HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-219 AFN Agrmt - Falcon NWSent By: alcon Northwest Computer Syste; 541 267 2575; Jun-15-99 12:01PM; Page 2/3 Se~C~ AOREEM~ ~memeM ~ ~e Cb of ~1~ ~ ~ im~h ~ DeN~ ~ B~ ~i, ~ ~r N~ D~n CA~ and C~mer n~ ~ tr ~TA ~ ~Daa h~ on ~N's tel~mmun~ ~m ~mugh ~m~ ~ (t d~; Oeta 8erviGes Ri~: ~L 10kefs + j .........IP ires · l (~ 5 .! /month~('~ 13 1 oo..R!Im + , (P eddF"-~?__~ = $ /month 1, SERvicES, Customer shall purchase and AI=N shall provide to Cuemr, 1.1. DATA 81lVtCll. Data irkice/perrnl access by Cuelomer to AFlfs talecommunications system at the point of delivery Incated in ~lle Cullomets premises desuli}ed above. The point ofdelkery is that localion where the network and Customers system em interconnecl=~. 1,2. INSTALLATION 81~VlC~. Installalion ~ c~n. sim of coodinathg we,h Customer the necessary engineering, ale surly, sysl~m conflgunlon and olher senAoes ne4assary lo provide Customer Data Sendices. These mrd~e~ shall be proVEled Up to the de~ Dmt the serdca tutlng is c~xrtpleted I~sed on N=N'S customary tesUng procedures and the servic~ is mainehie to the Customer ('the eP/~e ac, ueptance date'). In adOliOn, AFN will iristall such wiring, Sw~he.s, roumrs, cibinets or other equiprnent ("golleCtk~y referred to as 'AFN faclll/s'} necessary to connec~ Customers facltles to the netweds. 2, Tiea, This agraernent will be effective upon the elite alecured by AFN and Mall ;onlinue for one year, unless sooner terminated a~ provided h ~is agreement. In le e~m ~ noece is not gken by etaer protyro terminate this agreement et least 30 elejs per to the termination date, ~his egreemenl shall be e:dended for successive one year periods on the same terms and condiljons egept for the rale s;,edrted in sectkin 3. The rate for each e'j4erlsbn period shell bethe me then in effect, as published byAFN. 8t least 45 days tx~or to the terrnlnatlon dale. DATA IEitVK;ES RATE, From ~he sen4ce instNla~ion che~e: D 1 ~ $ 750,00 13 100N!It Sl 350.00 ~Custom .. $..,.{p ....., m lr-e~ FLL,;Epd~/d / acceptance data, Customer shaJI pay ~e rote spacited above for each month of senAce. tf ~e seneca does not begin on fie fire day of s billing r/de, then payments for the first roenet shall be prorated on 8 daly betds, All sums shall be paid wehb 20 claW after the date of the monthly baling for ser~ces (the ~due date"). 3,i, INSTALLATION 8ERVlCI~ CI4ARel!, Customer shall pay bhe if~tellatign charge spedlied above for the installeti0n services prodded .by AFN whk;h r, harge6 ihall be due and payable upon ~ ofthi agreement (ffis · due date'), 3,3, LATE PA'ItlBtTI, D~. ~'ayrnent~ rec~h,sd after the due date may be suiteclio a charge of 1:~% per monl~ on ~e unpaid balance at the discretion ofAFN, AFN may require Cuslomerto pays depoel in advance offfie preston of any service. Any such deposi shall be hem by AFN iq a non-~lemst bearing account end used t~ satisfy ('e whole or In part) any obliga'don of Customer under ~ls agreeme.t, 4. 6Letecs L.er, d.s. AFN will eNm:be menabe effo ds to provide satrice on 8 2A-hour ---.day, 7-day-parJ, veek besb. Customer understeMs end acknowled0es ~at AFN does not wafTlint Illat its servlca will be pmvk:ied without Intomjp!lon. Customer also understands ~at l~e rates and speed forthis service b based on the utlization of burstable data transmllmion methodobO y wheTe the full bardWidth contracted for is b be utllzed b bursts only arKl not coM~uously, AFN may remoter Customers bendwe utezetion in order to ensure ffiat Customers tmnsmis~i;ns ere within ~e bumble ullzatlon rote guidelines, These gukleMes am ~ubject to c~ar~e at any lime byAFN a~lng in is sole discretion, and all such g;hengea ~all be binding I - OffiDATA 8errlees A0reement (p:~leevmma~kFN Oak Se~ces conu.v4xlXSna) Sent By: ':dlCOn NonthWest Computen Syste; 541 267 2575; Jun-15-99 12:01PM; 0~/3~/S9 TU£ 09:38 FA,~ 541 t88 5~20 ASHLLND SYC CTR Page 1/3 ~oo~ LIkeTED TO THE DRECT DAMAGES I'~ICURRED BY CUSTONER INAGTUALAND~REUANCE ON THE IYIITEM OR SERVICES, V~ICH 8HALLNOT, INTHE AGK:tIIB2ATE, FX'~ 'IO0~OF IvtAE)IATELY i.~4=Cl.dNe THE DATE ON VV-Ili~H THE 8REACH GNING RISE TO THE DAMAGEB OCCURRED. EXCEPT FOR THE PROVIgQN OF CR!~DITS TO CUST(ZM~Ag~OUNTASBPECFIGALLY~I~I 8ECTION4, THERIGI'ITBANDRBIDESGRANTEDTO CUSI'CIVER i THE MCT1ON I CCNSITIUT15 CUStC,Vd~'$SCLJ~AI~OEXCLUSMSREM93Y~ N::N, n"SAGENT8, OFFI01ALSAI~EtR.OYEEe FORANY N~O,Nj, CLAMS~I~ICONNck, tFJ4WrrHTHE CLAlitARIBNGUNDERSTATUTORYCRCCXkRMONLAW THERE ARE NO THIID PARq'Y IKiNEFICIARIE$ OF THI~ HAVE NO LIAm.ffY FORTHENB~.~3F. NCE, PRCOJC'm, SERVICES OR WEBSrIF. S OF CUSTOMER; OF AFFLIATE8; OF DEVB. OPERS OR CON,qUL7~ DENTtqEDORREFERRB)TOCU~TCI/ERBY~; OR OF ANY OTHER THIRD PARTY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LIABILITY FOR THE CONTENT, QUAJJTY AND ACCURACY OF THE FORE~3aNG WHICH ARE ACCE,~BLE BY USE OF THF ~ OR SERVICES OFAFN. 1t, 8MRalUW, In ~he e~ent thet a court. go~mmemud agency. or regulatop/tey w~ proper Jurledblm determines Ibm tills agreement or a proVeten of Ibis agreement Ii unleeful, l~b egreement, orl~t pm~lan of the egreement to ~e intent I iS unlewful, i terrainere. If a pm,,4sion of'Ills agreemenl is terminated but lhe perties can legiN, commercllly end prlal:tlcably cenltaue wl'mut the termirmted mbn, Ihe remainder of iNs agreement shell conltue b effect. 1:;, eENeN, Pemaeme~. Failure or delay by elher party to exerr. Jee eny fight or prMege under INe egmement wil n~ opeMe as a eaker of such right or prMleee, This egreemerlt rely be assiglled by Cgstomer only with the consent of AFN. This agreement consmates the entke undestendbg between Cuslemer and ARM wlh reaped ~} eervice pm~ed hereIn and supersedes any I~0~r 13,5PeClALPROVISlOMS. C,4altonter:, A,cN Legal Review By:... P""/Date: .I 2,{.~ j~; 4 - M;'aeDATA Seri4cBI/~reefilerlT (li):~teVmms%AFN M Serebs Clmlr,v41d)(5/~ Sen~ By: "aicon NorThwest Computer Syste; 541 267 2575; Jun-15-99 12:02PM; Page 3/3 FAX Cover Date: 6/! 5/99 To: Richard Holbo Phone #: 541-552-2308 FAX #: 541-488-5320 From: Seth Torkko # of pages to follow: 2 Regarding: Installation of fiber ring access *No ~,~tallation lee has been waived by Mike Freeman, City Administrator 253 South Bayshore Drive Coos Bay, Oregon 97420 Ph: (800) 258-6778 Ph; (541) 259-0775 Fax: (541) 267-2575