May 21, 1985
Performance Stds.
Sign Ordinance
Mayor Medaris led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting to
order on the above date at 7:30 P~M. Elerath, Bennett, Smith and Laws
were present. Reid and Acklin arrived momentarily~
Smith moved to approve minutes of the regular meeting and executive sess-
ion of May 7 and special meeting of May 14, 1985; Bennett seconded the
motion which passed without opposition on voice vote.
A memo from the Planning Staff was read and Planning Director Fregonese
reviewed the proposed revisions to the Performance Standards Ordinance
saying that the Planning Commission has worked for eighteen months to
rewrite the document to make it a more flexible guideline than the Zoning
Ordinance. Fregonese reviewed the methods for awarding bonus points,
trade~offs and basic incentive system. Fregonese noted the changes in
street grade criteria and general street standards. In reviewing the
bonus point system for renewable resource hot water heaters, Fregonese
noted that wood stove hot water heating had been included. Elerath
objected to inclusion of a pollution producing method being supported as
an incentive. Fregonese noted that the wood stove would have to operate
under DEQ criteria. Laws said he could see no problem with the production
of hot water from a wood stove which would be in use for space heating
anyhow. Smith disagreed with Elerath saying-with DEQ approved woodstoves
people must be allowed to use them. The public hearing was opened and
there being no comment from the audience, the public hearing was closed.
Acklin moved to approve ordinance as reviewed; Read seconded tT a motion.
On roll call Reid, Bennett, Acklin, Laws and Smith voted in favor; Elerath
opposed and the motion carried° Elerath commented on grammatical errors
and requested they be corrected before the ordinance is read~
A memo from the Planning Staff reviewing the proposed revisions to the
Ashland Sign Code was read and Planning Director Fregonese noted the
proposals are not a change of policy or something new but a restructure
of the ordinance to make it clear. Fregonese said the sign ordinance was
approved by LCDC and implemented into the Comprehensive Plan. Fregonese
reviewed conditions regulating signs saying that there is to be no change
in copy in nonconforming signs and that any change must call for bringing
the sign into conformanceo Fregonese outlined the criteria for free-
standing signs in shopping centers and business complexes saying that
only one sign is allowed for the complex and wall signs allowed for
individual businesses etco The public hearing was opened and Cliff Moran
of 1193 Siskiyou Blvdo, said that people change signs and put up an illegg
sign and n~tLing is being done° Moran said there are many cases of this
nature existing. The Mayor asked that Moran bring specifics to his
attention so they may be dealt with. Attorney Diane Spies reported that
she is representing the Bamforths, owners of Bard's Inn, and noted that
the matter being discussed is a housekeeping measure for t,oreasons, one
being public policy consideration which is a legislative matter and she
hasn't found an assessment of those affected. Spies said that is a
public policy consideration but she is more concerned as it affects
the nonconforming terminology that is being used. Spies said nonconform-
ing have a constitutionally based right and that they cannot retroactivel~
become illegal when they were approved as legal when initially installed.
........ continued 5/21/85 P.
P.H. on Sign Ordo
Surplus Property
Tree Commission
Spies reviewed implications of inverse condemnation cases and said she
would like to see the language changed in the revision and that the
definiation of nonconformance be more carefully studied.
Michael Stitt asked who owned the banners advertising the Shakespearean
Theatre and was told they are owned by OSFA.
A1 Willstatter, 128 Central, asked if the proposed revision was being
addressed to the Bard's Inn situation and noted that because of the fact
that someone must go back to Planning to get a conditional use permit
and finds themselves in this situation doesn't seem fair and he doesn't
think Council really wants to create these problems. Fregonese said he
and the City Attorney discussed the methods of amortization and said
because nonconforming signs have been allowed to exist doesn't mean they
should remain in perpetuity and changes are sought when the business
can best afford them° Fregonese said that this method of bringing signs
up to code has been used for fifteen years. Willstatter suggested the
matter be reviewed before more ligigation is initiated since the City
is already involved in enough lawsuits. The City Attorney said that some
of the issues have not been resolved in Oregon and so we are open to liti-
gation. Reid said we do have people who are anxious to bring their signs
into compliance and she doesn't see anything unique about the Bard's
matter. Spies said for the record she is concerned that first reading of
the ordinance is scheduled immediately without further study c ? public
hearing comments° Laws said that this is th~ practice of Council and
if there is a legal challenge we must decide what steps are to be taken
but it carries out the intent of the Code. Moran said that when he
removed his sign as requested by the City and relocated it that it is no
longer an effective tool for advertising his business. The public hearin~
was closed at this point. Laws asked for reading of the ordinance and
Almquist gave first reading. Smith moved to second reading with findings
to be submitted and read at the next meeting; Laws seconded the motion
which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
The City Administrator reviewed the proposed sale of a parcel of vacant
real property of approximately 2.5 acres located at 400 Mistletoe Road,
and recommended that the appraised evaluation of $87,500 that a minimum
bid be sought for at least 80% of that amount with terms to be 15% down
with balance at 10% all of which will be due in five years. Almquist
added that after advertising, should a buyer not be found that the list-
ing be given the Ashland Board of Realtors. The public hearing was
opened and there was no comment from the audience. The hearing was
closed and Smith moved to direct Staff to proceed with terms as proposed;
Bennett seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote°
Linda Ryan reviewed activities of the Street Tree Commission from its
inception until the present time and noted that recommended street trees
of different mature statures, nonrecommended street trees and prohibited
street trees were made up as the beginning task of the Commission and
that it has been decided that an educational program will enhance the
beauty of the City as implemented. Peter Giffen reviewed his work with
......... continued 5/21/85 P. 2
le~ulaz-Meeting Ashland City Council 5/21/~5 P.~
the Electric line crews stating that it is difficult to prune trees where
they conflict with power lines and still keep them in shapely condition°
Giffen said he has been involved in special projects of inspection of
street trees on C & B Streets and made recommendations and worked on
site review to beautify railroad trestle to improve image of entrance of
the north end of the City. Joshua Smith reviewed other cities' trees so
a criteria for Ashland can be developed and said consideration must be
given soil, climate, solar exposure etc., and noted special attention is
given trees which are messy and other problems. Don Todt gave a compre-
hensive report of interest in urban forestry and reviewed a wide range of
species found on one street. Todt noted that many trees are not native to
this area. Ryand said that when the inventory of the neighborhood trees
was done it was noted that each area has its own personality. Giffen said
the report is just their first effort and the Commission is anxious to
put the results of the research into use° Council commended the Commiss-
ion for the fine work and thanked Serena Linde who was in the audience.
Reid moved to approve listed information and have it brought back in
ordinance form; Bennett seconded the motion which passed with all AYES on
voice vote.
A request from Robert Vlach on behalf of "Lithia Park Alive 85" for
closure of Winburn Way from 3 PoM. to 6 P.M., was reviewed and Acklin moved
to approve request contingent on their providing barricades and personnel
and Bennett seconded the motion which passed without opposition on voice
A request for closure of Winburn Way on Monday evenings from 7:15 P.M. to
the end of performances from June 17 - August 26 for State Ballet of
Oregon was considered and Acklin moved to approval with understanding they
provide barricades and personnel for same; Bennett seconded the motion
which passed unanimously on voice vote.
Candace Kirscher requested she be given unlimited number of special events
in her operation this year saying that last year her permit limited her
to six weddings. Dennis Perkins, Ashland Taxi owner and holder of the
franchise said the unlimited special events permission would be expanding
the service too much and that the route was settled last year and approval
was based strictly on weddings. Perkins said he has no problem with
wedding events being served. Kirscher said if the special events would
have to be spelled out she would be limited in her operation. The City
Attorney said it would be necessary to define special events. Laws said
the applicant is asking that the whole City be opened up for any event.
Smith moved to retain the fixed route and allow unlimited weddings; Acklin
seconded the motion~ Public Safety Director Lively expressed concern
relative to operating carriage after dark and Smith amended her motion to
limit from "dawn to dusk" and Acklin approved. On voice vote the motion
passed without opposition. (Elerath left the room at 9|55 p~m. and
returned shortly thereafter.)
A memo from the Mayor was read seeking confirmation of appointment of
Thomas Mack to be Hospital Administrator due to replace Robert Strowbridge
who is retiring and Laws moved to approve appointment; B~nnett seconded the
motion which passed unanimously on voice vote. Judy Schaefer was present
and said that Mack would be on board as of June 17th and that a receiption
is being planned shortly thereafter to introduce him to the citizens of
5/21/85 P. 3
5ular Meeting Ashland City Council
A memo was read from Planning Director Fregonese with recommendations rela-
tive to the proposed disposition of the house located on the Lord's proper-
ty noting that the cost of rehabilitating the house without a real need
for it would not be worth the cost of the work° Fregonese said that the
house could well be rehabilitated by someone moving it off the property in
order to link the structure with Ashland's historic past, Fregonese said
he had three inquiries regarding purchase of the house by people who would
move it. Fregonese suggested that in the event no one purchases the house,
that it could bid for demolition° Reid noted that she had talked to Chair-
person Crawford of Parks & Recreation and that the Commission would utilize
the house should it be rehabilitated° Reid also noted that the Ashland
Heritage Committee might be interested. Laws moved to accept the recommend~
tion of Fregonese after some discussion and Elerath seconded the motion.
Laws amended the motion to include "if the Heritage Committee does not
respond within two weeks" and Elerath agreed to the amendment. On voice
vote the motion passed unanimously.
Airport Easement
A memorandum from Director of Public Works Alsing requesting authorization
for Mayor and Recorder to sign an electric easement at Ashland Airport so
that PP&L can install a new primary electric line was read and Smith mowed
for approval; Reid seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice,
Travellers Accom-
Second reading by title only was given an ordinance amending the Ashland
Municipal Code to exclude Hostels from the definition of travellers
accommodations and Smith moved to adopt; Bennett seconded the motion which
passed unanimously on roll call vote°
Liquor License
Fees - Travel-
lets Accommod~
Second reading by title only was given an ordinance reducing the liquor
license fees for travellers accommodations and Laws moved to adopt;
Acklin seconded the motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
Taxes for 1985-86
Second reading by title only was given an ordinance levying taxes for
FY 1985-86 and Smith seconded the motion which passed unanimously on roll
call vote°
Water Moratorium
First reading was given an ordinance lifting the water moratorium in the
Southwest portion of the City and Acklin moved to second reading; Reid
seconded the motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
Resolution auth-
orizing Funds for
1985/86 Fiscal Yr A resolution authorizing funds for 1985-86 Fiscal year was read and Laws
moved to adopt; Smith seconded the motion which passed unanimously on
roll call vote.
5/21/85 Po 4
~eg~/ar Meeting Ashlaad City Council D~ai/'85 Po ~,
T. rans. Appropo funds
(FLSA Sup. Cto dec°)
Authority to purchase
cert. of deposit
(Valley of the Rogue)
Parking Prohibition
(Liberty St.)
Study Sessession
Mock Council meeting
Wrangler Relocation
A resolution transferring appropriations within funds was read and Smith
moved to adopt; Reid seconded the motion which passed unanimously on roll
call vote.
A resolution authorizing pruchase of certificates to deposit at Valley of
the Rogue Bank was read and Laws moved to adopt; Elerath seconded the
motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote°
A resolution prohibiting parking at 707 Liberty Street on the East side
of Prim Street was read and Smith moved to adopt; Bennett seconded the
motion° On roll call Reid, Bennett, Acklin, Laws and Smith voted YES.
Elerath opposed the measure°
The City Administrator noted there is a conflict for the 28th of May for
Study Session and asked to reschedule. Council agreed - no new date set.
Elerath asked for permission to work with students at High School on City
government and to bring them in to act in the capacity of Council for one
day. Council agreed.
Smith thanked the City Administrator and staff for their efforts in the
transfer of the Wranglers arena from the Mistletoe Road location to the
new Greenway site north of the Valley View exit.
The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.Mo
Nan Eo Franklin
City Recorder
L. Gordon Medaris
5/21/85 P.