June 4, 1985
Mayor Medaris led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting to
order on the above date at 7:30 P.M. Elerath, Bennett, Reid, Acklin,
Smith and Laws were present°
Reid asked that page 3 of the minutes of ~y 21 be corrected to add
that a concession stand was approved in the State Ballet request
for closure of Winburn Way. Elerath asked that the minutes reflect
his comment relative to discussion of Performance Standards Ordin-
ance after Smith's comment saying "Elerath asked that number of degree
days be included in ordinance to make it useable". Acklin moved for
approval as corrected; Reid seconded the motion which passed unani-
mously on voice vote.
City Attorney Salter requested that matter of Bard's Inn be postponed
until adjournment to executive session because of litigation.
Sign Ordinance
A letter from the Soda Mountain Wilderness Council was read request-
ing endorsement of a Wilderness designation for Soda Mountain. Bruce
Boccard, Chairman of the Council posted a map of the study area and
adjoining 33,000 acre forest which extends from the Pacific Crest Trai
south of Greensprings Summit to the California border and showed slide~
of the area. Boccard noted that the area is the habitat of mountain
lions, black bear, bobcat, golden eagles etc. and in addition showed
slides of exotic flowers and plants being threatened. Boccard said
that the area onl~ twenty-five minutes from Ashland should be pre-
served as wilderness to preclude logging, mining, oil and gas devel-
opment which BLM as cited as being more vital than wilderness preserve
Sue Joerger of Southern Oregon Timber Industry Association said the
340 acres in question is a minor amount of timber but that the associa-
tion feels concerned about management of the area and that BLM's type
of management would be broader. Joerger passed out a map depicting
the resources found within a hundred mile radius from Medford and
said that BLM could protect the wildlife, control burning and manage
the area and asked that Council contact BLM and tour the area before
commiting support for the wilderness proposal° Smith expressed con-
cern about filing of mineral rights which BLM would allow and thus
open up such uses and added that she feels BLM does not reforest its
land. Joerger said that BLM reforests within five years and believes
in multiple use and those options should be reserved. Boccard asked
for decision to report back to a June 18th hearing° Reid moved to
support all of the public lands shown on the map furnished by SMC and
not just the Wilderness Study Area and asked staff to draft letter
to that affect; Smith seconded the motion which passed unanimously
on voice vote.
Findings of Fact on Sign Code relative to nonconforming signs were
passed out and the City Administrator said the subject would be on
the next agenda for adoption to give Council adequate time for study°
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Regular Meeting Ashland City Council 6/4/85 Po 2
The City Administrator read his memo and that of the Mayor recommend-
ing Barbara Dunlap as Senior Program Director and Mayor Medaris asked
Council to confirm his appointment of Dunlap° Laws moved to approve;
Bennett seconded the motion° Smith thanked Laws and all of the people
who have worked with the Senior Program. On voice vote the motion
passed unanimously.
City Administrator Almquist reviewed the history of the need for sewers
in the Fordyce Street area because of failing septic tanks and said
that Commissioner Barnes, Public Works Director Alsings and himself met
with the property owners on Fordyce Street and due to the fact that
the parcels are large was able to work out a plan to charge assess-
ments based on homesite consisting of 10,000 or less and the remaining
costs of annexation be held off until division of property. On Ack-
ltn's question as to whether the people are interested in annexing
soon Almquist said they are and that our water rates are half as much
as the County's and also they would be paying a double sewer rate°
Laws asked about the legality of forming assessment district now and
annexing later and Almquist said it would be clarified in the ordin-
anceo Salter added that it would be a contract commitment and not a
decision for a future Council° Almquist said one-half acre zoning
will be reserved until public need is established and then it could
be upzonedo Commissioner Barnes commended Almquist and Alsing on
their efforts on behalf of the property owners and reviewed the pro-
blems the County experienced relative to assessed evaluations of the
property and petitions to the Board of Equalization appealing taxes
levied. Barnes noted that if there is a public health hazard that
the City would be responsible to take the property in so that this
solved many problems. Almquist reviewed the proposal chosen by the
property owners and read the resolution° Laws moved for adoption
and Smith seconded the motion. Larry Medinger noted he owns property
with someone else and they will be coming in with annexation proposal
for therectangular section bordering Wightman Street.
On roll call vote the motion passed unanimously°
Application letters from Phil Arnold and Jeff Golden were considered
by the Council and Smith nominated Phil Arnold. Laws recommended
that Golden apply for another board on the City because of his ex-
pertise and interest and added that although he would like to see
him on the Budget Committee that that position had bee~ pr_~?mi_sed to
former Councilor Arnold. Reid agreed and asked Golden to reapply
and explained she had conm~itted herself to Arnold. Acklin moved to
close nominations; Laws seconded the motion which passed unanimously
on voice vote. Acklin moved to appoint Arnold. ~
A letter from Parks & Recreation Chairman Crawford recommending that
Patricia Adams be appointed to fill the term of resigning Commissioner
Harnly was read. Council unanimously agreed on the recommendation and
Reid noted Adams' accomplishing the feat of bringing the swimming pool
to reality°
6/4/85 P. 2
Re~u~ Meeting Ashland City Council 6/4/85 Po 3
A letter from the Traffic Safety Commission recommending that a five-
minute parking space be designated in front of 59 Winburn Way as
requested by the Rehab office was read and Smith moved to direct
Staff to bring back resolution; Acklin seconded the motion which
passed without opposition on voice vote.
The City Administrator reviewed his memo outlining a proposed employee
suggestion program as suggested by Budget Commissioner Schultz.
Almquist noted that the limit would be 10% of the cost savings for a
suggestion and that he would report to Council periodically on pro-
gress of the program° Smith noted Almquist might want to choose a
panel to review suggestions. Almquist said that was the plan and
that management employees would not be included. Almquist also said
that in lieu of cash that payment for training classes could substit-
ute for cash awards. On question as to whether Parks & the Hospital
would be included, Almquist said they would have to implement their
own program with their options. Smith moved to approve for one year
and then have Council evaluate; Acklin seconded the motion which
passed unanimously on voice vote.
A1 Willstatter asked what ORS an executive session was being called
on and the City Attorney said he would give him the number if he
called in the morning because he didn't have it with him° Salter said
it was 192. --- but wasn't clear on the whole number. Hazarian said
it was 192.440. Public Forum closed since there was no further comment
Second reading by title only was given an ordinance lifting the Water
Moratorium in the Southeastern portion of the City and Laws moved to
adopt; Smith seconded the motion which passed unanimously on roll call
The City Administrator noted that Planning Director Fregonese felt
it important to clarify nonconforming signs criteria by adding
Section 18o96.160 and read the ordinance amending Title 18. Laws
moved to second reading; Acklin seconded the motion. On roll call
vote the motion passed unanimously.
First reading by title only was given the Performance Standards
Options and the following changes were read into the text as
follows: Under 18.88.010 in the last two sentences two words were
added to say ... , "p~O~ide for more efficient land use, and ~6duce
the impact of development on the natural environment and neighborhood~
To 18.88.020(E) regarding Pedestrian Path the following word was
added "A graded cleared way, adjacent to the curb, at curb level,
for individuals who travel on foot." On page 4 under B (4) under
Contents, the following words were added in the first sentence:
"The final plan shall contain a scale map or maps ~ a w~ten s~g~te-
me~t showing the following for the development: On page 7 under
Bo Bonus Points item 1, second paragraph, the following language
was added relative to degree average: "Average of less than 7500
...... continued 6/4/85 Po 3
Regular Meeting Ashland City Council 6/4/85 P~ 4__
OPTIONS ORDINANCE cont. BTU/FT2/YR for non-renewable space heating based upon a 65 degree
average daily interior temperature using A6~d weather data or
the closest availabZe WeatherStationo" In 18.88.070(A) relative
to setbacks the following words were added in the first sentence:
"Front yard setbacks adjacent to collectors or subcollectors shall
be f0 fee~. Laws moved to second reading as corrected° Elerath
!' asked Planning Director Fregonese why he hadn't added degree days
for computation purposes and Fregonese said he would prefer to use
various methods instead of tying into simple degree days. Fregonese
~ said he would be using Ashland weather data or the closest comparable
weather stations° After a long discussion between Elerath and Fregon-
ese relative to methods/formulas used in computations, Acklin suggest-
ed adding "as published in the most current Uniform Building Code"
and moved to second reading with additions; Reid seconded the motion
which passed with Reid, Bennett, Ackltn, Laws and Smith voting in
favor; Elerath opposed.
ORDINANCE/ST. TREES First reading by title only was given an ordinance amending Chapter
13.16 adopting a list of recommended and prohibited street trees and
Smith moved to second reading; Acklin seconded the motion which passed
unanimously on roll call vote.
A resolution certifying certain services offered by the City relative
to State Revenue Sharing was read and Laws moved to adopt; Elerath
seconded the motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
Councilor Smith moved to adopt with the addition of "Uniform Build-
ing Code" language amended into the ordinance on Performance Standards
and Bennett seconded the motion. On roll call the motion_carried
A resolution establishing Site Design/Use Guidelines was read and
Almquist noted that such guidelines were made a Council goal and
such information will be helpful and put in book form° Smith moved
for adoption of the resolution; Elerath seconded the motion which
passed unanimously on roll call vote.
The City Administrator reviewed the letter from SOSC relative to the
agreement proposed to implement the North Campus Completion Plan
worked on for years and recommended authorization of signatures of
Mayor and Recorder. Laws so moved; Reid seconded the motion. Eleratl
asked to be excused from voting since he was unfamiliar with the back-
ground of the process and after research by City Attorney was told
he must vote under the circumstances. Acklin expressed concern about
the trees and Almquist said as many as possible will be saved. On
roll call vote motion passed unanimously° (Later in meeting Salter
learned that one can be excused from voting if other members agree)°
6/4/85 P. 4
Regular Meeting Ashland City Council 6/4/85 ~o 5
Almquist reviewed the Senior Program contract with the Area Agency on
Aging for services provided by ACCESS and Smith moved to authorize
Mayor and Record to sign; Bennett seconded the motion which passed
unanimously on roll call vote°
Bennett noted that she had left information relative to Council input
on effectiveness of Rogue Valley of Governments to City and invited
suggestions for services of RVCOG at the next meeting after review
of information°
Almquist noted that certain street improvement estimates had come
in more than 10% over the engineer's estimates and thus the City
would have to go back to those signing in favor and ask whether
they will accept the costs reflected in the bids. Street projects
involved were Glenwood Drive which was estimated at $15,665 and came
in at $17,458.50 and Hillcrest which is to be improved with curbs only
which low bid came in at $5,678.50 and estimated at $4,894°40.
Almquist asked permission to contact property owners by telephone
in interest of time and Council agreed°
Almquist reviewed background of City's method of imposing franchise
tax and noted because of a constituent's challenge over the years
which culminated in direct communication with the UoSo Treasury,
the federal government cut off Revenue Sharing funds until such time
through the City with Revenue Sharing Funds be notified that such
funds will not be available until a ruling is received. Council
agreed and asked the Administrator to so notify° Almquist noted also
that the final payment on the Hydro project rests with the availabil-
ity of revenue sharing which will create a cash-flow problem. should
it not be available.
At 9:47 P.M. Council adjourned to Executive Session to discuss liti-
gation relative to Bard's Inn application. At 10:17 Council recon-
vened and Acklin moved to repeal Resolution 85-14 calling for Bard's
Inn Zone Change and instructed staff to bring back findings of
fact denying the zone change application° On roll call Bennett,
Acklin, Laws and Smith voted YES. Elerath voted NO and Reid could
not vote because she had missed the meeting involved and had not
reviewed tapes of the public hearing.
The meeting adjourned at 10:20 P.M.
Nan Eo Franklin
City Recorder
L. Gordon Medaris
6/4/85 p. 5