November 20, 1973
Dept. Reports
Elec. Consultants'
Planning Commission
Planning Conmission
Ashland Bible Church
water hookup
Wastewater Treat-
merit Plant Bid
The regular meetinR was called to order by Mayor Fries
at ?:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers on the above date.
Conklin, McCannon, Allen, Soderberg and Roble were pres-
ent. Prickett arrived moments late.
Mayor Fries approved th6 minutes of the regular meeting
of November 6, 1973 as submitted and placed on file.
Conklin moved that Departmental Reports for the month of
October be accepted and placed on file. Passed, all YES.
Soderborg asked about Item 8 of the Marquess & Marquess,
Electrical Consultants' Report relative to the diesel
generator which it stated had been delivered but not inst-
alled. City Administrator A]mquist irated that the trans-
former will be installed within two weeks, in ~nswer to
Soderberg's question.
Mayor Fries asked for c'orrection on Page 2, pp. 2 of min-
utes of Planning Commission meeting of November S, 1973,
"tlerzman said 1,600 square feet would be the minimum lot
size and the price of homes would range from $35,000 to
$40,000" and asked that City Administrator Almqnist get
the correct figure. (Almquist learned that minutes should
have read "1,600 square feet would be the minimum house
size" .)
Mayor Fries reminded the Council that the resignation of
Edd Rountree had created a vacancy on the Planning Comm-
ission and asked for suggestions on appointment.
City Administrator Almquist read letter from Roy. Ed Perry,
Pastor of Ashland Bible Church in which solution to water
hookup was requested. City Administrator Almquist said
that when Cascade occupied the building known as the Air~
port Market they were provided with a water connect. He
al~o stated that the City had put the church on notice that
when proper arrangements could be made for an alternative
water system the service would be discontinued. Mr. Bert
DeKorte, member of the church, was asked to explain the
water situation at the church. Roble asked DeKorte if the
drilling of a well had been explored. DeKorte said that
it is imposbible to stay 100 feet away froin the leaching
lines and to also stay a certain d~stance from the property
lines. Prickett asked how much water the church uses and
was told the 7S0 cubjc foot minimum. Sealerberg moved that
water connectiou be allowed in this instance on a temO-
Orary basis. On roll call, Allen, Soderberg, Roble,
McCannon and Prickett voted YES. Conklin opposed the
City Administrator Almqnist asked that Dick Humphrey, Dir-
ector of V;astewater Collection Systems for CH2M IIill,
explain the bid and other tecbnicalities as outlined in
letter to Mayor .and Council, (letter attached). Humphrey
recommended that bid from B & B Contracting Corporation be
~ccepted and that Resolution be adopted making the proposed
bid accept~b]e only if application for approv~}t to Environ~
mental Protection Agency is returned with an EPA grant to
cover 75% of the eligible project costs of $],108,~00 which
would leave au amount of $277,000 to be finauced by the
iteguiar ,~/i~ ~tillg
Wastewater Treatment
Plant cent.
Public Forum
Conklin moved that Staff resubmit application to Environ~
mental Protection Agency requesting YS% participation and
bid being awarded to the low bidding contractor upon our
receiving ?5% participation. Soderberg secouded. Soder-
berg asked if construction would be completed within tifie
projected by CH2M. Dick llumphrey said it will take 30 or
40 days to constructiom time and estimated construction
time would be fifteen months. McCannon said he was dis-
appointed that no local bidders were interested. HunChroy
said he shared in that disappointment because of additional
subsistence costs and stated that he knew of three well
qualified electrical contractors and at least one good
mechanical engineering cqntractor in this area. On roll
No comments were made from the audience.
B & G Properties
Oak Knoll Sub.
Study Session
City Administrator Almquist read summary of issues result-
ing from recent study sessjon and asked Council's consider-
ation relative to requests made by B & G Properties, and
that the current agreement is ambi uous. City Administ-
rator Almquist suggested Conncil s~ould consider whether
rl~e cost of the sewer lift station should be part of the
developer's cost and made a provision of the agreement.
He also read a memo from Director of Public Works Alsing
stating that it is anticipated that Bear Creek will need
an interceptor whether Oak Knoll is developed or not as
the Bear Creek plan is based on projection of growth to
69,000 population.
Attorney Otto Frohnmayer introduced Walter Graff, Earl
Lininger, Bud Lininger and Jim Wright and said he would
like to work with the City of Ashland and that he had
talked to the City Administrator and City Attorney and
felt that ambiguities in the contract can be worked out.
He said further that there is no plan to develop 308 units
bu~ wan~s ~o develop a co~domi~,ium o£ abou~ IS0 units
with landscaping designed for minimum upkeep and that they
do not plan to build close to Interstate S. Frohnmayer
Said that he feels the developer should bear the cost of
pumping station and a proportionate share of the loo~ing
of water lines. Soderberg asked if they were considering
scaling down of O~eir zoning request. Walter Graff said
the condominimum would be situated close to the golf
course area and that the 10 or 12 acres along the highway
would be open.
Allen moved that we grant request on the condition that
the problems are discussed with the idea of writing up a
new contract. Prickett said the problems should be dis-
cussed first and then a contract be drawn up and said that
hook-ups had been agreed to by Council as early as 1962 or
1963. Soderberg said she would like to requFst the feel-
ing of applicant on annexation. Frohnmayer said he would
like to see only the property they want to develop annexed
at this time. Conklin said he had not heard from anyone
regarding the availability of water and that annexation
is being discussed without knowledge of future needs and
therefore he felt that the citizens of Ashland are being
wronged. City Attorney Salter asked Council to decide
what they wanted him to include in an agreemeut with the
developers so that he would have direction. Allen with-
dr~w his motion. Prickett moved that City Attorney Salter,
City Administrator Almquist and Director of Public Works
Alsing get together with representatives of developers
to discuss m~tter~ draw up an agreement and bring it back
to Council on December 4, 1973. On roll call, Allen, Sod-
erberg, Prickett, McCannon and Roble voted YES. Conklin
opposed the measure.
Mayor Fries set a study session for Tuesday, November 27
at 7:30 p.m. to discuss the matter of the proposed lietel/
motel tax for the City of Ashland.
NEtq & MIS.
Oak St. Assess-
City Administrator Almquist reported that records were'
researched relative to proposal to forgive assessments in
exchange for frontage on Ashland Creek and found that the
proposal came from the Streets & Traffic Committee and that
only two property owners had shown interest at that time.
Parks Director McGuire showed a map of Ashland Greenway
showing properties needed for future open space carrying a
total of about $S,500 in assessments. Soderberg snggestcd
that the assessment improvement funds could be replaced by
Contingency Fund and it ~vould be a bargain for the City.
Sealerberg moved that we offer this method to property
owners if they will avail themselves of it. Allen said
the project has never been approved by Council. Soderberg
said every plan the City has in existence shows Greemvay
plans on Ashland Creek and that it has been on the books
for years. Prick~tt said there are things in the Compre-
hensive Plan we now consider as non-realistic and that it
might not he the best place to use the $5,000. Prickerr
said that he voted for the $3,000 for the appraisal to
see where we are going. McCannon said if he were to go
back now he would vote against it andsuggested'the matter
be brought up at the Study Session set fox' November 27.
On roll call, Soderberg, Roble and McCannon voted YES.
Allen, Conklin and Prickett voted NO. Mayor Fries broke
the tie with a NO vote. ·
Plant Expansion
Central Area Project
Progress Report
Justice Center
Walker Strect/SPRR
Conkiln moved to authorize City Attorney Salter to prepare
ordinance calling for sealed bids on the sale of bonds
previously authorized by the electorate for the expansion
and improvement of the Sewage Treatment Plant, in the
amount of $277,000 of City's cost. On roll call, all YES.
City Adnxinistrator Almquist reported that the Downtown Pro-
ject is nearly 60% complete. He said the price of con-
crete material is up and does not know if the price will
hold firm for the duration of the project. Almquist said
the project may run $96,400, or six or seveu thousand
dollars over the estimate, but that there is actually 4,000
feet of assessable frontage at a guaranteed assessment of
$12.00 a foot totalling $48,000 which gives us a cushion
by returning more than half of the City's estimated share.
The City Administrator said that the job is slowing down
now but due to the weather we were able to get further
along than anticipated and that the portions we bare opened
are now being closed up. Most of the work is being done
North of town where businesses will not be disrupted during
the Christmas season. Soderberg asked City Administrator
Almquist if plans had been made to cut curbs for handi-
capped people as required by state law. Almquist said
that the project had already started before provision was
put into law.
City Administrator Almquist reported on the timetable of
the proposed Jnstice Center and said that there would be
a committee meeting in Lincoln City, of which Leigh John-
son is a member, on December 13 & 14, 1973 at which time
the eight proposals for funding by LEAA will be considered
and given priorities, and then will be submitted to the
full council. Rep. Johnson urged participation from the
College, Judges, .County Sheriff and concerned citizens in
support of our application, Almquist said.
City Administrator Almquist said that application forms
are still in print on new funding for railroad protection
but we will be lhe first one to get them when avai]ab]e.
Regular Meetin~
Sewer Lift
Aeri al Phol ogrammelry
S i Ign Ordinance
Mcister Annexation
Ashl~uuL Ci Iv,_ Comic i ]
Pagu ,1
City Administrator Aln¥luist read memo from Director of
Public Works Alsing requesting release of fnnds for cons-
truction of sewage lift station on Grandview Drive. Alsing
showed area to be served where septic tanks are now in USe.
Soderberg declared a conflict of interest and stated that
she owns a ]6 acre piece of property on N. Mountain Ave
in the City Limits and said she has requested a pumping
station and was told she wou].d be required to pay $57,~00.
She said if the Counci. t policy is to aid and abet one dev-
eloper it should aid and ahet all developers.
Hank HamptmL Attorney for Herzman - developer of Thunder-
bird lleigbts ~ said the Planning Commission has unanimously
approved Herzmc. n's 26 iota in ares made up of lots from
8,(~C. 0 to lf~,m. 10 sq. ft. en which he plans to develop nice
ho:;!c~ aud the'4 !1 or ]2 ~i].l require pumping. lie stated
fv~ther lbat Hcrzman wiXl pay for the main to be run to
Wi!:mr gtrec. t. tie also r, oted that the pnmping station has
be(ql pl;m~kd for ten ycars. City Administrator Almquist
said the City had the opportunity to buy a. surplus pnmp
about two yc.a~s ago and the project had been in the plan-
ning stage ~t that time, Conklin said that there are many
acres in the city limi ts that need developing without
goin? outside the City and that he feels sure that as soon
as the pumping station goes in you will have many more
requests for ]~ook-nps.
Conklin moved that request for release of funds for cons-
truction of pumping station be granted. On roll call,
Conklin, McCarmon, Rob]c and Prickett voted YES. Allen
and SealerherS abstained.
Prickett moved that the minutes reflect that the Grandview
pulnF~n.% star:ion had been discussed prior to Herzman's
application for subdivision, On roll call, Rob]e, McCanoo%
P:lchett and Cnnlc!~n l'a1't'd Y/'S. Alien and Soderbe.'g
City Administrator Almquist read memo relative to cost of
aerial photoSran:merry as requested by Councilwoman Sealer-
berg at October 16 meeting and reported that such mapping
wonld cost $60,000 spre~d over a three year Bcriod at
$20,000 per ye3r and suggested such cost might be included
in the cost of storm sewer system should such project be*
come a reality. Soderbcrg moved that Staff be authorized
to investigate possibility of applying for advance grant
froIn HUD. On Conklin's question as to participation by
City, Almquist said there will be no participation by ~
City bnt the City will have to pay back' ~g% ,ditch Iva~
ad,ea~ec8 hy CH2M if and when the project is implemented.
On roll call, passed unanimously.
Second readin~ by title only was given of an ordinance
amending Ordinance No. 1561, the Zoning Ordinance, by
adding thereto a new Section 20, regulating signs; and
repealing Ordinance No. 1357. McCannon moved for adoption.
On roll call, passed with Conklin di. ssenting.
Second reading by title only was given of an ordinance
dispensing with an election on the question of proposed
annexation, sc~ting time and place for public hearing
and setting pub] ic date on withdrawal of certain property
from Talent Rural, directing publication of notices and
declaring an emergency. SealerherS moved for adoption.
noble seconded for di:~cussion. Conklin sa:id he thinks
that a moritorium should ~lo on all annexations nntil we
do a study on where wc a~c goin~,l to get the water. On
roll call, SealerherS, Rohle, McCannon and Prickerr voted'
YES. Conk]in voted NO. Allen ab:;tained.
Regular Meeting
Street Imp.
Dist. No. 39
City Administrator Almquist gave second reading by tit]'
only of an ordinance levying special benefit assessment
in the amouut of $71,10~.10 in the matter of construction
of curbs and paving in Street Improvement District No. 39
and declaring an emergency. Conklin moved for adoption.
On roll call, passed unanimously.
Corallo Annexation
City Administrator Almquist gave first reading of an
ordinance dispensing with an election within the City of
Ashland on the question of a proposed annexation and set-
ting time and place for a public hearing, setting public
date on withdrawal of certain real property from Talent
Rural Fire Protection District and directing publication
of notices as directed by ORS 222.524; and declaring an
emergency. Roble moved to second reading. Soderberg
stated ag~in that the p~operty proposed for annexation is
not suitable for a mobile home park. McCannon, Roble,
Allen and ?rickett voted YES. Soderberg and Conklin voted
NO. Ordinance passed to second reading.
Social Gambling
Salter explained that changes in state law now legalized
social gambling unless prohibited by local government.
Roble and Soderberg felt there was no reason for alarm and
Soderberg moved to table. On roll call, Allen, Soderberg
and Roble voted YES. McCannon, Prickett and Conklin voted
NO, Mayor also voted NO in deference to recommendation
from District Attorney that City consider the problem.
City Administrator Alm~uist gave first reading of an
ordinance prohibiting social gambling, and declaring an
emergency. It was the recommendation of City Attorney
Salter that ordinance be adopted for period of thirty
dsys to protect the City of Ashland until it is decided
what is needed. Conklin moved to insert period of 30 days
and excepting charitable, religious and fraternal organ-
....... ~ .....~ ....... and
izations. Chief flays asked about a F ...... ~ ......
Salter agreed to add it to the ordinance. Conklin a~ain
moved to include penalty clause and pass to second reading,
On roll call, passed unanimously.
Revenue Sharing
City Administrator Almquist read a resolution transferring
appropriations Within a fund in order to align budget with
action taken on Nov. 6th relative to Revenue Sharing. Con-
klin moved for adoption. On roll call, passed unanimously.
Wastewater Treatment
Award of Contract
City Administrator Almquist read a Resolution authorizing
award of contract to construct Wastewater Treatment Plant
addition in accordance with contract document and contin-
gent upon a 75% grant from EPA. Prickett moved for adopt-
ion. On roll call, passed unanimously.
Contractual Agreement
City Administrator Almquist read Contractual Services
Agreement relative to enlployment of John W. Bodilly as
representative in negotiations with employee groups.on
collective bargaining. Conklin moved Agreement be s~gned.
On roll call, passed unanimously.
Inspection of Dam
City Administrator Almquist read letter form contract
Trom Stevens, Thompson & Runyan for inspection of Hosler
Dala. Prickerr moved that contract be signed. On roll
call, passed unanimously.
Roble movcd for adjournment at 10:45 p.m.
Prickeli requested report on water facilities and overview
of water resentcos. Conklin and Mayor Fries agreed with
Fries adding that an appraisal of resources and cost of
pumping T.I.D. water should be included.
,,Adjourn?d a 10:S0 p,m.
' os' IhiF]2~r
, .r Rote flier