October 21, 1986
Tucker Sto Improvement
Ashland Cookhouse
Mayor Medaris led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meet-
ing to order at 7:30 PoM. On roll call Elerath, Reid, Bennett
and Arnold were present. Laws was absent.
Arnold moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of
October 7, 1986 and the adj ourned meeting of October 14, 1986;
Reid seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote°
Almquist reviewed the proposed improvement project saying that
39.41% were represented by prepaving agreements, 17.62 had
signed in favor to make up 57.03%. It was noted that one prop-
erty owner had opposed representing 2.79% and that a letter had
been received from Nora Hodgson also noted disapproval which
totalled 5.3% in opposition° Mayor Medaris opened the public
hearing and Don Scofield, 465 Tucker said he would not oppose
but that he had attempted to get a review of the project from
the Engineering Department who had not answered his telephone
call. The City Administrator asked the Director of Public
Works to look into the matter. At this point the public hear-
ing was closed. Reid asked about a 30' section of unpaved
street not included in the proposal and Alsing said he would
look into the possibility of including it. Acklin moved to
direct staff to bring back necessary documents for improvements;
Reid seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
An application for a liquor license from Oren Huchinson, AM/PM
Market was reviewe~ and Almquist said it had the Police Depart-
ment's recommended approval. Acklin moved to approve; Arnold
seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
Almquist noted that an application should have been on the
agenda for Ashland Cookhouse & Waterhole which was likewise
recommended for approval by the Police Department. Acklin
moved for approval of request; Bennett seconded the motion which
passed unanimously on voice vote.
Arnold moved to approve writeoff of uncolleetible utility
bills; Reid seconded the motion which passed unanimously
on voice vote,
was read
A memo from the Hospital Administrator/requesting approval
of release of funds from Cap. Imp. Fund for major equipment
replacement to obtain a Fetal Monitor. Bennett moved to
approve request; Arnold seconded the motion. The Mayor said
he had not seen where the Hospital Board had approved the
request and would research that information in the minutes.
On voice vote the motion passed unanimously.
10/21/86 P. 1
Regular Meeting Ashland City Council 10/21/86-2.
Hersey Sto Improvement
Benson Annexation
Benson Withdrawal from
Benson Rezone
Nonconforming Uses
A memo from the Finance Director was read proposing funding
for modifications to the Water System and illustrating the
cash flow and resources for the work totalling $730,000.
Almquist noted that the monies would come from Bond proceeds,
Systems development charges and the Waterline revolving fund
etco Almquist reviewed the site and survey plans for the
Northwest reservoir and the land-trade to secure the site.
Bennett moved to approve budget proposal for the work etc.;
Arnold seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice
Mayor Medaris appointed Lorraine Whitten to the Historic
Commission with a term ending December 31, 1988; Margaret
Dode to a term ending December 31, 1987 and Maxine Colwell
to a term ending December 31, 1986. Bennett moved to approve;
Arnold seconded the motion which passed unanimously on roll
call vote.
No comments from the audience.
Second reading/was given an ordinance ordering the improvement
of Hersey Street from N. Main to Water Street and Arnold moved
to adopt; Acklin seconded the motion which passed with Reid,
B~nnett, Acklin, Arnold & Elerath in favor on roll call vote~
(Ref. Ord. 2402)
Second reading by.title only was given an ordinance annexing
16.7 acres located North of Crowson Road and West of I-5 Free-
way and Arnold moved to adopt; Bennett seconded the motion.
On roll call Reid, Bennett, Acklin and Arnold voted in favor;
Elerath abstained because he didntt understand the legal
description of the land involved. (Ref. Ord. 2403)
Second reading by title only was given an ordinance withdraw-
ing certain recently annexed property from JCFD and Acklin
moved to adopt; Arnold seconded the motion which passed without
opposition on roll call vote. (Ref. Ord. 2405)
Second reading by title only was given an ordinance rezoning
recently annexed property and Arnold moved to adopt; Bennett
seconded the motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote°
(Ref. Ord. 2404)
First reading was given an ordinance amending the Zoning
ordinance with respect to nonconforming uses and Reid moved
to second reading; Bennett seconded the motion which passed
with Elerath, Paid, Bennett and Arnold voting in favor;
Acklin abstained because of absence during public hearing.
i0/2i/86 #2
Regular Meeting Ashland City Council 10/21/86 P. 3
"C" St. Parking
Albertson Annexation
Parking Restrictions/
Lincoln School/Beach St.
S.Po Agreement
Ballot measures
First reading was given an ordinance amending the Municipal
Code relative to parking restrictions on "C" Street and
Bennett moved to second reading; Arnold seconded the motion.
Discussion ensued as ~o how the parking signs should read and
the City Administrator said he would research and bring the
ordinance back to the next meeting. Bennett withdrew her
motion and Arnold withdrew his second.
An ordinance setting a public hearing for November 18, 1986
relative to proposed annexation of property on Clay Street
was read and Acklin moved to second reading; Arnold seconded
the motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
A resolution establishing "commercial vehicles only" zone
adjacent to Lincoln School on Beach Street was read and
Acklin moved to adopt; Arnold seconded the motion which
passed unanimously on roll call vote. (Ref, Res~ 86-41)
The City Administrator noted a resolution is necessary before
entering into an agreement with S.P. Transportation Company
for improvement of Walker Avenue crossing and read the resolu-
tion. Arnold moved to adopt; Reid seconded the motion which
passed unanimously on roll call vote. (Ref. Res. 86-40)
A resolution was read clarifying impact of ballot measures and
asking for Counci~ opposition and publicizing legislation
would cause serious ramifications in the State, Almquist noted
the resolution was drafted by the League of Oregon Cities Legis-
lative Committee. The Mayor read information on the subject
from Governor Vic Atiyeh with the same opinion as LOC on the
measures. Bennett moved to adopt; Acklin seconded the motion°
Arnold said he could not vote for the Resolution because he
felt that Measure 12 would be beneficial~ After some dis-
cussion, Council agreed that unless their feelings were unani-
mous on the subject a resolution supporting opposition should
not be adopted, The motion and second were withdrawn and there
was no action on the resolution.
Elerath noted that on a political statement which was signed
by Reid u~ing her title of City Councilor of the City of Ash-
land implied unanimous support on the commitment she made.
Elerath said that Arnold made the same commitment but used his
name and title of Attorney rather than Councilor, Reid said
she represents the people who voted her into office on a con-
stant basis from day to day and wherever she happens to be.
Elerath said such a move was illegal when he was a Councilor
in another state. Arnold said that under the Federal Constitu-
tion such action would be covered by "free speech" consider-
10/21/86 P. 3
Regular Meeting Ashland City Council 10/2~/86-4
The Mayor noted that he had received a letter from the Attorney
General~s office asking for support in opposing the measure
legalizing marijuanao
Reid asked that information be made available as to how the
Council action on notifying employees of position changes
would have affected Robb Robbins and called attention to a
letter received from Robbins on the subject. It was decided
the matter would appear on the next agenda.
The meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M.
Karen Huckins
Acting City Recorder
L. Gordon Medaris
10/2i/86 4