July 3, 1984
Mayor Medaris led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting to
order at 7:30 P.M., on the above date in the Civic Center Council
Chambers. Present were Reid, Acklin, Smith, Dale and Laws.
Smith noted on page 5 of the minutes she was recorded as having made
the motion and seconding same on the issue of the Main Street Pub
liquor license application. The minutes should have read "Acklin"
seconded. Acklin noted that on page four relative to the Saturday
Market report that she did not say she would meet with Parks & Rec-
reation but she would leave it to the people involved. Smith moved
to approve minutes as corrected; Dale seconded the motion which passed
unanimously on voice vote.
A letter from Stan Morkert of Classic Reproductions S. F. Cable Cars
was read and the City Administrator suggested that the applicant
give details of his plans relative to the type of services he plans
so that Council will be able to deal with ordinances/guidelines.
Morkert said he changed his plans to drop services for weddings etc.
and to offer narrated historic tours of Ashland, Jacksonville and
possibly Medford. Morkert said that scenic points of interest would
be included with buildings and houses and that the tours would be
regularly scheduled and there would be no pick-up or drop-offs within
the tour so as not to conflict with taxi franchise. Morkert said
there would be soft background music which would be interrupted for
narration as called for at designated sites. The cost of business
license, insurance and possible need for P.U.C. clearance was dis-
cussed. Reid said she had calls from people living in Ashland and
concern was expressed about how loud the speakers might be. Acklin
said~he is satisfied with the current plan submitted and suggested
the personal opinions on the proposal be discussed and see how it
is effected by ordinance before she makes a commitment on her opinion.
Perkins (Ashland Cab) said that violations of State law may be a
problem if City approves the proposal and a need must be shown.
Ed Chapman, 118 Pine Street, asked what application the cable car
would have to the Rogue Valley transit should this application be
approved. Salter said he sees no relationship between the two. Chap-
man then asked how the taxi cab ordinance applies to the bus. Acklin
noted that the taxi ordinance can be made available to the Board
of the Transportation District and noted there is reference to buses
in there. Salter asked Morkert how many people the cable car would
seat and was told the it would accommodate 28 adults comfortably.
Elliott Reinert (C of C) urged consideration be given the application
based on interest in last felyears of having tours of historic places
in the city and the demand has been demonstrated. Mary Ragland spoke
to the issue saying there are plenty of tours through her historical
house and that she would not like to have people looking into their
home and creating a carnival-type atmosphere created by the proposal.
Ragland added that the people living in this town should be considerel
Laws said it is time to tap the thought wave on the subject and
stated he doesn't think this is an appropriate vehicle to have in
Ashland and it is not in keeping with small towns, with Shakespeare
........ continued 7/3/84
P. 1
Regula~.M~¢~ing Ashland City Council 7/3/8~-~. 2
Reid said that the majority of the calls she has had have been against
the Cable Cars and she wouldn't like to see the applicant spend more
time and money on his effort should the consensus on Council be against
the proposal. Dale agreed with problems expressed by Ragland and added
that walking, running and bicycling have been encouraged as an alterna-
tive to automobiles in Ashland and we have enough traffic problems
already and opposed the concept. Laws moved to regretfully deny the
request and Smith seconded the motion. Smith noted that when the
horse & carriage proposal was considered that testimony supported the
importance of retaining the small-town character in Ashland and that
this proposal would move that character from the real to the artificial.
On voice vote the motion to deny passed unanimously.
Water Quality Coordinator Eric Dittmer summarized his annual report
of activities and special projects as it relates to the Bear Creek
Basin and showed slides of Bear Creek and its tributaries. Council
discussed various problems and conditions brought up in the report
and Dittmer reviewed them and thanked Council for support. Medaris
thanks Dittmer for his work illustrated by improvement in Water
Quality and offered support/assistance whenever he expressed the need.
A letter from City of Eagle Point's Mayor was read expressing concern
that DEQ is considering issuance of a modified Air Contaminang Dis-
charge Permit for Biomass One Operating Company~s White City steam and
electric generating facility which would allow a discharge of 742 tons
of CO into the R.V. Airshed per year. Smith said she is as concerned
as the City of Eagle Point and suggest a letter be sent to D.E.Q. Laws
agreed and said that he understands that the particulant count is as
high as the C.O. Acklin moved to send letter to D.E.Q. asking that a
public hearing by held in the Rogue Valley to allow input on this
matter; Reid seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
The City Administrator noted changes in the ~greement including the
addition of language in item #9 to say "to the date that Wimer Street
is actually opened" and addition of item 10 which was read and included
in the agreement. Ron Bolstad again spoke as property owner adjoining
tax lot 800 and noted he represented other property owners in the area
and informed Council of a letter from the County Attorney to the
Commissioners and noted that the matter will be on Thursday's (July 5)
County Commissioner's agenda. Bolstad said he and neighbors are still
confused as to how Pape Street is to be improved and asked that the
agreement approval be deferred until more information is available on
City/County coordination is clarified and County Attorney's letter can
be reviewed. Reid asked John Chmelir, representing Duane Smith, to
describe what is being proposed and noted in looking at a lot in that
area she was informed by staff that the street would have to be develop-
ed to City standards and asked if in this instances we are granting
a variance for a substandard street to go in for some future development
Chmelir said the agreement allows for a street constructed to Jackson
County Road Standard "E" for service to 10 dwelling units or ten years
from the date the oil mat is installed, whichever comes first.
.......... continued 7/3/84 P. 2
Re8ulaE~{eeting Ashland City Council 7/t~84 P.]
Laws said he supports the proposal and that the concept should be a
City policy in similar circumstances. Acklin said the policy is
already in motion in the Strawberry area. Almquist said he didn't
think the concept could be applied city-wide but that the Planning
Department should consider each proposal individually. Reid said the
people in the area are concerned and wish to know the plans for devel-
6pment. Chmelir noted that tax lot 800 lies e~t~rely within the City
and three dwellings are planned ~at this time. Reid said that
approval would set a precedent so that anyone who wants to build three
houses could put in a street to County Standard E and Council is allow-
ing a variance. Chmelir said the road has been plotted and noted that
they are putting the road in merely to open these lots up and abutting
property owners will have the right to use the street. Chmelir said
the area does not warrant a heavier duty street now and the planned
development would not be enough to expend more money now. Reid said
that this concept should be open to other people and Chmelir agreed
it is a good idea. Chmelir said they extended Lupine Drive 90 ft.
and 36' wide and it wasn't reasonable and that a better mechanism
should be implemented. Almquist said that we won't see any development
in that area without annexation process and water and sewer. Reid
asked why the street wasn't planned when the M.L.P. was applied for
so the neighbors could be notified. Chmelir said it is because they
are planning to sell the lots and thinks the point is being belabored
because Mr. Smith owns the property. Reid said she feels a reasonable
way to resolve the question would be to go through the Planning Commiss-
ion and if Smith sells off Council is improving property value by allow-
ing the access with a substandard street. Acklin said she can under-
stand why the property owner wants access to his property if he plans
to sell it and she would want access. Acklin said the adjacent neigh-
bors knew the property in back of them was City. Laws said it is a
fair proposal and a policy should be developed to make it available
all over the City and that there should be no fear about future develop-
ment because the City is completely protected. Reid said Council should
consider ramifications if Prop. 3 passess and as a result Local
Improvement Districts are possib~in trouble. Reid asked action be
put off until a standard policy is adopted. Chmelir said they are the
first ones to ask For County permission and that previously people have
done whatever they desire. Chuck Butler clarified his position by say-
ing they are not against development of the property but the letter
from the County Attorney to the County Commissioners recommends that
lots be developed to City standards. Butler said they plan to appear
at the Thursday County Commissioners meeting and ask that the roads
be developed to City standards. Laws moved to approve agreement con-
tingent upon City Attorney~s word that it is legal according to our
ordinance and ask the Planning Commission to address policy on city
standards in similar situations in future; Smith seconded and on voice
vote Smith, Laws, Dale and Acklin voted in favor; Reid opposed and the
motion carried.
7/3/84 P. 3
Re~ula_r. Meeting Ashland City Council 7/]~4 P.4
at 7:00 p.m.
Council agreed on Monday, July 16th/for interviewing candidates for
Council Position #1 so that appointment can be made at the regular
meeting of City Council on July 17, 1984.
The City Administrator read a letter from the City Recorder relative to
her salary and reviewed his memo of June 21 recommending that the duties
of the City Treasurer be separate from the salary for the position of
City Recorder. Almquist said Salary Resolution 83-58 could be amended
to reflect the $130 for City Treasurer effective July 1, 1984. Smith
moved for approval of Recorder'aproposal to allow for $130.00 increase
July 1, 1984 and another for $70 in January of 1985; Reed seconded the
motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
A memo from Planning Director Fregonese was read in which he related a
recommendation from Councilmember Smith that Planning Commission agenda
for regular meetings be published in the Daily Tidings at a cost of
approximately $2~0.00 for a period of six months. Laws moved to approve;
Dale seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
A letter from Director of Public Works Alsing was read in which he
recommended reorganization of the Airport Committee to bring it in
line with the present needs of the City based on the importance of
the operation of the City-owned airport. Attached to the memo was a
draft ordinance to upgrade structure of Airport Committee. Acklin
recommended approval of draft as liaison to Airport Conmittee and said
the updated ordinance would enable the Committee to better smooth out
problems at the Airport. A1 Willstatter supported the proposal saying
that the Airport is an integral part of the community as well as a
permanent facility. Laws moved to have ordinance brought back to next
meeting; Smith seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice
Energy Conservation Coordinator Wanderscheid reviewed the BPA Pilot
Hot Water Incentive program offered by Bonneville Power Administration
who chose twelve utilities to offer a high incentive of $300 to encourage
property owners to install solar and heat pump facilities and reviewed
equipment qualifications which call for existing residences to have
electric water heaters as of May l, 1984 and new residences to have had
an initial building permit issued after Jan. 1, 1984. Wanderscheid
gave other criteria and recommended the proposal for approval by
Council so the program may be started. Smith moved approval to pursue
grant proposal; Laws seconded the motion which passed without opposition
on voice vote.
Elliott Reinerr requested permission to bring a three ring circus to
Ashland. Reinert said it is the Ford Bros Circus from Texas and will
appear August 9 to be staged at Brombacker's property on Telman Creek
Road. Reinert said there will be two shows of the old fashioned type
with no carnival or rides involved. Reinert said there will be parking
available and the Chamber will be responsible for water, electricity,
and cleanup etc. Reid moved for approval; Laws seconded the motion which
passed unanimously on voice vote.
7/3/84 P.4
Regular Meeting Ashland City Council 7/3/R~ P. 5
PUBLIC FORUM continued Elliott Reinert submitted posters of the Bed & Breakfast facilities to
Council and said they will be used for promotion and sold at the Chamber.
Second reading by title only was given an ordinance adopting Transporta-
tion Plan Map and Acklin moved for adoption; Smith seconded the motion
which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
First reading was given an ordinance levying Special assessments in Ken-
sington, and Ashland Business Park subdivisions and Smith moved to second
reading; Dale seconded the motion which passed without opposition on roll
call vote.
Councilwoman Smith noted that she is appreciative of all the woxk the
Elks Club has done in community but is disappointed that spikes are
being used to keep the public out of their parking area. Director of
Safety Lively said the Elks are having a problem in that they are tax
exempt and can't jeopardize that position by allowing the public to use
their property for parking purposes.
Councilwoman Reid noted there was a letter from Mr. Nicholson in the
packets regarding the "Son of 3" proposition and recommended that Council
consider having a Study Session to discuss possible problems and to share
information with the citizens in a couple of public forums.
Tom Hall was introduced as a stand-in for Michelle LaBounty who has left
the Mail Tribune to move to Seattle. Almquist said that LaBounty asked
that he thank Council for their cooperation in the past.
Nan E. Franklin
City Recorder
The meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M.
L. Gordon Medaris
7/3/85 P. 5