Gentry Appeal from
P.Co Decision (Oak St
April 15, 1986
Council Chairman Laws led the Pledge of Allegiance in the absence
of the Mayor and called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. in the
Council Chambers on the above date. Present were Elerath, Reid,
Bennett, Acklin and Arnold. Mayor Medaris was absent.
Bennett moved to approve minutes of the regular meeting of April 1,
1986; Reid seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice
A letter appealing a decision of the Planning Commission denying
a proposed subdivision on Oak Street from Harold T. Gentry was
read. The City Administrator asked that the original application,
analysis of development including bonus points, preliminary plat,
findings and orders of the Planning Commission and copies of
minutes and staff report of February 12, 1986 be made part of the
record. Planning Director Fregonese reviewed the proposed subdivis-
ion and said it met every criteria in it's proposal and that the
Commission found no disagreement with the design of development and
the applicant was agreeable to the fourteen conditions imposed by
the Commission. Fregonese showed slides of the 1974 flood which
were presented as evidence of the Ashland Creek flooding but noted
no pictures are available as to what condition the high Waters had or
PUD being ~roposed. Fregonese then sho~ed recentslides
of the area in question and noted that although there is a pond
on the property there doesn't seem to be a drainage problem and
the soil is sandy. Fregonese showed where in the 100 year flood
area the Ashland Creek water left its channel and this was one of
the principle reservations the Commission had and noted they had
requested Council to request a study by FEMA of the area. Fregon-
ese said that all of the lots are out of the flood plain and in
open space area. He said that after the first Public Hearing the
Comm4ssion adjourned and continued the public hearing for thirty
days to permit staff and the Engineer time to study the matter°
Fregonese said that calls were made to FEMA and it's attorneys and
the response from FEMA only obligates the applicant to keep build-
ings out of the 100 year flood plain or if buildings are constructed
they be kept one foot above the flood plain. Fregonese said the
Planning Comm4ssion felt approval was not in conformance with the
purpose of the Comprehensive Plan in that area. Arnold said Council
can assume that the flood study is wrong because the 100 year flood
happened above the flood plain. Fregonese said that Council should
determine if there is a reasonable certainty that there would be
significant damage to this property because of the secondary
channel discussed and said those aspects should be covered by the
Engineer for the project.
4/15/86 Po 1
Regular Meeting Ashland City Council 4/15/86 Po2
Gentry Oak Meadows
The public hearing was opened and those in favor of the Appeal were
asked to speak first° Roger Kauble, Engineer for the applicant
showed the area on a map with location of Ashland Creek and Flood
Plain designation in the area for proposed development bounded by
Oak, Hersey and Helman Streets. Kauble reviewed the 1974 flood
circumstances saying that unseasonably warm weather melted the
snow pack resulting in large volumes of water rushing down Ash-
land Creek taking debris with in and in many instances creating
debris dams, slides and instant surges when water became freed
and noted that Ashland Creek left it's boundary to cut a secondary
channel spreading in a wide swath. Kauble said that from a tech-
nical and engineering point of view a flood could occur if a
secondary channel could develop and to offset that possibility
they decided to install a barrier of impervious gabion baskets
and if there ever was a second channel then the barrier would send
the water back to it~s primary location. Kauble said the work
done after the 1974 flood including increased culvert sizes etc.
would create less possibility of flooding and doesn't feel that
there is a high probability of this happening. Kauble showed the
building elevation with gabion basket design with the proposed
house being 1~ feet above the ground level. Arnold said that
since the~floods appear to be caused by debris buildup we might
expect them on a regular basis. Kauble noted that the 1964
100 year flood caused no damage to the property discussed and the
1974 flood likewise apparently caused no property damage° Kauble
noted that all ordinance requirements have been met by the applicant,
Laws asked how high the barrier is above the ground and Kauble
said it is below the ground level and not visible.
Kathie Golden, 886 Oak Street, said she lives across the street
from the proposed PUD and has nothing against developments in
general but had checked with Soil Conservation for the type of soil
in the PUD area and learned that there is five feet of top soil
over 3 feet of clay and that the clay has a tendency to hold water.
Golden cited Comprehensive Plan guidelines relative to flood insur-
ance and said we can'tignore guidelines. She said the soil is
rated severe due to floods forhomes without basements. Golden said
tO develop in a flood plain area is not a right and tile FEMA guide-
lines should be followed. GOlden said it is a potentially danger-
ous area to develop and doesn't believe the benefits outweigh th~
possible problems. She ~aid as a taxpayer she had lived in a
place subject to flood/a~was faced with repair of sidewalks etc,
and as a governmental body she feels the risk too great. Golden
added that there are other areas in Ashland to build on and she
would go along with it. She said the development would be lucra-
tive to her but to approve it would be irresponsible. Acklin
noted that the Soil Conservation people do their work from aerial
photos and that the situation may be different on the site,
Steve Haskell, 622 Helman, strongly urged that Councilmembers
endorse decision of the Planning Conmission noting that they had
full benefit of slides and studies to come to their conclusion.
......... continued 4/15/86 P. 2
egular Meeting Ashland City Council 4/15/86 P.3
C~ntry/Oak Meadows
Haskell said he is fairly new to Ashland and had asked long-time
citizens of Ashland if they felt flood insurance is necessary in
that area and they all agreed it is important. Haskell said he
moved here for the environment and would hate to see that ruined
by culverted creeks. He said the barrier probably would do the
job for the new development but would send the water right back to
his side°
Neil Benson, Planning Commissioner, urged Council to uphold the
decision of the Planning Commission saying that the 1974 flood
illustrated the risks and that as a taxpayer he wouldnit want to
pay for damage. Benson said if one would look behind the houses ·
on Helman they could see evidence of flooding. He said the risk
is very high because of the types of soil. On question by
Arnold as to how their decision should be based, Benson said
that he was not here in the 1964 flood but had surveyed the area
in question in the 1974 flood and there was water there then.
Benson said that is probably the reason the land has never been
built on. Benson said the responsibility shouldn't be put on the
general public to clean up flood-caused problems and insurance
rates would go up for everyone.
Matt Farmer spoke in favor of the Planning Commission~s decision
to deny saying that there is no question about flood risks and
doesntt f~el the citizens are being served by this development.
Farmer said if a development is allowed and high waters cause
sewer pipes to be broken etc., we would then be looking at the
possibility of channelizing the creek and that~s not the reason
people live in Ashland. Farmer commended the Planning Commission
on it's work and asked that Council uphold their decision.
A resident at 530 Oak Street asked that Council uphold the Plan-
ning Comm~ssionts decision which was a result of intelligent and
responsible efforts.
At this point the public hearing was closed. Elerath said he had
gone to the hearing and that when Fregonese introduced the subject
he said the data is incomplete and the burden of proof is on the
City if the proposal is denied. Elerath said that Benson had
made his testimony before the public hearing and had made up his
mind in advance. Fregonese said that in retrospect he should
have said there would be more of a burden of proof on the City
because of ordinances that support the project. Bennett said that
when people live near a creek or a river might expect additional
risks. Elerath noted that it is low-cost housing and sometimes
people have to take a chance under those circumstances. Reid asked
what the Cityws liability is and the City Attorney said that
historically a property owner can do with his land what he desires
and that Fregonese had touched on that issue when he said there
are no ordinances against the proposal. Salter added that we
would have to find extreme dangers before it can be denied and
he doesnwt think we can deny it and if we do it may be challenged,
Council discussed the liability if culverts dam up and Salter said
the liability wouldn't increase but the costs qf monitoring would,
...... continued 4/15/86 P3
Regular Meeting ~hland City Council 4/15/86 P. 4
Gentry/Oak Meadows
Arnold said he would uphold the Planning Commission decision
because of the. substantial evidence that there is flood danger
and it is a valid thing for Council to avoid building where there
is flood danger° Acklin said the likelihood of overflowing
channels or surface water on the property is high but that the
ordinances don't give Council reason to deny the appeal. Acklin
said that if we have a Comprehensive Plan that has a policy, we
should have ordinances to implement ito Fregonese said he has
the same problem and the ordinance refers to the FEMA maps which
are in error and when an applicant comes in to develop an area
we must consider it because we do permit building in other areas
with other hazards. Fregonese said it is necessary to compare
similar risks you allow in other areas and cited wooded hillsides
as an example° Reid said it is apparent that the developer has
met all requirements but expressed her concern that public utili-
ties, streets etc. might be damaged and the citizens of Ashland
would bear the expense. Reid said she would feel better if Gentry
was providing the utilities.
Elerath moved to uphold the appeal;/_Reid. seconded the motion.
Arnold stressed the fact that the Coraprehensive Plan goals should
be upheld but the ordinance is inconsistent with the CoP. and is
flawed° Reid asked if the barriers used caused damage to someone
else would the City then be at risk. Salter said that is an Eng-
ineering question but if the Engineer is wrong, we could be sub-
ject to liability. O~ question of Reid as to the risks of the
gabien baskets causing problems across the way, Alsing said he
knows they divert water but would have no idea if it would cause
problems. Alsing said he did not observe conditions in the area
during the '74 flood and said he knows there was debris in the
culverts at that time but that had the culverts been fully opened
they couldn't have handled the force and volume of the water
during that flood. Alsing added that should flood damage occur
again as it did in the '74 flood, the City will have to repair
damage out of its own pocket because the Federal government would
not assist in this emergency again. On vote to uphold appeal,
Elerath and Bennett voted in favor; Reid, Laws, Arnold and Acklin
voted in opposition and motion carried. Acklin moved to deny
appeal and adopt findings of Planning Commission; Arnold seconded
the motion which passed with Reid, Acklin, Arnold and Laws voting
YES. Elerath and Bennett voted NO and the motion carried.
4/15/86 P. 4
Regular Meeting Ashland City Council 4/15/86 P. 5
A letter from Windmill Inns (Ashland Hills Inn) was read requesting
permission to install outdoor information center for Expo 86 on
the hotel grounds and Scott Bradley was present to outline plans
to attract attention, divert traffic enroute to the Expo and to
make information available to promote Tourism. Bradley said
plans to have a 40 x 100 ft. te~t ~et up on the hotel grounds is
planned and a t' and one-half/s~§ry balloon to advertise the
Expo would be tethered at various times during the term of the
Expoo Bradley asked that the sign (balloon with "Expo Ernie")
installation and concept of the proposal be accepted. Council
discussed the sign ordinance provisions which would conflict and
Bradley urged that exceptions or provisions to permit be made and
noted that Senator Hannon, Executive Dir. of Chamber James as well
as the V & CB. Bradley noted that he had requested permission
for signs but the State Highway Division refused based on
expected requests from many cities. Terry Koerner strongly urged
Council to make provisions for the request saying that she has
just returned from Califon~ia where an aggressive tourism campaign
was carried out by passing out brochures etc., and not to extend
our- tourist oriented Ashland an opportunity to be e~posed would
be a serious error. Koerner urged a short term seasonal permit
to be allowed so the promotion can proceed because of time con-
straints ~or the work to be done prior to the opening of Expo 86.
Laws said he would like to research to see if
an amendment can be placed on the ordinance. Bennett agreed and
moved to adopt concept and to facilitate needed provisions to
allow; Elerath seconded the motion which passed unanimously on
voice vote.
A letter requesting permission to paint house numbers on curbs
was read from Harold Grogg. Grogg was present to say that he is
seeking self-employment for health reasons and would be licensed°
Acklin moved to grant nonexclusive right to paint house numbers
on curbs and asked that Grogg work with Public Works on criteria;
Reid seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
A letter from the State Historic Preservation Office was read
reporting that the E. C. Kane House at 386 "B" Street has been
nominated for the National Register of Historic Places. Reid
noted that staff had been asked to get information on historic
properties designated for the Register and Almquist noted the
matter is being placed on the next Historic Commission agenda.
Reid moved to endorse nomination; Bennett seconded the motion
which passed unanimously on voice vote.
The City Administrator read memos relative to petition for vaca-
tion of a portion of 7th Street and reviewed Council's options
as outlined in the memos. Donna Eden's niece was present to out-
line the need for additional space and reviewed the location of
the bedrooms and loss of privacy because of the right of way.
Reid moved to set a public hearing for June 3, 1986; Bennett
seconded and the motion passed unanimously on voice vote.
Regular Meeting Ashland City Council 4/15/86 Fo 6
A request for a pavement cut from David Dahls was read and
a memo from Director of Public Works Alsing was reveiwed in
which he recommended a temporary split in the water service
at the adjacent lot owned by Dahle at his expense until the
end of the moratorium period at which time a permanent connect-
ion can be made° A/sing's memo added that the lot can be served
with sewer by connecting to the alley line by securing an ease-
ment through the neighboring property° Dahle asked Alsing about
the possible loss of water pressure because of the split and
Alsing said he didn't think it would be appreciable. Arnold
moved to deny request and offer alternative outlined in memo;
Acklin seconded the motion whiqh__Ra~_~~ unanimously on voice
An agreement between the Ashland Family YMCA, Ashland Parks
Commission and the City of Ashland was submitted for consideration
and authorization of the ~yor's signature. Council discussed
various conditions and responsibilities of the parties outlined
in the agreement and the City Attorney made recommendations for
changes and deletions as well as Councilmembers. Acklin moved
to amend the agreement to include the following: on page 3 the
following language be added to line 7 "based upon public interest",
added to the third from the last line of page 3 should read
immediately after the word YMCA "or by YMCA" .... for the use of
the Park etc. On page 4, item 6 there should be a period after
"Park" in the second sentence and the balance of the paragraph
deleted, and Item 12 on page 5 should be deleted and the Mayor
be authorized to sign. Reid seconded the motion and asked that
a member of Council attend such negotiations in the future.
Or, roll call vote the motion passed unanimously.
A memo from the City Administrator was read relative to the
Helman School Maintenance Agreement recommending that a clause
be included saying that the agreement with the School District
can be cancelled in any year that voters fail to reauthorize the
the 3-year serial levy for the maintenance of non-dedicated park
lands. Reid moved to approve agreement; Elerath seconded the
motion. Laws moved to amend to add that the City has the right
to terminate the agreement if levy is not passed; Acklin seconded
the motion. On the vote on amendment the motion passed unanimously
on roll call vote. The motion as amended was passed unanimously
on roll call vote.
A memo from the Director of Public Works was read and a Memorandum
of Understanding submitted between the City and the Forest Service
concerning closure of roads into the watershed under various
circumstances° Robert Howell representing the Siskiyou Wheelmen
asked if bicyclists and hikers will be kept from using the area
in question and the Director of Public Safety said there is a
possibility of total closure in extreme fire danger times but that
has not happened before.
..... continued 4/15/86 Po 6
[egular Meeting Ashland City Council 4Z15/86 P. 7
Alsing noted that closures are determined by a test area used
by the Forest Service. Nell Benson of the UoSoF.S. noted that
in the past closures have been for motorized vehicles° Alsing
said that the agreement being considered is a cooperative one
between the City and the Forest Service for Olarification and
use by employees, volunteers etc. Arnold agreed to postpone
the matter to allow input by the Siskiyou Wheelmen at the
next meeting and Council agreed°
Acklin moved to set public hearing for the 86/87 Budget for
7:30 P.M. on May 27, 1986; Arnold seconded the motion which
passed unanimously on voice vote°
ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11:15 PoM.
~an E o Pran~lin ~ ~
4/15/86 Po 7