December 3, 1985
Downtown Parking
Mayor Medaris led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting to
order at 7:30 P.M~, on the above date in the Council Chambers~
Present were Reid, Bennett, Laws and Smith~ Elerath and Acklin were
Reid asked that minutes be corrected relative to the Transportation
Utility fees in the first paragraph on page two to state that Reid
recommended that a broader base for the fees be based on school district
to include more participation to support the proposal. Bennett moved
to approve minutes of the regular meeting of November 19, 1985 as
corrected; Smith seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice
The proposed ordinance establishing a Downtown Parking District was
presented and the City Administrator read a letter from the Chamber
of Commerce recommending implementation of the proposal and requesting
that registration of vehicle licenses be removed and that City vehicles
park away from downtown after business hours (5:30 p.m.l Almquist noted
that the ordinance calls for a 1986 summer trial of the proposal and
unless extended by Council action the life of the ordinance will expire.
anithasked if the parking plan used in Bend was investigated and Fregon-
ese said it had been researched and reviewed the plan saying they dontt
experience congestion and parking problems in downtown Bend because of
malls established along Hwy~ 97~ The public hearing was opened and
Don Rist, 310 Bridge Street, asked for clarification on provision of
spaces for real estate brokers and salesmen in excess of the number
of private off-street parking provided by office saying there are 14
agentsin the office and four employees working upstairs in the title
company and property management offices~ Almquist said permits will
be provided as outlined in addition to what we would compute in individ-
ual cases. Laura Parsons, 89 7th Street asked for clarification on
Water/"B" Street parking lot funding and where excess monies would be
used. Laws noted that the Water Street parking lot is the only proposal
being considered at this time and excess funds would be used should
other projects be feasible and land made available for parking purposes.
The public hearing was closed at this point and Smith noted that since
the need for names and license numbers h~s been removed from the ordin-
ance, she is in favor o~ the measure and has had no criticisms at this
point~ Ordinance was given first reading by title only and Smith moved lto
second reading; Laws seconded and Bennett, Laws and Smith voted in
favor and Reid opposed on roll call vote. Motion carried° The Mayor
commended the committee for its efforts and noted this has been the
first successful conclusion to the many committees on parking in the
past years.
The City Administrator reviewed the Cooperative Agreement with SOSC
relative to streets in the development of the North Campus completion
program. Almquist noted that a letter in opposing of the Webster St.
vacation proposal was received from Sanford Goodman and made part of
the record~ The public hearing was opened and A1 Willstatter
.......... continued 12/3/85 P~ 1
gular Meeting Ashland City Council
128 Central Street suggested that no more streets be vacated until SOSC
honors commitments~ Don Rist, 310 Bridge Street noted that there are
many children who use Stadium Street to go swimming and expressed con-
cern for their safety. Reid asked Almquist if he knew of any commitments
SOSC had not followed through with and Almquist related the history of
the proposed perimeter road suggested before he came to the City and
asked that Director of Public Works give details. Alsing said it was
planned but that the Legislature would not approve the project for
funding and the proposal was abandoned for that reason. Rod Stevens
reviewed plans to use part of Stadium Street for future playing fields
as well as Webster Street to E~ Main. The public hearing was closed.
Smith said she wasn't happy to see the street closed because it will put
children on busier streets because there will be no through streets in
the area. First reading was given the ordinance and Bennett moved to
second reading. Reid seconded. Laws declared a potential conflict of
interest but said he would vote. On roll call vote the motion passed
The City Administrator noted that three prepaving agreements had been
signed in favor of paving Auburn Street for 58~9%. Mayor Medaris opened
the public hearing. Donald Kreitner, 155 Union Street, asked why the
street is difficult to maintain and Public Works Director Alsing said
it is difficult to maintain any unpaved street and that it is scheduled
to be graded every year but sometimes the Street Dept. doesnit get to
it. Kre~tner said the traffic is already fast in that area and with
Auburn paved it will become heavier and faster° Kreitner asked what
authority the City has to get streets paved and Almquist noted that he
had received a letter asking that question and had replied and perhaps
Kreitner hadn't receive'd the letter yet° Laws noted that it is in the
economic interest of the City to have all streets paved and also that
such improvements are outlined in the Comprehensive Plano Reid noted
that Ashland has Federal Air Quality Guidelines and that granitic dust
as found in Ashland is especially hazardous because it lodges in the
lungs. Reid added that paving streets in Ashland makes sense because
of health and also maintenance costs. As to traffic hazards, Smith
invited residents of the area to bring problems to the Traffic Safety
Commission for traffic control actions. The width of the street was
discussed and Alsing said that several designs are being looked at~
Kay Kroman, 518 Auburn, presented a letter she had received two years
ago agreeing to sign for paving in the future and said because of the
language in the letter she had not realized she was commiting herself
to paving. Kroman said she is opposed to the paving. Laws said he
would check the language for clarity. Martin Thomas, 549 Auburn, said
that six out of seven families contiguous to the paving project have
young children and suggested that a 20' width be taken into considera-
tion to allow for sidewalks. Reid agreed that sidewalks are important
not only for the children but for the general walking public. Alsing
said sidewalks could be arranged if off-street parking is allowed or
parking bays installed. Josh Folick, 200 Gresham said he would like
to see sidewalks on the street. The public hearing was closed and
first reading given ordinance° Laws moved to second reading; Smith
seconded the motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
12/3/85 p. 2
__j~eRular MeetinR Ashland City Council 12/3/85 P. ~
The City Administrator noted that there had been an error in the publica-
tion of the public hearing and when it was replaced the legal notice did
not meet the 10 day criteria for prescribed time° Reid noted that the
cemetery frontage is being considered and asked that the ownership of
the Redmond (Hargadine) Cemetery be researched for historic purposes°
Almquist said the public hearing notice would be republished and another
public hearing scheduled° All property owners were notified of delay.
The City Administrator reviewed his memo outlining availability of
"Infrastructure" grants and loans from certain proceeds of the Oregon
Lottery for City projectso Almquist noted the Water Street parking lot
project has been engineered with cost estimates and economic needs
assessment report available and asked for authority to prepare a grant
application for that purpose° Planning Director Fregonese reviewed the
plans to improve the Water Street Parking Lot. Reid wondered if the
stairs leading pedestrians up to "C" Street might not be dangerous
because of the heavy one-way traffic° The public hearing was opened
and there were no comments from the audience and hearing was closed.
Smith moved to direct staff to prepare application for grant; Laws
seconded the motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
Public Hearing set for December 17, 1985 at 7:30 P.M.
Public Hearing set for December 17, 1985 at 7:30 PoMo
The City Administrator reviewed the proposed Hersey Street Paving pro-
ject noting that sufficient signatures in favor of curb, gutter and
paving had been received and that individual property owners would pay
a maximum of $25.00 per front foot which would be used as the City's
match for FAUS funds° A resolution of intention was read calling for
a public hearing at 7:30 P.M. on December 17, 1986 and Laws moved to
adopt; Smith seconded the motion which passed unanimously on roll call
The City Attorney reviewed his memo relative to reducing misdemeanors
to infractions in the AMC to avoid jail terms for minor offenses° Reid
noted she had spoken with the Judge on the matter of concealed
weapons and Salter said there are exceptions and circumstances to
warrant more serious charges. Smith moved that. City Attorney bring
back an ordinance to amend the Code accordingly; Reid seconded the
motion which passed without opposition on roll call vote.
A memorandum from the Director of Public Works was read relative to
application for a grant from the Oregon Traffic Safety Co ission to
make specific accident and traffic information available/~e of the
computer already in place with personnel to use it. Laws moved to
approve; Smith seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
12/3/86 P. 3
Regular Meeting Ashland City Council 12/3~L~5 P. 4
John Fisher-Smith reviewed the Delhi Declaration commiting a halt to the
Nuclear Arms Race and invited Councilors to attend a ceremony at which
time the 1985 Beyond War Award will be preeented on December 14 at 8 aom.
at the KSYS studios° At this point the Public Forum was closed.
Second reading by title only was given an ordinance establishing a
transportation utility and Laws moved to adopt; Smith seconded the
motion. City Administrator Almquist noted that he would like to include
the matter in the Newsletter twice to inform public. On roll call the
motion passed unanimously.
Planning Director Fregonese reviewed the history of the Housing Rehab
Program implemented since 1983 giving the number of rental units, low
income and moderate income homes rehabilitated by use of the initial
grant. Fregonese said the average grant award amounted to $5,000
with the homeowners match in the amount of $1,920 for those with an
income of $11,000 or less per year~ Fregonese requested permission to
reapply for grant in the amount of $500,000 saying it is the last grant
he would expect for housing rehabilitation. Reid thanked Fregonese
and Jane Davis for the excellent work. The public hearing was opened
and since there was no co~mnent from the audience, the hearing was
closed° Reid moved to approve application for grant; Bennett seconded
the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote°
Water Quality Coordinator Eric Dittmer from Rogue Valley Council of
Governments showed slides and discussed the condition of the water
in the Rogue Valley and showed corrective measures in problem areas.
Dittmer expressed concern for the use of storm drains for washing paint,
concrete and other materials that drain into our creeks and the Rogue
River. Dittmer said that labels have been made for warnings on paint
cans, and although all of the cans are not marked it has been a source
of education to persons unaware of the seriousness of the matter°
Dittmer said he routinely changes filters in some placeS and absorb-
ant materials where oil spills occur and where fish are endangered~
Dittmer noted that one quart of oil can cause a slick all the way
across a creek. Smith commended Dittmer for his work and said she
often works with him as Greenway Coordinator.
Second reading by title only was given an ordinance changing parking
time limits on "C" Street between First & Second Streets and Laws
moved to adopt; Smith seconded and the motion passed unanimously on
roll call vote.
Second reading by title only was given an ordinance relative to temporary
occupancy of a mobile home and Smith moved to adopt; Bennett seconded
the motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote~
12/3/85 P. 4
._~ Regular Meeting Ashland City Council 12/3/85 ~y 5
City Attorney Salter reviewed his memo explaining that the Oregon
Vehicle Code has been rearranged and Chapter numbers changed and
noted that if the Municipal Code is amended accordingly, the City
will be able to enforce the Municipal Code patterned after the Oregon
Vehicle Code° First reading was given an ordinance amending Section
11.04.010 of the AMC and declaring an emergency° Laws moved to second
reading; Bennett seconded the motion which passed unanimously on roll
call vote.
The City Administrator reviewed the proposal to acquire certain PP&L
customers within the City limits and noted that attempted negotiations
had been futile so the condemnation proceedings will be started should
Council so act° First reading was given an ordinance authorizing the
commencement of condemnation proceedings and Smith moved to second
reading; Laws seconded° Reid expressed concern that PP&L may not have
had the opportunity to respond and Almquist noted that they had been
given lots of time and had recently promised communication by December 1.
Bennett said she would like to see Ashland get the customers but is
concerned about legal fees~ The City Attorney said he has met with
an attorney and were advised to condemn and that the attorney is a
specialist in this type of law. Laws said Council needs to realize
that legal proceedings are expensive but in the long run the money
will be coming in once the initial legal costs have been paid° On
roll call vote the motion passed without opposition°
Reid thanked Bennett for Bikeway Committee minutes, Mayor Medaris said
that the Bikeway Committee appointments had been left out of the News-
letter advertising term endings and vacancies and said he would welcome
any suggestions of persons to serve, The Tidings was asked to give
some publicity to the issue~
A letter from Judge Drescher was read concerning people who fail to
park within the lines in parking lots and asked that an ordinance be
written for enforcement purposes, Matter will be placed on December 17
agenda for consideration°
A letter from Windmill Inn (recently purchased from Ashland Hills)
was read requesting a waiver of utility deposit and Laws moved to place
on the agenda; Reid seconded the motion which passed unanimously on
voice vote, The City Administrator asked to have the matter held over
until the next meeting,
an ~ranklin J
N 2~ L~ Gordon Medaris
City Recorder Mayor
12/3/85 Po 5