June 7, 1983
Appeal from Planning Commiss-
ion decision on PA 83-23
(Harold Gentry, Applicant)
The Mayor led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting to
order at 7:30 P.M., on the above date. Present were Howard, Reid,
Acklin, Smith and Laws. Dale was absent.
Warren Lomax was presented with mementos from the Police and Fire
Departments honoring his retirement from twenty two years of
volunteer work including manning the traffic and crowds at
Shakespeare, drawing up the criteria for Civil Defense and serving
as Director for the program and numerous other duties during his
teaching career at local schools. Mayor Medaris presented Lomax
with a Certificate of Appreciation and thanked him on behalf of
the City for his faithful volunteer service over the years.
Councilwoman Smith moved to approve minutes of the regular meet-
ing of }~y 17, 1983; Reid seconded the motion which passed unani-
mously on voice vote.
A letter was read from Harold Gentry dated May 2, 1983, appealing
the decision of the Planning Commission on Planning Action 83-23
denying minor land partition application. Findings, Staff Report,
Minutes and Findings and Orders of the Planning Commission were
made part of the record. Planning Director Fregonese showed a
map of the area in question and reviewed the six points in the
findings on which the P.C. based their denial noting that of
particular concern was the water problem in the moratorium area
and road improvement. Fregonese noted that the commitments made
in the Gentry letter just read by Nelson were recently offered
and had not been introduced at the time of the denial. Fregonese
added that although some good could come from the development, he
cautioned Council to be aware of the potential impact on the
Gentry noted he has a sixty foot easement across Henry Kneebone's
property and the sewer would go along that easement as would
electric service. Gentry said there have been nine different
subdivisions in the area over the last few years which have been
served by dirt roads and sa~d that since the City cannot serve
property with water, he will use wells until the City can supply
him with water and asked that he just be allowed to use his
property. Kneebone said that paving now would cost more than he
cleared on all of that property he sold and that a sixty foot
road was required at that time. Kneebone said the sixty foot
easement referred to by Gentry has been dedicated to the City for
a street and that he should not have to pay for paving of ~treet
since the easement was for all of the acreage and if a street is
put in there he would not be against it as long as there would be
no cost to him.
6/7/83 P. i
Regular Ma~_ting Ashland City Council 6/7/83 P. 2
Kneebone said that sewers are never going to work in that area say-
ing that the water will sour in the summer and he said he isn't
sure how long the type of road discussed would last. Gentry said
he took the City Engineer up to the property and it would be done
according to Class D County Road classifications and it could
always be covered with asphalt over the top of it. Gentry said
the Engineer said this Class D would be the best way to do the job.
Fregonese recommended the eight points in the P.C. minutes be
looked at.
The public hearing was closed and Howard asked Fregonese what
would happen if the eight conditions Planning Commission cited
would be enforced subject to the approval of the Council and Freg-
onese said it was their position to deny but added that some of
those conditions have been alleviated with the new commitments
offered by Gentry. Fregonese said that fire protection has been
offered by water storage tank and paving all the way to Grandview
and that if developed with five acre lots it could change the
situation. Fregonese said that if the lots are developed with less
than five acres the paving would not last more than three years.
Acklin reported that she and Reid met with neighbors on Sunday
morning and now feels hesitant about approving the project because
she doesn't think it would result in orderly development in this
area. Fregonese said that the road is good for ten years with
good maintenance and low traffic but if you have more than five
acre density you can't have this type of road. Fregonese warned
Council that they would open a can of worms for Council and the
Planning Commission. Reid said that she feels another Helman
Street would be created and we have one-half acre zoning so we
are not talking about 5 acre lots. Reid added that it is inapprop-
riate to accept a lower standard for a street.
Howard wondered if it would be possible to put a deed restriction
that it would stay five acres and wondered if we could ask that
road be kept to City standards rather than County standards.
Fregonese said the cost would be prohibitive and Howard said that
that would not be the City's problem.
Smith wondered if the Planning Commission had addressed the loca-
tion of the road and Fregonese said he went and looked at the
proposed road site and agreed that it wasn't the best location.
Fregonese told Council they have the opportunity to present new
evidence. Howard wondered why this application be considered as
a new one because of the additions. Fregonese suggested Council
consider that a real solution to the problem might be a Local Imp-
rovement District for sewers, streets etc,, and delay for a few
weeks to see bow much interest such a proposal would generate in
the neighborhood when costs can be put together for services.
....... continued 6/7/83 P. 2
Regular Meeting Ashland City Council 6/7/83 P. 3
Fregonese said for a possible interim to the water problem there
could be a pumping station installed but it would have to be pUt
through the computer which would cost $500 for the information.
Laws said he doesn't think we are ready to develop this area
and said that Mr. Gentry is doing his best to overcome the obstac-
les and has done some good thinking to make it possible but there
are still a number of problems which need to be resolved. Laws
moved to deny; Smith seconded the motion. Gentry said he has been
turned down or postponed for four years and is running out of
options saying taxes have raised to $1600 a year. Howard asked
if it were to be left on the table to get input from the community
and Acklin noted that the matter could die on the table if it were
not acted upon in a certain number of days. Gentry agreed to
waive the number of days. Laws agreed to withdraw his motion and
Smith agreed to withdraw her second. Howard moved to table for
180 days; Smith seconded and the motion passed unanimously on
voice vote.
Public Hearing postponed to June 21, 1983.
A letter was read from Daniel Stearns, Postal Service, requesting
permission to install Neighborhood Box Units in residential areas
and Stearns was present to answer questions Council might have.
Stearns said it is his plan to convert the whole City's resident-
ial areas to NBU's and wherever 80% are in agreement in an area
the boxes will be installed. Stearns said of Howard's question on
what heppens to the 20% who do not wish the group box concept, that
individual residences may continue to have their mail delivered
but added that should that resident move, then the residence would
from that point on be serviced from NBU's. Stearns said that
handicapped and elderly will continue to be served at their resi-
dence and that most NBU's would be located net more than one-half
block from their home/residence. After some discussion Smith
moved to grant request with condition that the Postal Service
(Stearns) work with staff and that final action will be taken by
Council after review; Howard seconded the motion which passed with
Smith, Howard and Laws voting in favor; Reid and Acklin opposed.
A letter was read from John King, Garden Coordinator requesting
use of City property now being used under the stewardship of Rain-
bow Bridge for a community garden project. King reviewed plans
where eight people would have gardens. Smith expressed concern
relative to cars parking on the street and King said there is
adequate room along the long driveway and all gardeners wouldn't
necessarily be there at one time anyway. Smith continued by say-
ing she is supportive of community gardens. Acklin moved to
approve concept and that Rainbow Bridge and the Rounds be advised
and agree to the project and that water provisions be paid for by
the individuals sharing in costs; Reid seconded the motion. Laws
said the Rounds needn't be notified and so amended the motion;
Smith seconded the motion. King said the Rounds and Schecters
are in agreement. Motion passed unanimously on voice vote.
6/7/83 P.3
__R~gular Meeting Ashland City Council 6/7/83 P. 4
Concert "Holiday in the
A letter was read from Larry Katz requesting permission to install
a driveway off the end of Bristol Street paved section to serve
Lot 1701 located in the Kensington Subdivision. Council consid-
ered the request and Laws moved to postpone to next meeting and
notify adjacent property owners for their input. Smith seconded
the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
A letter was read from First Baptist Church requesting closure of
Winburn way on Friday, July 8th to sponsor a concert in Lithia Park.
Howard wondered if the request had been cleared with the Parks
Department or Police Department and in the absence of that informa-
tion Council agreed to postpone the item until the next meeting.
Howard recommended that Council consider a policy to automatically
close Winburn Way when concerts are given and arrangements have
been made by the Parks Commission.
Fathers Day Race
A letter from Geoffrey Stathos requesting closure of Winburn Way
for a race on Fathers Day was read and Howard moved to grant
request; Smith seconded the motion which passed unanimously on
voice vote.
A memorandum from the City Administrator was read relative to the
availability of funding under the Federal Jobs Bill and recommendin~
an adjourned meeting to work out details for application. Council
agreed to meet at 4:00 P.M. on Friday, June lOth in the Conference
Room to discuss Labor relations and then to Council Chambers to
discuss other items on the Council agenda.
Laws moved to approve liquor licenses for Winchester Inn, Ashland
Bakery and Cafe, Main Street Dell and Brothers Restaurant and
Smith seconded the'motion. On voice vote the motion passed without
A memorandum from Almquist was read outlining costs of such actual
charges in order to keep the fees in line and an ordinance to
adjust rates showing previous charges was attached for Council
inspection. Council agreed to postpone discussion until the City
Administrator would be present at the next regular meeting.
A memo from the City Administrator was read recommending a lease
renewal for a term of not to exceed 5 years and Reid moved to
extend lease for 3 years and to include stipulation that should
building be damaged or destroyed the City would not be liable
for rebuilding to Legion's specs; Howard seconded the motion which
passed unanimously on voice vote.
TRAFFIC SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS Howard moved to approve Traffic Commission~s recon~nendation that
crosswalk be painted across Henry St. where it intersects Mountain
Avenue and that same thing be done across Mountain Avenue in line
with the south side of Henry St. Smith seconded the motion which
passed unanimously on voice vote.
6/7/83 Page 4
Regular M~eeting Ashland City Council 6/7/83 P. 5
Tax Levy 83-84
St. Tree Commission
Benson Annexation
Transfer of Approp.
Weatherization Program
Incr. Revenues & Expend.
State Highway Agreement
FAA Grant Offer
A memorandum from the City Administrator was read informing
Council that the easement necessary for formation of an assess-~
ment district for improvements of Mistletoe Road was available
from the Southern Pacific Transportation Company for a one time
charge of $12,900. Howard moved to accept the offer and authoriz-
ing the City Administrator to sign the easement offer. Smith
seconded the motion. Fregonese said the permanent easement will
give the right to improve but the City will not own the property.
On voice vote the motion passed with all voting in favor.
Jim Ruth of the Railroad Cafe expressed concern that his liquor
license request was to be considered and was not on the agenda.
City Recorder Franklin noted that the completed application had
not been forwarded by the Police Department as yet. The Mayor
said he would check on the progress of the application with the
Chief of Police.
Second reading was given an ordinance levying taxes by title only
and Laws moved to adopt; Smith seconded the motion which passed
unanimously on voice vote.
Second reading by title only was given an ordinance establishing
a Street Tree Commission and Smith moved to adopt; Laws seconded
the motion. The Press was encouraged to advise citizens that
applications will be accepted for positions on the Commission.
On voice vote the motion passed unanimously.
First reading was given an ordinance dispensing with an election
relative to a proposed annexation located North of Crowson
Road and West of I-5 Freeway and setting a public hearing date
for June 21, 1983 at 7:30 P.M., and Laws moved to second reading;
Acklin seconded the motion which passed unanimously on roll call
A Resolution transferring appropriations within funds was read
and Acklin moved to adopt; Reid seconded the motion which passed
unanimously on roll call vote.
A Resolution increasing revenues and expenditures in connection
with weatherization program was read and Laws moved for adoption;
Smith seconded the motion which passed unanimously on roll call.
A cover letter was read with an attached agreement from the High-
way Division relative to work in connection with new traffic
signals near the fire station was considered and the Mayor asked
that further discussion be postponed until a Resolution is drawn
up and considered at the next meeting.
Postponed to Adjourned Meeting on Friday, June 10 at 4:00 P.M.
6/7/83 P. 5
Regular Mo_e~eting Ashland City Council 6/7/83 P. 6
National Weather Serv.
Nan E. Franklin
City Recorder
A letter was read from the Department of Commerce and Agreement
to operate as a weather observer was submitted for Brian L. Alm-
quist, City Administrator, to sign. Acklin moved that Almquist
sign Agreement; Reid seconded and the motion passed unanimously
on voice vote.
Mayor Medaris called attention to applications made available for
representatives on the County Advisory Council and urged Council
to consider applying.
On question from ~rk Howard as to who qualifies to apply for
Federal Job Bill, Fregonese said the only the City can submit
The Council meeting adjourned to an Executive Session at 4:00 P.M.
followed by an Adjourned Meeting on Friday, June 10, 1983.
L. Gordon Medaris