April 20, 1982
Acting Mayor Don Laws led the Pledge of Allegiance and called
the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m., on the above date in the
Council Chsm~ers at Civic Center. Present were Paterson, Ackliz
Laws and Ho~ard. Sims and Dale arrived moments late. Mayor
Medarjs was absent due to recent surgery.
Paterson moved to approve minutes of adjourned meeting of
March 31, 1982; executive session of April 6, 1982 and Regular
Meeting of April 6, 1982; Acklin seconded the motion ~ich
passed without opposition on voice vote.
City Administrator Almquist requested that McCaw CommunicatiGns
be heard at this point rather than Public Forum because john
McCaw had to get a plane back to Seattle shortly. Council
agreed and John McCaw asked Council for some assurance that
City would continue on with CATV service after time contract
expires. McCaw said he hoped to get such assuram~ce before cul-
minating a transaction to purchase S.O. Cable TV bec~use the
Ashland area is an important part of the package. Chairman
Laws said without a recommendation from the Communications Czm-
mittee that it would be impossible to make a commitment and
asked the City Administrator to arrange a meeting for Monday~
April 26, 1982 so the Conmunications Committee can report th=iz
findings and recommendations on the CATV question.
Almquist read a memorandum dated March 1, ]982 from the Engin-
eering Department relative to a petition for vacation of an
alley between Laurel & Bush Streets and noted that the a~ea
represented by the signatures comprised of 94.5% of the total
affected area. Acting Mayor Laws opened the public hearing
and there was no comment from the audience. A]mquist asked
Fregonese if he had a report from Planning Commission and [reg-
onese said be anticipates no problem. Paterson moved that Staff
prepare aD ordinance for next meeting; Dale seconded and the
motion passed unanimously on voice vote.
Ack!in moved to accept and place on file minutes of all Boar~s,
Conmmissions and Committees; Howard seconded the motiom which
passed unarmimously on voice vote.
Request from CPA Utilitles to cut pavement on High Street ben~.ean
Bush and Manzanita ~as reviewe~ and Sims moved that request ha
denied and that Staff write a letter stating that the morateri~zz
will be up in Sqptember; Howard seconded the motion which pass~.i
without oppositien on voice vote.
A request from Southern Oregon State College Program Board
reviewed for uoise permit for concert at Fuller Field. Ron
Stringfield was present to field qnestjons relative to the evamr
and assured Coc, ncil there wilI be no music after 8:00
Howard moved to approve wi~h the 8:00 P.M. conclusion of
program and that noise be controlled by method suggested to
head the sounds awsv fr m the residential ar~. Acklin
the motion which pgsse~ unanimously on voice vote.
4/20/82 P. t
Nail Benson's letter was reviewed and he reported on progress
of plan to make pamphlets available to all City utility cus-
tomers relative to the wood burning criteria which would be
most environmentally effective. Benson said he is working with
Claude Curran of SORSI and Dick Wanderschied on the project.
Carroll Corliss presented Council with several Woodburning
pamphlets and felt the available material to be adeq~ate and
urged Council to save the cost of yet another pampblet. Peter-
son said that it is our responsibility as utility provider to
formally appraise our customers of their responsibility as it
relates to Air Quality in Ashland. Acklin moved to allocate
the $450 requested for student wages and printing costs. Peter-
son asked if Wanderscheid has money in his budget for energy
conservation which may be used. Howard asked Benson if he had
explored the possibility of work study help and he said tie
hasn't. Sims suggestLed $150 be approved and that prototype be
brought back to see the work on the pamphlet and Council may
at that time allocate money for printing if acceptable.
Acklin moved to amend motion to $].50 as suggested by Sims;
Peterson seconded the motion which passed unanimously on roll
call vote. (Lady in audience suggested that Tidings run a
series of articles on the subject for educational purposes.)
Elliott Reinart, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce
outlined tentative plans to have bicycle races 5n Ashland over
the Memorial Day weekend and sisowed a movie short of a ~ace
held. Reinerr outlined routes. Paterson suggested that a
"Bicycle Safety Week" be had for educational purpose~ and the
races could cap the week with bicycle events. Reineft said
he will plan the routes with Vic Lively. Sims suggested a
route by blocking off one side of Siskiyou Blvd. with the
route to proceed to Mountain Avenue etc. in order to stay awe5
from crowed family residential streets. Howard moved to refer
to Bike Committee and asked Reinert to firm up plans with the
Chief of Police; Peterson seconded the motion which passed
unanimously on roll call vote. Laws appointed Peterson, Lively
and Reinart as a Committee.
Planning Director Fregonese reported on quarry operations at
the Westergaard Quarry on Granite Street and said that he has
found two aerial maps dating back to 1962 arid 1979 and noted
the 1962 map is more accurate. Fregonese said the quarry at
that time was mined in a 1.3 acre area and today it has gone
to 2.2 acrea. Fregonese said the C~ty owns two quarries but
they are not in residential areas. Fregonese said the quarry
property is 7 acres and could extend quite a bit into the
hill and leave a large scar. Fregonese said the Planning
mission no~ has criteria which would preclude any granite pits
to op~!n within the City limits. Fregonese said the oaly laws
which might apply would be relative to attractive nuisance
and loud noise. Fregonese said he called Terry Ob
D.E.Q. ~ho said the 75 decibels registered outdoors and 60
decibels in tbe rear exceeds no~se limits and would be a viola-
tion of noise standards. A petition was handed John who su]~-
mitted to Council.
continued 4/20/82 P. 2
Regular bleatlug Ashland City Council
Fregonese said if the granite was taken from the inside of
the pit the noise wouldn't be as bad aswo[king on top-side.
Sims suggested something to regulate be drafted by Staff
and that buffering should be considered. Sims added that
the gravel pit operation should be subject to standards in
which area i is located. James Delsman reminded Council that
Westergaard/~aen operating the quarry on a continuous
seasonal basis for over fifty years. Ralph Westergaard,
operator of the quarry said he never starts the operation
before 7:00 A.M. but starts after 8:00 A.M. and quits before
5:00 P.M. Westergaard said be plans to create three buildable
lots on the site and when asked when he plans this, he stated
he could not say because of the state of the economy. Roger
Ledbetter of 112 Nutley said the quarry is a nuisance, unattr-
active, noisy and visually detracts from the residential area.
Perry Prince said there is nothing different about the opera-
tion now as it is the same every year, but this year it is
nosier because of the tractor working on the hijl. He said
the sound is echoed out toward Strawberry Lane. Prince said
he registered the decibels and found they were 75 dec. outside
and 60 inside his home. Prince said his plan to excavate for
three lots dates back to ten years ago and he said he doesn't
know how anyone would e~en get up there and that the cost of
fire protection and water would be porhibitive. Prince ss~d
if Westergaard is really preparing lots then his plans should
be in'the Building Department. Prince said the noise level
is intolerable. Allen Redfield said it doesn't seem practical
to tell a man he can't run a business, and said that he would
have to go clear to the other end of town etc. Doree Apple
of 235 Granite said that the noise has disrupted her life and
her work. Apple said ironically she has been preparing for
a Stress Workshop and she has been forced to leave the area
to work because of the stress-filled environment created by
the ~uarry. ADDle said she has lived in ~icago and Boston
and hasn't encountered such a nuisance as she is being sub-
jected to now. Apple said she can't work in her office ~yirlch
is in her home. Laws said there should be legal remedies
to regulate the problem and some solution is obviously necess-
ary. Peterson moved Staff come back to next meetlug with
suggestion for solving the noise, attractive nuisance, bu£fer-
ing (lack of) problem for consideration; Sims seconded
suggested Council concern itself with the impact on Lithia
Park. On voice vote the motion passed unanimously.
Acting Mayor Laws proclaimed April 30th as Arbor Day and
April 1982 as Fair Housing Month. Almquist read proclsmst~on~
_ R_~e~ulat tSng Ashland City Council _ 4/2(,
Electric Service Rates
State Revenue Ordinance
Dust & Trackout control
Ordinance re Woodburning
Walker Ave Annexation
Walker Annexation withdrawal
from JCFD #5
Walker Annexation Rezone
The City Administrator read a memorandum relative to electric
rates and reported that although the City bought the power
for 7 mils per kw from Pacific Power & Light during the con-
tract which was enjoyed by the City from ]970 until it's exp-
iration on February 28, 1982 the cost is now at !]..4 mils and
will increase appreciably on October 1, 1982. Almquist said
that the rate schedule will have to be reconsidered st that
time. First reading by title only was given the Ordinance
and Sims moved to second reading; Peterson seconded. Sin~s
remarked that he is an advocate of the inverted rata and said
that concept should be looked at closely next year. Oa roll
call motion passed unanimously.
First reading was given an Ordinance electing to receive State
Revenues and Sims moved to second reading; Peterson seconded
the motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
Second reading by title only was given an Ordinance pertaining
to nuisances -- dust and trackout controls and Peterson moved
to adopt; Acklin seconded and the motion passed unanimously
on roll call vote.
Second reading by title only was given an ordinance pertaining
to nuisances -- residential woodburning on certain days.
Larry Rude spoke from the audience saying that Ashland is
reaching out to solve Medford/White City problem and that Ash-
land doesn't experience near the pollution as does those to~n~
mentioned. Rude went on to say that we are acting on the
pollution conditions monitored in Medford - not Ash]and.
Rude asked how the City would plan to enforce such a law.
Rude asked Council to go slow on passing the ordinance in
order to give citizens an opportunity to appear and speak to
the issue. Laws said we are moving slowly and that the pro-
hibition when 2.60 mc are registered it is very rare. Howar~
moved to adopt; Dale seconded tbe motion which paased without
opposition on roll call vote.
Second reading by title only was given an Ordinance annexing
property located on the West side of Walker Avenue, North of
the Southern Pacific Railroad and Sims moved to adopt; Howard
seconded and the motion passed unanimously on roll call vote.
Second reading was given an Ordinance withdrawing recently
annexed land from Jackson County Fire District No. 5 and
Sims moved to adopt; Peterson seconded the motion which
passed unanimously on roll call vote.
Second reading by title only was given an Ordinance rezon~ng
recently annexed land from Jackson County RR-5 to City of
Ashland R-l:5 and Acklin moved to adopt; Sims seconded the
motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
_RJ__uJar Me~ting Ashland City Council
Hawthorne Tree Prohibition
An Ordinance probibiting "Hawthorne" trees for street planting
was given second reading by title only and Peterson moved to
adopt; Dale seconded the motion which passed with all YES on
roll call vote.
Employer/Employee Relations
Second reading by title only was given an Ordinance deleting
Chapter 3.04 from the Ash]and Municipal Code pertaining to
Employer-Employee relations and Acklin moved to adopt; seconded
by Sims and passed u~animously on roll call vote.
TID Irrigation Water Services
Second reading by title only was given an Ordinamce pertaining
to T.I.D. irrigation water service and Sims moved to adopt:;
Acklin seconded the motion which passed unanimously on roll
call vote.
Northwest Ashland Water R~gulations City Administrator Almquist noted that the Ordinance relative
to the Northwest Ashland Water Regulations had been left off the
agenda in error. Acklin moved to put on agenda; Peterson sec-
onded and on voice vote, passed unanimously. Ordinance was
read by title only for second reading and Peterson moved to
adopt; Howard seconded the motion which passed with all YES on
roll call vote.
Special Benefit Assessments
Street Imp. Dist. #50
Secondlreading by title only was given an Ordinance levying
special benefits assessments in Street Improvemeat Dist. #50
and Acklin moved to adopt; Peterson seconded the motion which
passed unanimously o~ roll call vote.
Special Election 11/2
A Resolution was read calling a Special Election for Noveu-
ber 2, 1982 relative to nominating petitions and Peterson
moved to adopt; Sims seconded the motion ~ich passed unani-
mously on roll call vote.
for land for public use
A Resolution determining the necessity for the appropriation
of certain land for public use was read and Almquist revieiced
the need for the land adjacent to the sewer treatment plant~
Peterson moved to adopt; Acklin seconded the motion which passe
unanimously on roll call vote.
Water Bond Ballot Measure #1
Municipal Water Projects
A Resolution supporting passage of Ballot Measure No. 1 -
May 19 Primary Election to use State bond proceeds to finance
Municipal Water Projects was read and Peterson moved to adopt;
Acklin seconded the motion which passed uuanimously on roll
call vote.
Commercial vehicle tax incr. &
Motor Veh. fool for street &
road improvements
A Resolution supporting Ballot Measure No. 4 at 5/18 Primary
Election allowing increase on commercial vehicles tax and for
motor vehicle fuel to be used for road improvements was read
and Acklin moved to adopt; Sims seconded the motion which
passed unanimously on roll call vote.
New construction to tax base
Nan E..F~/anklin
City Recorder
The City Administrator said one of the recommendations of the
C~tizens Revenue Committee was for addition of new construction
to tax base. Council asked Almquist to bring back a resolution
to that e£fect.
Dale moved to accept and place on file; Sims seconded the
motion which passed without opposition on voice vote.
Peterson reported that 40 acres of Greenway property (Wade)
is being considered for use by the Wranglers and suggested a
cor~ittee be formed for planning use of the property. Peter-
son said that Jean Crawford, of P & R is on the co~ittee,
Jim Ragland ~and County Greenway might serve along with herself
and that she would like someone from Planning on the Committee.
S~ms mentioned we already had a Greenway Committee which has
been inactive for sometime. Peterson said she is looking to
have an ad hoc committee to study the plan for the lower Green-
way area spacjfically. Peterson moved to form ad hoc committee
to plan for lower Ashland Creek Green~ay made op of Peterson,
Crawford, Ragland, County Grnwy and Planning; Acklin seconded
the motion. Laws appoinEcd PetersOn as Chairperson. On voice
vote the motion passed unanimously.
The City Administrator reviewed the Blue Cross Plan and the
anticipated increase of 33% on the premiums and recommended
that the City consider a reduced rate of 12% based on experienc~
w~th the difference of the usual budgeted amount going into au
insurance trust fund to pay for future adverse experiences and/
or fnnd a wellhess plan for employees, Sims moved to place
on agenda; Peterson seconded the motion which passed unan~moual
on voice vote. Howard moved to direct Staff to pursue the
LOC plan and ask that budget adjustment be made to place monies
in reserve as discussed; Laws seconded the motion which passed
unanimously on voice vote.
Meeting adjourned at 10:50 P.M.
Don Laws
Acting Mayor
4/20/82 P. 6