September 17, 1985
The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 7:30
P~M~ on the above date by Mayor Medaris wh~ led the Pledge of Allegi-
ance. Present were Elerath, Reid, Bennett, Acklin, Laws and Smith~
Councilors Smith and Reid presented the City of Ashland with a Nuclear
Free Zone plaque from Manchester, England, to be hung in the Adminis-
trative offices of City Hall or Civic Center and other gifts from
cities visited in Europe where the Councilors were invited by Peace
and Nuclear Free groups°
Bennett moved to approve minutes of the adjourned meeting of August
29, 1985 and regular meeting of September 3, 1985 and Smith seconded
the motion. Elerath asked that the minutes be corrected on page two
relative to Street Funding to reflect that he asked in expressing con-
cern for property taxes how costs could be cut and to show that the
report referred to by Acklin was several years old~ Bennett and Smith
agreed with corrections and on voice vote the motion passed without
The City Administrator read a memo from Director of Public Works Alsing
dated September 11 outlining positive and negative views of the
proposal. Almquist noted that costs to the property owner can be
Bancrofted and that assessments can be paid in full within 30 days
or 9~% interest over a period of ten years° The public hearing was
opened and those in favor asked to speak first. Vaughan Bornet, 365
Ridge Road spoke in favor of the proposal saying that Ridge Road has
been ignored by the City and maintained by the property owners but has
the worst potholes of any street in the City.
Archie Fries, 170 Ridge Road, said the City has been indifferent to
City streets and the property owners are willing to pay for the 18 ft.
asphalt street and asked that the City accept their petition.
Harry Skerry, 270 Ridge Road, spoke in favor as owner of 270 Ridge
and part owner of tax lot 2200°
Lee Howard, 90 Ridge Road, said he is not concerned about the drainage
and is pleased that no one will be speaking against the proposal.
Howard said there is some run off at the lower end of Ridge and the
street will be sloped to drain the water down to the culvert. Alsing
said there is enough ditch to carry the water but on the other end
Alsing said that the curb and gutter will do a better job.
Mike Jewett, 353 Ridge Road said he is for the proposal to pave but
against the staff proposal of curb and gutter being included in the
Jim Akerill spoke in favor of the proposal and said he hoped Council
woud go along with the petition.
There was no negative input and the Mayor closed the public hearing
and turned the discussion over to Council.
Reid noted that Judy Clark had been in touch with her saying that
she had not been contacted relative to the proposal. It was noted
that when Clark signed off the rear of the property, she signed in
favor of paving.,
9/17/85 P. 1
egular ,~lect ing Ashland City Council 9/!7/85 P~ 2
Alsing explained that when a street is oiled that half of the property
owners may want the road graded and the other half against ito
Reid urged Council to consider allowing for a rural type road as is
being considered for Ridge to be a second type road standard. Reid
said she would like the alternative for other citizens. The Mayor
said that a Local Improvement District has been formed for this
particular street and to include other proposals° Reid said Ridge will
be a substandard road and that other roads could be considered for
substandard streets on one request at a time basis. Laws said it is
the worst road in the City and we should take the chance that it will
hold up and moved to approve petition and asked staff to bring back
documents; Bennett seconded the motion which passed unanimously on
voice vote.
The City Administrator read a minority report from Planning Commiss-
ioners Stout, Slattery & Thompson urging consideration of 7500 sq. ft.
lots for the proposed annexation and a memo from the Planning DiVision
dated August 15, 1985 reporting action by CPAC recommending 5,000
sq. ft. minimum lot size for all but SOSC property which should be
zoned SO. Almquist asked that the Staff Report dated August 14, 1985,
petition from Fordyce Sewer Improvement & Annexation Committee,
a letter from property owners with signatures requesting R-5 zoning,
minutes of Planning Commission dated August 14, 1985 and letter from
Jackson County with recommendations and comments relative to the
properties in the County zoned for Exclusive Farm Use
be made part of the record. Planning Director Fregonese showed
the area on the screen and outlined total annexation proposal with
future street plans and noted that the Armory site (SOSC property)
should be annexed as soon as possible. Fregonese reviewed the Triple
Majority criteria for density along with Comprehensive Plan goals~
The Mayor opened the public hearing and Virginia Jackson, owner of
tax lots 2500 & 2600, wanted to be certain that the criteria of five
lots per acre is the maximum and not the minimum and that she would
not lose a lot in following the criteria. Fregonese said the divis-
ion could be worked out. Jim Johnston, 574 Fordyce, said the options
have been considered by the property owners and that for all practical
purposes, the 5,000 sq. ft~ lots would give best use of property and
that the creeks could be culverted and worked around. Larry Medinger
noted that Ashland needs sites for lower cost housing and the flat
property in the proposed annexation would be ideal for that purpose
and also financially within reach since the cheapest lot available
at this time in Ashland costs around $18,000. Kent Cutting spoke in
favor of the proposal. On question of plans for the construction of
the National Guard Armory, Physical Plant Director Steverio noted a
groundbreaking date has been set but that no plans have been started
by Architect Patterson. Stevens said the college has architectural
review authority for the National Guard Armory. Acklin moved to
adopt annexation proposal w'th zoning of R 1.5P and adopt findings
~ac~ .
and direct staff to bring / lnances; Smith seconded the motion which
passed unanimously on voice vote.
9/17/85 Po 2
Sul,~r ~lecting Ashland City Coun,:il 9/17/85
Real Froperty Froposal
Gayla's Pancake & Seafood
Stevenson Union
Acklin moved to place disposition of real property proposal on the
agenda as discussed in Executive Session; Reid seconded the motion
which passed unanimously on voice vote. The City Administrator
reviewed the offer by Cybertext Corporationts of $175,000
for the A Street property with the sale contingent upon review of
companyts architects and engineers to be secured within 60 days.
Almquist noted that the property had been on the market for over
a year and that no firm offers had been received in that time~
Smith moved to accept offer and instruct staff to prepare earnest
money agreement for signature by Mayor and City Recorder; Bennett
seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
Application for new ownership of existing liquor license was
received from Gayla Bright dba Gayla's Pancake, Steak and Seafood
at 1823 Siskiyou Blvdu, and Smith moved to approve; Elerath second-
ed the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
Reid moved to put application for liquor license from SOSC Steven-
son Union on the agenda; Smith seconded and the motion passed with-
out opposition on voice vote. Acklin moved to approve; Reid
seconded the motion. Laws noted he is a member of the Faculty at
SOSCo On voice vote the motion passed unanimously.
Reid nominated Jeff Golden to fill the vacancy on the Budget Com-
mittee and hoped that Bud Wilkersen would wait for another vacancy
because of his qualifications° Smith moved to close nominations.
Laws nominated Art Phillips and Acklin moved nominations be closed.
Smith seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
Laws commented that all three individuals would be able to handle
the position well and said he didn't think the person standing in
line the longest should necessarily get the position~ Laws con-
tinued by saying he is a neighbor of Phillips and feels he would be
compatible in giving the Budget Committee a good balance. Smith
said she knows Mr. Phillips and not Mro Wilkerson but emphasized
that Mr. Golden made his interest known as soon as the vacancy was
publicized and was put off when Phil Arnold was appointed. Smith
urged that Golden have the opening° Elerath said he asked Wilkerson
to submit his application and would support him but would also sup-
port Phillipso Smith criticized the procedure. Bennett felt that
ample applicants should be allowed. Medaris said any opening has
to be advertised and two Councilors were out of the country so it
was put off. Laws said he chaired the meeting when it was decided
to wait and readvertise to get more applicants because people don't
always see the notices and on nomination of Art Phillips, Elerath,
Bennett and Laws voted in favor. Reid, Acklin and Smith voted in
opposition. Motion tied and the Mayor broke the tie by voting YES~
The City Administrator noted that a letter was received from Bar-
bara Allen recommending that 2 hr. parking be changed to 4 hr. on
C Street between First and Second Street - along both sides of
street. Almquist commended Chair Laws on his efforts and report
and said public input would be available at a public hearing°
9/17/85 P. 3
Ash/and C,Ly Council 9Zj7/85 P.
Councilor Laws reviewed his report citing the need for about 125
parking spaces and to relocate downtown employees to off-street
parking facilities to serve the local community, businesses and
visitors in the downtown area. Laws said that parking times would
need to be changed in various parts of the core area, that severe
penalties would be imposed on employees whose vehicle is found
in parking spaces reserved for the users mentioned above~ Laws said
that the Water Street parking area would be expanded and upgraded by
use of landscaping and lighting to encourage full use and that park-
ing fines would be increased by $1~00 and a surcharge would be added
to business license fees to help generate the necessary revenue.
The cost of the improvements would be Bancrofted for the Water St.
improvements, Laws said° Laws added that in his proposal the Elk's
Club has been approached relative to a lease on their parking lot
and are expected to consider the proposal at a Board meeting soon.
Laws said eventually a parking structure may have to be built.
In discussing the proposed ordinance, Reid said it is discriminating
as regards downtown employees and intimates that other shop owners
aren't considered valued customers. After some discussion by Council,
Acklin moved to accept the report as proposed and that a public hear-
ing be set for first reading of the ordinance; Bennett seconded the
motion and said information should be made public in advance of the
hearing and suggested the package being printed in the Tidings° Aim-
quist said it would be difficult without the large volume of back-
ground for someone to understand~ Elerath said he wants the ordin-
ance to be considered on a point by point basis° Laws said there is
no hurry in consideration of ordinance because the proposed plan
will not be implemented until June 1, 1986. On roll call vote,
Bennett, Acklin, Laws and Smith voted in favor of the report;
Elerath and Reid opposed and the motion carried° The City Adminis-
trator was instructed by Laws to bring back all documents to imple-
ment the plan along with letters received and relative statistics.
A1 Willstatter, 123 Central Street, urged that there be a site
review and public hearing on proposed building of Armory because
it is a public building and belongs to all of us. (Fordyce Annex.)
Fire Chief King noted that with recent rains the fire danger has
lessened in the Watershed and proposed to reopen the area~ Laws
moved to place on agenda; Elerath seconded the motion which passed
unanimously on voice vote and Elerath moved to reopen; Reid seconded
the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote° At this point
the Public Forum was closed~
The City Administrator read an addendum extending his Agreement
of Employment for a period of three years to September 1, 1988 and
Council discussed criteria of his contract regarding grounds for
dismissal and severance pay. Almquist was asked to read his con-
tract with the City in full which he did and Reid asked about his
recent evaluation. The Mayor said the evaluation composite would
be mailed~ Reid moved to approve extension; Smith seconded the
motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote°
A memo was read and contract submitted for Left-turn Refuge on
Siskiyou Blvdo, at Garffeld Sto was considered and Acklin moved for
authorization of signatures of Mayor & City Recorder; Reid seconded
the motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote°
9/17/85 P. 4
~%~u~iBr Meeting Ashlaud City Council 9/17/8li P. 5
Central St~ Improvements
Governor's "Bag-it-Day"
Councilor Reid said she would like to continue her goal of having
curb, gutter and paving on Central Street and thatshe has talked
to the Street and Engineering Departments about circulating petitions
for improvements. Reid wondered if such improvements would be valu-
able enough to the City for it to share in the costs~
Bennett noted that the Governor had declared September 21 as "Bag-it-
Day" and noted that the clean-up program is not necessary in Ashland.
The meeting adjourned at 10:13 P~M. with a reminder that a study
session will be held on September 24 to consider the Public
Safety Plan at 7:30 P~Mo, & Supplemental Budget Hearing will be
held on September 26 at 7:30 PoM.
Karen Huckins
Acting City Recorder
L. Gordon Medaris