareness Day and asked that a
POW/MIA flag be flown on that day in remembrance of
the 2,500 Vietnam Vets who are still missing. Laws
moved to approve the request, Acklin seconded the
motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
Reynolds then presented the flag to the City. There
being no further comment from the audience, the public
hearing was closed.
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High St. Alley Second reading by title only of an Ordinance vacating
Vacation an alley off High Street near Susan Lane. Arnold
moved to adopt the ordinance, Laws seconded the
motion, which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
(Ref. Ord. ~2424)
Land-Use Ord.
Second reading by title only of an Ordinance amending
the Land-Use Ordinance with respect to variances, site
reviews, and lot depth requirements in residential
districts. Laws moved to adopt the ordinance; Acklin
seconded the motion, which passed unanimously on roll
call vote. (Ref. Ord. ~2425)
CBM Annexation
245 Tolman Cr. Rd.
First reading of an Ordinance dispensing with an
election and calling a public hearing on a proposed
annexation and withdrawal from Jackson County Fire
District No. 5 of property located at 245 Tolman Creek
Road (CBM Annexation). Laws moved to second reading;
Acklin seconded the motion which passed unanimously on
roll call vote.
Dam Safety Insp.
A Resolution increasing non-tax resources and
authorizing the expenditure of a portion of the
electric utility fund for a dam safety inspection
report was removed from the agenda by the City
Bi-Centennial Councilor Acklin thanked the Council members for
Activities agreeing to read the Constitution on September 17,
1987 on the Plaza. Mayor Medaris mentioned the
dedication of Glenwood Park at Ashland and Glenwood
Streets, and invited everyone to attend on Sept. 17 at
L.O.C. Conf. 9:00 A.M. Almquist asked that the League of Oregon
Cities Conference questionnaire be returned to him by
September 15. Mayor Medaris explained the process for
Selection Proc. selecting a new Public Works Director and Finance
Retiring Employees Director. The Mayor also noted that the results of
the City Administrator's evaluation had been distri-
Admin. Eval. buted to the Council members.
The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M.
Nan E. Franklin
City Recorder
L. Gordon Medaris
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