November i8, 1980
Actiug Mayor Ragla,~d led the Pledge of Allegiance and cal]ad the
meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. on the above date in the English
Lecture tlali at the Ashland Senior Higb School. Medaris, Laws,
Peterson aud Phelps were present. Sims arrived at 7:35 P.M cad
t.~.ayor Prickeft was ab:~ent,
Councilor Medari~~ asked for reconsiderslion of the Franeva Subdiv
5sion which had passed a~ the November 5th meeting saying he
didn't unclerst~pd the question and with that exception moved te
approve minutes of Che regu].ar meeting of November 5, 1980 and
adjourned meeting and executive session of November 10, 1980.
Laws seconded t :le mI>nion. Recorder Franklin requested correction
in minutes of November 5th regular meeting on page 6, first pp
saying it shoulc] read "Ragland moved approval to submit pres[;i-
lication for grant and that amount be changed to $500,000;
Phelps seconded and on roll call, motion passed unanimousIy". On
voice vote on mot~on to approve corrected minutes pa~:sed wlt.b
all AYES.
Planner Fregonesa reviewed the YI¢~CA application for annexatiox~ an
supported the Froposal by saying the site is idea] ior the use
and ~s contiguous to tbe City. Fregonese said more land shonld
be annexed into the City limits to accommodate five years growth.
Fregonese said the facility will be near transportation, adequc~e
public services and b_as its own well to supply all domestic and
irrigation water and there is a condition that facility will be
connected to City services (water). Fregonese requested that
memos of 10/13/80 and 10/16/80, staff report~ minut:es and Plannin
Conmxission findings of 10/8/80 be made part of the record.
ltank Hampl-on~ attorney representing the YMCA reviewed the pro-
posal and noted that the Planning Comn~ission had voted unanLn~ous
ly on applv[cation and that conditions attached were acceptable
to the applicants. Pat Flannery reviewed the facilities planned
and Larry Mattson, Architect showed tbe plan/design and explained
functions of proposed facilities. Mattson said access would be
from Tolman Creek Road and note well ha been dug and Mattson
asked for report from Steve ryeZ Dr~e gave ~ta~ls on the depth
F o~ ~v r reesdPu,,~, Ce
GPMs, and quality of the water saying it has no sand, no odor
and no taste. Phelps asked if they bad approval of the State
health Department and said he had checked with A1 Smyth who
told him there was a problem with approval because of the 100 ft.
setback rule. Flannery said he had called John Manwaring who
met with he and John Studebaker and that samples were sent to
Umpqua Labs and the Health Department feels there will be no
problem. Flannery added that the State Watermaster will not dc
review of piano until entire facility is comp].eted, and then
tests on the water will be done periodically. On Phelps comment
on problem with ]00' setback Fred Krasner, owner of Studebaker
Well Dritljng Company said that it was he who had met wit]: John
Manwaring and that Manwaring was acting as Smyth's agent and made
exception of 100 ft. rule because there arc no sewer lines of
the type which would disqualify~
Ashland City Council ll/j_,l S/8~0~.F.,~_i
YMCA Public Hearing cent.
Attorney Hampton asked that letter from Evergreen Pump Company
be made part of tbe record. Hampton brought up the safety
problem for both adults and children and asked Vic Lively to
review progress as a member of the Y safety committee. Lively
told of the success in getting the signal at Walker & Hwy 66 and
went into detail about the possibility of extending the bike-
path along the Southern Pacific and reported that a letter has
been sent to the S.F. office on a commitment. Lively said the
railroad has been a safety problem for S.P. and that tbere have
been times when trains have had to stop for children playing/
walking on the tracks and it is hoped that the children would
use the easement. Lively said there are details which have to
be worked out on routes at Hwy 66 and that a spiral is being
planned as part of the system for safety. Lively said he and
committee are concerned about traffic light at Itwy 66 and To]man
Creek Road and that an assessment district is being worked up
for that purpose and many property owners are supportive (Bi Marl
YMCA and others). Medaris asked if any applications has been
made to the City for bikepath to go the distance proposed and
Ragland reported on monies in the bikepath fund saying that a
figure of $44,000 State agreed to match 75% if the City can come
np with the other 25% and that there is $9,000 in the fund new.
Medaris suggested we apply immediately to State as he has heard
there is money for bikepaths. The costs relative to fencing in
chainlink as opposed to comventi0nal fencing for the bikepath
was discussed. Alsing the $44,000 estimate was from California
to Walker and this distance would be more. A petition to come
up before the Y for monies to help with the bikepath is being
considered it was reported. Hampton said there is no problem
on agricultural goal in this case since a soil scientist said
the site would be of no use for agricultural. Hampton gave
traffic generation figures for Telman Creek Road and at the
intersection of Hwy 66 and T.C.R. and the generation of traffic
as result of new facility and traffic could be handled now on
Telman Creek but will need improvement in future at which time
the Y would sign in favor of improvements. Hampton reported
that extensive search had been made for a site and that Ashland
· doesn't have sufficient flat land which would meet the criteria
necessary for the facility. Hampton said the Y has agreed to
place an 8" water main to the Northerly boundary line of project
and the bikepath which they propose would be temporarily of de-
composed granite. Hampton said a lot more pressure can be gener.
ated to place traffic light for the area to the State because of
the number of persoDs involved in the membership.
Rowdy Yates said he has talked to a lot of people around town
who are disappointed because of location and are considering
withdrawing pledges/memberships and that suggested the site
could have been across from the Justice Center, and also the
Taylor site. Larry Mattson said the Taylor property had been
soil testedby Blanton who said he would not build the building
there under any circumstances much less a swimming pool. Flan-
nery said only ]1 people had cancelled and the Y has only a
1.7% delinquency rate while the National average is about 5%.
continued. . 11/18/80 P.
Rf,gulz,r T'fei-~tjng Ashletrtd City CourtoraL 11/18/80 P.
YMCA Public Hearing cent.
Doug Clark, ]_365 Apple, asked who the legal owner of the propert
was and was told by Hampton that he and Steve Shapiro have
given the Y an option. On question as to who signed the well
digging parmi~ l]ampton said YMCA had. Clark said actions are
misleading and Laws and Ragland disagreed saying such facts have
been known since proposal was presented. Clark said it is un-
fair to annex in water problem area and asked what would happen
if the Y is found to be not qualified to use the well. Fregon-
ese said in that case the water moratorium ordinance would pre-
Vicki Neunschwander wondered when the bikepath would be built
because of the additional burden of vehicular traffic and
safety hazard for foot traffic in the area. Neuenschwander said
,the people in that area are not planning to apply for annexation
for the next few years and said Telman Creek Road is not going
to hold up and wondered if the annexation would mean the City
would maintain same. Alsing said it is to remain a County but
it was hoped that the newly annexed and used property could
apply more pressure if ndcessary to keep the road in good shape,
Neuenschwander noted the bikepath will go past driveways and
wondered about safety along the path. The public hearing was
closed and turned over to Council for discussion. Sims wondered
if the bikepath would get the use since it will be crushed
granite and Lively said some cyclists may use the street. Laws
moved to direct Staff to draw up necessary ordinance to proceed
with annexation; Medaris seconded the motion. Phelps brought
up the question of the use of public monies for the City recrea-
tion program.and gave figures of funding used in the last fiscal
year. Medaris said the recreation department funds were used
more for an older group of citizens and also some of the funding
goes to Senior Citizen program. Medaris said our children need
a swimming pool and the Y will satisfy that need. Sims express-
ed disappointment that the Y located where they did instead of
the core of the community and explained that the Poiice Build-
ing could have been reconsidered and City could have sold that
parcel to the Y for their site and Sims reiterated it was
poor planning, Laws asked that findings of fact be included ant
Medaris agreed. On roll call the motion passed unanimously,
A letter was read from Chautauqua Ranch School requesting hook-
up to city water system due to problems with school approval
by County health department because of their well being
located less than 100 feet from the nearest property line.
James Ochs, owner, related that hearing is still underway with
the County and feels the City system may be his only alternativ~
Phelps moved that matter be tabled until conclusion of proceed-
ings with County and Peterson seconded. On roll call, all YES,
(Ochs was asked to notify Almquist of outcome so that item can
be placed on future agenda for consideration).
Postponed until meeting of December 2, 1980.
Dr. William Ramsey distributed copies of the Master Plan for
proposed hospital constructjan and briefed newly elected members
of Courlcil on plans te be presented and reviewed proposals whicl
are being made. Ramsey said it would be necessary for the Hos-
pital to apply for a Certificate of Need and explained the pro--
cess in ten,~s of time and money. Ramsey explained need to con-
vert hospital use by changing the area for ancillary services t~
a core central location and to relocate patient rooms to pre--
clude distances, direction and time consumed and to eliminate
soma of the noise now being experienced because of the treat-
ment facilities being scattered. Ramsey gave background on use~
fees and said the rates bave been kept lower than surrounding
hospitals and the Hospital Board does not feel the users should
have to pay for the construction expenses, and that a bond
would be necessary to spread the costs over the City. Rag]and
said this would not be asolution to the problem in vie~z of the
critical needs facing the City at this point including water,
sewers, paving and the total result of the proposal would double
property taxes. Ragland'said he would not encourage the Haspira
Board to continue on in th~s effort. Bob Strawbridge, adminis-
trator of the hospital explained the cost of Phase 1 of the
project recommended by the architect of the Master Plan and
cautioned Council on inflationary spiral of costs should the
plans be thwarted or postponed at this time and asked that they
be allowed to cont~nue with the certificate of need request for
Phase 1 and then come back and discuss further alternatves.
Strawbridge asked that the citizens be given the opportunity to
decide on the issue. Ragland noted that there will be a
bond issue presented to the voters in February. Sims said tie
cost of construction may be up 30 or 35% if the project is
delayed. On question as to whether the hospital has funding
for the schematics Strawbridge said they do but would not go
ahead without Council's blessing. Laws suggested all the needs
of the City be placed in a capital improvement program and that
decision on priorities be made when all of the needs and
figures are laid out. Linda Jackson, board member, requested
that consideration be given to allowing application for CN and
coming back with alternatives. Strawbridge said that renovatior
of surgery/recovery rooms might be considered. On Sim's ques-
tion as to period application would be good Strawbridge sa~d ] y
& could be extended if reasons could be justified. Medaris said
if we can get the water problem taken care of the hospital shou]
be next for the benefit of the citizens of Ashland. Sims said
the hospital should be allowed to go for the CN and then the
City can assess its capital improvement prior to going ahead
with plans. On question of costs already involved Strawbridge
said the estimate for schematics is $36,000 and the cost for
the CN might run $12,000 depending on amount of hearings found
to be necessary. Strawbridge said the alterations would not
increase number of patient beds but facilities needed for
operation of hospital. Laws moved that Hospital not go ahead
until s Capital Improvement Program is set up and prioritized;
Peterson seconded the motion. On roll call, Phelps, Ragland,
Laws and Peterson voted in favor; Medaris and Sims opposed.
Medaris moved to amend motion to go for certificate of need;
Franeva Subdivision Defense
He~sey Street Highway Plan
CPAC Solar Conference
North Interchange Suit
Water tlook-ups
Parks & Rec. Finances
Mistletoe Road Paving
Scenic Drive Pavement Cut
Study Sessions Set
and Ragland voted NO and the motion failed.
Jim Greathonse spoke from the audience requesting consideration
by Council to have the City Attorney represent the City in
defense of suit brought by Richard Stevens relative to subdiv-
ision of a ]ot in Franeva Subdivision. Greathouse said that
Drescher has represented the neighborhood but that he cannot
represent the City. Laws moved to place on agenda; Ragland
seconded and the motion passed unanimously on voice vote.
Medaris recommended that City Attorney Sa]ter prepare a brief
to defend City and Laws so moved; Medaris seconded. Sims said
the second page of the deed leaves no question that to resub-
divide the lot would be legal. On roll call Phelps, Rag]and,
Medaris, Laws and Peterson voted in favor. Sims opposed and
the motion carried.
The City Administrator noted the Highway Department has not had
-the plans signed by Mayor and Recorder and Laws moved to place
matter on agenda; Phelps seconded and on voice, all ,~ES.
Laws moved to authorize signature of Mayor and Recorder; Peters~
son seconded the motion which passed unanimously on re]! ca]!.
Planner Fregonese reported on the success of the recent Solar
Seminar held for which $3,000 had been funded to host the con-
ference and said the effort was successful and returned $2,100
of the monies. Couucil complimented CPAC on the success and
asked the City Administrator to relay message of appreciation,
Phelps noted that the City has won its case relative to the
North Interchange but that he understands the County has lo~t
because it has allegedly exceeded its authority by requiring
BCVSA to meet Statewide Planning Goals. Phelps said the County
will probably appeal the decision and recommended our support.
Ragland said it is ridiculous to draw up a Comprehensive Plan
if BCVSA is not made to comply with goals.
Vicki Neuenschwander asked what Ragland meant earlier in the
meeting in discussing Chautauqua School by changing an ordin-
ance to allow hook-up and Ragland explained that Council could
by ordinance change urban growth boundary to provide for same.
Letters from Ashland Parks & Rec. were submitted informing
Council they will take responsibility for financial management
and accounting and purchasing. Letters accepted confirming
same, no action necessary.
Request by Public Works Department to cut new paving at
467 Scenic to repair a broken sewer lateral was considered and
Phelps moved to grant permission; Laws seconded and the motion
passed unanimously on roll call vote.
Study Sessions were set for December 9 at 7:30 P.M. for the
R. W. Beck Water Plan and on December 11 at 4:00 P.M. for the
Airport Committee.
11/~8/80 P. 5
Performance Standards
Public llearing
CPAC Landscape Criteria for
City properties
Council Vacancy Interviews
Dunton retaining wall
Water Use Regulations Ord.
Water Moratorium Ordinance
Hersey St. Condemnation Res.
Parking Restrictions
City Administrator set public hearing for December 2, 1980.
A letter from CPAC outlining landscape needs of City properties
was discussed. Alsing sald they already have the trees and
the landscape plan has been appro~ed on the Water Street yard.
Laws con~nented on the A Street yard saying that every square
inch is used for storage etc. and that hopefully investigation
could be done to see if the property could be sold and that
function of the City be moved to the Lithia Mills property.
The Se~er Treatment Plan was discussed and it was related that
adjoining subdivision developer had planted trees but they were
allowed to die and that screening is absent for that reason.
'Alsing said the plant landscape plan had been done by Chet
Corey and that anything done should be coordinated through him.
Ragland requested that CPAC bring back plans for solution.
Laws suggested the time required for resumes for the position
be delayed until January due to the holiday season. It was
agreed by Council to set the deadline for resumes for Council
position for January 12 at 5:00 P.M. and that interviews be
done on January 15.
A memorandum from Director of Public Works was read along with
a letter from Dave Dunton requesting construction of a retain-
ing wall on City property. Conditions recomnended by A]sing
were considered and Laws moved to approve request with condit-
ions out]ined; Medarjs seconded. It was agreed by Council snd
Dunton that the second condition be dropped. Motion passed
unanimously on roll call vote.
First reading postponed.
Second reading by title only was given an ordinance declaring
moratorium on construction in Southeast Ashland and Phelps
moved to adopt; Peterson seconded the motion which passed with-
out opposition on roll call vote.
A Resolution authorizing condemnation for tte~sey Street FAUS
project was read and Laws moved to adopt; Peterson seconde~
the motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
A Resolution was read establishing parking restrictions on
Church, High, Baum and Bush Streets and Medaris moved to
approve; Phelps seconded the motion which passed unanimously
on roll call vote.
11/]8/80 P. 6
Ashland City Council 11/]8/8{) P. ?
Traffic Signal
Proclamation/Canvass of Votes
Budget Comm~ ttee Candidates
A Resolution approving contract for traffic signal installation
at Hwy. 66 and Walker Avenue was read and Laws moved to
approve; Phelps seconded. Almquist noted that State approved
50/50 match and since it is not in City bndget recommended
that school d~str~ct be asked to share half of City's half.
Medaris said he would work with Wes Smith on the funding.
On roll ca]] motion passed unanimously. (Almquist said there
would have to be supplemental budget hearing and funding could
come from Electric)
Canvass of Votes and ~yor's Proclamationwere read concerning
municipal offices and measures from Noventer 4, 1980 General
Election and Laws moved to approve; Medaris seconded the motion
which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
Almquist noted he had two applications for the position and
it was learned that three had been received and Council was
reminded that interviews .would be held Thursday, Nov. 20 at
7: 30 P.M.
Meeting adjourned at 11:05 P.M.
Nan J Frankiin
City Recorder
ames M. Ragland
- ' ayor
11/18/8o P. 7