May 1, 1973
Chamber of Commerce
First Presbyterian
Traffic Control Req.
Oak Knoll Golf Course
S.O, Cable T.V.
Klamath Falls, City of
(SB 439)
Civil Air Patrol Award
The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Fries
on the above date at 7:30 p.m. Allen, Prickerr, McCannon,
Roble and Conklin noted present; Soderberg arrived at
7:37 p.m.
Conklin moved that minutes for the regular meeting of
April 17, 1973 and adjourned meeting of April 19, 1973
be approved and placed on file. On voice vote, passed
Roble moved that minutes of the Ashland Community Hospital
Board of Directors be accepted and placed on file. Passed
unanimously on voice vote.
Roble moved the letter from Chamber of Commerce requesting
financial help be approved as per the Budget Session of this
date. On roll call vote, all approved.
Request from First Presbyterian Church for a painted cross-
walk on Clark Street between Merritt Swing Hall and the
church parking lot was read and the problem discussed. Con-
klin moved that crosswalk be installed at the point request-
ed. and that sign be placed at both ends designating exist-
ence of crosswalk. On roll call, passed unanimously.
City Administrator Almquist read a letter from W. H. Hampton
Attorney for Oak Knoll and memorandum from Council Golf
Committee reconunending approval of rate request and that
settlement of dispute be removed from arbitration. Roble
moved that request be granted. Mr. Camp requested from the
nu_isnzz that rzcznzil;rztizn zf rate Lcl.c~l~ L~ sI .......
grounds that senior citizens were being deprived of playing
golf on the city course because of rates. Prickerr explain-
ed that Council has no authority under the lease in setting
annual rates and felt that fees were equitable for the
course. On roll call vote motion passed unanimously.
A letter from Southern Oregon Cable T. V. was read relative
to the installation of audio in the Council Chambers. Roble
moved that permission to install be denied. On roll call,
Conklin, Roble and McCannon voted YES; Prickett and Allen
opposed the motion and Soderberg abstained. Hotion to
deny passed.
City Administrator Almquist read a letter from City of Klam-
ath Falls relative to allocation of proceeds of forest
reserve monies and requesting support of SB 439. Prickerr
said he would want more information relative to the County
Budget and discussion brought out the fact that the City
is now enjoying benefits from the County on various projects.
Prickerr moved to accept the letter and to take no action at
this time. Soderberg asked that City Administrator Almquist
answer the letter from the City of Klamath Falls explaining
city's position. On roll call, passed pnanimously.
Major John Cady of the Civil Air Patrol thanked the City
of Ashland for cooperation and presented a Certificate of
Appreciation to Council. Mayor Fries in turn congratulated
John Cady for the excellent job in directing C.A.P. and
thanked him for the award on behalf of the Council.
Larry Herzman
City Arty. Salter on
Dog Control
Cornelius vs Ashland
INESS Paving at Library
Larry Herzman, builder, criticized City Administrator Alm-
quist for making a statement during a Planning Commission
meetinR which Herzman felt was inappropriate and asked for
an ~pology. Allen said he was present at the meeting dur-
ing which Herzman's subdivision plans were discussed and
while he felt' the comment (alluding to "cheap lots") was
not called for, that it was a lengthy meeting and partic-
pants were becoming irritable. City Administrator Almquist
apologized noting the time of the incident to be around
12:15 a.m. Mr. Herzman accepted.
City Administrator read letter from City Attorney Salter
on subject of dog control and fines which could be imposed
by City should it acquire equipment and go into enforcement
of dog control. Roble expressed hope that two extra men
would become available to the county dog control agency
as a result of county budget. No action taken.
Letter requesting court costs to be paid Appelant Cornelius
in the amount of $115,93 from City Attorney Salter was read,.
Prickett moved authorization for payment to Dr, William G,
Cornelius the sum of $115,93 as costs, Passed unanimously
on roll call vote,
Memorandum from Alsing was read requesting authorization
to approach county for financial assistance in paving the
alley adjacent to the library. Letters from the Soroptim-
ists Club and William Jennings relative to the problem were
also read. Roble moved that County be approached for help
in paving alley. Motion passed on unanimous roll call vote.
Soderberg moved that Staff be directed to do remedial work
now as temDorarv measure. fin roll call. all YES..
Class "A" Liquor
License Request
Roble Request
Council Coramittees
"StOp & Frisk" Ord.
Siskiyou Blvd. Imp.
Ordinance No. 1773
City Recorder Butler presented application for Class "A"
liquor license (wine ~ beer) from Bernard J. and Alice E.
Pradell for a French restaurant at SO East Main. Roble
asked Chief Hays for 'recommendation and was assured there
was no reason for denial. Roble moved that Class "A"
liquor license be granted. Passed unanimously on roll call.
Roble requested that Council return to previous item on
agenda ~paving at library) and that letters from the
Soroptimists and Mr. William Jennings be recognized and
placed on file, ~ayor Fries directed City Administrator
Almquist to respond to both letters.
Soderberg asked that Council discuss ~einstatement of Street~
and Traffic and Public Service Committees. Mayor Fries
denied discussion because request was not on the agenda.
Soderberg requested detailed background of respective
committee's work for next agenda. Mayor ordered inclusion
of subject for next agenda.
City Administrator Almquist gave second reading, by title
only, of Ordinance No. 1772. McCannon moved Ordinance
No. 17~2 be adopted. Allen, Roble, ~IcCannon, Prickett and
Soderberg voted YES on roll call. Soderberg noted that she
had changed her vote on the second reading as she hadn't
understood the scope of the Ordinance on the first reading.
Conklin opposed the motion.
City Administrator Almquist gave second reading, by title
only, of Ordinance No. 1773 authorizing and ordering the
improvement of Siskiyou Blvd., from Indiana Street to Walker
Avenue. Conklin moved for adoption. On roll call, Soderberg
Conkljn, Roble, McCannon and Prickerr voted for the measure;
Allen abstained.
Ordinance No. 1774
Water Rates
Ordinance No. 1775
Sewer Rates & Charges
Ordinance amending
Ordinance No. 1774
Rates & Fees (Water)
Ordinance was given second reading, by title only, prescri~
ing water rates and repealing Ordznance No, 167S. Conklin
moved ordinance be adopted. On roll call, passed unan-
City Administrator Almquist gave second reading of
Ordinance No. 1775, by title only, which prescribed th~
sewer rates and charges and repealing Ordinance No. 1697.
Prickett moved for adoption. Motion passed unanimously
on roll call vote.
City Administrator Almquist gave first reading of an
ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1774, prescribing water
rates for the City of Ashland, and explained breakdown.
Conklin moved for original proposal. Roble seconded for
point of discussion. McCannon said he can't see why the
rest of the people in the City should have to subsidize
the costs in developments when the costs are added to the
cost of the home. Prickerr asked Public Works Director
Alsing about the materials for water lines and costs.
Prickett said he can see getting the cost of the hook-up
back but would like to know what the actual costs are.
Walt Morehouse of Mainline Plumbing questioned Alsing
on costs of lines where City had not recuperated instal-
lation costs and suggested the city should not try to
recuperate costs of today on improvements made two or
more years ago. Nell Mann gave report of costs in sur-
rounding cities and cited Ashland's fees as the highest.
City Administrator Almquist indicated the survey was for
connect fees only and that the lines are installed through
formation of assessment districts. Alsing stated there
have been old lines replaced wilere there has been no cost
to property owner. Nell Mann insisted that we are saying
in effect "let tile new people pay the costs." Conklin
expressea lear lull COSlS O~ servlce would price lower in-
come people right out of Ashland. Allen said historically
that assessment districts paid for lines but in recent
years the user fees paid for the lines. "User fees have
helped pay for replacement of lines and I don't think the
city should expect to get paid right now on new install-
ations", Allen said.
Judy Toney who is with Van Vleet Realty stated that the
total cost charged by the city would hurt the individual
building a home in Ashland.
Conklin said Allen had implied that staff plays with
figures, and asked record to show that he (Conkiln)
believes that staff gives actual figures.
Conklin referred to original question. On roll call, Con-
klin and Soderberg voted YES; Allen, Roble, McCannon and
Prickett opposed. Motion to return to original proposal
Roble moved rates remain at present schedule which would
pertain to existing mains and in the event of extension
of mains or increase in size, the full cost should be
born by the property owner. On roll call, Allen, Soderberg
Roble voted to approve the measure. blcCannon, Prickett
and Conklin opposed. Mayor Fries voted against the motion
to break the tie. Motion defeated.
Ord. No. 1744 cont.
Ord. No. 1775 repeal-
ing Ord. No. 1697
Transfer of Funds
McCannon moved for adoption of original proposal. Conklin
seconded. Soderberg moved to amend that any new construct-
ion or extension of lines be the same cost as that charged
to subdividers. On roll call on amendment; Allen, Roble,
McCannon and Soderberg voted YES. Prickerr and Conklin
opposed the motion. Motion passed. On roll call on amend-
ed motion, Alien, Roble, McCannon.and Soderberg voted YES.
Prickeli and Conklin opposed the measure.
City Administrator Almquist read amendment to Ord. No. 1744.
Soderberg moved to pass to second reading. On roll call,
Allen, Soderberg, Roble and McCannon YES. Prickett and
Conklin opposed. Motion passed. Conklin mentioned there
is a moritorium to be effective until July 1st - 60 days.
City Administrator Almquist gave first reading of an ordin-
ance to amend Ordinance No. 1775 which prescribed the
sewer rates and charges, and repealing Ordinance No. 1697.
Soderberg moved to pass to second reading. On roll call,
Alien, Soderberg, Roble and McCannon voted yes. Prickeli
and Conklin voted no; motion passed.
City Administrator Almquist read Resolution Transferring
Appropriations With Funds. Finance Director Nelson
explained need for transfer. Conklin moved for adoption.
Oh roll call, passed unanimously.
Conklin moved to adjourn to May 8, 1973 at 7:30 p.m.
Meeting adjourned at 9:55 on unanimous roll call vote.
Archie C. F '