September 12, 1972'
The adjourned meeting of the Ashland City Council was called
to order by Mayor Charles McKeen at 7:30 p.m. on the above
date in the Council Chambers, Ashland City Hall. Councilman
Roberts was absent, all other Council members were present.
Mayor I~cKeen stated the purpose of the meeting was to con-
sider the ordinance for an exclusive franchise for the
operation of taxicabs, and discussion and proposals con-
cerning the award of an exclusive franchise. City Admini-
strator Almquist read a second reading by title only of
"An Ordinance Providing for an Exclusive Franchise for the
Operation of Taxicabs Concerning Business originating with-
in the City, and Providing for the Regulation of said
Business." Conklin moved for adoption of the ordinance.
Willstatter seconded. On roll call vote, the ordinance
passed unanimously.
Almquist said he had a rate schedule from Bob Voris of
Ashland Cab Company. Mr. Forrest of Mr. Ashland Stage Lines,
Inc., said he did not have sufficient time to submit in
writing a revised rate schedule for metered cabs since he
had only recently obtained a copy of the ordinance. Mr.
Voris said he had submitted a rate schedule, and was satis-
fied with the new ordinance. Mr. Forrest then made an oral
proposal of their offer of taxi service. He said he feels
they can offer the type of service called for by the
ordinance. He said Mt. Ashland Stage Lines had been the
first applicant for an exclusive franchise in the City, that
they are willing to put two new cabs into service in Ashland
which will be equipped with radios and meters. His rate
proposal was a 'lmeter drop" of 2S cents when customer is
picked up, plus 10 cents per one-fifth mile, and 20 cents
for extra passengers over 12 years of age, and a waiting
time charge of 10 cents per minute or $6.00 per hour.
Senior citizens could buy script o~ use credit cards that
would allow them a 10% discount. He said they are prepared
to offer 24-hour service as they are now doing. He also
said they are not interested in temporary service and can
offer a permanent solution to Ashland's taxi problems. At
this point Councilman Willstatter asked City Attorney Salter
if the ordinance provided for a one-year franchise, and Mr.
Salter answered in the affirmative. Councilman McCannon
asked Mr. Forrest for clarification of the cost of the first
mile, and Mr. Forrest said his rates would be 75 cents for
the first mile. Administrator Almquist read the proposal
submitted by Mr. Voris in which he offered to begin service
with three cabs and a plan to add more later. He would
provide 24-hour service and maintain an office in Ashland.
~ed ~.~eeting ASItLAND CITY COUNCIL September 12, 1~2
E.C. "~ike" Biegel
His rates would be 70 cents when meter flag is raised, 50
cents per mile, and $6.00 per hour waiting time. They would
also be willing to make parcel and drug deliveries and tele-
gram deliveries. Mr. Voris said their flag drop fee of 70
cents would cover the first one-fifth mile, with 10 cents
per fifth mile after that and 50 cents per mile after the
first mile. He said they would provide free service to those
in need. In answer to a question by Mrs. Soderberg, Mr.
Voris said they would use a very simple application form
for the free service. He said they also plan to pick up
elderly at nursing homes on Sunday afternoons and take them
for rides through the park. Mr. McCannon commented there
was quite a difference in the rate schedule.
Councilman Conklin moved that the AShland Cab Company be
granted the franchise for one year. Roble seconded. Will-
statter commented that ~ir. Voris would be willing to give
free service to the needy, whereas Mr. Forrest had offered
a 10% discount to the elderly. Councilwoman Soderberg
asked Mr. Voris if he would be the sole owner, to which Mr.
Voris said yes. She then asked Mr. Forrest about ownership,
and he said there were three stockholders in fheir corpor-
ation. On roll call vote, Conklin, Roble and Willstatter
voted "Yes," McCannon and Soderberg voted "No." Mr.
McCannon and Mrs. Soderberg both explained their negative
vote was because the rate structure was lower for Mt.
Ashland Stage Lines, and Councilman Willstatter said that
he was in favor of Ashland Cab Company because he is looking
for continued service to the citizens.
Almquist then read a resolution designating the .Ashland
Cab Company as franchisee. Conklin moved to adopt the
resolution. Roble seconded. On roll call vote, the only
dissenting vote was cast by Mrs. Soderberg.
Councilwoman Soderberg moved that the meeting be adjourned
"in memoriam'l of Elmer C. "Mike't Biegel. City Attorney
Salter asked that the motion for adjournment be set aside
in order to discuss another item of business. Conklin so
moved; seconded by McCannon. Voice vote, all "Yes."
Councilman Willstatter then moved that an appropriate
resolution be prepared by the staff in memory of Mr. Biegel.
Seconded by McCannon. On voice vote, all "Yes."
Mr. Salter reported that he had requested a preliminary
opinion on our procedure in the proposed bond issue from
Rankin, Walsh, and RaVen, a law firm specializing in bond
issues. He said they feel there is a cloud over our 1970
Charter because of the resolution to void the election of
May 26, 1970, as related to the adoption of the Charter.
He said they are not saying the 1970 Charter is valid or
invalid, but feel it is questionable and suggested an
election on that Charter again. Mr. Salter proposed that
Ordinance #1743 (which se~up the Special Election for
September 26, 1972) be repealed, and that he be directed
to start work on new ordinances for a special election on
both the Charter and the amendment to Article IX, Section
2, as pertains to Sewer Improvement Bonds, suggesting that
.~ed Meeting ASItLAND CITY COUNCIL September 12,
October 24, 1972, may be an appropriate time. He said the
bonding attorneys recommend that the "Charter of 1948" be
followed in setting up the Special Election. There was
discussion concerning the use of other law firms for an
opinion on the bonds, but it was felt that this would de-
crease the potential for sale of the bonds. Conklin moved
to follow the City Attorney's suggestion and repeal Ordi-
nance #1743. McCannon seconded. Willstatter commented that
last spring there was a motion to seek the Attorney General's
opinion onlour 1970 Charter election, but that the motion
had been defeated.
Mr. Almquist read an ordinance repealing Ordinance #1743.
Conklin moved to pass to a second reading. McCannon
seconded. On roll call, passed unanimously.
Conklin moved to adjourn. Roble seconded. On voice vote,
carried unanimously, and meeting was adjourned to a study
session at 9:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
~, -
Joseph M. Butler
City Recorder