March 7, 2000
Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 E. Main Street
Mayor Shaw called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., in the Civic Center Cotmcil Chambers.
Councilors Laws, Reid, Hauck, Wheeldon and Fine were present. Councilor Hanson was absent.
The minutes of the regular meeting of February 15, 2000 were approved as amended to note the following changes:
on page 1, under the Consent Agenda, the comments regarding the Transportation and Parking Committee were made
by Mayor Shaw; the two at-large community members per neighborhood for this Committee were to be permanent
members; and on page 4, in the 5th paragraph, the last sentence is to be struck from the minutes.
The continued meeting minutes of February 16, 2000 were approved as presented.
1. Mayor's Presentation of equipment to CERT team.
Mayor Shaw read a statement prepared by Fire Chief Keith Woodley explaining the Community Emergency Response
Team or "CERT' program. It was explained that this program organized citizens into neighborhood teams that are
trained to work together during an emergency. This training prepares citizens to survey their neighborhoods for
injuries, damage to homes and utilities, and to identify potential hazards such as fires and hazardous situations.
Betty Hutto, a co-team leader, shared her appreciation for the city's forming these citizen teams and explained the
overall objective of the CERT program. Those members of Team 10 in attendance introduced themselves. Hutto
explained that this is an opportunity for citizens to get involved. Sue Rolle, a team leader, explained the area that her
team covers and those members of Team 11 introduced themselves.
Rees Jones, of the Ashland Fire Department, shared his appreciation for the citizens' involvement in this program and
stated that the program has been very successful. Jones made the presentation of equipment to the CERT teams.
Casey Bright, a co-team leader, presented certificates of appreciation to Fire Department personnel Rees Jones, Trent
Stoy and Chief Woodley on behalf of the CERT team members and thanked the council for their support of the CERT
Mayor Shaw thanked those that have volunteered their time for this program, and noted the importance of community
2. Presentation by the Conservation Commission regarding Green Business Program.
Administrative Services Director Dick Wanderscheid introduced Conservation Commission futmding member Russ
Chapman and Ross Finhey, a graduate student at SOU who has been a key player in developing this program with the
Chapman gave a brief history on the Ashland Green Busthess Program which began in 1997, and introduced Ross
Finhey. Explained that the Commission had been trying to start this program for some time, but that Finney's help
was the essential element in making the program a reality.
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Finney gave a brief program overview and stated that the main goal is to encourage and recognize the efforts of
Ashland businesses towards conserving resources and achieving sustainability. He explained that this is intended to
be a voluntary program for businesses (rather than a regulatory program) and noted that this project is being modeled
after similar projects in other cities, including San Francisco and Oakland in California, as well as the Alaska
Greenstar Program and a program in Hood River, Oregon. Noted that a Sustainable Development grant from the EPA
had been used for part of the work on this project in Ashland.
Finney explained that this is an opportunity to emphasize the value of a high quality environmere as part of the City' s
economic development strategy. He stated that the standards are broken down into four categories: 1)energy
conservation; 2) water conservation; 3) pollution prevention; and 4) solid waste reduction. Explained that these
standards were specifically modified to fit the range of different business types present in Ashland.
Wanderscheid explained that the Conservation Commission has been working on this project for a long time, and
emphasized that it is a major goal of the commission to recruit pilot participant businesses during the current budget
year. He further stated that participating businesses will have access to the Sustainable Ashland logo for marketing
purposes, and suggested that the logo may be modified with a "Green Business" banner as part of the marketing of
this program. Wanderscheid stated that the commission has committed a great portion of their budget to working with
businesses to pay Finney to implement the program and recruit 5-10 pilot businesses and provide feedback on the
program standards. He explained that city staff will be trained for future implementation of the program and that
pilot results will be reported at the conclusion. He stated that if a decision is made to continue the program, the City
would provide staff support for administration and technical assistance.
Reid noted that she had provided information to the Commission, and asked if what she had sent could work with this
program. Wanderscheid noted that what Reid provided dealt with standards for municipal governments, but agreed
that the standards could be applied to businesses as well. Reid emphasized the need for the city government to take
the lead, and to set high standards for city operations as an example for businesses.
Wanderscheid explained for Wheeldon that Earth Day activities are being planned by the University and Ashland
Community Food Store, and suggested that the commission will discuss doing something in conjunction with other
Earth Day activities in the community at their next meeting.
Reid stated that she would be willing to make her small lodging business one of the pilot businesses if the commission
was interested.
1. Minutes of Boards, Commissions and Committees.
2. Wolske Airport Hangar Rental Agreement.
3. Liquor license application from John Moore dba Willamette Valley Vineyards.
Councilor Reid noted the need for current minutes from the Traffic Safety Commission, as those presemed here are
from December 2"d. Fine clarified that there had been no January meeting, and the February meeting had occurred
a little more than a week ago and those minutes were not yet complete.
Councilors Reid/Hauck m/s to approve the Consent Agenda. Voice Vote: All AYES. Motion passed.
1. Public Hearing and Resolution Adopting the Findings which will exempt the City from using low bid
as the sole determinate in awarding the design/build Contract for the Ashland Solar Pioneer Program
Generation Systems.
Director of Administrative Services Dick Wanderscheid explained to council the requirements necessary to exempt
the City from using low bid as the sole determinate in awarding the design/build contract for the Ashland Solar Pioneer
Program Generation System. Noted that with cmmcil approval, the RFP could go out March 8 with systems to be
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installed by the summer solstice. Noted that there would then be a ceremony to dedicate the photo-voltaics on the roof
of the Council Chambers June 23ra.
City Attorney Patti Nolte explained that because this is a "design build," there are no specifications available
beforehand. Wanderscheid stated that he expected the bids to be in the $300-360,000 range, and that 18 firms have
expressed an interest in bidding. Explained that there are many similar projects in California under the "California
Buy Down," and noted that several of the interested firms are from California.
Wanderscheid clarified that going solely with low bids, the resultant system might not be enduring, but that by working
with some capable people in the field to review the bids they could get the lowest life cycle cost.
Wanderscheid shared with council, the enthusiastic response from the community regarding this program.
No speakers came forward.
Councilors Reid/Wheeldon m/s to approve the resolution adopting the findings which will exempt the City from
using low bid us the sole determinant in awarding the design/build contract for the Ashland Solar Pioneer
Program Generation Systems. Roll call vote: Laws, Fine, Reid, Wheeldon, and Hauck, YES. Motion passed.
Eric Navickas/711 Faith Avenue/Spoke briefly regarding urban in-fill and read a statement on his view of sub-
urbanization in America.
Sophia McDonald/210 California Street, #A/Provided an update on issues relative to the SOU student govenunent.
Passed out the results of a survey conducted by student government regarding housing. She also noted the student
government's endorsement for council approval of a request for taxi certification by Andrew Bangsberg for the SOU
taxi program.
1. Council meeting Look Ahead.
City Administrator Mike Freeman reminded council that the study session scheduled for March 8h will begin at the
AFN Facilities before returning to the council chambers. He pointed out that the study session for April 5t" should
indicate the living wage ordinance as a topic.
2. Draft Citizen Participation Plan.
Director of Administrative Services Dick Wanderscheid presented the draft Citizen Participation Plan for council
approval. He explained that upon adoption of the plan, a workbook would be developed to help with implementation
and the process would be utilized for one year and evaluated in March of 2001 for its effectiveness.
Wheeldon requested that there be some realistic parameters regarding the financial commitment of staff time so that
commissions are clear about the amount of time that can be spent on their processes. Asked that this be addressed up
front, in the workbook. Wanderscheid suggested that he would welcome council assistance in preparing the workbook.
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Wheeldon asked that the workbook also tie back in to pre-existing policies that exist and that commissions are clear
that they are not re-inventing the wheel, so that previous work is honored and past efforts are built upon.
Fine expressed his feeling that the plan is too ambiguous, and suggested that he would prefer a grant of citizen rights
so that citizens would be able to demand and get participation in every instance. Suggested that the plan is a good start
as a one year experiment to be reviewed. Emphasized that if more discussion is needed he would like to see the
committee discussions reopened.
Councilors Hauck/Wheeldon m/s to adopt the Citizen Participation Plan. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion
3. Community Process for addressing Transportation, Transit and Parking Issues.
City Administrator Mike Freeman explained that at the request of council, the city had become more involved in the
ad-hoc committee to coordinate the public process as the parking issue had rapidly expanded to address transportation
and transit as well.
Explained that council is being asked to adopt the mission statement identified by the committee, their list ofdecision
makers, the parameters within which they will be working, and the draft public process to solicit information. Noted
that at the council's option, it will clearly noticed that the mayor will be appointing six citizens to this committee
following the initial neighborhood meetings in early April.
Freeman read the mission statement, explaining that the mission of the committee is to help the community identify
and develop strategies for addressing transportation, transit and parking issues focused on the downtown, Southern
Oregon University, Ashland High School, and Ashland Community Hospital areas. The committee will coordinate
the public input process, summarize the information received, and present the community's plan to the council for
formal consideration. Explained that the decision makers, the Ashland City Council, will need to formally adopt the
plan for implementation. Noted that the committee recognizes that changes to its recommendations may occur in order
to coordinate them with other existing transportation plans and initiatives.
Freeman explained that the parameters here are to reduce auto use and congestion, to reduce vehicle miles traveled
and to promote alternative transportation. Pointed out that citizen input should serve as the basis for any solutions,
and that neighborhood solutions need to be integrated into overall transportation efforts. Emphasized that solutions
should be pragmatic and feasible, and include fiscal impact statements and possible means of funding. Finally,
applicable ideas from this plan should begin to be applied in other areas, such as A Street.
Freeman briefly outlined the proposed public input process, and suggested that there would likely be a report presented
to council in July.
Shaw would like to see the list of actual committee members, as the original list merely stated members by the
organizations they would be representing. Expressed concerns that this list was institution heavy, and stated that she
would like to see a balance on the committee. Explained that this committee has gone from being a Chamber of
Commerce group discussing parking to a council-appointed transportation committee, and emphasized that there needs
to be a broad representation of the needs of the whole community rather than just the business conununity. Further
requested that no further members be appointed by the committee, as the group is already large enough.
Wheeldon suggested that this document state that the City Council will need to formally adopt "a' plan rather than
"the" plan.
Shaw noted that initially the chamber had requested a resident from the Exit 16 neighborhood on the committee.
Questioned this suggestion, as this neighborhood is not being considered at this point.
Reid clarified that the meetings should be noticed and open to the public.
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Councilors Hauck/Wheeldon m/s to adopt the formal community process for addressing Transportation, Transit
and Parking Issues, with the amendment to the mission statement replacing "the" with "a" in the first sentence
on "decision makers." Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed.
4. Request for approval to construct an addition to Ashland Community Hospital (ACH) in accordance
with the facilities lease.
Ashland Community Hospital Director Jim Watson requested approval to construct an addition to ACH in accordance
with the facilities lease. He explained the requirements of the lease when construction is desired. The development
is an addition on the first floor for dietary services and the second floor for meeting room and office space.
Councilors Reid/Wheeldon m/s to approve the proposed expansion of the Ashland Community Hospital. Voice
vote: All AYES. Motion passed.
5. Discussion with City Council regarding the Roadless Policy.
Elias DeChristo/247 Granite St/Supports awareness and commitment to preserving wild lands and hopes that the
council will endorse this policy.
Peter Grass/212 Ohio St/He urged the council to support the Roadless Policy and noted that wildlife needs to have
their space honored.
Veege Ruediger/1231h Sixth St/She voiced her support of the Roadless Policy and urged the council to set standards
for other government bodies by supporting the policy which she feels would help to protect wilderness areas.
Ryan Mather-Navickas/711 Faith Ave/He urged the council to do their part in supporting this policy, and read from
Chief Seattle's speech which addressed the interconnectednessof all life. Emphasized that at therate which the United
States logged in 1999, all old growth forests would be cut within fifteen years.
Eric Navickas/711 Faith Ave/He noted the amount of acreage which remains unprotected in our forests. Presented
a map of Oregon which showed the areas that are under discussion for the Roadless Policy. Spoke about the
importance of connectivity corridors.
Tom Rose/430 Wiley St/He explained that roadless areas in national forests are not currently protected, and
emphasized that there is a widespread public misconception that these areas are protected now. Discussed several of
the roadless areas in Southern Oregon which would be protected under this plan, and stated that the plan should be
endorsed by the council.
Reid suggested that council sign on to the mayor's letter rather than writing another one. Shaw stated that she could
amend her letter to include the endorsement of the council.
Laws noted his support in principal and suggested that the council shotrid be specific and clear that this is an
endorsement of the Roadless Policy and not be map-specific to avoid conflict with the Mr. Ashland ski area project.
Wheeldon stated that she would like to see "interim protection" measures addressed.
Councilors Laws/Fine m/s to endorse the mayor's letter. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed.
Discussion of off-site wastewater effluent management options and related questions resulting from the
February 15, 2000 council decision.
Public Works Director Paula Brown explained that there are four issues that need to be addressed to clarify the
council's intent for staff relative to bio-solids and effluent spraying. Questioned whether the council action from
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February 15 precludes any re-use options on the off-site property. Brown explained that clarification of the issues here
is needed for staff to move ahead and bring back a plan of action and timeframe to council.
Laws clarified that the council members who supported the previously adopted memo did not meet as a group prior
to the adoption of the memo. Noted that there are audience members present who would like to address council, and
questioned how to proceed.
Brown poimed out that "the memoir" did not specify any change in direction for the bio-solids re-use portion of the
plan, and requesmdclari~cationfromcouncil. QuestionedwhethercouncilwanteddryingareasattheWWTPfacility,
which could require more land there, or if the council intended to have lagoons and drying beds at the off-site facility.
Reid emphasized that there needs to be a general discussion of options between staff, consultants, and council before
this can be decided.
Hauck suggested that it is incumbent upon council to clarify the change in direction made in the February 15h memo.
Laws suggested that Brown present her issues, then public commem could be taken and then council could discuss the
issues. There was discussion attempting to clarify the direction given in the memo as it applies to the issue of bio-
solids. Brown explained that if council wants additional options that is a legitimate answer, and she is merely
attempting to clarify where to go with the bio-solids portion of the project.
Brown also questioned if the big-gun sprinklers were the main problem with off-site spraying, or if the council was
absolutely opposed to any effluent use off-site. Fine suggested that other options have not been precluded from
Freeman explained that there was legitimate confusion on the part of staff after the last meeting's decision, and noted
that it was staff's impression that effluent reuse on the offsite facility was no longer an option. Wheeldon concurred
that this was also her impression. Fine clarified that council would like to have additional information and to engage
in further community dialogue to make an intelligent, conscientious decision. Further stated that they would like
information on any other available alternatives, and that no alternatives were ruled in, or out, at this point.
Emphasized that council has no preferred choice at this point, but would like scientific information and community
involvement to reach a decision.
Brown clarified that this meant that the council was not then looking to return treated effluent to the creek at any cost,
but that this was still one of the options to be further considered.
Fine noted that he has the highest regard for Brown's professional ability, the work she has done, and her level of
Brown questioned cotmcil direction relative to continuing to work with Carollo Engineers, and emphasized that it is
the staff's recommendation that Carollo be retained. Reid suggested that Carollo worked well within the parameters
set by council, and stated that her interpretation is that the council does not want Carollo to continue to work within
those parameters.
Fine attempted to clarify, suggested that no one was critical of Carollo's work but that the council does not want to
rely solely on Carollo in looking to alternatives.
Paul Kay/1234 Strawberry Ln/Gave a demonstration of the emerging technology of electro-coagulation and suggested
it as a precise, efficient method of filtration to remove phosphorous. He read information on water reclamation and
noted recent breakthroughs that could make this process practical and economical. He proposed treating secondary
effluent with this tertiary treatment technology method at a substantial savings over conventional methods, and allowing
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direct discharge into the creek in the warm season. Suggested that this be used in conjtmction with wetlands and reed
beds, and requested council to direct staff to look into this further.
Elias DeChristo/247 Granite St/Read a prepared statement on ecological design for water systems in Ashland, and
recommended using water-wise technologies such as rim-off water catchment, street water filtration, gray water
utilization, and "hu-manure" composting.
Laws stated that there are two things that he needs in order to give staff direction. Suggested that the three alternatives
considered to date have been: 1) piping sewage to Medford; 2) spray irrigation; and 3) tertiary-plus treatment to return
water to the creek. Explained that the council majority had indicated with the adoption of the memoir that they have
serious concerns with the spray irrigation alternative. He would like to see the council look more compreheasively
at the other two alternatives, and his preference would be to return water to the creek. Agreed that the memoir did not
include changes that could happen with bio-sulids. Stated that he would like staff to suggest alternatives and provide
a list of potential consultants who could give this information.
Laws noted that he has not been clear on the issue of bio-solids. Clarified that his concerns have been with spray
irrigation, and he is not as concerned with the proposed method of dealing with bio-solids. He would like clarification
on what the alternatives are for dealing with the bio-solids. Laws stated that he will follow staff advice in regard to
continuing the relationship with Carollo Engineers. Laws recognized the constraints and deadlines that the city faces
with DEQ, and stated that he understands that the DEQ will place a deadline on the city. He would like to see staff
begin immediately on this beginning with an outline of the options.
City Attorney Paul Nolte clarified for council that no further action had taken place in regards to applying with the
county for a land use permit. Fine and Shaw expressed their belief that staff had been directed to pursue the land use
permit. Laws suggested that a reasonable interpretation of the memoir to abandon spray irrigation would have meant
not pursuing the permit further. Reid stated that she feels that it is difficult for staff to work in two different directions
at once, and suggested that not doing so is good judgemerit and human nature. Reid read from the June 22, 1994 Mail
Tribune to illustrate how this issue has endured.
Laws stated that it would be both unfair and unwise to pursue the permit process at this time due to the likelihood of
it being appealed to the Board of Commissioners of Jackson County when the city is unsure whether it will even be
proceeding with spray irrigation.
Fine stated that it is incumbent to apply to the County for the permit, and that it would significantly reduce the city's
options if the permit is not pursued. Stated that he would like the City Attorney to put forth a written application and
advocate on the city's behalf before the county. Suggested that the appeals process may allow additional time for the
city to explore other alternatives.
Hauck stated that the permit process should continue.
CouncilorsWheeldon/Hauckm/stodirectstafftomoveforwardwiththepermitprocess. DISCUSSION:Reid
asked for staff comments. Nolte stated that staff will follow council direction, and stated that the county process
is relatively simple with a good chance of success in receiving a permit. Nolte agreed with Fine that the
neighbors would likely appeal if a permit were granted, and suggested that the appeal might be to LUBA.
Brown suggested that the permit process be broken down into two separate pieces, one permit for bio-solids and
one for effluent. Nolte asked that council not specify how the application be prepared, but leave staff with the
option to apply in the best way possible. Nolte confirmed for Fine that he believed filing this application would
be prudent. Roll call vote: Hauck, Wheeldon, and Fine, YES. Laws and Reid, NO. Motion passed 3-2.
Laws stated that council needs to hear back from staff on the questions raised tonight, and then to have an additional
general discussion on how to proceed. Brown stated that she can bring back a plan based on the discussion tonight.
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Shaw requested that the suggestion by Paul Kay be explored to see if it can be applied to a scale to work for Ashland.
Laws stated that council needs to remain open to all alternatives. Reid stated that other engineers should be consulted
and allowed to provide additional information. Wheeldon stated that the public should be involved as much as possible
and suggested that continuing with this process at the regular council meeting might be helpful. Reid requested that
this be addressed at a noon study session, and Shaw agreed that it should be brought back to tho study iessioa
7. Consideration of Letter from Mayor to Linda Duffy of U.S. Forest Service regarding the Ashland
Reid asked for clarification on the powers and duties of the Forest Commission. Wheeldon noted that this has been
taken to the Forest Commission by JoAnne Eggers. Hauck expressed his approval of the letter.
8. Request for Taxi Certification.
Freeman pointed out that the applicant had requested a modification to indicate that faculty will not be participating
and the program will be aimed only at students.
Andrew Bangsberg/880 Nell Creek Rd/He noted the pressing, current need on the part of the students of Southern
Oregon University for an affordable and reliable transportation service. Explained that his $3 taxi service is both an
innovative response to the needs of the marketplace and a service to the public interest. Clarified that faculty can
afford more expensive transportation, and he didn't want to have them take advantage of the student rates.
Nolte clarified that the proposed certification is for 24-hour service and is satisfactory under the current ordinance.
Councilors Wheeldon/Fine m/s to approve the request for taxicab certification. Roll call vote: Reid, Laws,
Wheeldon, Hauck, and Fine, All YES. Motion passed.
1. Reading by title only of "A Resolution calling a Special Election on May 16, 2000, in the City of
Ashland for the Purposes of Submitting to the Voters of the City a Measure for a Three Year Tax-
rate Levy to Provide Funds for the Operation of Youth Activity Programs."
Shaw moved this item forward in the agenda as the item is time sensitive.
Councilor Wheeldon submitted the following addition to the resolution on the Youth Activities Levy for consideration
by council: "A seven person committee appointed by the Mayor shah oversee the allocation of funds to the school
district. This committee shah be composed of three citizens, a member of the Parks Commission, a member of the
School Board, the athletic director and one non-high school principal or administrator. The committee wiH serve for
the duration of the levy."
Shaw gave a brief example of how the determination for allocation of funds has occurred in the past, and suggested
that she would like to see a broader approach to allocating funds by more than just one individual.
Hauck noted that this program was originally in response to Measure 5, and asked the City Attorney whether this
addendum would be legal under Measure 5.
Nolte explained that the framework is what was voted on, and stated that inter-governmental agreements specifying
how to distribute funds are the normal way to deal with these issues. Wheeldon stated that she was looking to make
it more broad-based, and that she did not intend to see it reviewed every year. Nolte stated that contractual terms are
often put in place prior to the election, with execution to occur after the final vote.
Councilors Hauck/Reid m/s to continue the meeting until 10:30 p.m. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed.
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Loren Luman/Ashland School District/Explained that when Measure 5 happened, the School District was beginning
to eliminate $150,000 worth of programs when this funding process was established. There was no expansion of
programs or services, the levy simply sought to continue programs that were in place with only minimal, minute
changes. Luman clarified that he, Jim Nagel, and Ken Mickelsen drafted the intergovernmental agreementdocument
which was approved by the city, the Parks Commission and the School Board.
Wheeldon suggested that there is a need to look at programs to see if there needs to be any adjustment.
Laws stated that when the program was set up it was part of an overall comprehensive educational program by the
school district. Suggested that he feels that the ultimate responsibility should be with the School Board, as 90 % of the
money is for overall educational programs which need to be closely integrated. Setting up a commission that would
not be responsible to the School Board could create conflicts over philosophical differences. Suggested that the School
Board is the appropriate body to be responsible here.
Shaw expressed her concern with the increase in funding from $25,000 to $110,000 to Parks over such a short period.
Nolte clarified that under Measure 5, if a levy is solely for educational purposes it looked better to include adult
educational programs as well.
Wheeldon stated that her intention was to provide for citizen involvement and guidance on some level.
Fine stated that while he favors this levy, he would like a full, honest explanation in the voters' pamphlet. Nolte
clarified that the statement needs to be clear and impartial, and while he feels that the statement he drafted was
satisfactory, it is in effect a statement from the council and any additions or changes would be welcomed. Hauck noted
that this is the same statement that was used in the past, and Nolte noted that there is a limit on the number of words
that can be used.
Dan Thorndike/369 Granite St/Representing the School Board/Stated that it really does not represent an increase,
and pointed out that the vast majority of individuals participating are Ashland residents and that there are few pay-to-
play students. He voiced concern with the budget process and a committee being created to oversee the allocation of
funds. Suggested that the committee might better provide input into an advisory capacity, without crossing into the
grounds of fund allocation. He clarified that there were very small increases factored into the proposed levy and that
the bulk of the levy is to preserve what is currently being offered.
Chuck Keil/586 E Main/Noted that the process has been underway for over a year and that the goal of this levy is
to ask the voters to allow the district to continue with the current level of services. He stated that there was discussion
among the committee who put the levy together, and that the recommendation was that the allocation of funds should
be included in the School District budget process. He concluded that this is an opportunity to have some local control,
rather than relying solely on money from the Legislature.
Amy Amrhein/804 Roca St/She noted that 700 out of 1100 high school students participate in athletic activities fimded
under this level. Suggested that at other levels the percentages are probably about the same and emphasized that there
is a very real need for this levy.
Shaw noted that the intent of the amendment was to give more community involvement in the process, and stated that
she approved of Thorndike's suggested wording "shall advise the Ashland School Board."
Hauck noted his concern with the city creating an advisory board to another entity, and suggested that the committee
would need to advise the council or Parks Commission. Shaw clarified that only Ashland and Lake Oswego have this
type of arrangement, and the unique nature of the situation calls for unique solutions. Suggested that the committee
advising the Board is more appropriate here. Fine suggested he preferred the amendment as drafted by Wheeldon.
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Councilor Fine moved to ask the City ARorney to amend the explanatory statement to indicate the percentage
of the tax increase and to indicate that funding from city taxpayers pays for city and county students while no
money comes from county taxpayers. Motion died for lack of a second.
Discussed placement of the amendment in the resolution. Nolte explained that including it as section 3 would make
it part of the resolution without it appearing in the ballot title. Nolte stated that the resolution needed to be done
tonight. Laws expressed his preference that the committeebe appointed by the School Board rather than the Mayor.
Councilors Hauck/Fine m/s to adopt Resolution #2000-003, with the addition of Councilor Wheeldon's
amendment (that a seven person committee appointed by the Mayor shall advise the School Board on the
allocation offunds by the SchooI District...)as Section3to the resolution. Roll call vote:Fine, Reid, Wheeldon,
YES. Hauck and Laws, NO. Motion passed 3-2.
Councilors Fine/Wheeldon m/s to place this matter before the voters. Roll call vote: Hauck, Fine, Laws, Reid,
and Wheeldon, YES. Motion passed.
2. Second reading of "An Ordinance Amending Sections of Chapter 6.28 of the Ashland Municipal
Code to Permit Boarding Signs for Special Vehicles, to Clarify Taxicab Standards Relating to
Suspensions and Revocations of Certificates, to Change Vehicle Inspection Requirements, to Clarify
Driver Approval Standards and to Remove Determination of Need for lssuance of Certificates."
Postponed until the next council meeting to be held March 2 1 st. Wheeldon asked staff to research whether there
will be parking areas available for taxis. Freeman clarified that there is not space available to reserve specifically
for taxis.
3. Reading by title only of "A Resolution Authorizing and Approving an Increase in the Amount
Borrowed from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund for the Wastewater Treatment Facilities
Project and Repealing Resolution 99-71."
Councilors Hauck/Fine m/s to adopt Resolution #2000-005. Roll call vote: Fine, Reid, Wheeldon, Hauck, and
Laws, YES. Motion passed.
4. Reading by title only of "A Resolution Authorizing the City to apply for a Small Scale Energy Loan
Program (SELP) for the Ashland Solar Pioneer Program."
Councilors Hauck/Fine m/s to adopt Resolution #2000-004. Roll call vote: Wheeldon, Laws, Fine, Reid, and
Hauck, YES. Motion passed.
Wheeldon requested that the Demolition Ordinance be revisited at the next meeting to be held March 2 1st.
Barbara Christensen
City Recorder
atherine M. Shaw
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