June 3, 1975
Roll Call
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of Boards,
Commissions & Committ-
ees -
Sale of water well
Oletha M. Abbott
Friendship Committee
Ashland Jaycees
Amigo Club
Soccer Team
Noise Permit Request
Amigo Club
Ashland Learning
Legal Services
Huraau Resources
Sewer User Rate
Mayor Prickett led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting to order
at 7:30 p,m. in the Council Chambers on the above date. All members were
McCannon moved that minutes for the Regular Meeting of May.20, 1975 be
approved and placed on file; McDowell seconded and on voice vote, all YES.
McCannon moved and McDowell seconded that minutes of boards, commissions &
committees be accepted as submitted and placed on file. On voice vote,
motion PASSED unanimously.
A letter from Oletha M. Abbott offering to sell a water well to the City was
read by City Administrator Almquist. Mayor Prickett recommended referral tc
Water Advisory Committee and Laws so moved, with McDowell seconding. On
roll call, all in favor.
Trenton Douglas of the Ashland Jaycees reported on upcoming schedule of loc~
soccer temn placing team made up of boys f~om twelve through fourteen years
old in competition in southern California cities, Las Vegas and Guanajuato
and expressed support of Jaycees in the different areas where the boys will
be hosted by opposing teams' families. Douglas credited the Amigo Club wit~
financial support along with arrangements and introduced Felix Sammaron who
told about the team's successful trip to Europe and plans for the future.
Grace Kocks, on behalf of Amigo Club, requested a noise permit for Wednesde?
June 4th between 9 & 12 midnight for a "serenade" to be accompanied by guita
and to take place in various locations of the City. Ragland moved for
approval; Laws seconded and on roll call, motion passed unanimously.
Lynna Stevens, representing the Ashland Learning Center reported on program
stating that Center has .financial support of the State and Federal governm~
but that support is contingent on local support and requested limited use
of the Xerox machine. Hoffarth moved that request be approved; seconded by
Laws and passed unanimously ~n roll call vote. (20 copies per month)
Hoffarth voiced concern over the amount of money being spent on legal servi~
and wondered if a full-time City Attorney should be looked into and pointer
up that this is no reflection on present City Attorney Salter. Mayor Pric~=
appointed Hoffarth and himself to meet with City Administrator and Attorney
Salter to gather more data. No action necessary.
Mayor Prickett named Councilwoman McDowell to be liaison to the Human Res-
ources Committee.
Ragland, Chairman of the connnittee studying user fee schedule for sewage
system asked City Administrator Almquist to brief Council on proposed rates
The City Administrator said it is necessary to revise present fee schedule
because it was not acceptable to EPA and said the proposal is
flowing to individual accounts along with a minimum demand c]~argc and is
being divided into Single Family Residential, Multiple Family Residential,
Commercial and Industrial. Almquist said the increased revenue generated
would be about $33,500 per veer, a~d that the
felt by souther oregon sta e ollege, public d
R~J~lar Meeting Ashland _City Council
Sewer User Rate cont.
Sewer Treatment Plant
Creek Channel Cleaning
Airport Master Plan
Kuest Building
Monthly Financial Com-
Parks & Recreation
The City Administrator pointed up a specific problem relative to Twin
Plunges where there is a large water loss and said the problem would be
studied for individual adjustment and that the sewer user fee would be
for domestic and not irrigation use. Chairman Ragland complimented Jeff
Gibbs on his study and report and said the ordinance will appear later in
the Agenda.
Laws said that his committee had been comtacted by Attorney Gerald Scannel
indicating that he might settle for less than originally claimed. Laws
recommended that any such communication!~e in written form directed to the
City or our attorney, William Garter. It 'was unanimously agread in com-
mittee that attorney's costs will be sig~utficantly less than what is being
asked and it is felt that we should be a~le to defend our position success
fully, Laws moved to accept recommendation of Garter that the City
~hould defend these cases upon their merits, and that motion include com-
mittee's recommendations; seconded by McDowell and passed unanimously on
roll call vote.
Director of Public Works Alsing recommended that the creek be cleaned
and rediverted to its original channel in the vicinity of the Sewage
Treatment Plant and requested authority to contact property owners on
whose property would have to be entered to get their individual'permissicn
Mayor Prickett asked Alsing if such action would be agreeable with State
to which Alsing commented that it would. Laws moved recommendation be
accepted and authority granted. Hoffarth seconded the motion. On Hoff-
arth's question, City Attorney Salter agreed project would be beneficial.
On roll call vote, passed unanimously.
Dr. Stewart Johnson, Chairman of the Airport Committee reported that the
committee recommends retaining Wadell Engineering Corporation of Foster
City, California to proceed with the Master Plan for the airport and that
a resolution be adopted authorizing the Director of Public Works to submit
an application to the Federal, Aviation Administration for Planning Grant
Program Funds to assist the financing.
A letter was read by City Administrator Almquist from Fred R. Kuest in
whose building the City leases offices for Building, Planning and Engineer*
ing Departments, stating plans to remodel his building and to increase the
rental from 17¢ per square foot to 26¢. City Administrator Almquist said
he has no particular recommendation and suggested two members on Council
might. study matter and bring back proposal for June 17, 1975 meeting.
Mayor appointed Allen, Chairman and McCannon to study matter.
Mayor Prickett was particularly concerned with the financial status of the
Parks & Recreation Department and asked Finance Director Nelson when the
City could expect to be repaid the recently extended loan of $20,000.
Nelson explained the financial difficulties and said that the department
should be out of debt to the City by late in the year and added that he
expects that they will need to borrow additional monies early next year.
Letter from Parks & Recreation Commission requesting that Finance Depart-
ment handle accounting and purchasing for the department was rc~d by Cj ~:
Administrator Almquist. Fiiiance Director agreed with request ano said tiTat
he could make more comprehensive reports in future but recommended that
payroll accounting he deferred'until after the first ~f the year. Law~
moved to grant request of Parks Department and recommendation by Nelson:
McDowell seconded and motion passed unanimously on roll call .
Regular Meeting Ashland City Council Page thr=!~
Ordinances, Resolu-
tions & Contracts
Sewer User Rates
Senior Citizens
Utility Discount
Subdivision Ord.
Ord. No. 1318
Underground U[il.
Ord. No. 1745
City Administrator Almquist gave first reading of an ordinance amending
Ordinance No. 1775 and Chapter 14.08 of the Ashland Municipal Code relative
to Sewer User Charges. McDowellmoved to second reading; McCannon secondef
and on roll call passed unanimously.
First reading of an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1766 entitled "An
Ordinance to provide a program of utility discounts for senior citizens
and declaring an emergency" was read by City Administrator Almquist.
McCannon requested that language in Section 5 be amended to read "a conan-
ittee of three (3) Council members appointed by the Mayor, and confirmed
by the City Council may grant exceptions to the foregoing income ]imitatic=
where the circumstances justify such exceptions," and moved to second read-
ing, as amended. Hoffarth seconded and on roll call, all YES,
City Administrator Almquist gave first reading of an ordinance amending
Ord. No. 1318, the subdivision ordinance of the City of Ashland, and
Title 17 of the Ashland Municipal Code, and declaring an emergency.
McCannon moved to second reading, seconded by McDowell and passed unanimcus
on roll call vote.
First reading of an ordinance of the City of Ashland amending Ordinance
No. 1745 and amending certain sections was given by City Administrator A!z-
quist. The City Administrator reviewed ordinance and recommendations of
the Electric Subcommittee and pointed out that the subdivider could get a
full refund within one year. Mayor Prickett objected to the position of
one subdivider financing the ~ole installation where only a proportion ef
it would be necessary for his development and recommended that each subseqL
ent developer should be required to pay a proportionate share and cited
Herzman cost involvement in the sewer lift station for his project. City
Administrator Almquist said that if the City is going to allow a 25% type
financing for the subdivide~ it may as well be prepared to pay the other
75%. Allen asked the cost of storage and transmission facilities for a
sewer lift station and water storage and Almquist.explained there would be
about three levels and that it would be necessary to complete the high lave
before getting into the second level and cited Oredson's development as a
high level. Prickett said it was not his intent to make the cost prohibit-
ive to the developer but felt on an acreage basis the developer would pay
a proportionate .share so the City could get its capital improvement costs
back. The City Administrator said the Electric Subcommittee might want t~
do more work on the section dealing with Pumping & Storage Facilities and
recommended that Section 2 of Ordinance No. 1318, Section 17.28.020 be
deleted entirely from the Ordinance as read. City Administrator Almquist
brought up the fact that at one time the City did everything in a lot of
these developmen~ but by going 50% as now suggested he had hoped that the
subdivider with 50% of the cost being paid by him would be more apt to
complete development as plannedto get his investment back. Prickett
agreed by saying that be couldn't see a developer letting his money sit
idle. Allen suggeste~ that the City should Bancroft the entire mnount.
Almquist stated that Klamath Falls faces a loss of $900,000 by Bancrcft-
ing 100% of a subdivision which failed. Hoffarth moved to change pro rata
share from one-half (50%) to one~hundrcdpercent; Allen seconded, On roll
call, Laws~ Allen and Hoffarth voted YES. Ragland, McEannon and
voted in opposition. Mayor Prickerr broke the tie with a NO vote.
.moved for 25% to subdivider and 75% to be Bancrofted; Laws seconded. On
roll call, Allen, Hoffarth, McCannon and Laws voted YES, McDowell and
land opposed. Motion carried. (~ontinued)
6/3/75 Paee 3
Ordinance No. 1745
Amendments cont.
Ordinances No. 1827 &
1828 - Oredson Sub.
Zone Variance Filing
Fees - Ord. No. 1361
Home Occupations
Ordinance No. 1361
Airport Master Plan
Resolution - Grant
Resolution - Walker at
RR crossing stop signs
Request for transfers
of Appropriations
The Ordinance was read as amended, including title, by City Administrator
Almquist. Allen remarked that such ordinance would be excluding Ashland's
contractors from building. McCannon moved that Ordinance, as amended, be
moved to second reading; McDowell seconded and on roll call Ragland, Laws,
McCannon and Ragland voted in favor; Allen and Hoffarth opposed.
Second reading by title only was given ordinance amending Ordinance No.
1827 & 1828 relative to the annexation of certain land (Oredson Annex-
ation) and withdrawing same from Talent Rural Fire Protection District.
McDowell moved for adoption seconded by Ragland and passed unanimously
on roll call vote.
City Administrator Ahnquist gave second reading by title only of an ordin-
ance amending Ordinance No. 1361, the Zoning Ordinance, and Title 18 of
tile Ashland Municipal Code relative to Zone Variance Filing Fees, and
declaring an emergency. McDowell moved to second reading; Ragland seconded
and on roll call vote, passed without opposition.
Second reading by title only was given by City Administrator Almquist
amending Ordinance No. 1361, the Zoning Ordinance, relative to Home Occupa--
tions, and declaring an emergency. Hoffarth moved to second reading,
seconded by McDowell. Laws asked for opportunity to speak after the vote
relative to emergency clauses. On roll call, motion passed unanimously.
Laws wondered why most ordinances contain emergency clauses when actually
most could wait the thirty days to become effective and said that Council
could be violating the Charter in so doing. Mayor Prickett recormnended zha
City Administrator and City Attorney look into the matter, City Attorney
Salter sa/d it was rather traditional and said the clause could always be
deleted. Mayor Prickett said some direction should be given and suggeste!
the emergency clause be put in unless staff were directed otherwise. Laws
disagreed saying that the clause should be used only on direction of Counci
and procedure was agreed upon by members.
McCannon moved to accept selection of Wadell Engineering Corporation to
develop a master plan for the airport; Hoffsrth seconded and on roll call,
all YES. City Administrator Almquist read Resolution authorizing and dir-
ecting the Director of Public Works to submit an application tc the Federal
Aviation Administration for planning grant program funds to assist the fir.-
ancing of a master plan for the Ashland Municipal Airport. Hoffarth moved
for adoption; Allen seconded and motion passed unanimously on roll call vc=
~yor Prickett added that such motion was contingent upon federal funding.
A Resolution providing for the removal of stop signs on Walker Avenue at
the railroad crossing and giving authority for same was read by City Admiz-
istrator Almquist. McCannon moved for adoption, seconded by McDowell and
passed unanimously on roll call vote.
City Administrator Almquist read a memorandum from Finance Director Robert
D. Nelson requesting transfers of appropriations within funds and asked
Nelson for commentj Finance Director Nelson asked to include another ite~
to cover repair or replacement of air conditioning system which had failed
in City Itall since the request for transfers was submitted and ~,~gested
item be designated No. 6 on the list and recommended monies ~o~n.! :~,:t of
Revenue Sharing Capital Outlay for approximately $7,000 which would leave a
balance of around $3,000 in the Operating Contingency. Hoffarth and Mayor
Prickett agreed the repair or replacement of system should be let out for
bid. Nelson recommended bids be secured within County for good service.
(continned) 6/3/75 Page 4
Meeting Ashland City Council Da.~e five
Transfer of Funds
~in Plunges
Special Election
Council agreed to add request for transfer of funds from Capital Outlay
(Revenue Sharing) to Operating COntingency in the amount of $7,000.
City Administrator Almquist read the Resolution transferring appropriatio~
within funds as amended. Laws moved for adoption, seconded by McDowell and
motion passed unanimously on roll call vote.
City Administrator Almquist read Agreement between City of Ashland and
Alfred & Edith Willstatter for Youth Swim Program. Hoffarth reported
that about 300 tickets for swimming had been sold which was considerably
below sales anticipated and asked direction. Ragland recommended that
another sign-up day be held. Laws agreed and further snggested that the
youngsters have a free swim day and if there are enough signups to go ahead
with the program.
City Recorder Butler gave results of the Special Election Authorizing
$137,400.00 Tax Levy Outside Limitation saying the votes tallied 1029
against and 448 for the measure. Mayor Prickett said he accepts the
balanced budget and the elimination of items should remain as they are.
Laws recommended closer communication with the voters next year. IRe Mai:cr
agreed saying that a poor job was done relative to community needs, but
have done the best we can all things considered.
The meeting was adjourned to Adjourned Meeting of June 5, 1975 at 4:p.m.
Robert D. Nelson
Acting City Recorder
6/3/75 ~age 5