March 18, 1975
Meeting of 2/24/75
Mayor Prickerr led the Pledge of Allegi~mce and called the meeting to
order at 7:30 p.m. in the Council ChamSers on the above date. Present
were all members - Allen, McCannon, McDo~ell, Laws, Hoffarth and Ragland.
McCannon move~ that minutes for the regular meeting of March 4, 1975
be accepted and placed on file; McDo~e!l seconded and onI voice vote,alll~g5
Allen moved to accept departmental reports for the month of February 1975;
Laws seconded the motion which passed unanimously on voice vote.
McCannon moved that minutes of the Pli~tori~ Commission be accepted and
placed on file; McDowell seconded an~ o~ ~ice vote, all YES.
- A letter was read from Chairman Kline of Re Ashland Senior Citizens Com-
mittee recommending reorganization of the committee by increasing from
five to seven members and suggesting Steve Maple and Stewart McCallum for
appointment; that Don Laws be Council representative to the committee and
that Mayor approve in writing the dis$oludon of the Senior Citizen Forum.
McCannon moved that recommendations be accepted and explained that only a
few members would show at meetings lea~ing decisions to only a few; Hoff-
arth seconded. Mayor Prickerr suggested ~at quarterly meetings be held
for broader input. On voice vote, all YES. McDowell moved to accept
Maple and McCallum to committee; Ragland seconded and on roll call,
passed unanimously.
City Administrator Almquist read a letter ~rom Vince Oredson requesting
change of Agreement relative to the devel~ment of the Mountain Ranch
Subdivision. Oredson explained that in the agreement where reference
is made to Items A & B of "Things to Be Dome by Mountain Ranch" that
agreement calls for above items to be done within one year and that
included developing Green Meadows Way in i~s entirety and consisting
of 54 lots and approximately 4.5 acres of mpen space. Oredson said he
has prepared the plat for Unit 1 but there is a conflict between the
agreement and the subdivision ordinance arm that development would be
recorded in stages as units are completed. City Attorney Salter explained
that the reason for the agreement is to ascertain that the proposed develo!
ment does take place and that to change th~ Agreement as requested by
Oredson is best change available and that ~e sees no problem. Oredson
said his proposal from the beginning was ~m develop the subdivision in
stages. Public Works Director Alsing reconmended that consideration be
given to installation of utilities and tha~ they should be required to
carry through the entire subdivision as planned rather than s tubbing
any utility of~. On Allen's question as ~whether he planned to complete
the street Oredson said it was not his understanding that the full street
had to go in within the one year period bn~ would be completed in stages
with the development. Prickett asked for~o~ies of agreement and recom-
mended tabling the item until more inforea=ion is available. On question
from McDowell Oredson said the first de~e13pment will be in area already
in City but that annexed area will be necessary for subdivision. McD~el]
moved to table request; McCannon seco~ed .~nd on roll call, passed
~e~u~ar Meeting
Ashland City Council
Page 2
Association of
Cities Proposal
Federal Aid Urban
System funding
Water Supply
Public Forum
City Administrator Almquist read letter f~m Hugh Jennings relative to
a proposal on formation of a Jackson County Association of Cities.
Mayor Prickett said he would be willing t~attend the meeting set up
for March 19th and invited Councilman Law~ to attend. Laws said he had
talked to various people about the pro~s~t association and wondered if
there might be an agency overlap with C.O.G. City Administrator Almquist
said the function of the Council of C~ermnents is principally for funding
priorities and that the League of Oregon ~tties has expanded and has
appointed people in each city for representation. Laws moved to send a
delegate to the meeting appointed byM~o~ and to report back; Allen
seconded and on roll call, all YES,
A letter from Oregon State Highway Divesiam was read by City AdmiDistrator
Almquist relative to allocation of fund~ ~r fiscar years 1974-75-76 in th
total amount of $190,944. McCannonm~ed to refer matter to Traffic Safer
Commission; McDowell seconded and on rell call, passed unanimously.
City Administrator Almquist read a letnmr from Murray Gardner of
1340 Ponderosa Drive relative to the ~a~e~ supply and suggesting that
the City consider securing the expert]s!e ~f people in various technical
fields to either be paid as consultants ~r made members of an advisory
board or committee. Gardner added that ~e is not certain as to the avail-
ability or willingness of the people recommended, but named Monty Elliott,
William Purdom, James McIntyre, Ronald Bertley and Frank MacGraw as capabt
people for the task of an indepth resource study. Director of Public Work
Alsing said that he has data available w~ieh could be gathered and brought
back to Council. Laws agreed that the C~ty could use input of data and
asked Planner Mawson if resources were BeLng researched as part of the
Comprehensive Plan to which Mawson answers1 that such technicalities are
not being worked on. City Administrator Almquist reminded Council that
201 funding has been applied for for the purpose of a water study and that
the proposal suggested would become a moot point if the money is not forth
coming. Gardner suggested that the City should work out its water problem
instead of placing the responsibility on the Forest Service and asked why
the City has never petitioned the Forest Service to change its designation
so that they could no longer consider t~e area as part of their timber
resource. Hoffarth suggested that the idea is good to seek assistance of
local peopl~ instead of going to Eugene. Mayor Prickett said he would
recommend people if it is the will of the Council but would first like to
discuss the matter with Staff. McCanno~ moved that an advisory. committee
be appointed. Allen seconded. Mayor ?rickett suggested a five member
committee and McCannon, with Allen's consent, amended his motion to call
for five people. On roll call, passed ~rnanimously.
George VanBuskirk of 586 C Street spoke on criticism City has been experi-
encing in their attempt to clean the reservoir and resultant muddy water
which supposedly has been responsibile for destroying fish and claimed th~
in all his years in the valley and fishing that fish will take refuge in
muddy water in each case and supported the City for the on-going task of
cleaning the reservoir periodically. F~ayor Prickerr accepted VanBuskirk'~
remarks as pertinent at this time andsfished he had been available to spe~
at the DEQ hearings recently held.
3/18/75 Pg. 2
Re R.~'- Ashland City Council ~ge 3
~ Meeting
Public Forum Cont.
Airport Master Plan
Public Hearing
Sign Ordinance Amend.
Joint Meeting Request
Merchant Patrol
Sewer Trtmt Plant
Landscaping Bid
California Pacific
Utilities Franchise
Civil Service Ord.
Murray Gardner brought up Oredson annexati~.item and Mayor explained
that the Public Forum part of the meeting is reserved for only items not
on the agenda.
Stewart Johnson of the Airport Committee explained the need for federal
funding of $13,33.34 and amounts of 3,333.33 to be funded by the Oregon
Aeronautics Division and the City of Ashland to develop the airport for
future orderly growth and requested. that the City make application for
such funding with no responsibility should request not be accepted. Allen
moved that Airport Committee be authorized to make application with under-
standing that if it would cost more we c~uld withdraw plan. McCannon
seconded the motion and on roll call, all YES.
Planner Mawson explained Resolution by P~n~ning Con~nission adoptln~ findings
for the purpose of proposing amendments t~ the zoning ordinance pertaining
to regulation of ground signs and submitted Exhibit "A" of proposed ordin-
ance. Mayor Prickett opened the public hearing and since there were no
comments either for or against the measure, public hearing was closed.
Laws moved to accept findings; Ragland seconded and on roll call, all YES.
(See attachment)
Request from Planning Commission for a joint meeting with Council was
read to cover recommended approval of three amendments to the Ashland
Municipal Code regarding subdivisions, filing fee schedule and home occupa-
tions. Joint meeting was set for April 8. 1975 and City Administrator Alm-
quist was instructed to advise Chairman Hampton of Planning Commission.
Chief Herb Hayes submitted request for Merchant Patrol license as applied
for by Leigh Johnson and having reviewed the application recommended that
request for license be granted. Hoffarth moved for approval; Laws seconded
and on roll call, passed unanimously.
City Administrator Almquist reported that bids had been received for the
landscaping of the treatment plant and that low bidder was Rogue Valley
Nursery with figure of $21,531.40 which was some $6,000 over estimate and
budgeted figure. Of the cos t 75% would be reimbursed from EPA. Alsing
said that the major portion of the landscaping cost would be the sprinkling
system, shrubs and trees. Hoffarth felt that it was rather expensive for
screening the plant. Gary Fries, Project Engineer, said that the estimating
had been done over two years ago which would account for the rise in costs.
Allen moved that bids be rejected and stay within the $16,000 estimate.
Hoffarth seconded and on roll call, Allen Hoffarth, McDowell and Laws voted
YES: Ragland and McCannon opposed the motion.
Second reading by title only was given by City Administrator Almquist
granting to California-Pacific Utilities Company, its successors and
assigns, the franchise and privelege to construct, maintain, operate, use,
repair and replace a system of conduits, mains, and pipelines, in the
streets, alleys, avenues, and thoroughfares in the City of Ashland, County
of Jackson, State of Oregon, for the purpose of supplying gas for light,
heat, power, and other lawful purposes to the inhabitants thereof. McCa~non
moved for adoption; Hoffarth seconded and on roll call, passed unanimously.~
City Administrator Almquist gave second reading of an ordinance by title
only repealing Ordinance No. 1280 which established a civil service com-
mission. Allen moved for adoption; McDowell seconded. On roll call, all YES
Re~!ar Meeting Ashland City Council _Pa~e 4
Ordinances cont.
Sign Regulations
Subdivision Ord.
Street Improvement
District No. 41
Wastewater Treatment
Management System
First reading of an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1361, the Zoning
Ordinance relative to sign regulations was given by City Administrator
Almquist. McDowell moved to second reading; McCannon seconded. Laws
suggested that in Section 1 (e) that the werd "All" be changed to "Also",
to which McDowell and McCannon agreed. On roll call, passed unanimously.
City Administrator Almquist gave first reading of an ordinance amending
Title 17, Subdivisions, of the Ashland Municipal Code. Allen said he felt
it unfair to make substandard and unbuilda~le lots people have held for
some time. Prickerr wondered if existing lots before change could be dev-
elopable now and then lots procured after this date would have to comply
with new criteria. Allen questioned City Attorney Salter on legality for
City to change lot size requirements on lots already platted and was told
it is legal. McDowell questioned the wording of 17.i6.070 which stated
"If the applicant wishes to continue after the one-year period, he must
resubmit the partition for preliminary approval consideration", and sug-
gested that sentence'be. changed to rea~ "If the applicant has not completed
the foregoing within the one-year period, he must resubmit the partition
for preliminary approval consideration'. Ragland moved to amend as suggest.
ed; McDowell seconded. City Administrstor Almquist reread the amended line
Hoffarth moved to delete part of Sectien 4 (F) and change wording after
"ownership" to read "which complies with all applicable laws at the time
such lots were created!'; and to delete compIetely parts 1 & 2 and to renum-
ber subparts entitled (3) to (1)"corner lot", (4) to (2) "reversed corner
lot", and (5) to (3) "through lot". Allen seconded motion to amend and
the City Administrator reread section ~ amended. On roll call to amend,
passed unanimously. McCannon moved to sec~d reading as amended; Ragland
seconded and on roll call, all YES.
First reading of an ordinance was read h~ City Administrator Almquist
authorizing the issuance of City Improvement Bonds in the matter of
construction of curbs, paving, and relate~ improvements in what has been
designated as Street Improvement Distr~ct ~. 41 (Portions of Nursery,
Taylor, and Terrace Streets and Siskiyo~Ivd.,) and declaring an
emergency. Allen asked permission of ~il to abstain from voting, and
was excused. Ragland moved to second rea~img; McCannon seconded and on
roll call, all YES with exception of Alle~ho abstained.
City Administrator read a Resolution im~i~3ating intent to join with other
general purpose units of local governme~ ~ the Rogue Valley Area to
develop and implement a plan resulting i~a ooordinated waste treatment
management system for the area. Allen~ if the City would be giving it;
own plan up and said we would still have ~ go through the Council of Gover
ments. City Administrator Almquis t sai~ ~m~t once a plan is prepared it
will have to be followed through and wo~t~ ~ave to be run by COG anyway. "I
would not have to be approved but Just se~ for com~ent,"added Almquist.
Mayor Prickerr sugges ted the matter be ~ted for research. Almquis t
suggested that the Environmental ProteetiMAgency might meet with members
to explain program. Laws agreed that me~I-~mg should be held and that other
cities be invited to attend, and moved ~ table item for research; Allen
seconded and on roll call, all YES.
Allen moved for adjournment at 10 05 ,,/~. ~ ~
·. Buel~r, Recorder/ Pricket[, Mayor