HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-0802 REG MINMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING ASHLAND CITY COUNCIL August 2, 1983 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE & ROLL CALL COSD~NDATION APPROVAL OF MINUTES PUBLIC HEARING Rezone of Mt. & Siskiyou & C.P. Change from R-2 to C-1 Mayor Medaris led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. on the above date in the Civic Center Council Chambers. All members were present with the exception of Council- man Laws. Mayor Medaris welcomed Michelle LeBounty back to the Ashland beat for the Medford Mail Tribune and expressed gratitude for the job Mark Howard had done previously in Ashland. The Mayor congratulated the Daily Tidings on winning an award for the best daily uewspaper for a city of Ashland's size and commended Caroline Green for her recognition on her story regarding recent retirees from the City. of regular mtg 7/1! The City Administrator requested that the minutes/be corrected by deletion of the last five words of the item covering ratification of the IBEW contract on page 5. Smith moved to approve as corrected Acklin seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote. The City Administrator noted that the public hearing for the pro- posed rezoning of Mt. and Siskiyou Blvd. from R-2 to C-1 was being reopened at request of Council from regular meeting of July 19 and noted such public hearing was readvertised accordingly. Planniug Director Fregonese gave background of the application and s~mitted a memo in which proposed amendments to the R-2 and R-3 Zones were recommended as a criteria for such zones and noted which intersect- ions in town could be affected in the future. Fregonese said some people were concerned that sbould the property in question be re- zoned Commercial that the City would have little or no control over the use. Fregonese said after talking to the applicant and Jim Rag- con tonat use land he proposed the d~ · criteria and that proposals would have to be applied for and recotmnended that should the request being considered be denied that the applicant's fee for any other Droposal be waived because of the expense already involved. Smith noted that the intersection of Park & Siskiyou is clearly established as residential and expressed concern should such use be cballenged and hoped that all of Siskiyou Blvd. would not go in the direction being considered. City Administrator Almquist read a letter from Southern Oregon State College expressing concern relative to the matter of rezoning from R-2 to C-1 saying that such use would detract from the Sweden- burg House which is scheduled for refurbishing through donations and grants etc. snd asked that the use remain as presently zoned. Dr. Witliam Sammons of .155 Terrace Street noted that he has his office on one corner and owns property on the opposite corner and has been there for twenty-five years. Sammons said he has attempted to maintain the residential character and said the applScation if ........ continued 8/2/83 P. 1 Ashland City Council 8/2_/_83-- F_t'. _'2~__ PUBLIC HEARING cont. Mt. & Siskiyou Zone Chg. approved and rezoned Commercial would set a precedent and that it is not in keeping with the zoning or current appearance of the area and encouraged Council to retain the zoning as Residential, Ron Bolstad, 481 Thornton, spoke for SOSC as Dean of Administration saying that the letter read represents view of the College and reiterated that the change to commercial zoning would detract from the intersection area and that funding had just been received from the federal government to renovate the Swedenberg House which has been designated a Historic Place on the National Register. Bolstad said the College recommends that the proposal for rezoning Commercial be denied. James Ragland, 91 Gresham Street thanked Council for reopening the public hearing to allow input and said that thirteen years ago a similar request had been made on a property a block away and that case went to the Court of Appeals. Ragland said the City of Ash- land won the suit which otherwise would have allowed a service station to go in. Ragland said that from Palm to the south and Sherman to the north it was felt it should stay residential and with this zoning the City could control what bappens to the property Ragland said there is no way you could build a restaurant in a residential zone and no way you could stop one from being built in a commercial zone. Since there were no further comments from the audience, the public hearing was closed and the meeting turned over to Council for discussion. Councilman Dale expressed concern for the integrity of the area saying that the entrance t9 the City is how people perceive the community and that should the application be approved togo commer- cial that strip development would be perpetuated. Dale added that if noise is now a problem that it would be increased by the proposed use rather than alleviatiug it. Reid said that previously she had voted for such a change but that she felt that professional use of the building would best suit tbe neighborhood and added that she would like to see the buildings remain as they are. Smith expressed concern for the applicant but said the appearance of the entrance to the City is important and is not sure she could support this particular amendment because of it's broadhess. Acklin said she would have to change her mind on the proposal since input from concerned persons saying the people who live in that area should be considered and that she would rely on the Planning Department that the compromise might be developed as outlined in the memo submitted. .......... continued 8/2/83 P. 2 %~e_~ular Meeting Ashland City council PUBLIC HEARINGS cont. Mt. Ave & Siskiyou Z.C. South Pioneer Improvement Industrial Park LID Dale moved to deny zone change unconditionally; Smith seconded the .motion which passed unanimously on voice vote. Ackl~n moved to ask staff to bring amendment to Planning Commission and hold public hearings and make recommendation; Smith seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote. Acklin moved that in the event the applicant applies for a conditional use permit within a year that fee be waived; Smith seconded the motion which passed unani- mously on voice vote. The City Administrator reported that proposed improvement of Pioneer (S) East of Granite Street through Lithia Park had been considered during the budget process using Revenue Sharing funds with the City supplying the labor and equipment for the project Almqu~st said the Budget Committee recommended that Local Improve- ment District criteria be implemented instead for ~h~e - ~ costs of the project. The public hearing was opened and in the absence of comment was closed. Almquist said there is an ordinance later on agenda. The City Administrator reviewed a memorandum from the City Attorney relative to Bancroft Bonding for street and utility improvements for the industrial subdivision at an estimated cost of $101,000.00 and submitted assessed and true cash values on the involved lots (Lo~ 1105 & 1106) and noted that the cost excluding Clover Lane ~ Phase 1 would be $77,006.62. Almquist said that word was received that Forest Service Headquarters Building would become a reality and that the bid was let. Dale expressed relief that the second lot had been sold and the risk had lessened considerably with that information. Reid asked that Almquist review the industrial park development from the beginning and Almquist said that the City had an option on the property but when Block Grant monies were not fort~ coming the option was . allowed to expire. Almquistcontinued that the Economic Development Commission worked on the development in an effort to bring light industry to Ashland to alleviate unemp- loyment and to brosden the tax base of the City. Reid said the City is being asked to take on a responsibility and that concept has not often succeeded in other areas. Acklin suggested that before the issue is debated there should be a public hearing aceold- ing to the Comprehensive Plan criteria. Mayor Medaris opened the public hearing and asked for comment. Ed Singmaster spoke on behalf of the development saying that for his part he is trying to see the community benefitted and zhat although he didn't attend all of the meetings on details he is aware of the philosophy saying that after the City lost the option a group organized and stepped into the plan by negotiating with the owner Barbara Peterson and secured the first seven acres for $250,000 and plan to secure the second eight acres through an optic~ in one year. Singmaster said they don't expect big industries to locate here but that it is suitable for distribution warehouses etc Singmaster sa~d there is no other property as reasonable or desir- able for light industry. .......... continued 8/2/83 P. B _i~7u~_l.~.r' ,~,tingz Ashland City Co,mcil 8/?~'x P..4 PUBLIC HEARINGS cent. industrial Park LID Vacation of Union St. Zack Brombacher, 640 Telman Creek Road, said that he has owned thirteen acres in the E-1 District and is in favor of the Industrial Development improvements and asked that the same improvements be made available to his property. Kirt Brombachar said that he and his brother were working with the Forest Service on their location and said they would have had a distinct advantage in the sale of their property had the City improved it. The City Administrator said that the property owners will pick up the assessments and the City is underwriting the the costs of improvements only in the event of default. Acklin asked Fregonese to review history of industrial developments such as the one being discussed and Fregonese said McMinnville has worked with a private corporation for the same type of development which was a success and their unemployment record never exceeded 6%. Fregonese said Woodburn did the same thing in 1970 by develop- ing a 210 acre industrial park with the City bancrofting improve- ments which resulted in creating 1200 jobs in the complex. Fregon- ese noted that since that development Woodburn has seen industrial growth with Miller Brewery and Fleetwood Mobile Homes locating there. Fregonese concluded by saying that Ashland's riskis less than he has seen in other communities. Acklin noted that Douglas · feels County cooperated in an industrial effort people will go where they can get a break in this type of situation. Reid asked what the criteria is for the proposal and how the City can justify the difference between this group and the other people (referring to Brombachers). Acklin said it is a unique situation and is not a precedent as such and that each case must be judged on a case by case basis. Reid continued by saying that the Brem- bachers could bring people to Ashland with more jobs. Russ moved to approve request for Bancrofting; Acklin seconded the motion. Reid asked the City Admini'strator if a district could be formed to improve the road through the Croman Corp. and Almquist reported the City is waiting for completion of the process in obtaining an easement from SFRR and ar~ working to get the whole street improved. The City Administrator reviewed a memorandum from Engo Tech III Jim 01son noting that 67.6% of the property o~mers had signed the pet- ition for vacation of Union Street and said that Staff recommends in favor with provision that property owners sign in favor of paving Aoburn Street. Mayor Medaris opened the public hearing and Caroil Corliss spoke in favor of the proposed vacation saying that Union Street has been a short dirt street frequently used for hill-climb- ing and speeding and the dirt street invariably washes out during the Winter. Larry Medinger, Terrace Road, said he applied for a variance to add on to the Henderson house and assured Council that both owners will take care of any erosion problem. Fregonese said the variance was granted on the condition that the street would be vacated because it is dangerous and a nuisance. Smith moved to approve request including provision that property owners sign in favor of future paving of A~urn Street; Reid seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote. 8/2/83 P. 4 Ashland City Council 8/2_/,q~?_,_ .5 _ SR. PRCGRAM FUND RAISING TP~i\FFIC SAFETY RECO~[MENDA- TIDNS - Wightman gtreet between Lee & Webster TOLMAN CRo RD. RESERVOIR AWARD OF CONST. CONTRACT BPA GI~NT REQUEST COMPREHENSIVE PlJjq ACKNOW- LEDCEMENT - LCDC BOND PAYING AGENT/REGISTRAR PROPOSALS A memorandum from Senior Program Director Stein was read and Stein reviewed the proposal to hire a person for the fundraising and said although the percentage seems high that if this person were paid $25 per week it would come out to about $6.00 per hour which isn't exorbitant but the fringe benefits would be too expensive on the salary basis. Stein noted the deficit was caused by lack of fundT ing this year by Jackson County. Smith expressed concern that City would not have much control over the person iavolved. Smith sug- gested a non-profit status like "Friends of the Senior Program" and Stein said this would be the long-range plan but the need is more immediate. Stein said that Hal Hazelrigg offered to oversee the project at no cost. Smith asked if it would be possible to put the person on a salary so that he or she could take care of their own taxes etc. and she doesn't think the City should get involved in fundraising. Acklin said she was startled at the commission basis and Reid shared that concern. Dale disagreed saying that the commission would cause the fundraiser to work harder. Dale moved to defer to next regular meeting for further research; Acklin seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote. A memorandum from Alsing with recommendation from the Traffic Safety Commission was read relative to prohibition of parking on the east side of Wightmen Street between Lee & Webster was read and Smith moved to approve and asked staff to bring back resolution; Reid seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote. A letter was presented ~rom CRS Group Engineers recommendating that construction award be given Visar Construction Company on the basis of its Base Bid with AlterBate A at $624,000. Smith moved to authorize Mayor and Recorder to sign the contract; Acklin seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote. A memorandnm from Planning Director Fregonese requesting authoriza- tion to request a grant to cover expenses in the amount of $18,000 for Solar Access Ordinance revisions etc. Dale moved to approve request; Reid seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote. Planning Director Fregonese's memorandum was reviewed and Fcegonese further clarified the points revised in the Comprehensive Plan and added that Mel Lucas of LCDC was present in the audience to field any questions Council might have. Fregonese added that the memo was for information only and no action was necessary. A memorandum from Director of Finance Nelson was reviewed relative to the need to secure a bond paying agent/registrar services sad recommending naming U. S. National Bank which would represent a 8/2/83 P, 5 [_l.t=i,=J_ul.a,L_~.~!t_i28 Ashland City Council 8121~~'~. 6. CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST PUBLIC FORUM ORDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS & CONT~ICTS Correctlos to Ord.2251 Ordinance amending Chapter 2.28 of AMC Mr. & E. Main Parking Lot Improvements Pioneer Imp. L.I.D. Industrial Park including Clover Laae Appt. of Judge Pro-tem A memorandum from Assistant City Engineer Olson requesting approval for acquisition of a drafting table and chair for new personnel anticipated in the department at an estimated cost of $600.00 and permission to spend the savings from the level budget for the items was reviewed, Acklin moved to approve; Reid seconded the motion which passed without opposition on voice vote. A letter of resignation from Chairperson Deb Barker of the Historic Commission was read by the Mayor who regretfully accepted and commended Barker for her outstanding contribution to the community through her efforts on the Co~mnission. Second reading by title only was given an ordinance correcting Ordin- ance No. 2251 and Acklin moved to adopt; Reid seconded the motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote. Second reading by title only was given an ordinance amending Chapter 2.28 of the AMC with respect to Fire, Police, Legal and Judiciary functions and Smith moved to adopt; Acklin seconded the motion. Reid expressed concern that the Judge would lose the right to appoint who he wants as Judge Pro tem and Almquist noted that the Charter calls for the Mayor to appoint with confirmation by the Council. Mayor Medaris said it is acceptable to the Judge and that they will be working togeth- er to select a candidate to bring to Council. On roll call, all YES. Second reading by title only was given an ordinance ordering street & parking lot improvements in the vicinity of Mountain & E. Main Streets and Acklin moved for adoption;~Smith seconded the motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote. '- First reading was given in full ordering street improvements on S. Pion- eer Street, East o~ Granite Street, through Lithie Park and Smith moved to second reading; Dale seconded the motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote. Acklin moved to place on agenda; Reid seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote. First reading was given aa ordinance authorizing and ordering the improvement of Clover Lane, West of 1-5 Freeway and the Industrial Park South of Clover Lane by constructing curbs, gutters, paving and subdivision improvements; authorizing the assessment of cost of said improvement against property to be benefitted thereby; and providing that warrants issued for the cost thereof be general obligations of the City of Ashland and Dale moved to second read- ing; Acklin seconded the motion which passed unanimously on roll call. An ordiuance was given first reading amending Section 2.28.200 of the Municipal Code with respect to the appointment of a Municipal Judge Ash]and City Conncil 8/2/83 Judge Pro-temAppt. continued from p. 6 Hydro-generator Bonds Transfer of Appropr. Other Business City Projects funding Pro-tem. Reid questioned why Judge shouldn't be able to appoint his Pro-tem Judge and the Mayor said the Charter calls for Mayor to appoint and added that he and Drescher agreed to work together on appointment which would come from the Mayor to Conncil for confirmation. Smith moved to second reading; Acklin seconded the motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote. A resolution calling for bids for General Obligation Bonds for financing of Hydro-electric Generator and Smith moved for adoption; Reid seconded the motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote.. A resolution tranferring appropriations within funds and authorizing interfund loan was read with Item #1 deferred until later time and Ac~lin moved to approve; Smith seconded the motion which passed w~thout opposition on roll call vote. Mayor reported that Parks Director Ken Mickelson had succeeded in get- ~ng the National Guard Band for Sunday and would need street closure. Acklin so moved; Reid seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote. Carroll Coriiss asked if other work scheduled would be done since various bids have been coming in lower than expected and Almquist said he feels that Terrace Street may be done and possibly others. ADJOURNMENT Nan E. Franklin City Recorder The meeting adjourned at 10:12 P.M. L. Gordon Medaris Mayor 8/2/83 P. 7