March 21, 1978
In the absence of .Mayor Prickett, Council Chairman McCannon led
the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting to order on the
above date at 7:30 P.M. in the English Lecture Hall at Ashland
Senior High School. Present were Phelps, Ragland and Laws.
Absent were Hamilton, Drescher and Prickett.
Recorder Franklin requested that minutes be corrected to show on
the bottom of Page 5 that the water and sewer fee ordinance
passed to second reading unanimously on roll call vote. Ragland
moved that minutes for the regular meeting of March 7, 1978 be
approved as corrected; Phelps seconded and on voice vote, mot-
ion passed unanimously on voice vote.
The City Administrator read a memorandum ~-~e~adated February !5,
1978 from Director of Public Works Alsing expressing concern fer
future land divisions add providing access etc. and a subsequent
memo dated March 16, 1978 from the Planning Commission along w~th
minutes of March 8, 1978 all of which Almquist requested be made
a part of the record. Seventy percent signed in favor of the
vacation and thirty percent did not sign. McCannon opened the
public hearing. Donald Schofield, 465 Tucker, representing hjmsel~
and Paul Wilson, spoke in favcr of the vacation saying that all
of the owners on the immediate section proposed for vacation are
in favor and that while it is true that property owners signed
for future improvements of street as condition on minor land
partition, that it also called forno future subdivision of land.
Schofield added that he has ne intention of subdividing but if
he did he would go down to Sheridan Street. Almquist said that
there are lots large enough tc be subdivided and said that flag
lots would be created as only access solution. Schofield brought
up the fact that the soil is highly erosive. George Moore of
465 Sheridan said he went through this several years ago and
found out there is not a 20 ft. right of way from Sheridan to
Schofield from the previous owner. Schofield said he was not
notified of a Planning Commission meeting on the issue. Bob
Sullivan said he owns five acres in the City abutting onto Prim
Street at Sheridan and recalled that the Planning Commission
asked Smith and Shapiro for 3~ feet before approval of the
partition and feels vacation would be a reversal of policy not
in the best interest of the City. Sullivan said that he is not
thinking of subdividing at this time but may change plans in the
future and vacation would reduce arterial flow in the area. Su!ii
van said he is opposed. Barbara Wilson said that when they bought
the property the deed called for no further subdivision. Council~
man Laws said that was without approval of Planning Commission.
McCannon closed the public hearing and turned the meeting back
to Council for discussion. After some discussion relative to
future servicing of area, flag lots, slope problems etc., Laws
moved vacation be denied. Phelps seconded and on roll call vote~
motion passed unanimously.
3/21/78 Pg. 1
__Regular Meeting Ashland City Council 3/21/78 Pg. 2
1423 E. Main - Hardin
Ragland moved to accept minutes of Boards, Commissions and
Committees; Phelps seconded and motion passed unanimously on
voice vote.
Public hearing date was set for April 4, 1978 at 7:30 P.M. on
motion by McCannon,'second by Phelps and on voice vote, all YES.
McCannon said the Hardin letter presents new evidence showing
his land to be unsuitable for farming and asked that this issue
and the first reading of the Comprehensive Plan Ordinance adopt-
ing the plan and text until such time as more Councilmembers
are present. McCannon so moved; Phelps seconded. Laws sug-
gested certain revisions be made before it is presented and that
more members should be present at that time. Almquist asked
that Planner Box review changes. Box brought up two significant
changes relating to plan,'one having to do with land use in
designated Railroad District and original determination that
professional offices or other light commercial uses could be
allowed after being considered by Historic Commission, Plan-
ning Commission and citizens groups. Box explained the change
was made on the map from Urban High to Urban Low density but
was not changed in the text/and offered to work out the langu-
age to allow such use. Box cited changes to be made on Page 7
as it relates to public school facilities including airport over-
lay and SOSC designations which are or may be used by the college.
Box offered to have changes read into the record. Laws said he
has not-received sufficient information and feels there would be
legal implications without such data. Almquist said he would
not want to go into language { hanges during the meeting. James
Sims-~p~ke from the audience 'aying that the text does not in-
clude "cottage industry" as p oposed by the Historic Commission
in the Railroad District. Almquist said that such use is not
in Urban High Density and now with the change to Urban Low it
will be added to include the use. On roll call, all YES.
A letter was read from Berry requesting reconsideration on his
request to operate a horse-drawn wagon in Lithia Park. Berry
spoke saying that his original request had been turned do~
because it would have caused traffic problems on the Plaza and
now there would be no traffic problem since he has permission
to use Lithia Frosty to turn around and go to the upper duck
pond. Ragland recalled that he was against the proposal because
of traffic and that it would still be a problem by causing cars
to slow to 5 mph on Winburn Way as they go-through the park and
cars would be trying to pass the wagon. Laws moved to deny;
Ragland seconded. Berry submitted a petition signed by eighty
six businesses downtown recommending and supporting the request-
On roll call the motion passed unanimously.
3/21/78 Pg. 2
_ Regular Meeting
Ashland City Council
~ames Sims spoke expressing concern about a proposed Justice Cen-
tar being brought up again and said it should rank among our lower
priorities since most of the local attorneys use the County facili-
ties except on rare ocassions when they are asked to represent
someone in Municipal Court. Maintenance costs and salaries
should be taken into consideration, Sims said. Sims suggested
the City be concerned with setting aside monies to look into
energy alternatives when the electric contract comes up with
PP&L in 1982 and recommended that someone - from leadership of
citizenry make such proposal to the Budget Committee. Sims added
that it is Council's responsibility today to make allowance for
future services in conmunity.
Carroll Corliss announced meeting scheduled for Wednesda~ the
22rid of Traffic Safety Commission to take up the issue tabled
by Council relative to access to and from Safe~ay~ Corliss said
that Safeway would have a representative there and urged attend-
ance by Council since it was this body's suggestion to get Safe-
way people here for the meeting~ Meeting will be a 4:00 P.M.
Councilman Laws asked for progress of negotiations City has with
property owners relative to ingress and egress of sewer treatment
facilities and Almquist reported that a letter had been sent in
December accompanied by the contract for signature by the City
Attorney and that there has been no response to that letter.
Almquist said he called the City's attorney (~arter) in January
for status of the problem and the attorney had had no word.
The City Administrator submitted a grant application prepared
for the Senior Program Board and asked permission to forwar,'
it to Area Agency on Aging to help support senior activitie-.
The funding requested was $7,000 and Ragland moved item be
on the agenda; Phelps seconded and motion passed with all YES on
voice vote. Ragland moved for granting permission to forward
applicatien~ seconded by Phelps and passed unanimously on voice
An application for liquor license by Ahmed Yahyapour, dba Little
Caesars at 1253 Siskiyou Blvd., was submitted and Recorder Frank-
lin reported that request has been approved by Police Department-
McCannon moved for approval of request; Ragland seconded and mot-
ion passed unanimously on roll call vote.
A memorandum from Almquist was read expressing concern for City's
responsibility/liability in providing crossing patrols at schools
saying that the same statute which does not exempt cities from
liability, DOES exempt school districts and suggested that the
School District use crossing guards transferred to the School
District and that the City reimburse the district for one-half
of the costs beginning in September. Almquist noted this plan
meets with approval of the Chief of Police and said we would
continue to provide the supervision for the program including
recruitment and selection of personnel.
3/21/78 Pg. 3
Planner Box reported that HUD is making four million dollars in
funding available in the State of Oregon for rehabilitative pro-
Jects in water and sewer systems. Box said that Staff has gotten
together to decide what sorts of projects might benefit Ashland
and came up with 1) Street, water and sewer improvements and
specifically brought up A Street as an example, and secondly that
Hersey Street be considered to assist in opening up that area
for development. Box mentioned housing rehabilitation as another
project for low incom~ f~milies & be- handled any way you want,
and said that loans might be available to individuals which would
he payable upon sale of house with no interest. Box added that
three public hearings would be required to find out what citizens
want. Box said it is a two application prOcesS,the preapplication
which is sort of a shopping list would be due before May 15. Rag-
land moved that we authorize three public hearings to pursue the
program; Phelps seconded and on roll call, all YES. Almquist
asked for Council input on specific projects they would suggest.
Laws requested that an additional item he placed on the agenda
under new business having to do.with connect fees as just passed
by ordinance. Laws said that he had talked to the Jackson
County Homebuilders and it was learned that in the ordinance is
one provision whereby a property owner can De charged for a hook-
up twice. After some discussion the Director of Public Works
w-as asked his opinion and he disagreed saying he was quite sure
people were not paying fees twice but would look it up and report
Back. Almquist said he could not remember provisions made when
the ordinance went through some five years ago but should it
read in the way Laws described that provision could be removed.
Almquist said at times when a meter is installed and not used that
within a certain length of tin~ that there would be a reinstalla-
tion charge. Laws moved to pace on agenda; Ragland seconded.
On voice motion passed unanim, usly. Alsing wondered if there
was some kind of confusion whereby the subdivider gets reimbursed
when someone wishes to connect. Almquist said he would review
ordinance and Bring matter back at next meeting and no action is
necessary at this time.
Second reading by title only was given an ordinance changing the
penalty for violation of certain ordinances from misdemeanors to
infractions and Ragland moved for adoption; second by McCannon and
on roll call, passed unanimously.
City Administrator reported that at last meeting a petition from
some property owners on West Ivy Lane requesting that width of
West Ivy Lane be kept to a width of 28 feet' instead of the 36 foot
width as proposed and waiving all right of parking on either side
of the street. Almquist said he is not concerned about traffic bu~
parking could be a problem and recalled that sometime ago Enma
was reduced for purpose of saving large trees but owners were re-
quired to sign in favor of widening to standard 36 ft. if street
was ever developed in the southerly direction. Almquist said ther~
is a subdivision planned off westerly end of Ivy Lane into a cul d~
sac and there will be no parking on that cul de sac.(Continued)
3/21/78 Pg. 4
Regular M.e_e~ing
Ashland City Council
27½ No. Main Street
Alsing said that street would go into landscaping and suggested
that the street be staked out to see what the effect would be.
Almquist said that width of the street could be taken up later
and that he could could ahead with the second reading. Second
reading was given and Phelps moved for adoption; Laws seconded
and on roll call, all YES.
The City Administrator gave first reading by title only of an
ordinance establishing a committee for citizen involvement and
a citizen's planning advisory con~nittee. Laws moved to second
reading; Phelps seconded and on roll call, all YES. Planner Box
asked for Council direction to formulate, send out and advertise
applications for sixteen member citizens body. Almquist explained
that zone changes must be held up until such time as the committee
is formulated. Laws moved to advertise for applicants; Ragland
seconded and on roll call, all YES.
First reading was given an ordinance amending the Ashland Munici-
pal Code relative to photocopying charges by the Police Depart-
ment and McCannon moved tO second reading. Laws seconded the
motion which passed unanimously on roll call vote.
A resolution calling a special election for May 23, 1978 to con-
sider a charter amendment proposed by initiative to provide for
the election of the Municipal Judge was read and Ragland moved
for adoption; Phelps seconded and on roll call, passed unanimously
The renewal of the lease of 27~ No. Main Street for City offices
was presented. Ragland moved to authorize Mayor and Recorder to
sign; Laws seconded and on roll call, all YES.
Ragland moved to accept departmental reports for the month of
~bruary; Phelps seconded and on voice vote passed unanimously.
~e meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
Nan E? Franklin
City Recorder
mnran nm
February 15, 1978
Brian L. Almquist, City Administrator
Allen A. Alsing, Director of Public Works {.~,
Proposed street vacation
Attached is a petition requ~'sting the vacation of Prim Street
between Tucker and Sheridan. This portion of Prim Street is not
presently open. There are several rather. large properties abutting
this street and closure would preclude any future land divisions
-without providing alternate access routes.
Also, there wasa minos land partition of one of the abutting properties
recently on which the Planning CommiSsion required additional street
dedication and an agreement for future curb, gutter and pavement
Because of these items, I would recommend that the Planning Commis-
sion have a chance to review the request.
Ash] and P]anning Conmi ssl on
Winterowd discussed the propesed vacation of Prim Street b~ween Tucker
add Sheridan Streets, which is being requested by petitioners, and said
it would be discussed by the City Council at their March 21, 1978,
meeting. Planning Director Richard BOx said he would report to the C~uncil
on the decision of the Planning Cor~ission, and said the Director of Public
Works was opposed to the vacation because it landlocks property and cuts
off future development in the area. Morris said he was not in favor of t~e
vacatiop and Shapiro felt it would be a big mistake also. Alderson felt
if there was going to be a tight Urban Growth Boundary that property within
the City needed to be developed. Billings felt it would downgrade property.
Shapiro said the only argument for the vacation, that the street narrcwed
down to 25 feet, was very weak. The CoFa~ission felt vacated streets and
alleys usually resulted in future problems, and }lorris moved to recommend
to the Council that Prim Street between Tucker and Sheridan Streets not be
vacated. Second by Pugh. Motion PASSED unanimously by voice vote.
Morris moved to adjourn,
at 10:45 p.m.
second by Alderson and the meeting ~as adjourned
ikichard C, Box
Executive Se'cretary
.~arch 16, 1978
Ashland City Council
,~,r~liL Planning Commission
Prim Street vacation petition.
On March 8, 1978, the Ashland Planning Co~ission reviewed a
vacation proposal for an unopened portion of Prim Street bet~een
Tucker and Sheridan Streets.
The Con~issioners were unanimously opposed ~6this vacation, for
the following reasons:
A "tight" urban growth boundary necessitates maximum
allowable utilization of land within the boundary.
The value of the property would be lessened, because
future single-family. development'served off Prim Street
would be precluded.
3) General circulation for
that portion of to~m would be