.September 6, 1983
Hargadine Lot Parking
Airport Imp. Project
Mayor's Appointment
tt~storic Commission
The Mayor led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting to order
at 7:30 P.M. on the above date in the Civic Center Council Chambers,
Present were Reid, Dale, Acklin~ Smith and Laws.
Smith moved to approve minutes of the Adjourned Meeting of August 23,
1983; Reid seconded the motion which passed unanimous!y on voice vote~
A letter from Lee Howard expressing an interest in being reappointed
to Council position No. 1 was read and Smith nominated Howard for re-
appointment; Reid seconded the motion. Acklin moved nominations be
closed and a unanimous ballot be cast; Laws seconded and the motion
to reappoint passed without opposition.
A request by Sandler Films for closure of "A" Street on September 25
from 8:00 P.M. to 12:00 Midnight for filming was considered and Staff
recommended approval. Smith moved to approve; Dale seconded the
motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
The City Attorney reviewed his memorandum to Council relative to
Parliamentary Rules and no action was necessary.
A letter dated August 25, 1983 from the Highway Division and signed
by James J. Gix, P.E., Region Engineer was read outlining the criteria
of signing on the state highway rights of way and stating the "Nuclear
Free Zone" s~gns would not be allowed because they wguld not be con-
sidered as an official traffic control device m~ssage. A gentleman
in the audience asked if the Resolution passed would restrict transpoKt
ation of nuclear materials. Laws sa~d it did not and Smith agreed say-
ing she had researched the language. At this point the gentleman askec
what the status of the motion to move ahead on the request. The City
Attorney said the motion had directed staff to help, which it did, and
unless directed by Council to do something further. Laws moved that
the State ltighway Division letter be accepted and placed on file;
Acklin seconded the motion which passed onanimously on voice vote.
The menorandum from ~nicipal Court Jndge Drescher was deferred at
his request for further study,
The City Administrator read a memo from Director of Public ~orks
Alsing outlining the airport ~mprovement project an~ Alsing showed
plans including extension of aircraft t~e-down area etc. and noted
FAA is making additional f~nding available. Alsing requested the
contract addendum approval and Laws so moved; Dale seconded the
motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
A letter was read from Virginia Westerfield expressing interest in
serving on the Hjstoric Co~l~nission to replace Deb Barker. Mayor
~1edar~sappo~ntc, d Westerfield and Acklin moved for approval; Reid
seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
9/6/83 P. 1
_ R__yJ~}~_la_Er }:~eting Ashland City Council 9/6/8Zj
Fire Station Remodel
Nuclear Free Zone
Oath of Office/Howard
ASH Billing Report
Oath of Office/Howard
Abandoned Refrigerators
Parking Regulations
Almquist read a letter from Fire Chief King reporting on bids received
for propose8 remodeling of Station No. 1, and King reviewed the plans
adding that fire department personnel would do the interior finish
work with funds from the Fire Department budgeE. K~ng said the facili
ties are inadequate and in deplorable condition. After some discuss~o
Council agreed that monies should be expended for the interior work
rather than having it done by personnel and Laws moved to approve
transfer of ~11,700 within Revenue Sharing for the work; Smith secomde
and the motion passed unanimously on voice vote.
Emile Cloutier commented on the Nuclear Free Zone issue by referring
to the City Attorney's statement that the motion to accept the High-
way Division~s letter left nothing to be done unless Council directs
and suggested that to clear np the entire issue that the prior action
be rescinded. Salter said this would not keep the Council from bring-
ing up the matter again. Howard asked what the status of billboards
outside the City is and Salter said he is not aware of criteria.
A gentleman in the audience asked if the sign ruling includes the
population and if could be considered a traffic sign. Salter said he
considers that a simple informational sign found in most cities.
Spud Corliss reminded Council that Lee Howard had not been sworn in
and the City Attorne~ said he woul~ draft an oath for use later in
the meeting.
The City Administrator reported that a settlement had been reached wit
Adult Student Housing President B~ll McLennon. Smith moved to place
on agenda; Laws seconded and the motion passed unanimously on voice
vote. Almquist said the agreement included a refund pa)~ent for sewer
overcharge in the amount of $8,6~0.00,a one-third refund to be made
available immediately in the amount of $8,038,00 for ~ater and that
balance to be carried over a period of twenty-four months at 9% inter-
est and paid in equal installments. Almquist noted that this formula
is basically in accord with utility payment practices and was amicabl~
received by ASH. Laws moved to approve settlement and urged that
savings be passed on to renters; S~ith seconded the motion which
passed upanimously on voice vote.
Mayor Medaris administered the Oath of Office and Councilman Lee
Howard was sworn in.
Second reading by title only was given an ordinance relative to
abandoned refrigerators and Smith moved to approve; Ackl~n seconded
the motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
First reading was given an ordinance amending the Ashland Municipal
Code relative to par~ing regulations and Acklin moved to second
reading: Smith seconded the motion which passed with all YES on
roll call vote.
9/6/83 P. 2
CONTRACTS continued
f,~an~te St. Parking
A resolution establishing parking restrictions on the East side of
Granite Street from the southerly end of pavement, 900 ft. Northerly
was read and Almquist called attention to the Section which should
read 11.28.110. Acklin moved to adopt; Smith seconded the motion
which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
Mutual Assistance
A memorandum was read from Director of Public Works Alsing relative
to a Mutual Assistance Agreement between water departments in t~e
Valley for sharing of labor, materials and equipment during emergen-
cies and Alsing recorm-nended Council consideration saying this method
of sharing is a valuable tool and support system. Laws moved that
agreement be signed; Reid seconded the motion ~hich passed without
opposition on roll call vote.
Councilman Dale noted that Sandler Films has requested City coopera-
tion in drawing guidelines in form of ordinances in order that Sand-
ler can comfortably expand his business without jeopardizing capital
and suggested a committee be formed to establish criteria end make
recommendations to Council. Dale noted that the City has been encour--
aging clean, light industries and Sandler should fall into tha~ categ-
ory. Sandler expressed essentially the same criteria as noted by
Dale and said although it is a benefit to him, the guidelines ~ould
protect the City. Sandler said he could make legislative materials
available to a committee as adopted by the City of Los Angeles.
Sandler called attention to the insurance liability and said that ~t
wouldn't be so important if they weren't filming constantly. Sandle~
asked that Council read his statement and then decide if we need ~t
or not. Sandler said he would like Council to think about it and
there is no rush. Laws said we already have a staading committee on
such matters and that is the Planning Co~,nission and if they don't
have time to consider it at this time, then it will be bandled when
they do have time. After further discussion Laws moved that Mayor
appoint a committee to investigate and return with recommendation fox'
the Planning Commissiou and suggested a Councilman, business person,
City Administrator with Salter and Fregonese to act in advisory capac.
ity. Smith seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice
vote. Medaris appointed Dale as Chairman, City Administrator, Spud
Corltss, Allen Sandler, Salter and Fregonese.
Green of the Daily Tidings asked for copies of Sandler's statement
and Dale said he would make it available.
ADJOIrPHq~ENT The meeting adjourned at 8:35 P.M.
~an E' ~anklin '
City Recorder Mayor