September 3, 1985
The regular meeting of the Council was called to order by Mayor
Medaris who led the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:30 PoM. on the above
date. Present were Elerath, Reid, Bennett, Acklin, Laws and Smith.
Bennett moved for approval of minutes of the regular meeting.of Aug-
ust 20, 1985; Laws seconded the motion which passed unanimously on
voice vote°
A letter from Brent Thompson was read urging that Council consider
acquisition of a hilltop park site called for in the Comprehensive
Plan. Almquist said he had no particular comments on the matter but
alerted Council to the possibility of a land trade for future reser-
voir site on nine acres at the top of Strawberry Lane owned by Red
Gentry and having the balance of the land for park use. Almquist
noted the land being suggested is comprised of five of the best view
lots in the City and there is land further to the North which would
serve the purpose.
Smith noted that there are many ways of acquiring property for park
purposes other than paying cash and suggested the Parks Commission
identify park sites and then come to the Council with ideas. Acklin
suggested Council work with Parks & Recreation for recommendation of
sites. Smith moved to ask P & R for recommendation of sites; Acklin
seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
Almquist noted that the Police Department had recommended approval
for liquor license application from Robert Comfort, Michael Bingham
and Stephen Sacks dba Ashland Bakery & Cafe and Smith moved to approve;
Elerath seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
Almquist reported the Police Department had completed background check
on applicants Paul and Charlotte Niestrath dba Sandwich ShaCk and
Laws moved to approve; Bennett seconded the motion which passed with-
out opposition on voice vote.
The Director of Public Works reviewed the history of street resur-
facing and maintenance of streets and recommended that a new mainten-
ance concept be adopted whereby the streets are maintained to give
them a longer life as opposed to repairing deteriorating streets.
Alsing listed options as 1) do nothing, 2) do what we do now, and 3)
rehabilitate and prework. Alsing said that a seal coat could be
applied every six years and that resurfacing could be done every
30 years and said the cost for sealing would be $99000 and resurfac-
ing $89,000 and patching $1,000 for a total cost of $189,000 per year°
On question of Elerath as to whether this amount would cover labor,
Alsing said it would be for materials only. Elerath asked what the
employees would do should monies not be available for materials and
Alsing said they would continue to sweep streets, install and paint
signs etc. Almquist reviewed the Revenue Sharing negative impact and
said that the street program this year would not be much with funds
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Regular,Meeting Ashland City Council 9/3/85 P. 2
Almquist noted that two revenue measures were discussed, one being
5% user's tax on natural gas and the other a 5% transfer in lieu of
franchise tax for water quality. Almquist said that at one time a
1¢ per gallon tax was proposed for automobile fuel and a 2¢ tax on
aircraft fuel was proposed and was defeated on a serial levy with 3 to
1 voting against the proposal° Laws noted there have been several
public forums on the revenue ideas and they were not acceptable. Reid
said with education program the people may understand and the gas
tax principal would lend to sharing by the tourists in the cost of
maintenance of the streets they use. Almquist said one of the reasons
the gas tax idea didn't take hold was that the monies could have been
transferred to another account .and agreed that the education idea
saying that the gasoline tax to support street maintenance would be
an acceptable rationale. Laws recommended that Almquist and Director
of Finance Nelson study and come up with alternatives for Council con-
sideration. Elerath expressed concern for property taxes and asked
what would result in cutting personnel° Acklin reviewed results of
a Citizens Revenue Committee which studied each departmentTs work
and came up with recommendations which did not include cutting person-
nel. Acklin said the staff is already honed down and that people
she has spoken with are interested in having the vital City services
at an appropriate level. Reid said that in her election work she
learned that the condition of the streets was a number one concern
with the citizens and noted the need for public parking to accommodate
local people and tourists to justify the gasoline tax proposal.
Acklin moved to ask staff to set date for a special meeting at which
time a public hearing could be held to discuss street funding, and
after that meeting ask for an ordinance to be brought back; Smith
seconded the motion. Almquist noted that October 8, 1985 would be a
good date to try for. On voice vote the motion passed unanimously.
The City Administrator reported on a meeting with Parks & Recreation
Director Mickelson regarding suggested policy for closure of Winburn
Way noting the circumstances under which the Administrator has been
authorized to close the street now. In addition the policy would
authorize the Administrator to close Winburn when crowd size would
pose a hazard to those attending events. Any decision the Adminis-
trator should make disapproving an application would automatically be
referred to City Council for consideration at their next regular meet-
ing and the last criteria called for no selling or soliciting on
any public street within Lithia Park (Winburn Way from Guanajuato Way
to Granite Street). Smith objected to the criteria which would not
allow selling in the case of non-profit organizations in particular
who fund their programs etc. by this means. Laws moved to adopt
policy as proposed; Reid seconded the motion° Smith moved to amend
motion to delete no. 4 which called for no selling in the Park or on
street in Park and the motion died for lack of a second. On motion
to adopt Elerath, Reid, Bennett, Acklin and Laws voted YES. Smith
opposed and the motion carried.
Jeff Golden told Council he continues to be interested in serving on
the Budget Committee and noted he first applied when Phil Arnold
was appointed and he now understands there has been another vacancy°
Mayor Medaris said he has been waiting for more applications and a
full Council to consider them at the September 17 meeting.
The Public Forum was closed°
!~ular ~ing Ashland City Council 9/3/85 D, 3
& CONTRACTS A resolution transferring appropriations within funds was read and
Council discussed a $7,200 transfer in Public Safety and Public Safety
Transfer of Approp. Director Lively noted that Civil Defense and Community Service Volunt-
eers have been combined with Frank D'Entremant as Director with over
100 volunteers. Acklin moved to adopt; Reid seconded the motion which
passed unanimously on roll call vote.
Low-income Energy
The City Administrator reviewed the program and Smith moved to author-
ize Mayor to sign; Acklin seconded the motion which passed unanimously
on roll call vote.
Bennett reviewed the statement by Governor Vic Atiyeh relative to
a proclamation of "Bag-It Days 85" calling for cleanup of litter from
roads, streams and shores etc. Bennett asked for a commitment from
any or all of the members of the Council for participating in the
planned cleanup of Bear Creek so that she can advise Eric Dittmer who
headsup the effort every year on behalf of RVCOG. Council generally
agreed to participate.
Smith expressed concern that the evaluations of the City Administrator
and City Attorney have not been done for last year. The Mayor said he
is waiting until he receives them as all of them have not been received.
A letter was reviewed by City Attorney Salter from ACLU challenging the
City's Occult Arts Ordinance and Salter advised Council that the matter
should go to court because of the uncertainty of the City's position~
Council asked about costs and Salter said he wouldn't charge fees.
The City Attorney was asked to advise ACLU of CounciI's position that
they should go to court.
Laws noted there will be a meeting of the Parking Facility Committee
at 4:00 P.M. Wednesday to consider the final draft of the Committee
Report and invited Council to attend the meeting at the Civic Center.
The City Administrator reported there will be a meeting of the League
of Oregon Cities for a Legislative briefing in Grants Pass on September
12 and asked that they notify the Secretary of intentions. Almquist
added that a car pool can be arranged.
Salter informed Council he had heard from the County relative to the
lighting contract for North Interchange approach and area and said it
should be discussed upon his return from Salem.
ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 P.M.
Nan Eo Franklin L. Cordon Medaris
City Recorder Mayor
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