HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-0821 REG MINI~OLL CALL
Agape Subd. Appeal
August 21, 1979
Mayor Prickett led the Pledge of Allegiance and the meeting was called
to order at 7:30 P.M. on tba above date in the Council Chambers. ~ax4s,
Sims, Phelps, Ragland and Medaris were present. H~aiiton ~,~as absent~
Medaris moved to approve misutes cf the regular meeting of ~ugust 7,
1979 as submitted; Laws seconded and on roll call motion passed with-
out opposition.
A letter frc, m Appellant Wine was read outlining reasons for appeajinS
decision by the Plannfng Commission condition to approval of subdi':~s-
ion and zone variance whjctl calls for developer to improve portion
street (Glendale) adjacent to subdivision. Almquist requested that
notice of public hearing, mad showing subdivision, memo and staff
report from Planning Commission dated August 2, 1979 and Jul7 11.
minutes of the Planning Ce~raiss~on meeting of July 11, 1979 and find-.
ings and orders for the Agape Subdivision. The pnbl~c hearing was
opened by the Mayor and DDle Hofer, Engineer slowed map ef subdivision
and explained that the people who will be purchasing ].ots in the
posed subdivision would in fact be providing in, provements for the
individually owned lots adjoining the development and stated this is
a departure from the usual practice of propert7 o~mer paying for
Mrs. Merlin Nuss of 705 Clay Street said that her lot extends to
dale in the rear and that they have no piap to subdivide their !ct r~t
]east io the near future and feels that it is not fair to ask the'n to
pay for improvements they do not need at this ,time. Ed Gibson
1017 Wine says he owns 174 feet on Glendale but his house fronts cL
Wine Street and feels ha has nott.]ng to gain by improve!nents proposed
and does not plan to pay for sa:,,e and considers it an unjust cost tc
him. Gibson said he has maintained the road and is satisfied :~itb
the way it is which satisfies his needs, Mayor closed public hearir:?.
Phelps expressed need for subdivi~!er to consider Bow persops arrive
the subdivision and not just lets within it and agreed witb the
ning Commission condition. Laws moved the subdivider b_~ required re
prn<ride. paving an~ sidewalks or. Glendale but that th2 i~ropez:y tha~
has not been partitioned for development and face Glendale that
be required to pay and that money be turned over to subd~vjder;
seconded and Alsing suggested an assesslnent district and tc bring
third party in to share in the effort. On re],]. call the motion car:
with Laws, Madaris, Rag]and and Sims voti:,g ~n favor. ['hei,!:
Phelps moved to adopt findings; M~daris seconded and o~ re2t, l ca! 2 .
R~:gland moved to accept- n~inutes o[ Commissions, CosB~ttc;e;s and Ba:~c=
and Sims seconded the motion which carried on unanimous voice vote.
A plaque was prosepLod Mayor Pr~ckett from the Amet-ican ~::'j-o:¢,ob' '..~
Association for pedestrian Safety ~-n the City of Ashl~ ~.:,r]~ ~ :-,r
nor of A~ sa~d it was the twelftL a~.x~r~J given the City.
8/21/79 ~:. ]
j~ular >!eeti~g Ashland City Counci) 8/21/79 P. 7
Nativity Scene
72-hour Parking
'A letter from Soroptomists International was read requesting permiss-
ion to place traditional display in the Plaza during the Christmas
season and Ragland moved request be granted; Medaris seconded an~ cn
roll call vote the motion passed unanimously.
Lirda Barr of t10 Pine Street criticized the 72~.hour parking limita-
tion on vehicles left on the street saying the ordinance is not a
benefit to the citizens of this community and outlined her reasons fs
feeling that way ~ncluding the energy conservation concept which dis-
courages the use of the automobile, the lack of off-street parking in
older sections of the City, and the general nuisance of reportmn~ ~c
the police department before departing on a vacation etc. Police
Chief Lively outlined the process ~ich takes at least ten days befar
a vehicle is towed to the impound yard and related the problem of
abandoned or non-running cluttering up the streets and taking up
space which is often in front of someone else'.s home. }HChael Casx7el
spoke from the audience saying that his automobile had been ]mpounde(
in spite of the fact that it had been moved within the period caiieo
for and that although the! citation was cancelled, he still had to pay
for the ~mponnd. Sims expressed concerned that both citizens felt ~h
police 6epartment acted arbitrarily on cases.-He said that jf on call
ing the poli~e department to give reascnable exp!anatioD as to why tk
vehicle should not be towed away they felt they Were unfairly treated
he would want to be notified.
Bob Voris of 633 Iowa Street wonder. ed why people insist on parking
in front of other person's property and feels they should be asked tc
park in front of their own property.
Bush Hayden said he felt the violation was fairly inexpensive compare
to those found in Southern California.
Barr said [hat if she has to call the Police Department tc say the
car is not abandoned she does~l't feel she should have to move the
Ragland expressed concern that property owners whose sidewalks have
been dedicated for bikeways are responsible for their maintenance and
said he had talked to people along Siskiyou Blvd. and the consensus
is that they no longer benefit by the bike path and don't feel they
should have the responsibility for maintenance, accidents etc. }iaver
asked Alsing about tbe condition of the sidewalks in question and
told that eight properties needed attention of which two have been
taken care of. Mayor asked that City Attorney research liabi!~t7 of
bikepath to citizen/City. Mike Altabet, representing the Jackson
County Bike Committee, said that his first reaction that the bikelL~h
would increase the market value of the homes on the route appalls
and he would rather believe a decrease in value might result. On
question as to why the bikeways are not maintained by State funds ~c~
that purpose, Ragland said that funds_made available are small and
he is hopeful to be able to use those for construction and e~uggested
that funds for maintenance n~y come from another source. Sims ~sid
the day may come when bikers will have to share w~th roller skazera
if the fad c~tches on here as it has in California. Meaar~s asked
about the status of the d~srepair iD front of the Swedenburg House
8/2]/79 Pg. '~
and was told by Rod Stevens that is being repaired. Hal Offel of
590 Siskiyou Blvd., expressed dismay that bikeway funds have not
been used for maintenance of the bikeways and that the property
owners are apparently responsible any costs and suggested that fees
for licensing should automatically be used for this purpose. Offel
said that it is difficult to locate anyone interested in doing a
small concrete job such as is necessary to maintain bikepath.
Margaret Dodge of 600 Siskiyou toad of the constant worry of being
responsible and difficulty in securing help to repair sidewalks and
said the City is remiss in itts obligation to maintain the bikepath.
Mike Altabet said there is.a big difference in people using sidewaY:
as pedestrffans and a cyclist going over i0 mph. Mayor Prickerr
said cyclists shouldn't expect paths to be smooth but should antic~-
pate problems much like the driver of a vehicle. Frank Davis of
534 Siskiyou spoke of the dangers of people trying to walk the paths
saying that bikes should be equipped with a horn or bell or audibly
warn pedestrains of their presence so as not to alarm them as brush
past them. Dodge said she had gone to both the City Administrator
and Director of Public Works and did not hear back on her complaint.
For the record Alsing said that he had taken the problem up with the
City Attorney and that he did respond to Mrs. Dodge. Mayor Prickeft
recommended a public hearing be hel~ and that Staff bring estimates
of costs; Phelps seconded. Sims asked that a report as to disposi-
tion of bike monies to this point. Mayor agreed and said Council
should look at long range cost sharing. On roll call, all YES.
Councilman Laws asked that recensideration be given the make-up of
the recently expanded membership of th~ Armory Connnittee. The Mayor
racommended entire Council be on the committee ~nd Parks Commission
asked to participate by input. Laws mo~ed item .be pladed on the
Agenda; Phelps seconded and on voice vote, all YES. Laws moved to
use Mayor's approach and that previous action to expand conm~ittee
be rescinded; Sims seconded and on voice vote, all YES.
Phelps asked for a full report oi weed abatement policy for next
A memorandum was read from Director of Public Works Alsing relative
to a loading zone requested by Bob Voris on Bridge Street. Voris
illustrated the loading ramp at the Salvation Army and its effect
on pedestrian traffic and outlined frequency of stops for unloading
etc. La~s moved to approve; Phelps seconded and on roll call all
Deferred to next meeting.
Atmquist reported solution to emissions testing program by the
{jounty ~,~ith CitT's assistaoce hy use of one City employee and one
volunteer at a ~nimum cost to the City. A memorandum was read in
which the procedure was outlined and Phelps moved to approve proced-
ure; Sims seconded and the motion passed unanimously on roll call
8/24 Pg- 3
Ashland City Council 8/2]
City Administrator Almquist read a memorandum reporting on progress
relative to contacting Seuthern Pacific Land Company with regard
to securing a long-term lease in order to convert the! use of the
impound lot to parking facilities. Almquist said that he would
report further results as soon as he receives SP's Station PIan,
Memorandum was read £rom ?lanner Box covering costs to microfilm
maps and documents ]for record safety giving costs. Medaris wondared
what Jackson County does for such preservation or other government
agencies and suggested this be investigated should Ashla~ld have an
opportunity to share in use ot equipment. Almqu~st was asked to
bring back further information as suggested.
Recorder Franklin presented requests for renewals by Beau Club,
Pony Express, Thrifty Drng, Vintage Inn and Ye Olde Pub and Phelps
moved for approvsl with recommendation of Chief of Police Lively;
Laws seconded and on roll call motion passed unanimously.
A memorOndum was read relative to need for wa~er service by land
owner Williams as a result of bacteria found present in a well
caused by channel project at the Airport. Costs vere submitteJ and
Phelps moved for approval; Medaris seconded aad on roll call th.~
motion passed unanimously.
A memo was read from Director of Public Works Alsing requesting
that Jim Olson be appointed as the Ashland City Surveyor as called
for in RB3072. Phelps moved to appoint; Medaris seconded and on
roll call, all YES.
A memorandum fr~n the Traffic Safety Comnission recommending step
signs be placed at.the intersection of 4th & C Streets was reao
and Laws moved Staff draw resolution; Phelps seconded and on roll
call motion passed unanimously.
A memorandum from Alsing requesting permission to make preapplicatic
for FAA program funds was read and Sims moved for approval; Medaris
seconded and on roll call all YES.
A memorandum from the City Administrator was read requesting
policy determination from the Council on condominium projects in
process, or those previously proccessed by the Planning Commission
but for which no official filing had yet been made with the St~t~
Real Estate Commission. ~yor Prickett said he saw no need to
review the process again since it had been concluded that appiicant~
who had gone through the CUP process were eligible to carry on,
since the process had been started previous to second reading of
the condominium ordinance. Almquist stated that several person~
with proposed PUDs slso contacted him requesting a determinatior~,
for a CUP under the new ordinance was different from either the
required PUD or old ClIP findings. Vince Oredson of 640 Prackt
asked for direction as to where h~ is on his conditional use permit
Regular }~eting Ashland City Council 8,L~l/79 p,
to construct 25 units in a commercial (c-l) zone. He said that
findings had been established. Mayor Prickerr said that such
process (CUP) would not automatically mean that it falls in the
new condominium category and would have to be resubmitted, but that
all would probably be approved by tile Planning Con~nission and that
perhaps the time for processing could be shortened. Laws suggested
that perhaps the fees could also be waived.
Jack Davis reviewed the process followed with Manzanita Estates and
stated that he thought he had authority to build'and sell condos
before the ordinance went into effect. Davis said tblat financing
for apartment houses was not available, and that the project ~uld
never have been started had it not been acceptable prier to the
adoption of an ordinance controlling condominiums in Ashland.
Phelps mentioned the need for condo builders to consider schools
available for occupants as part of the findings process because of
the impact on the conm~unity. Davis explained that any delay in
the process by having the burden of pro6f placed on him in resubmit-
tins the application could lead to personal bandrupcies.
Mayor Prickett discussed ~he problem caused by using R-3 property
for R-1 use and the rental factor as regards apartments being
serious in that the rents would escalate more sharply as apartments
gradually disappear from the market. Almquist suggested thai pro-
jects which have gone through the Planning Commission process be
approved, since it would be meaningless to have each project go
through the process again. Mayor closed the discussion, Laws moved
to exempt condominiums in categories 1 & 2 add those for which the
filing with the Real Estate Commission has already been made,
and that PUSs in R-1 also be excepted; Sims seconded and on roll
call, all YES.
Second reading by title only was given an ordinance annexing a
contiguous area to the City of Ashland (Leslie R. George, Applicant)
and Phelps moved for adoption; Laws seconded and the motion passed
unanimously on roll call vote..
An ordinance was given second reading by title only to vacate
portion of Greenmeadows Way and Phelps moved to adopt; Medaris
seconded and on roll call motion passed unanimously.
First reading was given an ordinance vacating an alley between WateT
and Helman Streets west of Hersey as applied for by Fred Roberrs.
Phelps moved to second reading and Medaris seconded. On roll call,
motion passed unanimously.
The City Administrator read a letter from Edwin Chapman in which be
criticized the proposed fee increases relative to Planning savin~
that the costs will discourage people from trying to improve their
homes and that in the event that persons are building for rental
or sale, they will just pass the costs on the to consumer~ to cause
increasing in housing costs. Medaris moved to defer to next Cauzci]
meeting; Sims seconded and on roll call Phelps, Sims and >Ied~ris
voted YES. Laws opposed.
The City Administrator read a letter from the Senior Board rect~n~en~
ing that Council approve 5¢ per ticket increase ~or the taxi dis-
..~leJ, 7,~_!~ljr }If~tir~g Ashland City Cou~cil 8/21/79 P~
TAX! DISCOUNT RESOLUTION cont. discount progrsm and a 5¢ increase in the discount would be offered
by the Ashland Taxi Company. The resolution was read with the
above commitments and Laws moved for adoption; Phelps seconded
and on roll call the motion passed unanimously.
Laws moved to delay until the next meeting in order that members
can discuss appointment with the candidate, Christian Apenes;
Phelps seconded and on roll, motion passed unanimously.
A memorandum from the Mayor was read recommending appointment of
Laws, Corliss, Dancer, Kay and Hughes to the selection committee
for Fire Chief with Bill Robinson and Buzz Heard of the Fire Dept.
to sit in. Medaris so moved; Phelps seconded and on voice vote,
all YES~'
Laws moved to accept departmental reports for month of July 1979,
Medaris seconded and on roll call, all YES.
Almquist announced that a meeting would be held on Thursday even-
ing at Ashland High School at 7:30 P.M. to review the EnvironmenTal
Impact Statement for water resources ~n the City of Ashland~ as it
pertains to the Ashland Watershed Study. All members were requeste~
to attend.
The meeting adjourned at 30:30 P.M.
~.~an E. ~rankiin
City Recorder
y L.P~ickett