HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-0119 REG MINMINUTES PeR NRGULAR MEE'f][~G ASNi[JIT{D CiLTY COUNCIl, 0ANEIARY 19, 19V] The regular meeting of the City Councl 1 was held in the City Council Chambers, City Hatlt on the above date. The meeting was called %o order by Ma{~or MeReerie Councilmen oresent: Conklin, McCannon, Roble, Rober ts5 Solde~b<rg. Coln}ci. tmen abl:ent: Wi] ] starter APPROVAl, OF }fINIll'KS: It was moved by Roble, secouded by Roberrs that the minutes of the January 5, 1971, regular meeting be; accepted and placed on file. Motion carried uhanimously. DEPAt%TMENg~AL REPORTS: }'ire Chief William Department Report. that the report be uhanimously. t{eed presented to Council the Annual Fire It was moved by Conk!in, seconded by Robje accept. ed and placed tin file. Motion carried STANDING COi, gllIT[1TiCr, REPORTS: a. Finai~ce & Property Com{imittee - Chairman Roberrs reported that it was the ce!i!mittee's recommendation tu continue partici- pating in the program sponsored by the Cal-Ore E]eotrica! League, with the exception of the promotional raceling scheduled for next month fo~~ electric heaters. lie pojn'ted out that the City's cost for this participation is $3,500; however, it would be cons-~derab]y less t]~is year because of the exclusion by the City for the electric heater promotion. Considerable djscussjon tel]owed. Conk].in expressed opposition to the proposal, indicating that he felt it was a "<jive-away" for the City to cor'-tribu%e. Robarts indicated that the rever-.ues ga~r!ed from the Cj ty's cost in the promotion out,l.,~eigh t]~.e initial cost and he felt it was a completu]y legitimate expense. More discussjob foliowe. d, during which hcC-annor, roegad and Sealerberg seconded %ha~t flit! recomluendatjon of the, committee be accepted. On roll ca]], carried 4.-1, with Conki~n dj:ssenting. Ah tlljs fj~rn;, j_{ was l~lovcd }31' L~C:CaNIiO.Q, seconded by Sodurberg that the Iqavor appoint a revenue steering committee for study of ARhland's long ran{:e revenue needs and preparation of a zc/~ort to ihc~ Council recommc, z~din9 a practical col)rsle Of actjo~n. Cru~],]jn objected to the mc, tjon, j_nd~c.=n[od that he felt the comma. true to lie unl~ccessacy'. lie tel t the public shou] d be ah] c %o ig~]-e suggos;tions dj rec[:]y to the Co~ncj ], ra',-]~cr that, working th~-ot~gh a~ COT~I}O~ I_tC:e, tlarry A. S];crry, Jr. , suggef:[ed t]~at the Cjly ut~]ize the Citizens Nudilet C:r,mmi',m['e~ tot such a study. Rc>]~Io air.c) fe3[l (x}hfjfle],'t t]}aL the P~,nd,.i,~L: Cr}h/,',i tl~:.~ could hand]o tbe ass/i %]lira. :hi Satj sfac tc:ri !y. No,re d~ sc~,s:f::~ on :[<',3 I owed . Oh roll c:,]] , c&~L~ricd 3-2, w~t]} Rob]c, amd CoD].I :n {',~:>~:r.~l jng. SPECIAL AGENDA Unfini shed Business: ]. 8:00 PoM. PUB(,]C }ffPIARING: Vacation of alley located between Elm and Prospect in the vicinity of beenard Street. and Palmar Road - City Adminishrator A]mquish read a letter dated August 14, 1970, from Harry A. Starry, Jr., representing Mrs. Specht, transmitting the petition for vacation and requesting notification of a public hearing on the matter. Following reading of the petition by Mr. Almqu~st, he gave Council a background on the matter, pointing out tha~ the matter had been pending for some time due to staff transition. He also stated that he had received a petition objecting to the vacation. It was recommended by Mr. AlmQ~uist thaL the matter be reset for March 2, 1971, at 8 p.m. It was moved by Conklin, seconded by Rob]e that the City Admini sLra%or ' s recom,nenda%ion be accepted. Considerahle discussion fol]owed~ during which Mr. Skerry suggested that City Attorney Sa3ter review the ]ega3 problems involved in the proposed vacation with Mr. Richard Cottle and Mr. Skerry. The original motion was withdrav. n bf Conklin and, foliowin9 much discussion, it was moved by Roble, seconded by McCannon that the matter of the w~cation be deferred until the nex[z Council meeLing mending further study. Mr. Sk.arry questioned the wording of the motion° Roble withdrew his motion~ Fell owing more discussion, it was moved by Roble, seconded by Conklin that staff be instructed to r~view the matter of the vacation and present their findings at ~he next Council mee'[-,%ng. On roll call, Carrjed unanimous] y. b. Public Service Comm5ttee -- No Report c. Streee. s & Traffic Committee -- Chairman Conk]in reported that it was the committee's recommends k5or~ that the Oak Street property owners be requested to sign a petition providing for storm sewers, curb and guEters and an o51 mat at an estimated cost of $6.20 per front foot. Discussion fol]ov~ed. RoberL Bailer felt that the same type of improvements should be made on Windsor. It was nvivec] by Conklin, seconded by Sealerberg that the Pub] ic Works Dixuci_or be instrucked to conduct_ a survey of the properly ownor.q oD Oak SireeL regard in{; the marker and report back to the Counc{10 Oh roll call., carried ur~animously. CNa:~ ]'i~h~n COh]'] ill reported t:hs h i t was the committee ' s recommendation to reskricL parking on one side eL Lbe follouing skreo%s from 8 a.m. 4:30 p.m. to alleviate the par]:ing problem around the coil. age ahd a] ]Ow access far cmc~tgoncy Vc]lj c] o:~. Re poin[led ouh thai: the estimated cost for inst:a]latjcul if- r, jgnm wouJd be $400. It was th(u~ pojhted one by Po]ic'a Cl)5ef ilays '{:}~k it was his original. reeoltl.-. IllqNi(Ia{'jjON~ '[tha~ }.~asIring bc~ p}o}dbitw~d on these st:teats during speci-. Palm Avc:nuo, (',arfjo]d, Avery and Bridge Str('ets between Siskiyou -3-- Boulevard and Io~wd SiLtoct; sad portions Ashland Street, Glenwood Drive, E]kador Streak, of Wighkman Street, and all of Lee Considerable discussion followed. Soderberg asked Fire Chief Reed if the parkir~g along bokb sides affer 4:30 p.m. wonld interfere with emergency vehicle access. Pire Chief Reed replied that it would not, since there would not be muc]~ parking along the subject streets afi.er 4:30 p.m. It won moved by Conklin that. the recc,mmendafion of the Pol~ ce Chief be accepted and parking be prohil}ited oil both sides of the subject streets between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. At this tjme, two co]]ege students objected to tbe proposed prohibition of parking, indjcaled thst $7.75 was too much to pay for parking prj.vileges in the college parking lots; and the lots were not proper].y n~ihtajned. Conklin withdrew his original motion and moved that staff be instructed to ]prepare an ordinance restricting parking on both sides of the s~mbjech streets from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Me%ion seconded by Rob]e. On roll call, carrj cd unanimous] y, SPECIAL CO',iMtTTEE REPORTS: None CO2,'~I,iU N I CAT t ON S: 1. It wets moved by Sodeyberg, seconded by Retorts that the Planning Commission minutes of December ].4, ]970, and December 28, 1970, be accepted and placed on fi3e. Motion carried unanimously. 2. It was; moved by Conkli n, secorld~d by KcCan,zon %}~at the m:inutes of the Ashland Development Commissie}~ :~3}. Decc:m}r:er ll, ].970, be accepted and pieced on fj]e. Hotior~ carried unanimously. 3. It was moved by Roberrs, sec,~ndod by Conkljn that tl~e minutes of the Economic Development Commission for December 9, 1970, be accepted and pieced on file. Hotioh ca,'ri~d unanimously. 4. City Admirljstratur A]mqu:;st read ]ette;r from the Economqc Deve]oplucht Conlmi::sjon regarding the demolit4on of tb~, old Cotzion Mi. ll building 0n Mist]et0e Road. F011owin8 brief discussioh, it was moved by McCannon e seconded by R~bl3erL s bhatt the ] ether be rezFoz~red tr} the C5 kF Aclmj ni sfrakor for app] opria%e ac'.'tiol~. 5. City Adud.nisbrator A]luquist r~ld a proposal from Charles Lock~ri<]Se, Ash] a~ td P] ann5 hg Comm5 ssj on~ regard5 ng %he estab]_j st- monk of at} Ai.rpo~r{ CORh~jSS5On. I% Was moved by Conk]_j.n~ seconded by MeGant, oil that %lie colt-rospol~dencn be referred te the Public Service Con,n~j'l-tec for studf and recommended%ion to Crnn}cil. Motion ca rr j ~ d unan 4 raou s ] y, -4- Ruble pointed out that he thout;ht- it unfair that McGrew Brothers have been given the u]tjlaakum o~ phasing out ~heir burner by April 30; while, a% the s~;me time, other rai].ls tt~roughout the state have been granted extensions. Considerable discussion followed. Ruble moved that the Council instruct the City Admi. nistra%or to direct a ].ether to the Jackson County state ] egl s] ative delc9 ati on, ',.,d th a copy going to the State Department of Er~vironmental Oua!j ky, expressing tile C~ty ' s feelings regarding a time extension to investigate possible solutions %o the problem. Motion sccondcd by HcCanno}}. Ruble pointed out that his motion was consistent with a recommendation from the Publj_c Service Committee on the matter. Sealerberg suggested that members of the Council mee'L with McGrew Brothers and members of the Environmental Quality Control Board to discuss a course of action. Fol]o~.,Ting more discussion, including audience partjcipakjon, Soderbexg emphasized the necessSty for the City to tshe a firm stand when composSng the proposed letter to the legislative delegation. On roll call, carried uuar~jmoNs].y. 7. City Admj.nis%rator A]mquist presented to Council the Quality Paving Av:ard presenteel to the City of Ashland from the Asphalt Pavement Assocj. ation of Ore!gun. It v;as moved by Sealerberg, seconded by Ruble that all the public works divisions be commended for their excel lent t..~ol.k. Me%ion carried unanimously. 8. City Administrator A]mqutst read letter from Willtara G. MatLqx requesting parking ros%rictjons at 30 South First Street. I% was moved by Noble, seconded by ~4cCannoh than the letter be referred to %he Streets & Traffic Commjt%<;o for study. Motion carried unanimously. At this time, a Class h---1 Liquor I,jcense for the Hark Antorly,,,.ns for Counci 1 action, It was moved by Roberrs, seconded by McCahnon float the application bee approved. Police Chief Nays indicated thae he had he objections %o such approval. On roll call, carried 4-3, with Sealerberg abstaining. SPF, CiAI, AGENI)A IT),iHS: ( cont i.nued ) Unffl ll~ .q]ied Nnsj n,-~qs: 1. City Adnllnjs['~-atf;r AJmqnj/.;t presented br[d re:;u]t? for gaso]il}e 81"d pC hl:'O] (:/~Hl pr'oducLs , COllSi (}c~rdhl(l di SCL!FIS~.O]I re] ] O:',rCd · ]l ~ was I}o:lnt:ed out 'that 1o~.' bid from S'tal}ds:r(l Oj] WE]S no[ ac:h![e~]]i a ] eta ] bid; ho~.,cver, the bid pr] c.o ~7tts cons~ derab] y loxvar thall WOUJ(~ COR~:jd's]' 2~"a!~t]~:{l tC, a lle~!-.]ocr,] C'{oz~2c21-, Sjncu jt specifjca]]y i lid; f:~l [ O~q [ ]~ O t O]] 1 F 3 C)C~ ] bj (] S ~*~cR1J c] b<~ r(2cdj vo(l . Fo]] n~...;j ng mo3;e dli F~C:ll~:~;5 O11 t j 'l: v:a:; m<svcc] by C~ }l,]l] ill , S(~C(}lldOd b}' ~{CC~I])]ioll thaL bids; ],=2 c,'ard~4 t(, flt:s'!'dc~rd 0:~3 for tile fo]]ewing: gas $ .2]93 p'r gallon; fura~a~ce oj] - $ .345; diesol PSIO0 - 8 .167; diesel -5- PS 200 -- $ .45. On roll call, carrzled ~-..], witil Hobte dissc!nking. }Iayor NcReen made 'Lhe fol]owjzi9 appointments at. this time: Hunicipa] Judgo Pro--Tern -. Idcht}rd C. Cottie Bear Creek Valley Tre. hspoxtetion CemmissiioN .I A1 Willsta'bter S2fltlff_!a}l_d_.!)_c!St!c__,U]}!,.._c!u!'_C_or,l':}d_!p!sic2n' (3--year term) 1973 Virgini-:,{ CoLfop 1973 T}:oy Keyholds 1973 Lewis Osborne E_c2_o}!e:.]ll~kc_.D__e_y_e_]ol}n_t~l!k g_?zl,r_%~!s_5_o~i! (3--year term) 1973 Cliff Craft 1973 Floyd Vogel 1973 Jay Smj Ch 1.973 Ken F.e]in It was moved by Soderberg, secoDded by P.IcCaru~on tllat the appointments be conr[irmod. On roll ca]_], carried unanjmoun]y. Now & Hiscol ] 8neous P, usj hess: 1. City Administ'_,ahon:/~lmquis% presc:ntc;d a request from the Electric Departmerit Supurjntenden% %o purchase standby semi- actDoted %hree-phesc traffic conZro] ]er. It was toorod by HcCaiw,on, seconded by RobJe that the Finar~ce Director be anthorized %o preps2~e a purchaso ordor fox this unit. On roll call, camFried unabjmously. 2. City Adnl~njshrator Aln,,.~uisk read letter f~om Harry Elmore requesting annexakion of propoKEy situated Ues~ o:F I~-5 Freenay, south of Higll~gay 66. Ik was moved by Con]din, secondod by hcCannoh thai. %hc ln.-~LtQi- be loresred %o the Fjna~nce & Property C(muai~tee for s;iiN{ly. ]"o]]o~:]h9 some discussion, on Ko]i call, car~q_ed ~ ['Ol]lOX,,~in~cI reading of ]ettc..r froin Paul B. Ret'Le_r for o. . anlulxal :ion o:~ pfoFdrty ~./c~s:~ of 1-5 iPreolzay, souNl of tJjgliWiLN 66 or~ C].(},/,'~lr l,arhl, itl was moved by Con]q]ill, seooi~dGd by tlh0t lrho l~lat he:,/ bGl re~crred to l:he~ t,'jll{]!lcc fo]- sbt,dv. OD ro]] Ca] ] ~ carried t~na~n ]. Cqty Ad!uqm~sLce:t't;a: Almyu~j,~{t 2:~ad ord~hanrr~wh~ch tontporeri]y. rC]('{~;,[CS ~JJ.Z]ljhg (-:~7Otlj,S' tO %tlo CO!ld~[jOl'h':] tlSt{! proce~';s for a pu) jnd oF gO d,,l/n;, %0 t~]jow the P]ahuil~q Col-mission i:o coral?]eke s[tn<]/]~.~; ol~ t])c~ ]~ 3 so<'[li{~h u[ {hdil~a~ucu No. t36]. It ~.7a~ hlovod by lqr,1}] (, , f;~ ,crO!ldO{q },x~ ]~()1 ~{-r ks t]ta;: i,be o]-dj qaucT,. br, par;seal [ o ~:OCt,iIR }CCl{l~/Hf ]~1,7 4,qlLJ(' Ol~]lz. ]['(}3]/,~'jl]g f'Cn~F, d/~Se/3F1SiOr,, --6- to seeend reading. Rotjoe sec:oDr]ad hy Roberrs. carried uhauin~ous!y. }'ollO~Jl[!lg record reading, Roble, seconded by Sealerberg that Ozdjnance No. On rol] cal], carrjed uDanimous]y. On roll call, it was moved by ],668 be adopted. 2. City Administrator A]mluist read re;solution In Menloriam, paying tribute 'to Joan F. Ebe~lha~;t. on ]suehalf of the Common Council and the Park Commission. It was moved by Roble, seconded by HcCannan that the rules be susNeh.ged aud resolution passed to second reading by title o~]y. On re]] cal], carrr~ed unanimously. Following second resdj.ng by tjt]e on!y, it was moved by Roble, seconded by HcCaDnon theft the resolution be adopted. On roll call, carried ~llar~ji[lo~s] y . 3. City AdminGstnrai_o_!' Aimquirt read resolntiorl e.<rpressing appreciatior/to former counci]man Robert Bailer. It was moved by Roberrs, seconded by Con]{!in that the rules be suspended and reso]utjon passed to second reading by title only. On re]] Gel], ca~'ried l~nahjmonjs]y. Following secohd readj.ng by title onll;, i% was moved by HcCannon, seconded by Conklin that the resolution be ado]=~ted. On ro]] cal], carried unanimous].y. 4. City Administrator Almquist read resolution expressing appreciation to former counci]m.nr~ George Jones. It was moved by RobBe, seconded by Roberrs [,]~et: the rules be suspendeel and rcso]ution passed to second rending by title only. On roll call, carried unanimously. Pollowing second reading by tit3e 01~]y, it was moved by }IcCannon, secoztded by Conkiln that the reso]u[.ion bc adopte{~. On ro]] eel]l, carried una. njmously. 5. City Admin~ strator AltoquiEt yead resolution expressing app'recia'tion to refiner councilwoman }~arg~lre't Dodge. It was moved by Con]{lie, seconded by Rollert:s that lhe rules be susp,mlnr]ed and resolution, pas::ed to see'end re,.cling by title On roll ca]l~ carried unanjmous!y. Fo]lov:_'ing second reading by tii'le only, it was moved by Roble, seconded by NcCannon that [.he re.so]ution be adopt¢!d. On roll call, carried unanimously. 6. City tYdl!~ln:isLrator Almqujst read resolution exl.}ressirlg approc:i el.ion t:o form,~r cjty admj nj steal_or Gary Boshears. It was movc~ b,, Con],lie, seco~ded by NcCazn}oh that the rules be sus z}cpded and the rcso]ultion passc. d to second readjn{~ by title on]i,. On roll ca]i, car,-i~:d unanimous]l,. ]Following sect, rid read:i n9 by tit] c~ o}.] y r i'[ VT;iE r, lc)tre(] ]}j.~ M(!C[iDiI(}II, seconded by C(,n]c]jn that i:!~(' rcFOl[l~t:ioi'~ ]',c acloi~t'ed. OI~ roll cd]], carr/;od -7- secohd reading bl/%it:lc only, it was moved by Roble, seconded by Conkl. in that the r{;solnL~on be adophed. On re31 call, carried 4--1, with Sodcrberg aC~sta.'r'.ing. 8. City Administrahor A]mluis% read resolution concerning coft~pens:ation fo}~ PRtn'~c~pa] Judge Llk~nse]l. It was moved by Solerber9, seconded by Cohl{]~n Lhah the Yules be suspended and rosolutiol~ passed %o second read~n9 by tjkle only, On rol] call, carried u. nanimons]y. Fo]]o;.zing second reading by title on]y, it was moved b.,~ P:cCa}lnoh, seconded by Conklan that the resolution be adopted. On re] ] call, carried unanimously. 9. Reso].uLion rega~:ding compensah~on for City AttorNey - Deferred pending fu)lkher studN At this time, Hayor NcKeell an_qcunceli %-hat he would be making official proclamation of YliCA Weck and urged %he cj %j lens of LIne communj ky to sho,,~ %heir appreciation for %.he work the YMCA js d(~jng. Roberrs, acting or., a recort!i~ondatfon of th;! ]~jnanee & Property Commi U'keo~ moved 'hha% }{r. tlona]d So]tar be d~rected %o assume all %he responsibilities o~ the Cj'kF ALLorney, and %ha% the special colonsol be advised of %his acfi. on. Follov~ing some discussion, Roberfs reshated his moP ion 'kha% the special COUllF~QJ_ iS iio 1ollgfzr re~luircd by the Cocn~c.i] and Mr. So!tar be direchad %o immediafe}y assume Chase responsibilities. The me%ion was seconded by HcCanhon, On 1:oll call, c;~rried unanj_-. mously. At this t:ime, Sealerberg expressed conca'on Lhah Council {live direction %o ehe various comm:ittoe.~, raLhor the, n simply allowing the colmnithees he skt{dy various items rec!t~jring action. It moved by Sodethel:g, seconded bl~ HcCanr~on that %he Finance Propertl~ Commikhee be direchad %o s[udy the revenue ql}estion and reporL bsc]a %o Cour~cj]. On ro]] ca]] , cdrriod unanimously. HcCannon announced he would he oval.]able to conliar with the pub]fie ]~ehw~en ].2:30 and ] :30 p,nt, on ~t't~osdsy, Ganua}'y 26, 197]_~ in fine C~%y Council Chambers. The:re ]lejnq ~/o fret{thor bns:Tne;~s, the mc!.':kjng was ~}djournod sublet% %o the call of {tile Hayore W. N. t3ar[e] t, Cj k}.* Recorder