HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-0401 REG MINROLL CALL
Plannh'~g Conun.
Hospital Eoard
Parks & }!ecreat:"_od
Airport Coramitt:ac,.
B~ke. way Cc,?~nit[ae
Util. Franchise
I ivln~/Le~!rninE
April l., 1975
Mayor Prickett led the P]adge of Allegiance and called the meetrlng to order
at 7:30 P.Mo in the Council Chambers on the. above date. All members were
Ragland moved and McDonnell seconded that minntcs of the regular meeting of
llarch 1,8, !975 be accepted and p].acLd on file. On voice vote, passed
unanimous ly,
McDowe!l moved uhat ~ninutes for the regular meeting of March 10, 1975 and
special meetings of H~rch i4th & 2jLh be accepted and placed on file; Hagland
seconded a'Ld motion passed ullanr~mc,,usly on voice rose.
!Toffarth questioned the increase from $2,000 to $3,000 of transfer to City
for ]n-!ie',; taxes in the Hatch 2] ~ 1975 (page two, New Busi~ess) m.[nut~ anC.
it was exp].si~:cd by City Adndnisrra~or A]mqudst that the proposed increase.
brsed on completion of the ~ew hospital wing, is for consideration bF ~:L~
bu~Uet committee. Hofrnrth than n~oved that minutes of the March 2],~ 1975
mactin% b~ acce~ted and placed on f~le; second by Allen and passed unani'v:ou~;
Allen moved te aecepE:,!;~n.t,!s lot Traffic Comn'Erss]on mcet/ug of Hatch ],3, 291'
aCecud bV lqDf~ar~h and ~:l~::cc~ t,u~nj~iotlsly oa voice vote.
~IcCannor~ ;~iovcd that: lp, ji]t:t'.~9 for th,~ P; rks & R~-,creation meet:!ngs of ~arc'h
and l¢~rch ~ ]975 be accepted an~l placed on file. Laws sc':cendcd
passed with all. members ~n
A7 Inn moved i:bat rainurea for the A~'.port Cmcmlittee for lneetin~; of !.~rcth
1975 be accebted and p].rLcc~c! c,n fjle; seco~ded by Herfaith ~md passe:l unto:i-.
mously on vl)ce vote.
I, Pws moved that minutes JYt, r thr, :l.Ll~a~.'aiy, Comnlittee for March 20 nicetinS be
accepted ]lid placed on fiJa; ~ecc,~c~ by Ajlen and passed u~animonsly on voice
City Administr,ktor Almquist read ]~-:tter hem Cal, ifornia-Pecific !lt~f!_it'r$c,_,
~ccept:'[.ng Lranci'~ise as sr~,~l]ad ouL :~ O~dinance ~o. 1850 passed by Co,,;~c:ii
at re%ular meeting of bi~rch 18 ~97" No act:ion necessary
Lett~Lr from Li'vinS:/Leariril3y, of Sent:hem arefIcn College was read by CSty Acli't.i,-
is trait r 7,2~:~quis t c. nd r.?: asen ifatziv!z Of t}:e qrovp, Naryanne Grove e>t~,]
their request fo':' clc,sur,, of WiLl-urn XCay t:o ajl~n~,, for games on both ~:~da~
the strer~ :~.:r/~g fest/vltTcs T,l~,mod at I,:tth~a Park for Hay 2, 3 and ~t?,
i~cluded in request i:hc: ha~ging of r: banner for the festival to F,a placed
approved by Cb:ief t!a?s. Rcclm~,t ~al: ,,,~rb Ch~ef H~y::~ approval. On
Cplty Administ.l:dtor J)n: )~o~ [cy on ]aF<r therUe,: to whfkh Aln:quist saffd th'3t
sxtch chic:gas l:cve bca~n x,,,:ive~ foc ~;Ymif~:.r requer;ts. On ro!i tail., all
R.e_dUa_l',~ ~ieeting _ Ashlaud City Council
Mult~-s. ervlce
Center Eelstation
St, Excavations
Student A~ards
Cab 1 c. TV
A letter was read by City Administrator Almquist from the Chamber of Commerce
relative to the relocation of the Multi-service Center stating that the Ret:.'i
Trades Com~nittee is concerned that the proposed site of the Herndobler Bldg,
for the center would not be in keeping with the retai,~ trades in the block ~n
that the shortage of parking spaces ~ould be ,-q. hardship on other businesses i
the area. Alien moved that the letter be accepted and placed on file; Hoff-
arth seconded and on voice ~ote, passed unanlmously.
C'lty Administrator Almquist read z letter from William D. Keddie of 16i Fourt
Street criticizing the C~ty for .qllowing the cutting of pavement for utilitie
suggesting that pipe should be tunnelled nnder .qtreets. Director of Public
Works expjefi~ad that street cutting' is now allowed by penal:it and that rendits
are required' ~'nd ~nspections made to assure the work has ~jeel~ completed sctj~
facturiJy and added than a neu ordinsuce is in effect which preclud!;s street
cutting of all new pavement for a period of five years unless permitted by
Council action. Alsing said City can require repairs later si~ou].d such wor]{
deteriorate. Hoffartl'; ,,!oved that letter be acccEted and p]acc'd in Cz~liforn:',a
Pacific Utilities file; Allen seconded and on w, ice ~ote, all YES.
A letter from Flanner Mawson was reaJ by the City Administrator rep~}rtiug
Conlprehessive Planning Con!mitteus ~ra studying Ashland's ~uviron~cut Lu:l
b~ fs';:mu]atjng policies ou ,~at:er setvicars and w:~ter qna]jty and reco~:n~euded
that a].l annexation requests be delayed until acceptance of the Co~:~prc]:cr~c;ive
P]an now bcjng worked VD. Cyst-hie I,ord who is uorking on the
P~ynl Natur~l }{esoorces Com~it:tee spoke against annexation and it wa?
that the two annexation proposals -. Oak Kno]t and the Oredscn c~evcxIom~:n~ had
already been accepted when a moratorium was imposed on all new aur. cxnt~or.
requests un~ii such time a full water resoorc~ study can be
Raglane ~:~oved to accept and plsce letter on fi]e~ McDowet! seconded 8,~d on
voice vote, el] YES.
Student Awards dinner would be held on May 12 or' 19 and asked that Cc, u~-ml L
menbets keep date iu m~nd. ]~e diuner will be held at Oak Kuo].l Restaurant.
Laws suggested that any fip;~ncial disclosures a:a outlined by the Eth.4cs
Committee be filed with City Recorder Butler and forwarded by hiin to
Prickett wondered if the t~st of Chief Executive (')ff~cers should hlc]u:]c
& Eecreation Directcr ~%cGulre and Hos~}ital Admi~jstrator Robert St. rowbr~c]cEe
recommeeded that staff should coatact Salem ~n t/me to include r, ames uP, !~tat:~
meat if necessary.
Prickett announced that Council meeting on April 15 would be live on Ca]:,]c!
and that the switch will be located in ?,~edfc,~d :rod that in the Cha~Ebe'r~; t~'e
green light on the wall would be indicat~on of x,,hen program is t, eing
On question as to whether rnemberq objected to h;:ving no m.;itch in the
no one raised such objection. A letter from Sc~tthern Oregon Cab!e TV xras
recommending KSOR (college station) to be ffncluded in broadcast so [bat
ings could be rebroadcast and that City officials could be jntcrviewc,~,
Mayor Prickett said it is acceptable to Cable UV and iCem could be p!acud
Agenda if mexnbers wished.
_F._eJEJi!~r_:~eet!ng Ashland City Council P~ three
']'reatment Plant
Oredson Letter
Oc:k Knoll An~ex.
Mayor Prickett said the aontrict .on the Wastewater Treatment Plant ca!~Sn2: re:
landscaping wblch had been discussed, also calls for a plaque to be erattid
listing the na~,les of City Officials an,~ ask-ed the present Council for
as to which slate of City Officials ~,igbt best be included sad suggested that
the office he!dcrs at the time of acceptance of contract be Fost appropri~,te;
Council agreed. and the matter was placed on the next Agerids.
Letter from Vincent Oredscn relative to agreement ~0ith City on ~eve!opme:it
of Mountain Ranch Subdivisic!n and proporc~ 8nnex~ti~n was re~ubm~tted to
Council and it was exp]ainet~ by Mayor Frickett that matter whlch had bee?
tabled on March 18, 1975 ~;oulld have to be taken o~f the tabJc b~fore it co~!d
beconte an agenda item. City Admini~trat~r AIFquist said t'hat a meeting
been held to clarify jutant of parties t.~;d report of meeti:-~g was not read','
presentation at this time. l. lcCannou moved th;'.t matter be taken off th~ table
to be included on next regnlar meeting agcnda for April 15, 1975; seconded
Allen and on roll call, p,:sscd nnanimeu:~!y.
Chairlnan MaDewell gave sn oral report stating that the con:m:i tt~-.-~ hnzd
mended thau City proceed x~!:lth annexation an~ bring the matter b~.,ck to
for a full veto and asked that Allen claRerate. A~len sz~id theft the
mendatiou was made at that timme ~ad that although the costs and expens<~;
somewhat higher than r~vex~ue ~vhc figure would ~;omevhot be of~sat by
fecs and that 'based OD the facts that uere presented and the co~,~mitmef~t ~:'
past Council that City shculd t%o thro~gh with. annexation p].aar~, and ad,]e~?
even thou~[~ the rocctlt fig~rf:s raise a questicon that the obj f t!~f~z Yc~rf would
rest on the Cit), to go hhfou~,h ,.,ith aanez.:tiou. La~,;s ~,,z~de~cd tThcr~: ~hc-
wo~l]d get the idea it :is mortally and ]ugaJ.ly rcsponsibi]a to ~'~3ne:.: a~,,'] t~,,:[:
he is not sere whether or :~ot ~e is for annexation of Oak Knol. j,. Saws
iurthet that j~ el:teen:jut with PP&L can~oL ba reached th~:t rcv:i<~gntg-~ in
area will not be contribut:h'~% to C/ ty's fu~ctio2 through ~lecl, ri~: fe,~
tc pay into the Gcnerai Fun<~ :~ke other reside~t:s in the City a~d wcu:[?
ably be ~gainst it. McCszn:~n asked City's positioa on moral a~.d/or lake2
q~estic~n to which City A~torz~ey :~alter responc~'~ that the contract :.:;
in 1962 does not comrnjt the City tc a~n,':>: the area but did agr~e to
water which mattc~: has bec~ oroughc up by the I_ea~ns of WoxJen Votc~'~: ~n tc
legality of the C:i ty sc]lln$ ~,za~er to users onf:sidc t~e cj:y [i~its ,,.:hich ~:,'~::
not had a court ruling and :[~i the court: rnles ~>r interprets the Chatter
thiz ~cay> thee ~e are not lu~z:;lly bound to provide services. McDcwell
reminded Council that we b;:ve obligation to pregnant people ~n~]de: citT.
land said another moral coLajr itment fs based on co~ts to prcse:~c
Otto Frohnmayer, Attorney for o~cne}:-develope::'~; of Oak Knoll s~i~ t:bc co~ ~:' ,,':
originally ~ritteu in 1962 shows intent oY evc~:cual annex~ti~,n to the C~it:
and that Oak Knoll p~id over R50,090 for extc. n~ion of se~zer and over
for a:ctending water 8nd the City now ouns'. ~:bcsfz lines. City Att~r~.cy E~::,
quoted Paragraph 9 of the eont::act as saying that the City may a~k dcve],:~'~,-~:-
to for}u a water a~d se~c~,r d5st'rict and ~i~ su,Lb c;~se the City will not
obliged to fu::nish services. Prickett said th::t bated on the re::ot~n~'c..j~.~ :',{:'"
o~ the co~mnittee, he ~.zould ~:hink a public hearing would be in orelay.
Cjty Ad:ninjsrrator said that the ngre~',~,:e~t haE~ been working b~:F~'2cI ~:h,~ ," ,' ~
and the City au~ the ag}~a~::c~t shc~ld b~z fc:!Ie',~,d if ~:~embcrs of Co,u:c::; ~_:
desire. Mnyor Pric]cctt reco~:.-~eaded ~hat ,:~::poz:'t be a<.tcepte~]. ]~,)]<.~.,,-~ r,,
Sect:ion 8 of the agrcer, ent ~;tat:;ng th~ Cit:L.~ :is to b.e solp jud'jc <~ a~,;'~,'
c~ water resources. PrioPett re;~jnded ('{,~ncil that it would be iueq.Lit~:'
to owneI'~ of unjev~']oped lots to refese :~crvice aud nrSed that Cot~ncj]
a stand after holding a public hearing so, that all people cot~cerned x~,:ilz
made a~.~aa:e of such hearing.
4/i / 75
P.e~u.].'r 1~eeting Ashland [:~tv Counl'~il Pa~e fou~'
Oak Knoll cont.
Prickett reminded Councgl that a group of people had made a substantial
investment and we should get beyond the discussion stage.
Rill Duff, owner of property in the area, said that he has traded in Ashland
for anything available in the City aad b~s spent over $100,000 in building et,
and feels he lends support to th~ town and that the tenor of the hearings
when the petition was presented was that Council was intent on a~nexation;
and went on to say that before the petitioo ~ss signed that McCannon said
'~get the necessary si~natures, sn~ we'll we]come you ~th open a~ns". A]]ea
stated that as soon as we get a court opinion on water provision we would be
able to settle the ~roblem. City Attorney Salter said that there would be
no opinion from the Attorney General unless there is a court suit~ and said
it would tak~z the courts from si~ to nine months to get an answer, Frohnm~:.y~
said it cou]d take up ~o two years to get a decision. Prickeft said it ~,.'o'.~l
be u~la~r to discontinue water s~pply or to refuse connects on deve],Dped lots
F~?ohun~syer said it wou]~ be an e~pensive matvet to take it to court and ho~.~]
theft the Cit~ is not ~nterested ff~ going to court. McCannon moved to accept
oral report of McDox,Tell. T.~cI)owe]], seconded and on roll call, all YES.
Hoffarth s,~ggested a stu~y session and on question as to whether informatjc~
m~ght be avail. able on impact ~f j,nproving the 56 acres and ~,ras tojd by A!si~:~:
that such ~nformation would be fovI:hcoming. Prickett recommended ~natter
be taken up at study sessioa or puhiic hearing.
Elainc Shan~;fe!t of 369 Granit-e Street repor~e~! that m.'a~v meetings z~nd n.uch
enertO~ ha,~, been put into the l.lulti-gervice Center and that the fu3]. potent:~aL
has not h~:cn und~rs~oo~ or tealizard by the Cit~' and comm~xnfty and that rnlc:c~
tion sbo~]d be made in a centra~ llocatiou and recommended the
building as an ~deal !oc~tion but rece~mended that reqt, cst for gra:~t be
held for prescott and that center restrain at ]{x~nter Par]<. Shanafa!t
that a Hu~sn Resource Commission bt~ cstahl~f~hcd by Council. Laws gave
men=her a copy of a tentative resoJ~t~on establishing a Human Regource C~r.:~tiE~
which would deal with the five problems outlined and reconn~ended tb=tt ouch
committee be establishec~ by 1976 and ~eso]ution be placed on the next
Alma Willed, ms said that Senior Fo~'um x.~ould l~kc to beeonce part of Hu,~u~
ource Commission and tbaC Janet ~inl.'o has ~levelnped a good program. P~ickett
felt the request should be placed before the e~,.tire B~:dget Con'~a~ttee snd
wondered if we are using to the best opportar~ity the things already availaisle:
to seniors ~n the valley. Ai]en felt no cc~m~i~':s:[on or co~.3.~ittee ~h~uld
a]le~.ed to ,~pply for grants or ai~.y (>thor ft~adiuy~ witho~ir fi~:st having
matter to Co~ncil for approval. I.a~s c~arifr~e~, by say~n~y that app!icatio,~s
have only baet~ subn~itted to the County and ~,zill be considered on Thursday
evening. Prickett s~id he did not think thc~ C:~ty m~st participate in the
funding sho~ld the app]:tcatien rc~ait~ active. Ai~en felt the City had t.~
approve any application for fundin~Z especi~l!y on a percentage fnn~'t~n~% by
City. Laws said the fi?,st applicaticn of the u',~o was sent in before he
aware of it. Alle~ recalled that when the bh,]~yi-~Service Center was
tbat the City took on funding until such tinge er~ ~he participating
could carry on financially and t:~at all the? neade~ at the time v~s a icc::'~ti~
in which to function and a coordi~l,:~tor was ~,ac]~ available and other c:<pen~cs
picked up by the City strictly for the j.nter~m time which was the
of the year. Allen couti~ut~d by ~;aying there x~,as ~e way the Citp,~ ce~id
the monies out of the budget yea~' after year and that it x~ou!d be more cf
co~nty fnnction conJug from Human ~esc, urces x.~ h revenue shari~lg
Prickett uaderstood the (:itS' ~cu]d have te contribute bat not necessarily
match. La~qs said he ~,?eu]d t~ke the raspons-~bi]~y for appl-lcation for
j~.~jj~_~r ~leetin~ A~;hlaud City Cot~lcil .PaF~e frye
Multi-Service Cent.
OreZon State
Highway Dive
of the Multi-Service Centez and was anxious to get the application in before
the deadline and report b~ck to Cormoil and suggested withdra',cal if that is
what Conncil wishes sn,~ suggested the sa~ thing for the Senior Forum applies
tion. Hoffarth sat8 he woul~ be more inclined to support the Senior Center
but was not impressed with services of Multi-Service center, an~ ~oes not
think they are taking care of that many people. Elaine Shanafett agreed that
there are services not bein~; ageS. Hoffarnh asked if Parks Department was
contributing anything and was told they were picking up utilities bill b~t
no money for rent and at this time is pro~idin% neither. Discussion followed
concoining pfopose~ increase of costs of running the Mu!ti-Service Center anal
McCanno~ expressed desire to keep Janet ~,~ayo .exclusively for o}~eratfon
the Senior C~nter, Allen moved that staff be di~eete~l to send,_letter to
Jackson County to notify the~ that the~,~c~ applications were not f~ppro~ed by
th~ Ciuy of Ashland and that they be tuLned over to the Budget Co~panittce;
Hoffarth secnuded. McCsu~on sa~d that they had only until Msrch 31st to
get the spplication auc~ that we should wa:L~: to se~ what County ~,~ill do.
Allen feels it ~s the responsibility of the Budget Con~mittce if it ask~ f~r
fundi~g of things on a yearIv basis. On Priqkctt's qucst~op to Alma
as to f~n~ing application she gaid reapp]~ication would make it ~oo l?te
agreed that Mayo shoL~ld be retained for Senior Center only. La',;s ~aid if
motion is approved we would be precludir~y~ our~ctveg from gettinff Conr, ty
monies th~s y~ar. Ragland said it is not the duty of the Budget Coxmnittee
to apply for fundimg so this application could stand. Prickett said he
un~erstond from c~mnu Dessen they wil] ccnslder City ~ontrjbut~ca,
bndget committee h~ proposed budget. YcGu:[rc~ DLrecLor of Pa~ks ~ Recre~ti:.~
said there haz~ been a problem of time in bt~dga~:ing and the Co~:nt::/is now
putting its burlySet' together and sajd t'bat i:here wPg no time the fu!] budget
committee a~eL wh,.~re matter cobld be brou~ht up. The Mayc, r said he didn't
think the center should rise or fall bz:rec~ on ~jigy moocy or lack of
and stated that axly program nc~t salvia?, the commun:Lty should be
even if it operates on only ],C}% City monL.:,;. (~n rc~]l call motion wc:s cleEca~c
with Allen and Hoffarth vot'ing YES and g,':glaud, McCz:nnon, i.{cDo~:oll and
in opposition.
ttoffarth asked City Attorney Saltor for clarif~oation on co~'.lmini~le~:t I'o the
County on the part: of the City relat5ng to app:,,icatio~3s. Salter sa~d the
vote was to not withd~.aw application and !n effe3t it has r~,tificd t~o',,er to,
make application and if the bud%at eommi{-te~ ~h~es not appropriate ~cney, he
didn't ~e~ the City is ccm~itt-ed to funding. Sa].ter added that we c~o o~,,<,,
the Count7 an ~zp]a,xatior~ to clarify position. McCanx~o~, moved to ~u>sit
Senior Citizens fund applic. ation; McDowe!l seconded. On roll call, all Yl'q.
Laws moved that Mul~ri-seKvice request be amen~f~:d by d~{].eting per~onnel setvie!
completely and asking for muuic~a for p~'.onc~, utilities and senna rant- - or
$660.00 to be split between C~ty a~)d Co~pty, o~ $330.00 each~ a}~d th:~t
g~ams be cont~muad now at lit~.tei- Park ~u~d pa~ ~:Lcipa~ng agencies, ta]~ct
respo~s~bility and so by July I it con cout~nuc tLrou%h the year on this
basis. McCannon said that s'TDce x~e ~yi]l still be furnishing the
the County should ?,:ive more cf a share.- ~IcDow.~ll secopded L~',~s'
On roll call Allen z, md Uoffarth vo~cd %~O witl~ Lagla~d, McC,'~nno~, Laws and
McDowelI voting in favor. I.L~tion p~sged.
City Administrator Aln,q~ist zr-r~d letter fr~;m Orf~gon SKate ltLghwaS~ i)ivisio~
advising ~.~ceipt of request for lighting en Sf.~kiyou Blvd., L,!tw ~en G~-een
Springs Highwsy and Walker A~,enne and spp~o~ra7 of request. No action needed.
6/j / 75
~e~:;_~j,~r Meetinp~ Ashland City Council
P~.rks &Reco
Loa~ Extenr~ion
L~tbia Cab Cru
Ck.mership Tran'~,fer
Allpeel, of P.C,
I, ~ns, ncial
Cc!m :cn tary
T]ONg a COj,3~,,_ACTS
S:~gn Regulatdons
Subd. Ordinance
St:r~ct In:prove-
Disc. ~i41
A letter requesting extension of time for repayment of loan by Parks & Recrea
tdon Department was read by City Administrator Almquist~ loan being in ti;e
amount of $20,000. McCannm~ moved to a?prove request; Laws seconded.
arch asked if money was spc!nt on restrooms and h~d been told City ~;cuid be
repaid in thirty days. Parks Direoto'c McGuire said he expects ~:~oney
B.O.R. soon and ~mu]d repny City at that time. Prickctt asked assnranc:e that
City would get the first $20,000 paid by B.O.R. and McGuire ass~ired the
that be would pay the City the ficst ?,~0,000 but remainder conl4 ..' ena~jb~>'
longer, Hoffarth said he hoped that the City was not loanjng m,;ney for
capital improvements and that the Parks De~}ar~ment was operating on ~t.
Prickett asked what amount had been spent cn the restrooms and HcC:uire su~?te~
$20,000 had been spent and that the de~Da~tm~nt ran into difflcu]ties becaw.;~l
some of the costs had gone over original est:i,~ates and that they nttemf~[:c~!
to do too much in capital improvements. On roll call to grant r{,quest, all
City Ad~mr. nistrator read letter from Lithia C~,h. Company advising of sale
and requesting trarlsfcr of franchise to Agate Lines of Central
Point-White City. On question from Pr~ckc~t, ~]d. ef Ilays said hE had no
reason not to approve of transfer. McCannop asked if the seuffer c!Cizcn
would be houored to which Robert Verde said ~ t won!d be identical in rate
structure. ]~cCs~l~on moved to y, rant rcqnef~t; Allen seconded and oR roll
all YES.
]_etter from Joe Platks acting as agent for ,Tar:=3s De]umon ~,Tas read by City
Admin:Lstrator A],mqu~st seekinf~ ap!~eal of Plez-_n;ng Co:.m¥~ssio,~ dec Edges not
to s]lo~,; request to divide one lot inte two paccel~; on the SE c:~rn~r c,
Park 5~ ~.Yeha',7k S tracts, $nd el, king peru:is, r: ~ c:~ to sut juts Park S ~: feet
r:quest for ii!ixlo): laud partit[on be g,r~u~ed, 7]ann]:n>% Tcchn~cjjm Limes
distributed maps and co[des o~ ~I.[nor Fa~titio~: Code 1[).1(, and yoim~ted
sections which ca].] for lots ~o be ~n av<q'a%e ~]epth of not ]es:a thm-~
unless existing corn]iEions m~3k~: it necessary that lots be re~k~c. ed ia
anj then iiot less than 80 feet. }{imes sai~ t]x~re was a consi~k'~'~z',ie
of resjcIents in the area who felt value of the:it property x,3oult] dacr~:ase
in value ar}d described their lots as averaZinr~ 16,00O sq. feet, (Uty
Atto~,ney Salter said that m,ch appeal would call for Council re hold a
hearing. Mayor ~rffckeut djrtq':ted City Admjni~Lratp;: to schedule and
he~rj~g notices for public henring at next rafmlar meeting on A],Lj], ],5,
Mayor Prickett postponed the monthly Financial Commer, tary until the ne:ct
meeting due to absence of the Directo~: of Finance due to illnes:~.
Second reading by' title on]5TM was given by Cdty Administrator A]m"}ulbt oF
an ordinance anen~tiug Ordinance lqo. 1361, the Zoning Ordinauce r,:]atin~, t.~
s~gn regulations. M~:Cannon m~,ved for ac~cpt:io~; Laws seconded and bn tel:
call, el] YES.
City Administrator Almquist ,?ave secnnd readikq~ blt tdtle only
amending Title 17, Subdivisio,'~s. McCannep moved for adoption;
and motion passed unanimously on roll call vote.
City Adn'inistraCor Ahnquist Save second readj~:% by title enly of
anthorizing the jssucnca of city jmprovem~:nt hz, nds re]~tive tc Strc. oL h::.,a,~,
merit Djstrlct #41. !,a:<'~= moved for ~K~OptiOT,; 7fcCannon seconded. Allen as]~e.l
permission to abstain. On roll c;2].l all ether~ voted YES,
Ke~u!ar ~lceti~}! Ashland City Council ['a~Ie sevelx
Ordinance No. 118~
City Admfn~strator A]mquist Save first readi:~g of an ordinance amendixie
Ordinance 1184 by repealing Sections 14.]6.O10 and 14.16.020 of the Ashland
Municipal Cede; adding new Sectjon~ 14.16.010 through 14.16.025 inclusive;
and declarffng an emergency. McCaunon moved to second reading; Ragland
seconded and on roll ca].l, passed unanimously.
Ordinance No. 1673
City Administrator A1P. quist gave first readin~ by title only (not necessary
to read in full as it w~s publish,~d and posted) of an ordinance amemqinc~
Ordinance iJo. 1673 ~-alat~ve to electric r~tes. McCannon moved to
readiag: Laws seconded. ~e C~t}, Administrator explained the rate schedule
saying that the average increase amounUed to I~.6 evetel] with
ranging from zero to 30% ~r~d Soud~ern Oregon re!legs bus an incre~:q{ of
20% across th~ board. Tb~, inc3'r:~sa En rate for recennectffon for times other
than regular xcorkir~g hours ,,,ar¢~ oh,rally neaev~ rated heca,,se of unic~z wa~es
and fringe bc=nefits, the C.~ty ~.~injstrator stated. Hoffarth sai6 t!,at it
appears as tbot~gh tlne h/.;her user gets a bet[~ rate and that in an energy
crunch s~tuatlen fit would seem the consumer 2~ rewarded for using ~n~ure energy
fYity ~dn~/nia' c~ator Alp qu'i =~t said that Ehe or,~in.nnce changes that phiion: of>by
and baa~:g mo:e heavi]y on the higher user.
Nell h%nx~ of '<25 roy S°,:r~=e~: crff tffcized the CLt7 re',: raislrg the aloe tric
rates to pay for what be considers frills and ;~"~It~d no,~ m~ch ~f the e]~tctr!c
charges go into tba f%,~,~ccal fun~, la~.rs statc. c~ ~l=at of tba total of
$528,000 go, or: into the Ze~r, ral fu~nd, and went s::. to say ~hat n,oney :,ae~ te c~:'
~ecessity of tb~ Cit2 to folios.' thr~ rcco~m~end~ ions o~ the Etch $tu~'.y
On roll cal!~ ]~aCc~nnot., laws, !he]and, l.~c!)uwe]i. and A]l~n vot'ed YES. Hoff-
arth oppossd th~ roerico.
l!e. so],utjon -
Uater Coxrmff, ttea
A resolution was ?-Qad by Cff ty Administ':ato~: A],'qujst cra.!l~"~r~f: an Ad lilac
Co~ondttee c:on~isting of a ~?a.:~mum of five (5) ~:.mbars to ed.~jse Couucj]
concerning water for municjpal usa, water resoa:cces and problan~ related
thereto. Ai]en moved for adoption; i{offarth szconded. Nayor Pricks1 t
said that ha had net been able to contact appoiz~tees to confirm later'eat.
Planner Mawson asked that a perso~ with Forest Servffce be consiSered as
a malabar. On ro]t c:,t], ,not'~nn p~ms(,d unan/u<,br:jy.
Ave~wide 20~
Memorandum fron: {',ffty Adn ii,.jstEator w~s subuittc-J notifying, C;ou~xcl 1 of
Areawide 208 Waste Tr~:atmcnt Planning kequcst ~ :~etin~ with Nedford
Council, Jz~clcscn Coonty (]r. ngni~sio~!er~ and rrpr,'t.cnLat:ives cf other
interested cities to be held os ~ursd,ny, Apri) 10, 1975 at 7~30 P.M.
SOC Stevenson Union.
Committee ~,ssign--
l:.ent Changes
Mayor Pric]-ett p]:~cad La!,~s in the posl t:ion of b,j!ing Council liaison
Council of,- Coverrancors and Hoffarth to serve o~: Traffic Saileta'
City Adininist~ator Air.tquLqn was directed by ~(r,l, or Prickett to draft a
Resolution in :jaco-~;~j.t~on of service to Ctty by former Counc.~l reambars
Audrey Sodasberg and jim Conklin.
Mayor Prickerr ar!nouuced that he and Courlciln'lan Laws would ateend the
Associ.4tion of Cities ~n Jackson S',ounty and ~,.-pcrt hack to