February 21, 1984
..... ..~, STREET
Mayor Medaris led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting to
order at 7:30 P.M. on the above date in the Civic Center Council Cham-
bers. Present were Howard, Reid, Acklin, Laws and Smith. Dale was
Smith asked that the minutes be corrected on page 5 relative to drive-
up windows saying that "beginning three years ago concerns have been
expressed by the public relative to the impact of drive-up windows and
recomnended tbat a public hearing be set on February 21 to discuss
possibility of three month Planning moratorium until the issue is
clarified." Acklin moved for approval of minutes as corrected; Smith
seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
A letter from Oregon Shakespearean Festival requesting permission to pro-
vide amplified music in outdoor theatre on July 23rd at 8:00 P.M. was
read and Smith moved to grant permission; Reid seconded the motion which
passed unanimously on voice vote.
A letter from the Public Utility Commissioner's office was read concern-
ing excessive operation of the gongs at the grade crossing at Helman
Street and advising that unless the City urges that the operation continue
as it is that the gongs would cease operating once the gate arms. are
fully lowered and an order would be placed implementi~g the change.
Bernie Partridge was asked to comment on the operation as an employee of
Southern Pacific. Partridge said that he has been with the Railroad for
thirty-two years and is familiar with the operation as a Switchman.
Partridge said that the gongs are operated for the safety of citizens
and is particularly necessary during ground fog conditions. Upon Reld's
question as to how many people had complained about the noise of the
gongs, Partridge said he believe only one person about a block away
from the Helman crossing has complained. Partridge cautioned Council that
if they ask that PUC order the gongs be stopped that residents around the
other crossings will be asking for the same action. Acklin said that
people should be that much more careful during fog and moved to accept
PUC's recommendation by not taking action; Smith seconded the motion
which passed unanimously on voice vote.
A memo from was read from Dir. of Public Works Alsing noting a request
from CP National to cut Prim Street North of Wiley Street to install[ a
new gas line. Almquist noted that it would be more practical for CPN
to tie into the existing 2" gas main further South on Prim Street just
below the existing curb to avoid cutting into the recently paved s~:reet.
Howard moved to allow cut under curb or deny request if that procedure
is not possible; Smith seconded the motion. Laws noted that developers
must have known of the proposed subdivision when ~here was an opportunity
to install utilities before new paving. On voice vote motiou passed
without opposition.
2/21/84 P. 1
Capital Imp. Program
Sewer Connect ~eqnests
O/S City
A~nexation Fees
A letter from John Connolly was read requesting that amplified music be
allowed at Greensprings Dorms at SOSC on Saturday afternoons until the
end of the school year. Sitice Connolly was not present at the meeting
to give other necessary details Laws moved to table until Connclly can
be at the meeting; Howard seconded the motion which passed unanimously
on voice vote.
The City Administrator repoz'ted that the League of Oregon Cities Faci/i-
tator would be available on March 2 for the Goals session and Council
agreed to meet at 2:00 P.M. on that date with the meeting to last until
9:30 P.M. Council discussed the possibility of meeting on Saturday
morning to wind lip the session and decided to leave the agenda open in
the event more time is needed for conclusion on Saturday a.m.
The City Administrator presented the Capita]. Improvements Program
Methodology for Council approval before dissemination of materials
and said no Council action is necessary. Reid was concerned about the
decision making policies and Almquist said that proposals will go to
C.P.A.C., Planning and Council. Reid recommended maximizing the City~s
present buildings like 59 Winburn Way and keeping others in order
before considering new facilities.
City Administrator Almquist read his memo relative to sewer connections
outside the City limits noting that a request for sewer service at
1027 Clay Street was presented at the 2/7 meeting and tabled for 30 days
to allow a review of policies and the contract provisions regarding
utility services in the City/County Urban Growth Boundary agreem2nt.
Almquist reviewed five criteria contained in his memo and a draft ord-
inance and said if Council agreed an ordinance can be drawn np for the
March 6 meeting. Almquist said the proposal would not call for the
triple connect charge which was in effect a buy-in to the system for
out of City l~mits connects and that the annexation fees would be paid
at time of connect, Almquist asked that language in item #5 be changed
to read "electric service is available from the City distribution lines".
City Attorney Salte~ recommended sdding an item #6 to read "that the
City Council finis that the sewer connection is in the best interests
of the City". Laws moved that ordinance be brought back with suggested
changes; Acklin seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice
A memorandum from the City Administrator was read and a draft ordinance
reviewed submitted by the Growth Management & Annexation Subcommittee.
Laws asked that the first section relative to "purpose" be deleted and
moved to direct staff to bring back Ordinance with revision; Smith
seconded tile motion which passed unanimously on voice vote. Smith
thanked the Growth Management Committee for their many hours spent in.
the effort.
2/21/84 P. 2
(Growth & Annex. Corers.)
AD~I.of. }[~NAGE}fEN'F PAY
A memo proposing wording for a Ballot Title valetLye to providing water
outside the City ]ilnits was read anct Council agreed that the proposed
ballot measure be amended to read "within che Urban Growth Boundary"
as it appears in the qa~:st:ton and in the body of the explanation to
substitute the wards "outside of the City" in both instances.
A draft ordinance snbmitted by the Growth & Annexation Committee was
considered and Acklin as a member of that Committee reviewed the intent
of the ordinance saying that it will inclnde staff recom~nendations where
previously annexat~ons have created islands resu]~na in uneven gro~-;th
patterns. Acklin said that chffs would get cv~ryone here for the public
haa~ing instead of tht, sa w'lth~n 200 leer of tb~. propose~] annexation.
Hobcard move<t to approve #5 (sale of water) and #6 (annexations) and
direct staff to bring back both ordinances to the next meeting; Laws
seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
Guidelines for Administration of ,Management Pay Plan were presented
and Laws moved to adopt; Smith seconded the motion which passed with--
ont opposition on voice vote.
A memo from the City Administrator and proposed Charter Amendment to
bring Charter late conformante with State law as it relates to public
improvements was discussed. Also considered was a memo fFOm the City
Attorney relative to Conflicts of interest with outline for elected
and appointed people associated with the City. Howard moved to direct
City Administrator to bring back Resolutions for Charter ~nendments ca
both public improvements and confIicts of interest; Smith seconded the
motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
A representative from Yorgo's Greek Restaurant requested that a L-iquor
license application for location change be considered for Yeteels
Restaurant at 31 Water Street. Acklin moved to place ca agoride;
seconded the motion x,~hich passed unanimonsl.y on voice vote. City Roe--
ordek- Franklin noted the application bad come in too late for the
agend~ but bad been recommended for approval by the Public Safety Depart
mont. [,aws moved to approve request; Smith seconded the motion which
passed unanimonsly on voice vote.
Fred Wiikin, California Street, spoke in support of the Parozzi fenrit-
e:in restorat:ion at a cost of ~10,000 and asked that contributior~s be
considered. lqi[kin said that he visited the Laurel Street area
complaints had been lodged beaause of an excessive amount of vehicles
had been parked at a residence and ~;aid he has requested codes from
Ciovis, California where the probllam has been dealt with successfulfly
and said be would share the information with Council %~he~ received.
Wilki~ also e~-pressod concern that there are nnde scenes in plays
staged at SOSC and he has aJso heard Chat OSFA has [r~ciud~:~d s~h:h scc:r.r.s
ilkere. W:[Iki,~ sa~d if EhLs dfsplay is being ~nctudcd in presenCatio~:~
;n this commuafty that riley sb~>utd [,e deal. t wft-[~ ~efore tbfnr{s ~B,t
off eontrol. W[lkin said he bad discussed Phe matter wi~h the Denn at
~:fL~L~.F ,~i~h,__t,[nj~i__~ Ashlcmd Cit~, Council
Ashland Airport Rezone
Shapiro Annexation
Shapiro ~nex. Withdraw-
al from JCFD #5
Shapiro Annex. Rezone
Misteetoe Road LID
Helman St. Paving LID
Resolution formalizing
Audit Cm~ffttee
Transfer of Approp.
LCDC Grant Res.
SOSC and was told that State law says that if it is done aesthetically
it is permitted. Wilkin suggested the matter be research and if it
has been done it should be stopped before it happens again.
First reading ~as given an ordinance rezoning the Ashland Hunicipal
Airport to E-1 (Employment) District and Howard moved to second read-
ing. Smith seconded the motion which passed unanimously on roll call
Second reading by title only was given an ordinance annexing land on
Telman Creek Road, North of Hwy. 66 and Smith moved to adopt; Reid
seconded the motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
Second reading by title only withdrawing land from Fire Dist. #5
was given and tieward moved to adopt; Smith seconded the motion which
passed unanimously on roll call vote.
Second reading by title only was given an ordinance rezoning recently
annexed property to R-1:3.5 ,and Howard moved for adoption; Smith
seconded the motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
A Resolution setting a public hearing on the proposed paving of Mis-
tletoe Road through the formation of a Local Improvement District
was read and Smith moved to adopt; Acklin seconded the motion which
passed unanimously on roll call vote.
A Resolution setting a public hearing on the proposed paving of Hel-
man Street through the formation of a Local Improvement District was
read and Smith moved to adopt; Acklin seconded tile motion which passed
unanimously on roll call vote.
A Resolution formalizing the Municipal Audit Committee was read, Laws
asked that in Section 5 - Reports that "or" replace "and" in the last
sentence of that section. Jack Nicholson, 1575 Greenmeadows, said he
generally concurs with the resolution but since the City Council is
responsible for monitoring the Committee's fiscal affairs he would
recommend that more than one Council Member serve on the Committee.
Nich01son also asked if there is insurance to cover legal liability for
members on the Committee and recommended that should the City not have
such insurance at this time that it be secured and paid for by the City.
Almquist said he would research with insurance carrier and advise at
next meeting. Smith moved to table until next meeting; Howard seconded
the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
A Resolution for transfer of appropriations within funds was read
and Acklin moved to adopt; ~m:Lth seconded the motion which passed
unanimously on roll call vote.
A Resolution relative to expenditure of proceeds of LCDC gran~ was
read and Laws moved to adopt; Acklin seconded the motion which
passed unanimous]y on roll call vote.
919~1~ P A
:z!inr Met. tim, Ashinnd City Council 2].
Councilmember Acklin left a draft of a Resolution she is proposing
for Council review relative to support of an inspection & Maintenance
program for dealing wit~ carbon monoxide levels in Jackson County,
Acklin explained that the Jackson County Board of Con~issloners is
proposing a ballot measure for presentation to the County voters and
would like inpnt/support from Council.
Michael Scholl asked for details on Goals Setting Session and Almquist
told him the meeting would be held on March 2 in the afternoon at
Ashland Hills Inn and would include dinner at the end of the evening
and should further work need to be done Conncil would meet again
Saturday morning. Counci] agreed saying that after Friday's study
they could decide on whether or not to reconveue on Saturday a.m.
Almquist reminded ~embers of the Budget Committee meeting on
February 23 at 7:30 P.M. in Council Chambers.
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
Xan E. Fra{~klin ~L. Gordon Medaris ·
City Recorder Mayor
2/21/84 P. 5