March 18, 1986
Mayor Medaris led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting
to order at 7:30 P.M~ on the above date. E]erath, Reid, Bennett,
Acklin and Laws were present° Smith was absent.
Laws asked that minutes of the March 4 regular meeting be correctt:
to read on page 4 second pp that he stressed proceeding with the
settling pond experiment and did not include sluicing of the reset
voir in the statement. Acklin moved to approve minutes of the
executive session of March 4, special meeting of March i1 and the
corrected minutes of March 4; Reid seconded the motion which passe.
unanimously on voice vote.
~yor Medaris read a letter of resignation from Council Karen Smit
for personal and health reasons effective immediately.
Patric Huff of the City's Water Department was recognized with a
Certificate of Appreciation presented by the Mayor for his timely
and effective action in saving the life of an unconscious teenager
chained to a post. The Police Department also presented an award
John McAvoy was presented a Certificate of Appreciation from the
Mayor for timely action which resulted in saving a 19 month old
child from a successful abduction° Public Safety Director Lively
presented McAvoy with a placque and honored him as a Volunteer
in the Public Safety Department° Also recognizing McAvoy for his
heroism was Sheriff C. W. Smith who presented a special certffic-
ate of commendation from the Oregon State Sheriff's Association.
McAvoy expressed his appreciation saying he did nothing more than
any responsible citizen would do and stressed the need for the
people in the community to report any suspicious or unusual events~
taking place in a timely manner to avert problems in our City°
A letter from Oregon Sanitary Service Institute concerning certain
amendments to Ordinance No. 2069 to bring it in compliance with
State law and the City Administrator recommended to simply add the
necessary language to state that the City's collection franchisee
will provide the opportunity to recycle in the City of Ashland.
Reid's question as to whether they would recycle in the City,
Almquist said they are recycling at present but the ordinance must
be amended to bring it into compliance. On a question as to whetb
more than one franchise could be granted, Almquist noted that shcu~
Ashland Sanitary Service not wish to recycle a certain material,
a franchise could be extended to someone who is interested in
doing ito Bennett moved to accept recommendation; Reid seconded
the motion which passed uanimously on roll call vote. Almquist sa
he would bring the ordinance back at the next meeting.
3/18/86 P. I
A letter from PP&L's District Manager Medearis was read requesting
a franchise for making electric power available to certain resi-
dents of Ashland. Almquist noted that this proposal came to City
Council when Oak Knoll was annexed and again when the City sought
to impose a privilege tax. Almquist said since the City is con-
sidering a plan to acquire the customers PP&L now serves and is in
litigation over the matter, it would be at cross purposes with
Council's intent and therefore recommended request be denied.
Laws moced to respectfully deny the request; Acklin seconded the
motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
Liz Shelby of Oackson County Economic Development on behalf of
Gerald Kaminski requested that option on purchase of the "A"
Street property be extended for ninety days for loan processing
reasons. Council agreed to consider during the Executive Session
where ~t appears on that agenda°
Russ Dale, on behalf of the Tree Commission, requested permission
to beautify the North entrance of the City by planting the banks
in the railroad overpass area with low maintenance landscaping.
Dale said if Council agrees with the proposal he will bring back
a design and said he estimates the project over a three year perio~
will cost $12,000 or so. Dale said the Tree Commission plans to
do fund-raising and get volunteers to do some of the work, Dale
said a sign welcoming people to the City might be erected and the
Mayor said since it is a State Highway, their oermission would be
necessary for signing. Frieda Verner, Tree enthusiast said that
"Tree City UoSoAo" stickers will help and that is is hope the
Garden Club will become involved in the plan. The Mayor said it
is hoped that the "Tree City UoS=A." award will have arrived for
the Arbor Day festivities on April 4tho The Council agreed with
Dale's proposal°
A letter from the City Administrator was read relative to the
establishment of credit in the Utility Department when a co-signer
has furnished responsibility for payment. Almquist said the account
could be carried in the name of the requesting service and credit
could be established° Laws moved to instruct staff to bring back
ordinance to implement; Reid seconded the motion which passed
unanimously on voice vote.
A memorandum from the Airport Commission was read recommending that
Council approve an agreement for the Ashland Airport to administer
freight handling fees when the Ashland Airport is used as an alterz~
tive for delivery of frieght when Medford is fogged in. Council di
cussed the matter and Laws expressed concern that the people involv
would not be aware of the policy and moved that the matter be place
on the next agenda to give people opportunity for input; Acklin
seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
3/18/86 P. 2