October 21, ]980
Dean Fisher Driveway
Bellview cul-de-sac
Council Chirman Ragland led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the
n~eting to order at 7:30 P.M. on the above date in the Council Cham-
bers. Phe]ps~ Medaris, Laws, Sims and Peterson were present. Mayor
Prickett was absent.
Medaris moved to approve minutes of the regular meeting of October 7,
1980 and Phelps seconded the motion wbich passed with all YES on voice
Ragland opened the public hearing and Attorney Don Pinnuck spoke on
behalf of the applicant saying that the request is to leave fi]t
moved in for creation of an access to Fisher's property until such
time as Fisher can apply for a subdivision and hopefully at that tin~
work the access out with planning. Pinnock reiterated the fact that
at this time only the request to leave fill in place for a period of
six months is being discussed. Pinnock gave history of the property
and reasons which resulted in need for access as they relate back to
1966 when City portion of the Bellv~ew cul-de-sac was dedicated from
an abandoned County road. Pinnock said that Fisher had spent monies
to fill ramp for access and was given permission by the City to do
Louise Thompson~ 2301 Black Oak Way, said that if the read in que:~t]cln
is going to be developed it would go down behind her property a~rd if
the fill is allowed to remain and we have excessive rain or flooding
it will be a real problem. Thompson submitted pictnres of the area
to be entered as exhibits. Thompson added that debris has been d~pe~
and has ruined the environment in the area and that traffic, fumes and
noise generated by adding houses to the area will make a third of her
property useless to her. Mrs. A. J. Kanclier of 1075 Bellview sajd
that after the public hearing previous to this one Council had pro--
mised that the ramp would be eliminated and again spoke in opposition
to the ramp and increased traffic in area where traffic is already a
problem. Dave South, 1140 Bellview, spoke in opposition to the pro-
posal saying that the street has always been a deadend and that the
people in the area are frustrated by the volume of traffic now.
Allen Drescher, Attorney speaking for the Hamilton Creek Neighborhood
said the original action taken by the developer (Fisher) in dumping
the debris for the ramp was done without permission of the City and
the action resulted in a trespass. Drescher said that what Fisher
got was a curb cut permit without a building permit, planning approvs]
public hearings and/or public notice and that the act was one of flag--
rant disregard of the rights of the citizens of Ashland. Drescher
said if the fill is allowed to remain it will give a strong signal to
developers etc. that the City will not enforce it's own rules.
Pinnock reiterated that a subdivision is not in question at this publi
hearing and said the City was responsible for Fisher's actions and
further that the concrete deposited there is to be used to rip-rap the
creek to avoid erosion.
R. C. Isaacs, 1120 Bellview said part of the problem is that the City
did not go out and look at the site before giving Fisher permission
Ashland City Councl 1 10/2!/_~_0_ll.' '_k,.~
Public Hearing cont.
Fisher Access Ramp
and the property in question is subject to flood control and to de-
velop it would be to place occupants in jeopardy and there is nothing
to change the first decision to remove the fill from the cul-de-sac
snd that it is not doing anyone any good now or in the future.
The matter was turned back to Council and Laws noted from the map
of the property and location of fill that it appears to encompass
more property than the City's and Drescher agreed that it does.
Medaris said that the Planning Commission had given Fisher a chance
to have access from Clay and was told he was not interested in it.
Medaris urged Council to stay with crigina] vote that would move the
fill by the City, and said he was in the backyard of the Thompsons
where debris could be viewed and agreed on impact of neighborhood.
Sims agreed that the City should remove the dirt. On question of Sims
as to what it might cost the City, Alsing said it would be hard to
estimate as it will be difficult to get the dirt out. Phelps said
the record shows that Council asked to have dirt removed from City
property and that now is being asked to reconsider based on new
evidence and it is apparent there is nothing new to add. Phelps
added that he has pictures of the 1974 flood showing damage in area
and doesn't see how we can take any more time and added that Fisher
should be responsible for some of the expense for removal. On questio:
by Ragland as to whether a subdivision had been previously planned~
Fregonese said he has seen plats dating back to around 1966 but that
such application has long since expired. Medaris moved to deny
request and that City remove fill and place it where it wishes; Sims
seconded and the motion passed unanimously on roll call vote.
Sam Conner Appeal of
PA #80-51
The City Administrator read the letter of appeal from Sam Conner, and
a Planning Commission memo dated October 7, 1980 indicating approval
of the application by the Commission and asked that the Staff Report,
minutes and approved findings of the Commission also be made a part of
the record of the hearing. A letter from Fred Binneweis, 1009 Oneida
Circle was also read, supporting the appeal. Planner Fregonese sum-
marized the action taken by the Commission and reviewed the building
plans and elevations with the Council. He indicated that there was
no problem with solar access, and that two story units were permitted
in the R-2 Zone and were regularly approved by the Planning Commission.
The public hearing was opened and Appellant Sam Conner spoke in
opposition to the proposal saying that when Alderson was on the
Conmission it was decided after neighbors complained of two-story
construction and contractor was asked to modify proposal by construct-°
ing one-story duplexes that there would be no future approval of
applications for two-story buildings along Siskiyou Boulevard. Conner
added that now only a few years later he feels betrayed by the Com-
mission's reversal of philosophy. Conner said the duplexes blend into
the neighborhood. Conner said the Commission's decision was never
drawn up formally and asked Ceuncil to consider the burden on schools
and traffic problems as well as parking.
Virginia Vogel said she has just purchased property South of this
property on Bellview with a beautiful yard and that two-story apart-
ments will probably destrov h~r ~n~m~ 10/2]/80 p. 2
R~1 '~eetj~Lg Ashland City Council 10/2i
Sam Connor appeal of
Public Hearing
Alley paving Sherman/
Union Streets
Virginia Vogel said she has just purchased property just South of this
property on Bellview with a beautiful yard and that two-story apart-.
ments will destroy her investment.
Howard Johnson added his voice to the opposition.
John Johnson said he owns the property which has been approved for
development of seven unit apartment add said it meets tbe criteria
of the Zoning Ordinance and has been checked for solar blockage which
shows no conflict. Fregonese agreed. Johnson said the walk was not
provided for intent suggested by Conner. The public hearing was
closed and the matter turned over to Council for discussion. Medaris
expressed concern about traffic and increased enrollment at schools
and based on those findings moved that proposal would be injurious to
health and welfare of neighborhood; Sims seconded the motion. After
some discussion Council agreed that the two-story structure would be
allowable in an R-2 Zone and should that not be their intent that the
Comprehensive Plan be amended to affect future proposals. Medaris
and Sims voted in favor of upholding appeal; Phelps, Ragland, Laws
and Peterson voted against the motion. Motion failed.
A memorandum was read with petitions attached requesting paving of an
alley between Sherman and Union Streets with 84.0% in favor. Ragland
opened the public hearing and Russ Dale, 585 Allison spoke in favor
describing the alley to be in poor condition etc. With no further
comment offered, Ragland closed the public hearing. Council approved
and Almquist said no action is necessary and that the ordinance is
'later on the agenda.
Sims moved to accept minutes of Boards, Commissions and Committees
and Medaris seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice
Almquist read a letter from Lawrence Schechter of Rainbow Bridge Group
requesting consideration of proposal that stewardship of the house on
the Lord property be given Mr. Joshua Smith. Schechter elaborated on
the plan to house Joshua Smith as caretaker and said that repairs to
the house would be undertaken to make it habitable and
that part of the costs would be assumed by the group. Schechter said
that Smith would oversee activities on the property and his occupamcy
will enhance the value of the house and property, and that non-profit
status would be sought in preparation for application for funding jD
the future. Sims said he has had the opportunity to inspect the
house and grounds and the direction the group is taking is a good one.
Ragland said he has some questions and does not think it would be
akin to the City Parks Commission. Ragland said the property isnot
taxed since it belongs to the City and that any funding or maintenance
repair etc. would be business to be taken care of in Budget hearings.
Ragland said the conclusion he had come to was to tear the house dD;,m
saying that to attempt to preserve it would not be economically feas--
..... continued 10/21/80 P. 3
Community Garden cent.
Pavement Cut Request
Almquist reported that the occupants (Rounds) have been paying $132.00
per month an~ that this is the fifth year they have lived there. AIm-
quist reviewed the Lord's intent to give the tenant ample time to re-
locate and said more rent could probably be generated from the unit.
Almquist also stated that $10,000 would be a conservative estimate to
rehabilitate the house. Jones said it was regarde~ as a historic
landmark but Raglan~ said it has never been designated as such to his
knowledge. Schechter said that the Lord's principal interest in givin
the properlzy to the City was to enhance the City's ecology and in his
mind this has not been done over aperiod of sixteen years during the
occupancy of the Rounds. Schechter said his group sees it as an oppor
tunity to take quick action which would encourage future improvement
for Cjty's good. Sims said they have done a lot of work on the prop-
erty for no cost.
Dick Bernard of 440 Terrace asked if monies sought would be used for
a park or a building for restoration which would then be turned over
for community ~se. Jones said as caretaker he would make the house
the central place of organization and dissemination of work. Peter-
son asked Jones/Schechter if they had a written proposal and Smith
said it was given to Council. Russ Dale asked Jones if he could move
into the house nox~ and appear before the Budget Committee later and
Jones said tbe house would not be livable the way it is. Laws sug-
gested we allow Jones to move in but not expend monies at this time.
Medaris recentended there be some understanding on the restoration
issue. Keli asked what responsibility the City would have in ren~ipg
a house not habitable. Sims said the City would have a legal respons-
ibility an~ we would have to meet certain standards. Sims said the
group is willing to go ahead on a cost-sharing basis with the City
and then in a year the project could be reviewed. Sims moved to
approve concept ~eleting any cost-sharing for one year on the conditio
the house be brought to a habitable standard. Laws seconded the
motion an~ amended i[ to review July 1, ].981. Corliss asked about the
organization proposing to enter into an agreement with the City.
Schechter said it is the Rainbow Bridge Group which was started about
a year ago to promote ecology. Sche~tersaid the group is interested
in holistic living. On amended motion Sims and Laws voted YES.
Phelps, Ragland, Medaris and Peterson voted in opposition and the
motion failed. A1 Gilleghem cautioned the City on consideration to
allow someone to inhabit a house in the condition outlined. Ragland
again stated the house should be torn down. On the original motion
to allow Jones to move in thereby entering into agreement with the
City, Laws and Sims voted YES. Medaris, Peterson, Phelps and Ragland
voted NO. Motion failed.
Almquist read a memo from the Director of Public Works requesting per-
mission to make a pavement cut on Ray Lane to repair a sewer leak
under Hwy. 66. Alsing explained that the line is accessible from Ray
Lane and would preclude cutting into newly paved Hwy 66. Medar~s
moved to approve; Laws seconded and on roll call, passed unanimously.
10/21/80 P. 4
Water Moratorium Report
YMCA Public Hearing
Liquor License Apps.
Mayor's Appointments
Councilman Phelps distributed a draft of proposed moratorium ordinanc~
and suggested it be reviewed. Fregonese discussed several proposals
resulting from recent committee meetdng and said that permits wo~sld
be limited in time according to size of development and that no ex-
tensions would be given. Laws said there would be about 128 connects
witba cushion of shout 10% from that amount. Laws said that conserve
tion measures would be implemented. M. D. ltutchens, 1495 Lilac Circl~
said he just bought a lot and that the water has been paid for alread5
and would feel put upclu if water is not available when he starts to
build his solar home. Ragland said there would be a public hearing
and Council discussed the possibility of October 28. Hampton said
it would be impossible to adequately advertise etc. in that short time
and Ragland moved to have the regular meeting on November 5, 1980 and
have the public hearing at that time. Medaris seconded and on roll
call, motlon passed unanimously.
Councilman Phelps reported the Lions Club is going ahead with the
building of stairs at Bluebird Park.
Planner Fregonese announced the Solar Conference has 153 registered
and that only 200 can be accommodated.
Councilman Medaris reported he and Principal Wes Smith bad appeared
at the Highway Divlsion relative to the traffic signal being requestec
for tty 66 and Walker. Medaris said the request was approved and that
a rush will be put on it and added that we must be prepared to match
the funding on a 50/50 match.
Ordinance setting public hearing later on agenda.
Liquor license applications were considered for Toonerville Sandwich
Shop and Ye Olde Pub and Chief of Police Lively recommended approval..
Laws moved to approve; Medaris seconded the motion which passed with-
out opposition on roll call vote.
A memorandtm was submitted from Director of Finance Nelson and Ballot
Measure #6 was discussed by Council and Nelson reviewed tbe financial
disadvantages etc. Ragland recommended that the City take action to
go on record as being opposed to the measure. Medaris so moved;
Peterson seconded and the motion passed unanimously on roll call.
A memo was read submitting the names of Jim Greathouse and James Hays
for appointment to the Citizens Planning and Advisory Committee and
Sims moved for approval; Laws seconded and the names were confirmed
unanimously on roll call vote.
First reading was given an ordinance dispensing with an election
within the City of Ashland on the question of a proposed annexation
and setting the time and place for a public hearing thereon and set-
ting a public date on the withdrawal of certain real property from
the Jackson County Fire District No. 5 and direction publication of
notices. Medaris moved to second reading; Laws seconded and the
motion passed unanimously on roll call vote.
10/24/80 P. 5
Ordinances, Resolutions &
Contracts cont.
Warning bells on bicycles
Paving of alley between
Sherman & Union Streets
Resolution relative to
DeLatorre property
Resolution authorizing
Resolution - stop signs
Orange & Laurel Sts.
Airport Master Plan
Departmental Reports
Liaison Reports
First reading was given aD ordinance requiring warning bells on all
bicycles and Phelps moved to second reading; Sims seconded the
motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
F~rst reading was p, iven an Ordinance ordering improvements (paving) of
an alley located between S!~erman and Union Streets and Laws moved
to second reading; Phelps seconded and on roll call all YES.
A Resolution was read authorizing the condemnation of land for
public use in connection with Hersey Street FAUS project and
Medaris moved to adopt; Laws seconded and the motion passed uuanimo~s-
ly on roll call vote.
A Resolution was read authorizing the condemnation of land for
public use in connection with Hersey Street FAUS project and
Medaris moved to adopt; Laws seconded. Sims asked for details
on proposal and wondered if action could be delayed so he could check
to see what had transpired ~ith the State on tbe property regarding
contacts etc. Dick Bernard said be owns property next to these people
and said there has been little contact. It was explained to Sims
that the project has taken so long in this stage that the action
should be taken to preclude any more time consumed. On rollcall,
all YES.
A Resolution designating stop signs at the intersection of Orange
and Laurel Streets was read and Laws moved to adopt; Phelps seconded
and the motion passed unanimously on roll call vote.
Authorization was requested for Mayor and Recorder to execute Contract
with Wadell Engineering for update of Airport Master Plan. Phelps
so moved; Sims seconded and the motion passed unanimously on roll
call vote.
Sims moved to accept departmental reports for the month of Septem~er
and Phelps seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote
Almquist noted that Ruth Craw has moved and must be replaced on the
Budget Conmittee and asked for recommendations to be bronght to rte~t
Council meeting.
Study Session with the Airport Committee was set for 4:00 P.M. on
November 12, 1980.
Almquist set preliminary meeting with Medaris and Laws to review the
PP&L proposal prior to the luncheon with PP&L on Friday, October 24.
ADJOURNYfENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:48 P.M. to November 5, 1980 at 7:30 P~
Ashland City Council 10/2~ P~, 7
'~n E. Franklin
icy Recorder
lo/2~/8o P. 7