HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-1007 REG MIN}{INUTES t~'OR '["HE :~ECl]i,AR }Y, ET!?:G ,~SULA}:D CITY COUNCIL October 7, 1975 ROI,L CALL APPROVAL OF ~i]YUYES ~jl]~UT]~S 01' '30:UCDS , COI,/~IhS,LONS & (:O~[/h ROGUE VALLEY YI?ANSPORT- AT]iON D'LSTR!CY The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Acting Mayor McCannon who called meeting to order at 7:30 oi~ tbe above date, jn tSe Counc]I Cb~mbcrs, ;~llen, McCannon, !loffartit, Ragland, NcDoweli and ]Lavys w{~re 1,~ esent. Mayor Pr~ckett was noted absent-, Mirlutes were approved by Actingl Mf,'yor XcCaimon as submitted, McDowell moved for approval of minutes of all. Boar!l::~, Comn~ssiot~s Cammitt:sea; Foffarth secot~dcd and on voice vote, all YES. Cit~ Attorney Salrer reviewed his mt~morandum relative to the Va]idatje:~ Proceedings bating initiated By the Rogue Valley Traasportat:rc, a ]3:ist~ ard explained that an hffimnative vote would indicate that th,2 City wirhe~ to become a part of the Transportation Dir trict, Manril]e Hc~isc].~ Attorney for the District, gt~'ve an account of the f[~=~:~] encountered in the formalion of the ]'~ir:tr:[ct and sr~j.d the st,Tl,ort of Council would be of as~tance fn the Va]idat:;or, ~roceedir<-;~ and th:,t of the seamen cities wb:ich are beSng ~s]co~ to ~c]c~pt a ]lesc, lui',~n ~r~ support of tche p]an, Hcdfo:'d and Phoenb: have par~ed such education, On Hoffarth~s qu~,stjon as to v:het]Tt-~r support by }~cso]ution ~.,::v. Id mean endorsement of the plan, H~<isel s~{d i]~at jt wo~,Dd not, A!)~m if a~O Lakerich wuuld have to ~o to the voters to ',dlich tile ].e.~a] counsel said any taxation world be through elec'tior~ of [ha puop3-. Alfred Wil ].s tatter exp] a ined that the- Rogue Valley 7'rans~or t .~ t ~ ~,n of which he ig Chairman, is the only district v2hicb js manda:~:_=] b7 people insteaE] of the Y~t~te, and went on to exp!',in that it j:; the tasl- of the Advisory Comml tree to put a plan togethe~ and that it be approved or rejected wh~:n it comes before the people in HcCaonon asked the the matter be placed on the next Agendfi~ Pa~l'~ Cracas, a member of the AdVisoBr Committee, urged Counci]. to :':;dtca decision because of the flute factor i~vo]ved. City Atto~ne:. '.:'."ltc:. rem~nded Council i:bat another item on the Agenda was a requ<..:i ..'or bus system license from Agate LLnes who now hold the tnx:[ f~;:nzhlsc: town and suggested that the request be cliscussed so 'chat ;~r]: between the tuo reques~:s might be avoided through discussio,, of matters, Wills tatter felt that there would be ~o conf].ict becF{~se r<:qucst by Agate was for an 'on ceil" type of systc.~;~ es oppo~sc~) to scheduled line. i. aws suggested toth matters be discussed a~'d made toBight. Ou the compatibjlc[ty of the two lines, He~lfy said that the two could either work to~ether; tb< distrjc. t ccu:3c~ buy the local line out or a condem:~tjon m~it: could !.c~ jnjtiat'ed, and Tra~!ways wou]d remain acd cot~t~nuc their fnter-c~ty ~;n~ :i,,icvst:'lj service, PadF, ham explained, and added that fin~'ncing wou.td be chruurq. 8(}% of capital out]~,y from the Uuban Mass Trang{t Adn3'%nj{'tratf:~n enc~ the rcma:fn~ng'207 would be fln~pc,-J tbrcugh the ]oc:~! oF:~'~tio~ by fares aad possibly subsidies, ]~[cI)owe]l] pn:[Btcd nut that qve,qtion~aires being retucne,:[ to (:es on publife re'sponge on ].ecal prohlcr,~: indica~t~',J transport;= be. ing on Lop of the l~at. ]L)/7/73 2';,::!I {!:~. T~I~SPORTATION DIST. Gout. Agate Lines License Request DEQ NIlDES Permit and l~shland Creek Channel City Attorney Salter caotjoned Council that if it should join the Trar?-- portation DistriCt, it could not franchise another service.' ~fcC',annor~ recommended approval of both system. Dennis Perkins outlined h~s for running a wtn system, a 36 passenger bus or whatever see~ns profit- able and appro]~riate for the needs of ~qhland and said that i~ would take some study to decide how to operate but would like a license t~, run after expanding monies to ~et the system running. McCannon told o~ tentatr~ve plan~ for running of mjuibuses for senior citizens and wondered if this would cause. a conflict. Willstatter said that some kind of transDort~tion ~nuld be necessary between n~w and whe~ the trr, r;~ portation djstr~ct actuat]y operatee and said he could see no eonflict, C~ty Admin2stra~or Alnouist read the EesolgtSon. McDowell move5 for adoption and Hoffarth seconded, adding that the only reason he was becattse the p;~blic w:jl] have the opportunity to vote on the On A].]eu~s question as to x,,here w~ would be if Cou~cit does not the resolution~ Cffty Attorney Sa].ter said Council could do not-hin~ anj would be in the District if the court approves and if the City ~ants to get out, Council could oppose, A! Grove bus d~:iver with fob:mar Valley Stages said that the need far transportation betkTeCn A~d~iand Madford was illustrat~d in the increased volun,e o~ users frnt~ e~%]'~v or ninety passenI~ers per day to about three huudrcd. ~d~rey La:,sin2e';' spoke stating that to disapprov~ the system would be to isolate from the rest of the valley, Diana Me~er r?quc'stcd consideration because of a need to travel to o~hcr t'owns. On roll call ~ passed witl c oppositioff. Co-owner Dennis Perkins added t:o what he had a]rr, ady said &~yfil:!; the previous agenda itexn by stating that he ~lonld not want a cor, f]ict the transportation district but that his franchise should he protattoo' and if he finds that taxi tours be now handles could be expanded to bus tours that he wot~ld be back after a francbi~:e. McDowell ;,,oved that request be granted for a year. Alle~ seconded. Perklos safid equipment etc. , that he would want his investment protected for a longer period of time. City Attorney Salter recommended, ou suggestion from Allen, that the year clause be left in the motion and after a year a franchise could be drawn up hased on the op~'ntic,~. Perkins said the buses are under PUG control. City Atto:'nay najd h~ would draft an ordinance'with protection for thc City and bring it at the ne>:t regular meeting. On roll call, all YES. City Administrator Almquist reviewed ]etter from DEQ relative to cbarge front sewer treatment plant rind recommendation from Direct{~r Public Works A]sing to retur~ Ashland Creek to its original channel. and that property owners a~ain be notified of Cjty's intentions and e;~': permission to use proOertv to do necessary work at City's Administrator Aln~quist as~ed for authority Inr the City At:uo~'na'~ to write to Gerald Scannell, attorney for property ,owners, and in the absence of an .ans~,~er within a period of t~n days that a court u: der !e acquired to do tt~e ~urk. On question from Allan and II~,]~nJ, sai~] he planned to use force account and that he would ~Te~k up cost estin~ates. Allen moved that City Att'orney send ]ettm' owner's re~rese~t~t~ve and that Staff bring hack cost meeting of October 21, ],975; ]iaEland seconded and m~loti(m l,nsne~] opposition. R;,i~ulnr :qe.~t~n!,, Ash]and CitF Council i0/7/75 1~ ., ' .=-::! =--3 --= .__ C05JMUNIT~/. DEVELOP}lENT BLOCK GRANTS Map:~ Subdivision Appeal Cs.ble TV Fjnd3ngs of Fact (Scannell) MLP 2~2 C:lty Administrator A]mquist rev]ewed letter from Rogue Valle7 Council c: Government,'~ relating that Oregon is expected to receive $3.6 mfliSoq grants this year. According to the City Administrator only ten in the State of Oregon were funded last year and listed those ~,hich were opp].ied for in Ashland last year includin~ t-he watershed study, solar heated svfin~n~ng pbol, Historical Cornmisslon, 1,4u]tj-q~rvj~e Center a~d sprfifi4jng system for the golf course. Almquist recommended that proapplication for funding he made te cover the cost of sewer lins~ and other improvements in the H~:ra,~y Street area where ap'pro~:inmtelv twenty haines are not mov served by City sewcrs~ storm drair, s arid that fire protection is inaOequate~ City Administrator Almqujst said thou the fact that the area is made np principally of low income houslm~; and low income families would lend itself to this kind of program by np[ffad- ins the area with ]00Z fedewa] funding. Rag]and moved to greet rcques~ and asked that D:~recLo'c of Public !,n~']~s Alsing bring back f~rm on improven~emts for nux~ meeting; Laws seconded. Hoff2rth requested he be excused from votju[,~ beeease of interest in area -- rcqucst granted, On roll call all memb{.rs voted YES to pass the mot:[on unanimuun:ly. Appeal was presented on dccfsion inade by Ash]and P]ap.I~jn2 Commisa~;o~ at its meetin[~ of Septsaber 25, 1975o Mien moved to set Public on October 21, 1975 at 7:30 p.m.; ltoffarth se::onded and on roll passed unanimously. City Administrator requested thai- iten be placed on agenda regardinS% until the next meeting. I,sws so moved; I, JcDowe]l seconded] and on ~cl;cs vote, all YES. City ~,dminist~ator Almquist read a letter from the Ash]and Croup Home requestinS perfission to use Crater Natiennt Bank parking lot for a rummage sale to Be held either on CctnLer ]dth or 25ti' bet,yeen the hours of 9:00 a.m. sad 4:30 p.m. Hcffarth moved to gra~t request; secoDd by McDowell and on voice vote, passed unanimously. Hoffarth caromexited on Senthorn Oregon. Cab]els objection_ to a survey conducted by students at Seethorn Oregon Sta[ze College stating thsr Dr. Ethel Hansen's class was doing a service to the commnnity and that the data could be valuable. Findings of Fact on i'LP ~t242 were submitted by Gerald J. Scarwell, as requested. Councilman Laws safEcared that format be dav~]eped Sts'jf out]fining the established questions to m~tisf~ the conyts throuS~b the fiedines - or answers to the three basic question35 ~?s set dt,,wn the ?assno dec*{s~oa. City Attosney Saltor said he x~as given ca~,u, cn:nz~ corractionr; a~ ':,3,le l~y Planner Hsvz~on moments b,~fore the meet:;r.~ at]dad that the f'iudin~s as submitted to and request:ed by the Counc~ for their acceptance and should tbe~ he considered incorroet accorJ'in~ to testimony at pubdie ]nearini~, then~ thev sbon]d not be accepted. arth moved that Findj,Igs bc accepted as presented be,Sjn:-:i~p, on Lin~ on Page 3: Laws aecouded. Allen and Ragland were excnsed from since they were not present at the Dublie hearing, On rail. Iio~farth, NcCannon aud ~,lc])owel] voted YES to nasa the motion nnnni~;:{ 10/7/75 Vet.inS on Findings Month ly Financial Ci t izen Jh~vo ] yemen t Sher~,,ood St:coot Pav 5 r~ 5, Fire 'l'ruck Sale Liquor Licenses Meyer Subd. E as omen t Parks & Recreation Director Confi~n- ation So;wet User Charg.e - Sanitary dinups A mei:lc, ran< um was submitted by Cj t7 Attc, m~ey relative to vot~nfI on Pincl- ings of Fact. Laws disagreed uith provjsipn in memo stating that accord- ing to the ~arter that one~s vote c, anaot b'e taken away, Alle~ ~ovec] that City Attorney rasc~nrch Chnri:er on the question and brffng b:tcl, the anqwer at tl',e ne;;t Council meeting; Rag]arid seconded and on ro]2 cal], Monthly Financial ::h~:l;.i!,,{ly for month e~djng August 3], 2975 x~,ab. sulim~ttt ! by Finan, to Director l\e]sen and accepted wjt-h no action r, ecess,u:y. Appointn~:nt of Dr. Ethel !ta~:scn i'o jacksoh County ConLm~ttce for Ciglizc'~ Direct{u- o2 Publ.~c ICur1<s A]siug reeenm.~m]l?d that by the (]:lty in ace ~-darLce u'[ h &n ~Ureemept made some t~me by Bencroft~ng t'h? cost of apprc: imnte],y $1C~O00 to be repc~id payments oF $500 ceac:l~ by t:be C:~mctery Tr~a~t Wt. Ld perdec! of ten yea9)S &nj the YJoL, k ba (]OR& 'h~' 2orce 2(hCOlllit, Lb. ZQ~: S;~iX gasted that matter be d~ferred until resolutLcn canto up on the City kdmln-lntrater Almqujst recc,,i!,,ncndezd sale of ].946 ~ord fire surplus anrJ FuSEested t-list DU])]iC ~(nCi[zO bs f;ivcn bid bas~s. Allen su~ge:4ted th~t Parks CommirTsion be offered use ia pi~yglouud R;~d if tbF)r ere not interested thf, t Almqu:Lst-'~.: mendation be accepted~ XcDowe]i zccouded snd on roll call, Recarder Butler prostrated ] i quor ] ice,us e app] ic'at~ ons from Alice Pradel, C~at~¥~u]iu Rest~uu'ar~t of 50 E. Main St~:ect; i.eiFh et ai, Cinema Inn~ I600 Ashland S~reet and Margaret Southside Market, 7[602 Ashland Street~ fur consideration. question~ Ct~ief Herb Itays said he had no objection to Hoffarth moved to approve: RagJ~md secmwled. AI]en asl~ed per~U~b~c-~ abstain :,s owner of l~ecnse. All others x, oted YES. i, lotio} Allen moved that }~ayor and Recorder be authorized to mign a qult cl~:"-: deed relea.~sing easement ow'r Ajhert C., Meyer Subtidy!s-lot ~ Mc'DoweL]] seconded and on ro]! call vote~ p~s~w,<t un~nimous],y. City Admin.:strntor A]mquist read ],attar of recowjnendation frok So; TeE Commjttee of Parks ~ ]iecrcp. E:[on Coi~nnllss~o]] to select I)ouglas C:r3cef ~'~ fill the position o[ Parkq & Hocreation Director. MeD<~wel] uo~c I fo~' confirmation of appointn~er~t of Mr. Graef; Raglaud seconded .'~nd on roll csl], passed w~thouF opFosition. 11~e first readin3 was gi'v'eu by Alniqui,%t of an ozclina;~ce ~o ],820 ance ,~ , a!1<l Section ]4.0U,.035 of the Ashland ~Sm:fc:jpai tive L:o seweT ttser char~W~s. Allen moved to seqond seconded the motion v~hich passed unanimousJy on roll 10/7/75 ..... ' ,-'~' Ashlan.:l Citl Ccui~c[1 lf]/)/;/ll ~ O]cdinance oH Booster: Pnl!!pjr~g City Administrator Alm.~uist explainPC the need for policy to gove. r tile installation of 3-phase electric po,. po operate Dumping fac-t]i1'ies to serve on hillside dev'elopments u such time as a Hi~,,h Level ~.Zatc'L SFstem is developed. Almquist scjd t an example of this ~lecd wouJd be the Mountai~ Ranch Subdivision s? : '~tthough Unit No. 1 has been approved, Unfit No. 2 x?ou]d need the 7, phase pnwczr since the nearest installatffon is on Sgskiyou Bon]ev~'~d and that the instaltn~ ion would beneficis] to subd:t~is~on rest:dents oh]y. A].mquist gave first the ordinance. Fol].owffng considerable discussSun Allen meved to Hoffarth seconded the motion and All.on, Hoffarth azd McCauuon voted YFS. Ragland, Laws m~d MoDewell voted NO. Motion f~i]ea by lnck of major'itT. MoDewell insred to suedud rcad~ng; Ragland secor, dcd. On rot] call, McDowell and EcCar,,-,on voted YEfg. Allen and ]!ella7 th voted ?'~O. carried. AFfrkmatff~e Action Resolution A l:esolotjou adl:,ptffn~. an~ Affirmatri~e Acti,~u Prof, ram and ~o],ffcy ~,as ]--~.'] by City AJr!~in:ist~aIor AliFiqdis. i- who here6 such pro~'r~:!n is nc. ce~ia~ry le qualify for 208 Pla'm~fffl% Funded. tio~faFth move<] to adopt ~es,',.]uhion wj~h deletion n[ the second !:lar~grabh x.:,itb the except kin of tht:: ffrst al:;l ]~ !u sentences stnt[ng thnt th.'~ rest of the paragraph w,~s excranctc,us. >Tel'c",], seconded and motion passud onanimotu~iy en roll call vote. }.{esolut~on -- Police Cou~nc:llman Laws moved to tab]~ reg:/]wl Lh~n until the bud2et oomm'~ttae h:m Appropriations heard it.; Hoffarth secor~dad e'nd on rn't~ call pag~ed unanlnously,- Re.~solution -- Sher- wood St. Pe:ving Resolution or, paving of Sherwood Street was read fly the C~ty Admi!xu~t !;:%-: Laws moved for adoption of reselutkm setting October 21, 1975 at 7:20 ~ .r for the public hearing. McDovret! seconded and motion passed unauil:tousj7 on roll call vote. CE%i (Jackson/Jos- ephine Job Council Contract with Jackson-Josephine County Job Council was presf~nted for CETA II extension of positions and ~ETA VI 'positions was submitted Council information o!~]y. Ad j our nmen t ~osepa% 1.'[. But]er ,.City Recorder Neering adjourned to Budget Comn tue ~ etmnj0~~ Octoher 14, 1975. Mayor 10/7/75 Page five (last)