December 17, 1985
Plan Revision
Definition of
Structure or
Hersey Street
Mayor Medaris led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting
to order at 7:30 P.M., on the above date in the Council Chambers°
Present were Elerath, Reid, Laws and Acklino Bennett and Smith
were absent.
Reid moved to approve minutes of the regular meeting of December
3, 1985; Laws seconded the motion which passed unanimously on
voice vote.
Proposed revisions to the Transportation Plan of the Comprehensive
Plan in the Fordyce Street area were reviewed by Planning Dir-
ector Fregonese who showed the proposed map for future streets
and noted that Plan would preclude construction of houses in the
proposed street area. Fregonese said there has been no negative
feed back. The public hearing was held and Larry Medinger who
owns property in the area offered to answer questions of neighbors
who might be attending the public hearing. There were no other
conments and the Mayor closed the public hearing° The Ordinance
was given first reading and Acklin moved to second reading; Reid
seconded the motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
The City Administrator read a memo from the Planning Staff rela-
tive to the definition of a structure or building and revising
AMC 18.08.750 and Fregonesenoted that structures 18" in height
are excluded and said due to the topography of Ashland, some
structures - decks & stairways - may intrude in the set back
area and will not need a variance. The public tiearing was
opened and since there was no comment, the hearing was closed
and first reading was given the ordinance. Acklin moved to
second reading including changes read into the ordinance to add
two words in the second to last sentence to read "and from the
half (~) of the year requirements for the". Laws seconded the
motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote°
The City Administrator reviewed the proposed improvement of Hersey
Street saying that 50°69% of the property owners had signed in
favor on the premise that a maximum cost of $25.00 per front foot
to the property owners would be considered to make up the City's
match with FAUS funds° Almquist noted that the public hearing is
for input as to whether the proposal meets property owner approval
in concept. The Mayor opened the public hearing and a letter in
opposition was read from Mro & Mrs° Arnold Gross, Mr. & Mrs. Lee
and Mro & Mrs. Fisher comprising 2.1% of the owners of front foot-
age° Director of Public Works Alsing reviewed the proposal saying
this is probably the last opportunity for use of funding by FAUS
and the monies must be committed to a project and this one is the
choice to continue improvements of Herseyo Alsing said when the
property owners accept the concept a preliminary design will be
worked ono
....... continued 12/17/85 p. /
Regular Meeting Ashland City Council 12/17/85 P. 2
Hersey Street
Public Hrg. conto
Almquist noted the necessity for improvements saying that Hersey
will serve as a street to by-pass business district and equalize
traffic° On question by Aeklin as to how the match works, Alsing
explained that 88% is state money and 12% local match. He added
that normal cost per front foot runs from $35 to $38 so the $25°00
rate should be conducive to getting the project done. The public
hearing was opened. Fred Roberts said his 335' foot frontage com-
prises 9°2% of the project and property is located on Hersey bet-
ween Water & Helman and will cost $8,375 for improvements.
Roberrs said he is not in favor of the project because he does
not have suffi~i~ntr information on which to make a decision.
Roberts said the width of the street has not been determined and
said that the abruptending of proposed paving at Water Street
should be addressed at this time. Roberts said the City will
do the design work which could be changed or approved by the
State and if Federal funds are involved the property owners could
end up with s project much different than proposed in scope or
cost. Roberrs asked that plans be made available including
drainage, relocation of power poles, ~urbs, driveways for the
property owners and Councilts information. Roberrs added that
without more definitive plans there will be misunderstandings dur-
ing this Couneilts tenure as well as future Councils. On Robert's
question regarding width of street, Alsing said that it would be
made as wide as practicable, but not as wide as the section of
Hersey previously improved. Alsing said the Water Street bridge
is substandard and will have to be replaced when funds are avail-
able. Terry Brimhall, 632 Helman Street, representing Parson's
Pine Products comprising 16.2% of the pr6j ect said he didn't see
how they can approve something in concept without knowing how
much property is concerned, where the street will be located and
what impact it will have on the business. Brimhall said that a
36 foot street funnelling into a 30 footbridge and then going
into a 66 foot street would be impractical. On Brimhall's ques-
tion as to how much property will be taken for the street, Almquist
said there is a 60 foot right of way and that it will be sufficient
for the street and power p~ees will be within that 60 feet. Brim-
ha 1 s id there should be
1 a ~eeting of property owners and Almquist
said that that is the purpose of the public hearing and that all
property owners were notified. Brimhall said he is not necessarily
opposed to the project but wants information and property lines
staked out with street plans before making a decision. Mary Lou
Gross said they are not in favor and if there are no sidewalks
it will not be safe for children with the increased traffic flow.
Gross said that replacement of sewe=ltihe is not included and their
home and rental are below the street level. Gross said the
long road frontage on the pie-shaped lot will make their share of
the costs $8,000 which they can't afford. Arnold Gross added that
more notice should have been given for the public hearing. Gross
said the Engineers staked out the 60 ft. right of way and it
is located right under the roof of his cottage and if the City
wants to improve the street to use as by-pass for traffic they
should be willing to pay for the improvements. The Gross letter
with comments was made part of the record.
i2/i7/85 p. 2
Regular Meeting Ashland City Council 12/17/__85 Po 3
Hersey Street
Public Hrg. conto
Oregon Arts Commission
Grant/59 Winburn Way
Windmill inn Request
Utility Deposit
On paving and sidewalks, Reid noted because of the granitic soil
all streets should be paved because of its properties which create
a health hazard and that sidewalks should be provided for every-
one's use. Reid added that all property owners have some obliga-
tion to help with air quality. Mark Heller, 298 W. Hsrsey said
he bought property from someone who had signed in favor of improve-
ments but is opposed personally because of traffic it will generate
he would prefer the dirt street. He said that people accelerate
when they go up the hill from his home and improvements would
remove his berry patch and his front yard. Heller also expressed
concern about Water Street.
George Eshoo spoke in favor of the proposal and said the legal
public hearing notice implied that only dissenters should appear
before Council. Eshoo said he knows where the right-of-way is
and feels paving would be a vast improvement and help with the
dust problem. At this point the public hearing was closed°
Almquist noted that 33.9% opposing paving spoke and including the
letters submitted the percentage would be 41.65 in opposition.
Reid said she would like to see right-of-way boundaries staked
and it would be wise to get more support from the property owners.
Laws noted that 51% are in favor either by agreement or petition
but admitted Council and staff are rather vague on the proposal.
Alsing said that the State usually doesn't allow cities to draw
up their own desire and this will save lots of money on the project
costs. ~y0rMada~ls d~rected staff to work with the property
owners and report hack,
A memo from Planning Director Fregonese was read noting an award
had been received for a $1,500 grant from the Oregon Arts Commiss-
ion for improvements in the Community Center and Laws moved to
authorize signatures of the Mayor and City Recorder to accept the
grant. Acklin seconded the motion which passed unanimously on
voice vote.
A memo was reviewed from the City Administrator addressing the
request of Windmill Inns for a waiver of their utility deposit
and proposing three policy changes to permit an alternative in
policy for deposits required in excess of $10,000. Almquist re-
viewed the outlined proposals and Laws moved to adopt Policies
A and B and strike C; Acklin seconded the motion. Jean-Robert
Cauvin, President of Ashland Hills Windmill Inn thanked Council
for their consideration and expressed hope that his AHWI would
contribute to the economy of Ashland. On voice vote,the motion
passed unanimously.
Regular Meeting Ashland City Council 12/17/85 P~ 4
Soda Mr. Wildo
500 KV Protest
Audit Report
Traffic Safety
Electric Rate
Forecast 1986
A letter from Soda Mountain Wilderness Council was reviewed in
which support was requested relative to a proposed 500 kw power-
line from Oregon through California to transmit excess power
from the Pacific Northwest to utility companies who are combin-
ing efforts. Bruce Boccard showed the proposed route on the
map and asked that Council write a letter to the Energy Siting
Council consultant asking that powerline not be installed in
Wilderness area and another letter be written to BI3{ request-
ing that protection be given Soda Mto but also the George
Wright Wilderness during the interim period until Congress acts
on the issue. Reid so moved; Acklin seconded and the motion
passed unanimously on voice vote.
A letter from Auditor Gerald W. Burns was read with summary of
Revenues & Expenditures submitted to Council along with minutes
of the December 9, 1985 meeting. Acklin asked for more information
on how the 911 money is utilized and Reid asked for a pie-graph
showing General Fund proportions of money spent. A resolu-
tion was read accepting the 1984-85 Financial Report (Audit Report)
was read and Acklin moved to adopt; Laws seconded the motion which
passed unanimously on roll call vote. Acklin recommended Audit Rep-
ort be published in manner which people can understand.
Recommendations from the Traffic Safety Commission were reviewed
relative to a designation of one-way on West Street between
Scenic Dr. and Alta Street in an easterly direction and that Hill-
crest Street be designated a stop-street where it enters Iowa
Street. Laws moved to direct staff to bring back resolutions;
Elerath seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voiee vote.
A memo from the City Administrator was read and forecast for elect-
ric rates submitted. Almquist indicated that there would be no
increase in BPA rates and that although our electric rates are
over average, the property taxes shows a lower cost for Ashland
residents. No action necessary.
A memo from Finance Director Nelson was reviewed and Laws moved
to adopt report; Acklin seconded the motion which passed without
opposition on voice vote,
City Attorney Salter reported on the ownership of Hargadine Cemetery
and said the City has perpetual care of sixteen lots and noted that
much of the cemetery lots have been sold to people now buried there
in which case the ownership is ~ague. Council discussed mainten-
ance obligations and whether it is legal for the City to continue
with perpetual care. The City Attorney agreed to research further
into deed records and laws applicable.
i2/i7/85 p. 4
~egular Meeting Ashland City Council 12111/~3 P.
Sharing Request
A memo from the City Administrator was read requesting release
of Revenue Sharing funds to secure chip-sealing equipment for
the Street Department and Laws moved to approve request and that
staff prepare necessary specifications and call for bids; Acklin
seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
A1 Willstatter wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New
Year, Since there were no further comments, the Public Forum
was closed.
Webster Vac. Ord. Second reading by title only was given an ordinance vacating
Webster Street and Stadium Street north of Webster Street and
Laws moved to adopt; Reid seconded the motion. Elerath abstained
since he was not present at the public hearing and Acklin did like-
wise. Reid, Laws and the Mayor voted in favor and motion passed
on roll call vote.
Motor Vehicle
Second reading was given by title only concerning State Motor Vehicle
Code enforcement and Laws moved to adopt; Acklin seconded. Elerath
abstained because he missed first reading. Reid, Acklin and Laws
voted in favor and the motion carried on roll call vote.
Parking Dist.
Second reading by title only was given an ordinance establishing
a Downtown Parking District and restricting employer/employee
parking and Acklin moved to adopt; Laws seconded the motion.
Elerath abstained having missed the first reading. Acklin, Laws
and Medaris voted in favor; Reid opposed and the motion carried
on roll call vote.
Second reading by title only was given an ordinance authorizing
condemnation proceedings and Laws moved to adopt; Acklin seconded
the motion. Elarath abstained having missed the first reading
and Reid, Acklln, Laws and Medaris voted in favor on roll call
First reading was given an ordinance amending the Municipal Code
tO change certain violations from misdemeanors to infractions and
Acklin moved to second reading; Reid seconded the motion which
passed unanimously on roll call vote.
A resolution transferringappropriations within funds was read
and Laws moved to adopt; Acklin seconded the motion which passed
unanimously on roll call vote.
Walker Avenue
A resolution requesting the surrender of jurisdiction for Walker
Avenue from E. Main Street to S.P.R.R.~ and Acklin moved to adopt;
Laws seconded the motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
12/17/85 P 5
Regular Meeting Ashland City Council lgI!%/85 Pc
Sheridan St.
Public Hrgo
Other Business
PUC Ruling
Council discussed the possibility to including Grover & Walnut Sts.
when Sheridan Street is being improved° Alsing said that a water
line needs to be put in on Walnut but it can be done. Almquist
read a resolution including Grover Street from Sheridan to Grant
Street; Walnut Street from Sheridan to Grant Street and Acklin
moved to adopt as amended and calling for a public hearing on
January 21, 1986; Elerath seconded the motion° Almquist said he
would readver=ise including Walnut and Grover. On roll call the
motion passed unanimously.
Acklin recommended that the brochures "Tis the Season" be mailed
out again with the utility bills regarding Wood Stove use.
Reid asked how the pipe storage is progressing and Alsing said that
the departments are working on dividing the lot and that as new
equipment is ordered the other pipe will be moved in the future.
The City Administrator reported that the P.U.C. had ruled that
the cost of moving the signal at the Walker Avenue Crossing be
the responsibility of S.P.R.R. rather than cost sharing by City.
The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M.
Nan E. Franklin
City Recorder
~don Medarfs ~
12/17/85 P. 6