March 18, 1980
East Main Bike Path
Chairman Ragland led the Pledge of Allegiance in the absence of Mayor
Prickett and called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M., on the above
date in the Council Chambers of City Hall. Phelps, Medaris, Laws,
Hamilton and Medaris were present. Sims and Prickett were absent.
Medaris moved to approve minutes of the regular meeting of March 4, 198G
and the special meeting of March 11, 1980 and Hamilton seconded the
motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
City administrator Almquist read a memorandum from the Planning Commiss-
ion advising Council it voted in favor of construction of a bike path
from Lithia Way to California on East Main Street and providing parking
bays for resident's use. It was also reported that CPAC had also
reviewed the request and had approved it on February 12, 1980. Ragland
explained that although a public hearing is being held on the matter
that until a recommendation comes from the Traffic Safety Commission,
no decision would be made. Ragland opened the public hearing and
asked for comment from the audience.
Mrs. Bowers of 1022 E. Main Street spoke in opposition to the proposal
saying that she surveyed the use and found that only about a dozen
cyclists per day using the route.
Betty Madison of 1040 E. Main suggested that more study be given and
asked that the traffic created by trucks, school busses etc. be part
of the consideration.
Dick Moore of 357 Taylor and a member of the Traffic Safety Commission
said that at this time East Main Street is too dangerous for bikes but
if a bike path were to be established it would be used.
Carl Eggers, a member of Ashland Fair Share spoke in support of the Bike
Committee's recommendation for bikeway on E Main Street saying he had
checked on parked cars and noticed that most of them were parked
between 5th and 6th Street. Eggers said the parking problem is one
which can be dealt with.
Harold Johnson of 363 Grandview Drive said he has interest in the
grocery store on East Main and wonders where customers will be able
to park. Ragland said the Bike Committee has asked for funds for pro-
viding 52 parking spaces and would assume this will leave adequate park-
ing if approved. Ragland said the funds were being requested to come
out of Revenue Sharing monies if Council approves and then Budget Comm-
ittee follows with their approval.
Dave Ris spoke in favor of the bike path proposal.
M~deline Hill reported that Jackson County Bike Cormnittee favors the
bike path and that there is a small amount of County property involved
in the route and that the County would be willing to share in some of
the costs.
3/18/80 P. 1
Regular ~eting Ashland City Council 3/18/80 P.~
Bike Path cont.
Larry Katz Appeal
Ragland closed the public hearing and discussion ensued with Ragland
giving the background of the bike path .conce t dating back to 1972
and said at this time t e e re 3700/D~eS In Ashland. Cost of the
h r a . cense~
parking bays, relocation of poles etc., was discussed and Medaris
asked if property owner's rights were being considered and Ragland said
there would be a survey of their feelings. Phelps was asked to carry
information back to Traffic Safety Commission and the matter will be
taken up at the next regular meeting with their recommendation.
City Administrator Almquist read a letter from Appellant Larry Katz
of 633 Elkader Street appealing a decision made by the Planning Commiss-
ion to turn down a request for a minor land partition (PA #80-1)
and read a memo from the Planning Commission and asked that staff
report dated 2/13/80; minutes of same date; Findings and Orders of the
Commission be made part of the record. Fregonese briefed Council on
Commission's action and said the lot could have been flagged and that
it is zoned R-3 which is the use being applied for but, the issue has
been the use of an alley. Ragland opened the public hearing.
Allen Drescher, Attorney representing the Appellant said the property
was purchased by Katz for this use and in order to keep the present
house and garage he would build a triplex and use the alley for access.
Drescher went on to say the impact of a triplex would not be nearly
as severe had Katz torn down the existing garage and developed seven
units on his lot. The alley was described as being full of ruts,
natural vegetation etc., and that appellant would pave the alley
after having a survey made for actual location. Drescher showed
location of proposed site and its relationship to other lots - improved
and unimproved.
Jerry Shallor, 259 Laurel Street, spoke in opposition to the proposal
because he felt it would set a precedent to use an alley for a street
and that he does not want it paved. Shallor went on to say that a
member of the Planning Commission not only failed to say that he owned
Lot 1700 and 1800, but supported the request in a decided manner.
Shallor asked for opinion of Council as to conflict of interest conduct
Ragland explained the absence of the City Attorney at the meeting would
preclude any decision for the present but said he would have the pro-
blem researched by the Attorney and report findings.
The owner of Lot 1200 which was not indicated on the neighborhood map
shown by Drescher spoke in opposition to plan because adjacent property
owners use the alley and there is quite a lot of foot traffic with
children using it also. The gentleman added his concern that the
alley would bring traffic into the south unpaved section and said at
the Planning Commission meeting a "do not enter" sign was suggested but
not voted on. He said that Katz could be interested only in division
of the lot because there is nothing stopping him from doing what he
proposes. He said that seven units would have quite an impact on the
Jane Barr who lives across the street expressed concern about paving
half of the alley as all the children walk down the alley to school and
added the alley is safe for children because the ruts are so deep a
car couldn't travel fast and she likes the rural area because there are
still more horses than cars. She said others will follow suit if this
is allowed.
Regular Ma. eting Ashland City Council 3/18/80 P.~
Katz Appeal cont.
Minutes of Boards
Ted Barr of 2465 Siskiyou said he used to live in that neighborhood and
would prefer to see it kept rural but if the alley should be approved
and paved he would like to see it go all the way through with sidewalk.
Barr said he has yet to see a neighborhood improved by multiple housing
and said there should be very strong thoughts about what is happening
to a neighborhood like this. Ragland closed public hearing and turned
the discussion back to Council. Laws said as long as the alley is
there it seems ridiculous not to use it and that with the future paving
and widening of Hersey Street it should be no problem and that Council
has been making an effort to provide the City with more multiple housin~
within the City limits. Medaris suggested that the South alley be pave{
too if proposal is allowed. Laws moved that appeal be approved and
conditions set forth by Planning Department staff be included and that
findings of facts as presented by appellant be adopted. On roll calll
Phelps, Ragland, Laws and Hamilton voted YES. Medaris voted NO, saying
it would open up the whole thing by setting a precedent. Motion
Hamilton moved to accept minutes of Boards, Commissions & Committees
and Medaris seconded. Motion passed unanimously on voice vote.
Don Smith, Department of Forestry, presented program and made pamphlets
available to Council relative to Environmental, Economic and Social
impacts and asked that Council respond to their Land management pro-
posals as outlined in the literature made available and requested such
response be returned by March 31. Ragland said that the next Council
meeting would not be held until April 1 and asked that responses become
due on April 2. Smith agreed and said the Environmental Impact State-
ment will be available to the public. Slides were shown.
A request to cut pavement at the intersection of Bellview & Green-
meadows was considered as submitted by C. P. National to install
service. Phelps moved to approve; Hamilton seconded and the motion
passed unanimously on roll call vote.
For Council information City Administrator Almquist reminded of region-
al meetings as outlined in letter.
Bill Robertson of 316 Patterson Street addressed Council on the improve
ment of Hersey Street saying that some time ago - two years - a petitio
was circulated for improvements. Robertson said that the width of the
street was settled at 60 feet and property owners were assured that no
private property would be taken on the low side, and that on the upper
side property was vacant except for one residence, and that 20 feet
was to be donated. Grizzly Industrial Park agreed to plan. Robertson
said nothing had been done and Director of Public Works Alsing said
it would probably be 1981 before the project was undertaken. He added
that in recent months the work has started and property owners are
being approached by land appraisers from the State advising them of
what footage would be taken on the low side. Robertson said he has
four lots which run through to Patterson - two lots which run to
Hersey are 150 feet deep and each has an easement running crosswise wit
line easement fifteen feet in width. Robertson said he has large trees
3/18/s0 P. 3
Regular M~.ting Ashland City Council 3/18/80 P.4
Robertson/Hersey St.
and that taking of his property for storm drain etc. would kill the
trees and take 15 feet the full length of the property - 335 feet -
and reduce the useability of the property because it is only 50 feet
to begin with. Robertson said others feel the way he does and that they
signed for improvements because their property would not be disturbed.
In order to clarify the plans for improvement installation the City
Administrator drew the plan for cutting and filling along the street
and explained in detail how it would have to be done and recommended
to Robertson that he speak with the appraiser on the value of the
B. Ostovar said he built his home only two years ago and has planted
trees and now they want to take 10 feet which will leave only 10 feet
setback from the street and he will lose the trees which he had hoped
would act as a sound barrier. Almquist explained how the cut and fill
is necessary and suggested trees might be saved by using tree wells.
The property owners concluded by saying they would rather the street
were not paved.
Ragland asked Council what their preference was and Council agreed to
place matter on next agenda since the bid is to go out in April and
that State Highway representative be present at the meeting.
Robertson then brought up recent action relative to annexation of
Greene development as it relates to Systems Development Costs and
urged that developer pay costs rather than citizen. Robertson said he
had talked to people on Ashland Mine Road concerned at costs for imp-
rovements and that it had been stated the County would share costs.
Almquist said that the Systems Development Costs are being worked on
and that the action in approving annexation was conditioned on the
cost being imposed on the nine lots in question and that there is a
petition being circulated for improvements and that study is now being
done by Alsing. Ragland said he would check to be sure the petition is
being circulated. Almquist said he would check with the State High-
way Division and inform Ostovar of happenings and that it won't be a
public hearing.
Councilman Laws said he would like to have considered an increase in
the funding applied for through the Area Agency on Aging in order to
have a full-time van driver, an increase from $10,623 to $16,423 and
moved to place item on agenda; Phelps seconded and motion passed with-
out opposition on voice vote. Laws moved application be increased by
amount stated; Phelps seconded and motion passed on roll call, all YES.
Chief Building Inspector White reviewed the progress relative to excava-
tion adjacent to Vista Street were condominiums have been constructed
and which have resulted in erosion, drainage problems etc. and said the
drainage problems would be taken care of by engineer. Almquist said
that the developers will be coming in for a vacation of Vista Street
and would ask them if they would sign in favor of paving. Phelps said
that he wouldn't want to see another Cornelius problem where landslide
had inundated part of his lot with mud. Phelps asked about washing
down of street and White said he would look into that matter and also
possibility of a guardrail as suggested by Phelps. No action needed.
3/18/80 P. 4
Regular Meating Ashland City Council 3/18/80 P.f
Totman Cr. Rd. Annex.
Hill Amendment P.H.
Dance License Ord.
Public Recreation Com.
State Revenue Sharing
Tolman Cr. Annexation
Special Election
Greenway Land
Wimer St. Parking
& A St. change
Transfer of Approps.
Wong Lease
Monthly Departmental
Liaison Reports
Chairman Ragland nominated Robert Sharp to the Band Board and the
following to the Citizens Planning Advisory Committee: Patricia Acklin,
Scott Rogers, Don Greene, Leanna Walker, Ben Rybicki and Julie Schwartz.
Phalps moved to accept nomination; Medaris seconded and on roll call,
motion passed unanimously.
Ordinance later on agenda.
Set public hearing for April 15, 1980. Medaris so moved; Laws seconded
on voice vote, all YES.
Mayor Prickett suggested that ordinance be written which would allow
himself or any City Official to authorize approval or denial of dance
permit for non-profit organization requests. Phelps so moved; Hamilton
seconded and on roll call vote the motion passed unanimously.
Second reading by title only was given an ordinance amending the Ash-
land Municipal Code relative to the Public Recreation Commission and
Medaris moved for adoption; Phelps seconded and on roll call motion
passed without opposition.
First reading was given an ordinance electing to receive State Revenue
Sharing and Laws moved to second reading; Hamilton seconded and on
roll call motion passed unanimously.
First reading was given an ordinance calling a public hearing on pro-
posed annexation of 13.6 acres on Tolman Creek Road and Phelps moved
to second reading; Hamilton seconded the motion which passed unanimousl5
on roll call vote.
A resolution amending a resolution calling for a special election rela-
tive to Greenway Land acquisition was read and it was noted that "YES"
and "NO" square were not included. Laws moved to approve and include
squares; Hamilton seconded and on roll call, all YES.
A resolution establishing parking restrictions on Wimer Street, and
terminating parking restrictions on "A" Street was read and Laws moved
to approve; Hamilton seconded and on roll call, all YES.
A resolution transferring appropriations within funds was read and
Medaris moved to adopt; Phelps seconded and on roll call motion passed
Lease renewal was considered with T. B. and Sharon Wong for City office~
at 27~ North Main Street and Phelps moved to authorize signature of
Mayor and Hamilton seconded the motion which passed unanimously on
roll call vote.
Medaris moved to accept; Hamilton seconded the motion and on voice
vote, all YES.
Councilman Medaris commended Planning staff for their in-depth efforts
and recommendations to Planning Commission.
3/18/80 P.~
Regular Meeting Ashland City Council 3/18/~0 P. 6
Members were reminded of the Budget Committee meeting set for
March 20, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers.
Council Chairman Ragland adjourned the meeting at 10:30 p.m.
Nan E. Franklin
City Recorder
3/18/80 P. 6