October 31, 1972
The adjourned meeting of the Ashland City Council was called
to order by Acting Chairman McCannon (selected by Council
members in the absence of the Mayor and CoUncil Chairman).
Councilmen Conklin, McCannon, Roberts, Robte and Soderberg
were present; Mayor McKeen and Councilman Willstatter noted
Councilman Conklin questioned the reviewing of minutes at
an adjourned meeting. Councilwoman Soderberg moved to post-
pone the approval of minutes until the next meeting. Conklin
seconded. On voice vote, passed unanimously.
Four engineering consulting firms were prepared to present pro-
posals for preparation of plans and specifications for expansion
of the Sewage Treatment Plant. Each firm had already given
written proposals to the Council, and were now making themselves
available for questions from the Council.
BROWN & CALDWELL of Eugene were represented by Frank Kersner,
Dan Norris, and Vernon Thorpe. Kersnar said their company is
25 years old and has designed many sewage disposal systems,
including the very recent one in Medford. They had also designed
a treatment plant in Livermore, Calif., some years ago, and had
recently supervised the updating of that plant, and presented
slides of the plant. They had also designed a 120 million dollar
p!~nt fur ~attle.
Roble asked Norris the definition of B.O.D. Norris said it is
"Biochemical Oxygen Demand", a measure of the strength of sewage,
or how rapidly it takes oxygen out of the water. On question
from Roble, Norris said the plant will be designed to take care
of more stringent future requirements, and said it is quite
possible that in the future we may also have to remove nutrients
from the effluent, and plant will be designed so that capability
can be added. On question from City Administrator Almquist,
Norris said they could have a pre-design study made in about a
month, and five months after that could have plans and specific-
ations ready for bid. In response to a question from Councilman
Roble, Norris said their estimates have usually been quite close
to actual costs. Roberts asked if they would utilize preliminary
information prepared by CH M. Norris said that was submitted more
than a year ago, and he wo~ld need to compare that report to the
new requirement of DEQ and EPA, and that the changes in the reg-
ulations "Make it a whole new ball game". He pointed out that
the latest regulation requires no by-passing if any Federal funds
are to be used. Norris pointed out also that the new federal
regulations are more stringent, but the full interpretation of
the regulations has not yet been made.
CLARK & GROFF Of Salem were represented by Lloyd Clark and
Wayne Taylor, who said they have been in business since 1949, and
have 71 people, and that 50% of their work is in the sanitary
field. Clark said they have been successful in cost estimating -
that a second bond election has never been needed for completion
of their projects. Taylor said in looking over the site, he
felt more land would be advantageous. On question from Conklin
regarding time schedule, he said the plans and specs could be
completed in four or five months, and answered McCannonts question
to the effect that it woula adapt to future requirements.
CH2M of Corvallis was represented by Sid Laswell and Dick Hum-
phrey, who showed slides of their office facilities and projects
they had designed. They also showed an estimate-to-cost compar-
ison of several of their projects that indicated in the majority
of cases their estimates exceeded costs. Conklin asked if they
would make use of our existing facilities, to which they replied
in the affirmative. Laswell said they had never needed a second
election for bonds on their projects.. In reply to Roble, he
reported that plans and specs could be ready for bid in May, 1973.
STEVENS, THOMPSON.& RUNYAN of Portland were represented by Loren
Thompson who said their firm had done the previous work on Ash-
land's present plant. He noted that he expects in the future, we
may be forced to go to a tertiary treatment plant and should keep
that in mind in the design. In answer to Roble regarding the time
schedule, he estimated it would take 3 months to do a preliminary
report, and another 6 to 9 months on the final plans. He also
replied to Roble's question that his estimates have usually been
fairly close to actual costs, but have had some "pretty bad"
estimates at times. Mrs. Soderberg quizzed him on the status
of his contract with Jackson County, and he answered that it was
a study required by Farmers Home Administration for a 20 year
growth projection, but the County's figures give little inform-
ation that far in advance. FHA is primarily concerned with rural
areas and communities of less than 5000 population. His big prob-
lem has been that the County Comprehensive Plan differs from the
comprehensive plans of the cities, and he suggests that the cities
and county get "closer together" with their land use plans.
Acting Chairman McCannon asked to be briefed on the proposed
annexation of property by Ronald Corallo and Joseph Sapienza
because he had been out of town for three weeks. He was told that
the proposal was to annex nine acres of land north of the S.P.R.R.
and west of Normal Avenue for a 51-unit mobile home park, which
requires R-3 zoning. The only access to the property at present
is over a private crossing which S.P. may close at its convenience.
The Planning Commission had recommended calling a public hearing
for annexation subject to the developers meeting certain require-
ments for access roads on a 4-3 vote. Conklin said he has sympathy
for Mr. Corallo, but doesn't want to set a precedent for future
annexation of adjoining lands as an R-3 zone. He pointed out
again that S.P. will allow the crossing to become a public cross-
ing only if the City or the developer will bear the cost of the
crossing improvements. He also questioned the possibility of
finding satisfactory facts to warrant rezoning to R-3. Soderberg
questioned the desirability of living next to the railroad tracks,
but said it is customary to use R-3 or commercial zoning near the
tracks as a buffer zone. She pointed out that there are utility
mains along East Main Street and that development in that area is
reasonable. She also suggested that if a trailer park is not per-
missable in that area, then it's time for the council to set a
policy on trailer parks. Conklin voiced concern that the R-3
zoning in that area could create a conflict with future planning,
and should update our comprehensive plan before we set such a
policy. Soderberg said if we wait until the comprehensive plan
is updated, it probably means putting a moratorium on all R-3
construction. Conklin said he would be willing to vote for a
moratorium on adding any more R-3 zoning. In answer to McCannon's
question of access to East Main, Soderberg and Roble said Corallo
was willing to grade Normal Avenue and also deed a road right-
of-way parallel to the railroad tracks for future use according
to the BCATS plan.
Conklin asked what Mr. McCracken of the Planning Commission
thought of the proposal. Mr. McCracken said a major consideration
in planning is "communication -- meaning streets -- good streets",
and if an area is opened, the City is deserving of first class
curbed and paved roads. He is not a proponent of placing trailer
parks next to schools, and pointed out that existing roads in that
area are substandard. Referring to the proposed development on
only one side of projected Normal Avenue, he said to get suitable
development of streets, we should see both sides developed.
Almquist read the letter from the Planning Commission in which
they recommended annexation, and commented that the city attorn~=
had stated that in order to rezone the land, there must be a
finding of fact that the zoning agrees with the Comprehensive Plan,
and by state law, we cannot zone property before it is annexed,
and that Corallo would be taking the risk that, if annexed it
possibly would not be approved for the R-3 zoning. Soderberg said
the proximity of Carl Spencer's park indicates a compatible use
for this area. Roberts said he had second thoughts about his vote
on the issue at the previous meeting, and was opposed to this
Mr. Corallo said he did not believe in paving streets before the
area is developed, because he didn't want to see paved streets
dug up, and said according to BCATS, there would be another
access and is willing to sign agreements with the city regarding
future street improvements. Roble said he is neither for nor
against the annexation, but is willing to hear opinions from
adjoining property owners. Roble moved that a public hearing be
called; Soderberg seconded, but both withdrew when reminded that
the motion was passed at the previous meeting.
Almquist read the ordinance dispensing with an election in the
City of Ashland on the question of a proposed annexation and
setting the time and place for a public hearing on the proposed
annexation. Soderberg moved to pass the ordinance to a second
reading; Roble seconded. On roll call vote, YES - Roble and
Soderberg; NO - Conklin, McCannon and Roberts. Motion defeated.
Council asked Public Works Director Alsing his recommendation,
but he said he felt any one of the firms would be satisfactory,
and he could work with any of them. He said none of the firms was
bidding on a price (in keeping with their professional ethics),
but that a fee schedule would be agreed upon after approval of
the firm. He said his preference would be for either of the firms
who h~d wu~ked for A~hi~nd before - CH M, or S~even~, Thompson &
Conklin moved to accept the CH M Proposal and authorize the
Mayor and Recorder to execute ~he Agreement. Soderberg seconded.
On roll call vote, passed unanimously.
Conklin moved to adjourn; Roberts seconded. On voice vote,
passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,,
City Recorder