November 16, 1982
Acting Mayor Laws called'the meeting to order after leading the
Pledge of Allegiance at 7:30 p.m. on the above date in the Council
Chambers at Civic Center. Howard, Dale, Acklin and Corliss were
present. Mayor Medaris was absent.
Laws showed a plaque given the City by the League of Oregon Cities
at it's recent convention for first place in "Time lost due to
injury" and another first place for best Weatherization program.
Corliss moved to approve minutes of the November 2, 1982 meeting;
Acklin seconded the motion which passed unanimously on Voice vote.
A letter was read from the City Administrator to Richard Davis who
had requested a sewer hook-up on Fordyce Street explaining that the
City is prohibited by Charter to furnish water outside the City
limits. Richard Davis was present at the meeting at which time he
explained that he is requesting a sewer connect and not water and
that a sewer line already exists crossing his property where he
plans to build. On question from Howard on whether or not he has
a permit to build a septic tank Davis said he has but that it would
be undesirable due to surface and subsurface water in this area.
Davis noted his property is within the Urban Growth Boundary.
Council agreed to call for a goal and policy setting meeting to
formulate policy on Urban Growth Boundary properties in conjunction
with the Comprehensive Plan. Howard asked Davis when he plans to
start construction and Davis said it would probably be a couple of
years. Laws suggested the matter be readdressed when the policy
is adopted and Howard so moved; Acklin seconded the motion which
passed unanimously on voice vote.
The City Administrator read a letter from Dennis E. Perkins, owner
of Ashland Taxi Company requesting extension of the present Franch-
ise Agreement for a period of five years to ensure recovery of long
term investment based on purchase of new vehicles for the business.
Almquist recommended that a committee be appointed to study the
matter. Acklin said she was contacted by the Chamber of Commerce
who suggested the matter be studied and Acklin suggested the Chamber
have input and the matter be tabled until studied. Howard so moved;
Acklin seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
A letter was read giving the costs for parking and designations signs
proposed by the Chamber of Commerce Parking Committee . Dale moved
to direct staff to prepare budgetary transfer from Operating Con-
tingency as noted; Howard seconded and the motion passed unanimously
on voice vote.
The City Administrator reviewed the history of the Rist Annexation
proposal saying that it was decided by Council to wait until after
the election for the outcome of BM #1 and noted the measure had
failed at the polls. Almquist reminded Council of City Attorney
Salter's report that it is illegal to sell water outside the City.
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........ continued 11/16/82
~eDular M '~ng Ashland City Council 11/16/82
Almquist said Council needs to address how the policy will be
addressed in the Urban Growth Boundary where contract annexation was
to be implemented. Acklin agreed saying that the comprehensive
growth management policy and contract annexation should be studied
and a policy formulated in a goal setting session. Dale urged that
a session be held soon so that answers can be given applicants for
annexation. Corliss recommended that Council wait until the two
new Councilmembers are seated in January since they will be in a
position to enforce the policy and they should have the opportunity
for input.
John Chmelir addressed Council representing the owner of the proposed
annexation and expressed concern that Council in this instance is
violating its own Comprehensive Plan because it created a need for
additional commercial property and Council is failing to approve
the annexation which would satisfy that criteria. Chmelir said
land must be rezoned to meet that criteria or undeveloped land be
brought into the City. Chmelir reminded Council of the letter from
the Economic Development Commission recommending that annexations
applied for stand on their own merits rather than calling for a
specific project in advance. Chmelir cited the delay in approving
the proposal is costing the developer money because of the fluctuation
of interest rates and the chances of getting the project off the
ground are decreasing. Chmelir said that the recent brochure devel-
oped to bring business to Ashland states that the annexation pro-
ceedings take 120 days to complete and this statement is not true
judging by the proposal before Council since it has been almost a
year and has run the gammut. Chmelir said it was passed by the
Planning Commission by unanimous vote and that no one has spoken
against the annexation at the previous meetings. Acklin said there
is no development project planned and the Comp Plan says we will
have undeveloped land in the City. We do have undeveloped land in
the City, Acklin said, and added that she feels study of the matter
is appropriate. Acklin said the request came to the City in the
summer and not in January as stated. Laws reiterated the need
for study as suggested by Acklin.
Vicki Neuenschwander, 455 Tolman Creek Road, said she lives next
to the property and ~s not against annexation of the land. Neuensch-
wander said she doesn't understand how Council can put this proposal
off saying that the property is ideal and would have been purchased
long ago had it been all in the City pointing out that at present
one and one half acres is already in the City limits. Neuenschwander
said this annexation if approved would bring the City up to its
quota as required in the Comp Plan. Neuenschwander said the property
has two accesses - one off Hwy 66 and the other off Tolman Creek
Road and there would be no need for highway cuts. Neuenschwander
added that there is already water on the property. On Neuenschwander~
question as to why the decision is being held up Laws explained that
Council has an obligation to all of the taxpayers of the C~B% D~ved
the present law in the State of Oregon says that if you br~Hg~ roper-
ty in you cannot add to the tax rolls. Laws said the new development
is not added to the tax base after the fact.
~_gular Mee~=t-ng Ashland City Council . 11/16/82 m. 3
Acklin said that one and one-half acres is already in the City limits
and this portion is developable now. Laws said there are legitimate
reasons continued consideration because of the contract annexation
policy recently presented with the County and the Comprehensive Plan
gives different directions. On Chmelir's remark that his client's
investment is being jeopardized, Dale moved to table until the
growth management policy of the Urban Growth Boundary area is estab-
lished; Howard seconded the motion and added that such policy should
be formulated as quickly as possible. On roll call vote the motion
passed unanimously. Neuenschwander said sales will be lost as a
result of this delaying action and Laws sait it will at least be
on the same property.
Robert Wadell of Wadell Engineering which has been retained to up-
date the Airport Master Plan reviewed recommendations to upgrade
the facility to general utility standards including proposals to
extend Runway 12-30 by 600 ft. to the northwest and 300 feet to
the southeast, extension of the taxiway to the full length of the
runway and increase in number of tiedown and hangar spaces along
with lighting improvements. The Environmental Assessment including
many categories was reviewed including noise, compatible land use,
air quality, water quality and other possible impacts. Wadell said
none of the impacts appear to be significant but those mentioned
were given careful study. Wadell said the Environmental Assessment
is necessary to support application for funding improvements out-
lined in the Airport Master Plan and was done to fulfill the re-
quirements of the Airport and Airway Development Act for Federal
funding purposes. Wadell said the City is seeking funds from the
Airport Development Aid Program which monies came from revenues
from aircraft fuel sales, equipment sales etc. which are allocated
under the administration of FAA. The cost of the twenty year pro-
gram to the year 2000 is $2.234 million. Wadell reviewed the phases
of development and planning cost estimates.
On Richard Davis' question as to noise impact, Wadell said it will
increase but not significantly.
Karen Smith, Coordinator of Jackson County Greenway Committee,
asked if the Environmental Impact had been circulated in public
hearing and addressed in the appropriate procedure. Wadell said
it had and that the environmental assessment should be concluded
before the Master Plan is approved. Council should approve and
then adopt and both steps can be taken at the same time, Wadell said.
Jack Nicholson expressed concern relative to the financial project-
ions beyond one years time given today's economy/inflation. Nichol-
son added that he is sure Wadell has done a good job of the eighteen
year project but suggested the Audit Committee review or Audit firm
doing the City audit.
11/16/82 P. 3
kegular ~ee. ting Ashland City Council 11/16/82
Special Licenses Ord.
On Dale's question relative to bicycle path from Airport to town
Wadell said there will be access worked out and the area will need
to be fenced and access safety concerns are being implemented with
a gate with combination for transients use. Dale asked about plans
for businesses to locate there and Wadell said areas not topographi-
cally lent to aircraft use will be earmarked for this purpose.
Farm use was discussed and Wadell said this will continue and only
very little earthmoving will be necessary. Corliss moved that
staff bring back resolutions for adoption of Environmental Assess-
ment and Airport Master Plan in that order; Howard seconded the
motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
Almquist reviewed a memorandum from the Director of Finance relative
to specifications of a disk-based computer system and read a list
of proposed EDP Specifications Committee members including Keith
Carney, John Fregonese, Paul Nicholson, Bob Rasmussen, Clint Watters
and Karen Huckins and RobeSt D. Nelson to act as ex-officio
members. Howard moved for approval of recommended Committee;
Acklin seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
Dan White (Ashland Fire Department) reviewed request by Lithia Films
requesting closure of Ashland Street on November 11 or 22 and is
now asking that closure be implemented on November 19. White said
the owners of property at Iowa & Palm has donated an old building
to be partially burned at 7:00 P.M.. Laws asked White to notify
all interested parties of the change. Acklin moved to approve;
Corliss seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
Almquist noted he has request from Chamber of Commerce for Plaza
closure for the traditional Christmas opening from 3:00 P.M. to
9:00 P.M. on November 26th. Acting Mayor Laws unanimously approved
by minute order.
The City Administrator noted a liquor license was requested after
the agenda had gone out for Yorgo's and added that the Police De-
partment had recommended approval. Howard moved to approve; Dale
seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
A gentlemen in the audience asked for the status of the Nuclear
Free Zone Ordinance and Laws said it is in force but will need
some clarification in the near future.
Second reading by title only was given an Ordinance amending various
provisions pertaining to special licenses and Corliss moved to
adopt; Acklin seconded the motion which passed unanimously on roll
call vote.
Resolution changing
parking restrictions
Resolution amending
BPA Sales Contract
A Resolution changing parking restrictions in area of Fork/Vista,
First/Vista and "A" & 4th Street was read and Acklin moved for
adoption; Corliss seconded the motion which passed unanimously
on roll call vote.
Almquist reviewed a BPA letter and recommended aD eight month
extension for implementing methodology for rate scheduling and
Council asked that Resolution to implement be read. The Resolution
was read and Corliss moved for adoption; Acklin seconded the motion
which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
Reaolution~ amending
canvass of votes -
Resolution declaring
canvass of votes -
Mayor's Proclamation
A Resolution declaring canvass of votes on measures at the Special
Election held in and for the City of Ashland, Oregon, November 2,
1982 was read and Acklin moved to accept; Howard seconded the motio
which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
A Resolution declaring the canvass of the vote at the Special
Election held in and for the City of Ashland, Oregon, November 2,
1982 electing candidates was read and Howard moved to accept;
Dale seconded the motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote
Accepted and will be signed by the Mayor.on his return into the
The City Administrator reported to Council that because of it's
resolution relative to LCDC's rules calling for no dam installation
to be located in watershed that LCDC has modified the rule to allo~
such installations on conditional use permit. Almquist said he
is pleased with the modification but that the public hearing procea
will be a burden and that other less necessary uses remain accepte~
Almquist continued by saying that Senator Hannon had intervened fo~
the City on this issue initially and will have him again pursue the
problem should Council wish to see an outright use of the watershed
area for dams which will be necessary sometime in the future.
Councilmember Acklin expressed need for Council and it's new membex
to have a goal setting session along with orientation for the new
members in a workshop setting to prioritize things whcih will need
to be accomplished in the years ahead. Almquist suggested that the
League of Oregon Cities staff member Mary Arends could be engaged
to run a workshop at a cost of about $1200 for the session - $300
per day for two days and expenses. Acklin so m~ved; Howard seconde
All ayes on voice vote.
11/16/82 P. ~
~gular Me~ng Ashland City Council 11/16/82 P. 6
PETITION - Leonard St.
Nan E. Franklin
City Recorder
The City Administrator brought a petition which had been received
after the agenda had gone out which was signed by residents of
Leonard Street and surrounding area expressing concern that a resi-
dence under construction by Allen Sandler of Sandler Institutional
Films might be used for business purposes. Almquist noted that he
has received a letter from Sandler assuring that business uses are
not planned for his residence and he has made arrangements to locate
his business in the Coastal Dynamics complex.
Councilman Corlis noted the Charter calls for an appointment be
made to Council within 60 days if member resigns and moved to
place on agenda. Acklin seconded the motion which passed unanimously
on voice vote.
Corliss moved for appointment of Susan Reid to fill Sims' position
until December 31, 1982; Howard seconded and on roll call passed
unanimously. Susan Reid was present and accepted the appointment.
Mark Howard invited Council and Staff to an open house at the
head office of the Medford Mail Tribune on Wednesday evening, the
Accepted and plaged on file.
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
Don Laws
Acting Mayor