April ~, 1985
Oak Knoll Golf Course
Cemetery Prices
Budget Public Hearing
Mayor Medaris led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting
to order at 4:00 P.M. in the Civic Center Council Chambers on the
above date. Elerath, Reid, Bennett, Acklin, Laws and Smith were
Councilor Acklin reported on a meeting of the principals in the
three-way agreement earlier in the day and that the City gave
another lot to Toney rather than paying for the survey, stretch
of road and other costs. Acklin said the City should pay the
closing costs and title insurance on the property involved.
The phase schedule was discussed and Acklin said that it still
would have to go to the Planning Conmission. It was noted by
Acklin that the first phase of the project would have to start
within eighteen months and the golf course will be under construct-
ion as soon as the agreement is executed. Re~d asked if there is
a time line that will guarantee we will have an eighteen hole
golf Course. Salter said there is no guarantee but that the
agreement is contingent upon Sullivan getting a loan. Sullivan
noted that he has seventy members signed up but doesn't want to
overload the course. On question of Acklin as to how the money
issue was arrived at, Acklin said there had been an appraisal
done. Smith asked if there could be a deadline date for compiet--
ion and Salter said something could be added to the agreement
saying the loan is to be used on the expansion of golf course
only and Sullivan agreed to that contingency. Laws expressed
concern that enough would be spent on each hole to make it a
quality golf course. Sullivan said you can spend between $25,000
and $50,000 a hole and said he planned on being in the middle of
those two figures. Parks Director Mickelson was in the audience
and said he had managed two golf courses previous to coming to
Ashland and in his opinion it will be a fine golf course and a
tremendous addition to the con~nunity. Lee Howard agreed saying
that the course has been a topic of conversation for ten years
and the bank is supportive and so is the community. Acklin moved
to authorize the Mayor and City Recorder to sign three-way
agreement with Toney, Sullivan and the City with additional
language from Salter; Bennett seconded the motion which passed
unanimously on voice vote.
A memo from the Director of Finance was read proposing amendment
to price structure on cemetery services. The resolution was
read and Laws moved to adopt'; Smith seconded the motion which
passed unanimously on roll call vote.
A public hearing was set on the 1985-86 Budget for May 7, 1985
at 7:30 P.M.
........ continued 4/4/85 P. 1
Regular ~eeting Ashland City Council 4/~85 ~ 2
Second reading was given an ordinance amending the Municipal Code
with respect to penalties for the purchase or possession of liquor
by a minor and Bennett moved to adopt; Smith seconded the motion
which passed unanimously on roll call vote°
Group Homes in R-1
Second reading was given an ordinance adding a new subsection to
Section 18.20o030 of the Ashland Municipal Code relative to
Group Homes in R-1 Zones. Smith moved for adoption; Reid seconded
the motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
Transfer of Appropo
A resolution transferring appropriations within funds was read
and Acklin moved to adopt; Smith seconded the motion. Smith
asked about the status of City Hall exterior remodelling and Nelson
said it has been underway. Reid urged that it be completed by
July 4th. On roll call the motion passed unanimously.
Croman Corp. Agreement
The agreement with Croman Corporation relative to electric services/
transformers etc. was reviewed by Council and Smith moved to
authorize signature by the Mayor and City Recorder; Bennett
seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
The goals timetable for 1985 was reviewed and Reid noted she
would like to be notified of Parking Facility meetings. Laws
set April 16 for a public hearing for establishment of funding
for street maintenance. Reid moved to approve timetable; Acklin
seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
No comment from the audience.
Smith suggested that Council meetings be stopped at 11:30 P.M.
Mayor Medaris commended the Golf Course Committee for their
work over the months and asked that they be written a letter
expressing appreciation for their contribution.
Nan E° Franklin
Ci ~v ~ecorde~
Elerath noted that distribution of regular gasoline at the
airport is being considered which will be a great cost savings
to those who use the airport. Elerath also noted that he has
had a problem with a merchant relative to mislaballing of
bulk items and said he would contact the Dept. of Agriculture
to so advise. Elerath expressed concern that many houses don't
have numbers and that the Public Safety Department may have to
spend considerable time identifying them and wondered if ther~
is an ordinance which tells where numbers should be placed.
Police Chief Bernard said a man is going to paint addresses on
the curb as time and weather permit and also that the Explorers
have regular drives to provide this service.
The meeting adjourned at 5:25 P.M.