February 18, 1986
To honor National Patriotism Week - February 17 to 21, Troop 220 Winema
Girl Scout Council members acted as color guards under the direction of
leaders Sheila Straus and Terry Grant and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Present were Elerath, Reid, Bennett, Acklin, Laws and Smith.
Smith asked that the minutes be corrected to show in the Traffic Safety
Recommendations on page 3 that "people picking up children were asked to
do so below Bellview School" (rather than Tolman Creek Road as recorded).
Bennett moved to approve minutes of the regular meeting of February 4,
1986 as corrected; Acklin seconded and the motion passed unanimously on
voice vote.
M-1 Dist. Amend.
Planning Director Fregonese reviewed the proposal to amend the M-1 Dist-
rict to allow uses now permitted in the E-1 Employment District saying
that it is essentially a housekeeping measure° Fregonese said the
amendment would allow retailing use in industrial zones and that it
would be beneficial to business~ Fregonese cited the need of Four Seasons
to allow for low cost rental, manufacturing and warehouse sales space.
The public hearing was open and A1 Willstatter, 128 Central, supported
the proposal saying it would have a salutory effect as far as economic
development is concerned° Since there was no further cox~ent, the public
hearing was closed. Elerath moved to instruct staff to bring back the
necessary ordinance to implement the amendment; Bennett seconded the motion
which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
A letter was read from Oregon National Guard requesting approval of clos-
ure of "B" Street between Oak and Pioneer for mobilization when necessary
and Smith moved to authorize request and for the City Administrator to
sign the document; Laws seconded the motion which passed unanimously on
roll call vote~
City Administrator Almquist reported on participation costs of utility
drop box use saying that the drop boxes will be installed in the U.S.
National Bank who have made the space available and the charge to the
City would be $50o Almquist said that should Council agree with concept
that authorization should be given the Mayor and Recorder for their sig-
natures on the despository agreement. Smith moved to approve authoriza-
tion and expenditure of $50 for use of the drop box; Laws seconded the
motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
The City Administrator noted that the Budget Committee had authorized
staff to proceed with a master plan for drainage and introduced Glen
Grant of Cramer, Chin and Mayo, Consuming Engineers for review of plan.
Glen gave a comprehensive presentation which included recommending
that concrete pipe be used in the plan where metal pipe exists, that
public right of ways be improved fqr access,that the T~I.D. ditch be
improved for more effectiveness/ capacity be Increased xn pipes with a
minimum diameter of 10 inches to preclude property damage° Glen noted
that the drainage network should be improved as development comes and
then maintained on an on-going basis. Nlen said that the capital imp-
rovement costs might be funded through gas taxes, bond measures etc. and
should be maintained by monthly fees charged in the utility bills such
as sewer management~ No action necessary at this time°
2/18/86 P.
Ashland City ~_ouncil 2/18/86 Po 2
Sheridan Imp.
Methods 86/87
Yield Signs
Parking Prohibi-
tion/Auburn St~
Mayor Medaris appointed Frank Billovits to replace Bob Rasmussen on the
Ashland Community Hospital Board. Medaris noted that Bob Rasmussen had
momd outside the City and that Billovits is also a Banker and will serve
the Board with this needed expertise. Smith moved to approve; Acklin
seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote°
Planning Director Fregonese reviewed the ramifications of an application
received by Jackson County for a zone change at the North Interchange
at I-5 to permit commercials useses, motels etc. and said that the acre-
age if rezoned would violate agreements previously made between the
County and City regarding the Urban Growth Boundary~ Fregonese said
the area has been zoned RR-5 which would protect tourist oriented bus-
inesses in Ashland. Fregonese reminded Council that LUBA had settled
the previous dispute by getting the County to agree to maintain the RR-5
zoning and that if Council agrees a letter opposing the proposed zone
change should be written the Jackson County Commissioners as well as a
letter from the Mayor, that City Attorney assist with the opposition.
Fregonese said that the County Planning Commission will be having a
hearing on the matter on March 17 at which time staff should attend and
go on record in opposition and further that 1000 Friends of Oregon be
asked for assistance. Fregonese noted that there is already vacant land
within the Urban Growth Boundary to provide for the development the
zone change would allow° Council discussed the landscape and other imp-
rovements relative to the Curt-Up Motel and Fregonese said they did
improve the original landscaping but the County has difficulty in enforc-
ing with the present staff available. Smith moved to accept Planning
Commission's recommendations; Laws seconded the motion which passed unani-
mously on voice vote°
Second reading by title only was given an ordinance ordering the improve-
ment of Sheridan and Walnut Streets and Laws moved to adopt; Smith
seconded the motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
A resolution authorizing funds and accounting methods for the 1986-87
fiscal year was read and Smith moved to adopt; Bennett seconded the
motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
A resolution relative to yield signs at Scenic and Nutley Streets was
read and Acklin moved to adopt; Bennett seconded the motion which passed
unanimously on roll call vote.
A resolution prohibiting parking on the Northerly side of Auburn Street
was read and A~'!~lin moved to adopt; Smith seconded and on roll call the
motion passed nimously.
2/18/86 P. 2
?~ctzj~: :,~ r [i16 Ashiand Cit~' Council 2/.18__/86 P~ 3
TCR Loading Zone
A resolution designating a loading zone on Tolman Creek Road at Siskiyou
Boulevard was read and Smith moved to adopt; Bennett seconded the motion
which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
On question by Acklin as to who will have the responsibility for caring
for the landscaping on Iowa at SOSC, Almquist said that Parks & Recreation
would plant.
Mayor Medaris said he had been contacted relative to red oaks which had
been planted on Hersey Street by residents who claimed they weren't con-
tacted relative to what type tree or care would be needed for same.
Almquist noted that the red oaks were chosen by Don Todt because they
will not require water or other care. On another subject, Medaris noted
that the Chevron Station on the corner of ~ranite will be razed at the
end of the present lease and said it would make an excellent parking lot
if the cost of the lot to be $99,000 would not make it prohibitive a cost
per space~
ADJOURNmeNT The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
Nan E. Franklin L. Gordon Medart~' ~
City Recorder Mayor
2/18/86 P. 3