August 24, 1982
N. Main Ai]ey near
Helman St. &
Prim St. compris-
ing LID No. 52
Noodburning on
Spec. Election ballot
The Mayor led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting to
order at 7:30 p.m. on the above date in the Civic Center Council
Chambers. Peterson, Laws and Sims were present. Acklin arrived
moments late. Dale and Howard were absent.
The City Administrator reviewed changes in the assessments levied
against property owned by the Bamforths. Almquist reviewed the
changes which had beer made and said that the purpose of the
public hearing is simply to consider approval of assessments as
continuation of the public hearing and not the matter of the imp-
rovements themselves. Almquist read two letters ~nto the record
which opposed .the project on the alley between N. Main Street &
Helman St. The letters received were from Beth Wilson citing in-
creased traffic as hazardous and James Osher who opposed the formula
used ~nd recommended the greater benefitted property be levied a
higher assessment. The public hearing was opened and there were no
comments from the audience. Mayor Medaris closed the public hearing.
Almquist noted one correction on the Prim Street assessments which
changed the footage of the Melich property which reduced the assess-
ment by ~80.00. Almquist added that it was easier to pick up that
amount than to reassess everyone to reflect the change. The public
hearing was opened and since there was no comment from the audience
the hearing was closed and the matter turued over to Council.
The City Administrator read the Ordinance in full and Peterson
moved to second reading; Acklin seconded the motion which passed
unanimously on roll call vote.
City Attorney Salter reviewed a Resolutio~ calling a speci~l
election for November 2, 1982 relative to proposed Ordinance
on maintenance of Air Quality. Laws said it was his intent to
have public comment. ~etodv ~oyaI asked if ~t has been determined
how much of ~shland's pollution has been directly caused by wood-
burning and wondered if burning would be allowed in an area where
there is no problem. Laws said the community as a whole has its
responsibility to keep the air healthy and that one area would effect
the otber. On Rist's question as to enforcement Laws said that it
would be mostly self-enforcing, Peterson said the ordinance is
far-sighted and will put the City on notice that we are c~ncerned
about the quality of air. Wording of the ballot title was discussed
and Council agreed to modify the "Question" by adding "by regulating
residential w00dburning on certain days?" On the "Explanation"
portion of the ballot measure Council agreed to add "national
health stardards" for suspended particutates. Sims moved to adopt
the Resolution as amended; Peterson seconded the motion which
passed unanimously on roll call vote.
A memo from the City Attorne~ was read relative to a Code section
which prohibits the sale of liquor on Election Day and noted that
such a statute has never been enforced and recommended repeal of
the section. Laws moved to ask staff to bring back an ordinance to
repeal the law; Acklin seconded the motion which passed unanimously
on voice vote.
8/24/82 P. 1
~_egu!ar MP~-~Ing Ashland City Cotn~cil 8/24/82~P..~ ......
Noise Standards Ord.
Position Classification
Second reading by title only was given an Ordinance amending the
nuisance control Ordinances relative to decibel noise standards
and Laws moved to adopt; Ack]in seconded the motion which
passed unanimously on roll call vote.
Second reading by title only was given an Ordinance amending the
Position Classification Ordinsnce and Peterson moved to adopt;
Laws seconded the motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
Transient Occupancy Tax
R. D. Nelson
Acting City Recorder
Second reading by title only was given an Ordinance amending the
transient occupancy tax relativ~ to exemption for minimum rental
rates and Acklin moved for adoption; Peterson seconded the motion
which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
The meeting adjourned at 8:05 P.M.
L. Gordon Medaris