November 14, 1975
Mayor Prickett called the Special Meeting to order at l:lS p.m. on the
above date in the Council Chambers of City Hall. Council members Allen,
Hoffarth, Laws and McDowell were present. Councilmen Ragland and McCannon
were absent.
The meeting was called for the purpose of taking action on the FFA grant off-
er for the master plan for the Ashland Municipal Airport.
City Administrator Almquist read a resolution accepting the grant offer
in the amount of $12,000 to be used under the Planning Program Project
No. A-41-0002-01. Councilwoman McDowell asked if any strings are attached
to the grant. Almquist explained that the total cost of the project is to
be $18,000, of which $12,000 will be covered by the grant, $3,000 by
cash contribution from State Board of Aeronautics, and $3,000 by "in-kind"
services by City. He said the only governmental control is that any
improvement must conform to the master plan.
In answer to a question by the mayor, PW Director Alsing said we can
modify the plan if it is within FAA rules. In answer to a question from
Laws, Alsing said our share of contribution will consist of an estimated
270 man-hours of work spread out over the next eight months, the majority
of the work to be done by the Planning Department.
Hoffarth moved to adopt the resolution. Allen seconded, and motion passed
unanimously on roll call vote.
The mayor adjourned the meeting.
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